Chapter 198
Fang Lin walked out of the hotel slowly. The hotel in the Illusory Realm is a virtual space like a safe zone. Walking out of the gate is like stepping into a portal, and you will be directly in front of a stone sculpture in the center of Xinyue Village.

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu were already waiting in front of the stone sculpture, and there was a string of small crystal necklaces hanging around Jiang Baibai's neck, which radiated crystal light in the bright sunlight.

This is the equipment that a few people got after cleaning up a bandit stronghold with great difficulty.

"Ellie's Crystal Necklace
Rating: 5
Effect: Your attacks may be accelerated by Ellie's blessing for 5 seconds. "

Fang Lin walked up to him and asked curiously, "Why did you still show the equipment?"

The equipment in Illusory Realm is like buffs, which can improve the attributes of characters and can be hidden or not. They are divided into head, neck, shoulders, chest, belt, leggings, shoes, accessories, rings and weapons.

Especially non-humