Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 197 False God Illusion

Chapter 197 False God Illusion
After Yang Tingxiang finished speaking, he didn't continue to speak, but everyone seemed to be still immersed in the story just now, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Liu Jing looked around and quietly crossed her legs, tucked her bare feet under the cotton trousers, and wrapped her upper body tightly in the red cotton jacket.

She poked Mama Yang and asked in a low voice, "Why don't you look curious at all?"

"I've heard it since childhood."


Liu Jing curled her lips and leaned back on the sofa, full of anticipation for tomorrow's trip to the northeast.

Originally, I thought that I would be satisfied just to see the ice and snowy northern scenery, but I didn't expect to hear such a mysterious thing.

In her heart, Nagada in Northeast China has been covered with a veil of mystery, and she has the feeling of exploring deep mountains and old forests.

"Okay, you should take a nap too, we won't bother you, we will contact you in time tomorrow."

Yang Tingxiang was addicted to storytelling, and he said goodbye to everyone contentedly and closed the video.

At this time, Lin Yuqing blinked her big eyes and asked Yang's mother: "Mom, is what grandpa said true?"

Yang Ma shrugged: "Who knows, anyway, your grandfather often mentioned it when I was a child, so you can just listen to it as a story. There are really monsters and ghosts, and they will not be allowed to become spirits after the founding of the country."

As she said that, Mama Yang told Xiaojie with a serious face: "I warn you, Lin Zhijie, you are not allowed to go back to the mountains by yourself when you return to your hometown."

She grew up there since she was a child, and she has heard stories of wild beasts hurting people countless times since she was a child.

"Got it, mom, I still have Kaka."

"Do you think that you alone are not enough for a tiger to stuff your teeth, do you see that there is too much meat?"

Fang Lin: "???"


Fang Lin who was suddenly cue raised his head and shook his tail, then climbed down lazily.

Reasonable, I don’t know why, since he got bigger, he has been a little lazy to move. After winter, he can lie on his stomach by the floor-to-ceiling windows and bask in the sun for a day without moving his nest.

At first, he wondered whether large spirit beasts had this habit, such as those giant dragons he saw in novels before, sleeping for decades.

But after asking Jiang Baibai again, he was laughed at, saying that he was getting lazy, and it had nothing to do with his body shape.

For this, Fang Lin did not admit it.

There must be some subtle and secret relationship that he has not discovered.

But he was also a little excited about going back to his hometown tomorrow, since he came to Sioux City, he had never seen a single snowflake.

It seems that my hometown is in a relatively remote place, isn't that very suitable for me, I usually just stay at home in the city, and I can't go crazy when I finally go back.

As for tigers and brown bears, it would be good if he didn't deliberately look for trouble.

When the time comes, he instigates Xiaojie to run out together, which just satisfies Xiaojie's desire for adventure, and if Yang's mother finds out, someone will take the blame.

It's okay to protect him and let him play casually. It's okay to take the blame for yourself, right?

Very reasonable.


Liu Jing stretched her waist and yawned, the accumulated tears in her big eyes looked a little misty: "Qian, let's take a nap, isn't Lao Lin going to work in the afternoon, we just happen to sleep together."

"Okay, but let's talk in advance, one person and one side are not allowed to cross the line."

"Hey, I'm afraid of the cold, let's keep each other warm."

"Two ice cubes together will only get colder."


Liu Jing moved forward on the sofa a few times and came to Mama Yang, hugging her arms and shaking, but because the clothes she was wearing were too thick, Mama Yang didn't have any real sense of touch.

At this time, Father Lin had already dressed and went downstairs. He saw the whole family gathered in the living room and greeted him with a smile: "What are you doing here?"

Lin Yuqing raised her head and replied, "I was on the phone with my grandpa and grandma just now."

"Ah? Then why didn't you call me?"

"Aren't you ready to go to work? What are you doing?"

Xiaojie jumped up from the sofa and happily said to Dad Lin: "Dad, just now grandpa told a very interesting story, I will tell you when you come back."

"A story? Well, I can bring you a small gift when I come back."

"what gift?"

Father Lin smiled mysteriously: "Didn't I go to the Imperial Capital a few months ago? At that time, I signed a cooperation agreement with a research institute over there. Now this product has been implemented, and the first assembly line has started operation. gone."

"I'll bring you a finished product to play at night."

Mama Yang raised her legs curiously: "Is it very high-tech?"

"It's very high."

"Then why didn't you see the news or something?"

"Hurry up, the press conference is scheduled for noon tomorrow, I'll go and tell Situ Xing today."

After finishing speaking, Father Lin hurried out the door.

Afterwards, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie went back to their rooms, Liu Jing went back to the bedroom first, and Yang's mother checked her memo again to avoid any mistakes. "Well, the nutritional herbs for the skewers have been mailed in several large boxes in advance, there is no problem."

"Kaka's various meats have also been entrusted to be purchased locally."

"Qingqing and Xiaojie have prepared three sets of clothes for each, shouldn't that be enough?"

"No, I have to give Xiaojie another suit, I'm sure I'm going to go crazy."


Fang Lin dozed off on his big wool rug, while listening to Yang's mother reading the memo on the phone and whispering.

He thinks that such a life is really good, and this is how he feels at home.

But Jiang Baibai didn't want Fang Lin to rest, she jumped on Fang Lin's back and walked all the way to Fang Lin's head to pat him.

"Let's go, it's time to open up wasteland, Xueqiu and the others are still waiting."

"That's right, big brother, I have to finish the dungeon at the entrance of the village today. I practiced all morning, and I'm sure there won't be any problems today."

The princess also swayed beside her and echoed.

"Brother, come quickly, I'll be waiting for you."


Fang Lin: "."

As the size grew, a trace of helplessness appeared on his handsome but also enlarged face.

Since the number of fans exceeded 3000 million and his influence factor was getting bigger and bigger, it was logical that Emperor Space would be able to draw more power from the world.

This made Qi Lingmusic enough, she never expected that Fang Lin could acquire so much power of the world in a short period of time.

The Great Emperor's Space, which has not fought such a rich battle for a long time, naturally began to build heavily, and an area with a radius of 500 meters around the black stone tablet has been opened up.

According to the plan, the core area, trade area, and living area are divided.

Although only Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai, Xueqiu, the princess, and Gongsun Yun can enter and exit the Emperor's Dimension, Qi Ling still enjoys it.

It's like playing a construction game, what if there are no residents?Isn't it fun to look at a bunch of brand new buildings?

But what made Fang Lin most proud was the acquisition of the princess and Xueqiu's authority. With such a good room for auxiliary training, he naturally couldn't treat his own people badly.

But, because he told too many lies with Jiang Baibai before, his current identity is also one of the patrons of the space.

If the princess and Xueqiu were also selected as patrons, then it would be too deliberate.

Although Fang Lin thought Jiang Baibai was stupid, she was still a princess of the royal family, so there was no way she couldn't detect something strange.

All the patrons are related to Fang Lin, which means this space is for Fang Lin?

So Fang Lin came up with an idea. He asked Qi Ling to announce a notice to the effect that the number of patrons in the space is too small, but he didn't want to lower the threshold for patrons, so he opened an internal referral channel.

Existing patrons can exchange invitation letters by donating precious items such as exercises, panacea, natural treasures, and other high-value items.

And because there are only two patrons, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai, they can open a back door to offer special prices. Of course, the right to interpret the specific value belongs to Qi Ling.

If you give enough, there will be an invitation letter, if you give less, but the specific value will not be explained.

So Jiang Baibai proudly exchanged invitation letters for the princess, Xueqiu, and Gongsun Yun. She knows the value of this space, and she will definitely not be the only one in the future.

The earlier you have the advantage, the better. Those who come in front can eat meat, and those who come later may not even be able to drink soup. Baotuan definitely has an advantage over being alone.

And Fang Lin felt a little sorry. In order to find a way to compensate Jiang Baibai, he set up patrons in nine classes: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, and Ren, and they could be upgraded by increasing their contribution.

High-level patrons can enjoy priority to enjoy various facilities and even the right to purchase houses in the living area, etc., and will enjoy various discounts when using the facilities, and the efficacy will also increase accordingly.

For example, Fang Lin at Ren level and Wu Dao Pavilion will only open 10% of the effect in the future. Although this is rarely seen, it is already a very powerful Dongtianfudi level.

Of course, Fang Lin will let future patrons experience the effect of full quota for a few minutes first, but this is all for the future.

To be honest, he will soon be B-level and there is no sense of nervousness. After all, he is considered a big boss. You must know that in many countries, there is only one or even no B-level.

At that time, it will be pitiful to see who is pleasing to the eye, but he does not reject being a grandfather or something.

And Jiang Baibai's land reclamation was a new facility Qi Ling built a week ago, called False God Illusion.

Similar to a realistic role-playing rpg game, each patron will be scanned and psychologically analyzed before entering.

Then enter the illusion in a physical form, but the physical fitness starts from the basics, and upgrades a little bit.

Every patron with supernatural powers can be born with a skill to enter, and it will be more advantageous after choosing the direction by oneself.

The most invincible point of the False God Illusion is that the battle is very real, allowing the patrons to experience growth again from scratch, and the various skills they have learned can bring out the False God Illusion.

For example, Jiang Baibai learned a skill in the game. When attacking from the shadow behind the enemy, it will cause 2.5 times the real damage. She named it Shadow Strike.

But in reality, she comprehended this ability very smoothly, in fact, it was like a special secret method.

Usually this kind of secret method involves the complex operation of spiritual energy in the body and the characteristics of one's own body. Even if the amazingly talented senior invented a secret method and passed it down, it may not be suitable for him.

False God Illusion can allow patrons to comprehend the secret technique that is most suitable for them, and it is very interesting. For those who have supernatural powers, they can also train supernatural powers, which is simply not perfect.

Fang Lin and the others had just left Novice Village.

But although Fang Lin was also very interested in the False God Illusion, he couldn't stand Jiang Baibai's enthusiasm.

This week, if there is nothing to do, I have to go online to fight monsters and level up. Those wandering thieves and wild boars at the entrance of the village vomited.

The most important thing is that if you don't pay attention, the group will be destroyed directly, and then you will be in a weak state for an hour. I really don't know who designed this illusion.

He wanted to open a back door, but was run over by Qi Ling, "Dear Emperor, are you sure?" "The brave Emperor would not make such a request" and so on.

In False God Illusion, each patron is at level 1 at the beginning, and only has the most basic attributes, which are divided into strength, intelligence, spirit, and agility, all of which are 5.

And this is the fourth dimension of an ordinary person.

And using the four-dimensionality of ordinary people to fight wild boars and thieves, even if they all have one skill, is killing themselves.

The time of weakness is like a serious illness, and Fang Lin really doesn't want to experience it anymore.

Jiang Baibai, who was squatting on Fang Lin, saw that Fang Lin hadn't moved, so he began to instill chicken soup.

"Kaka, you can feel it too. Yang Zhen has been mentioning this matter in the group recently. Immediately, the aura is completely recovered, and the times have changed."

"Didn't Yang Zhen also say that the Eagle Kingdom has reached a cooperation with the ethnic group in the west of the spirit world?"

"They are ferocious in nature, and they have had a lot of friction with us, and there will definitely be new disturbances at that time."

"Although you are also a Beast Envoy now, you also need combat experience, and haven't you also comprehended the secret technique? Are you powerful?"

"Then you don't want to." Fang Lin couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly interrupted Jiang Baibai: "Okay, okay, I'm online, I'm online, you guys hurry up and find a place."



"Hey, bro, I'll wait for you~"

Hearing Fang Lin's agreement, several people quickly dispersed and looked for a place where they would not be disturbed. For example, Xueqiu jumped onto his cat climbing frame, faced the wall, buried his head in his body and did not move.

Fang Lin moved slowly to find a place in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and prepared to get down and enter the space as well.

To be honest, Fang Lin wasn't really worried.

He will definitely be able to reach level B before his spiritual energy recovers, and when things go smoothly, won't it be enough to overwhelm others with momentum?
The old men are supported by Deng Jiefu, is he really worthy of the younger generation?
What kind of combat experience do you need from ordinary people? Wouldn't it be nice to sneeze and kill others?
"Kaka, are you going to sleep until night again? You're so lazy."

Yang's mother couldn't help complaining when she saw Fang Lin move to the French window and climb down.

Fang Lin drooped his ears and pretended not to hear. As soon as he closed his eyes, he appeared in the space.

When Fang Lin looked up and saw the gray sky above his head, even if it seemed unchanged from ancient times, Jiang Baibai and the others were already waiting by the stone tablet, and Qi Ling was also standing beside it.

"No, this is the time fee for the few of them. Do you see enough, Sister Fairy?"

Qi Ling nodded with a few B-level spirit fruits, and then quietly disappeared.

Then Jiang Baibai hurriedly led into the building of False God Illusion, and several people found a place on the endless lawn to sense the False God Illusion.

"Welcome to the False God Illusion, Caretaker."

As soon as Fang Lin opened his eyes, he had already appeared in the hotel in Xinyue Village.

Open the personal panel.

Name: Invincible Emperor Ha
Race: Howling Moon Silver Wolf (change)/? ? ?

Rating: 5
Power: 9
Agility: 6
Stamina: 5
Spirit: 5
Intelligence: 5
Attack Power: 13-15
The best piece of equipment is a scavenger's broken sword, attack power: 4-5.
(End of this chapter)

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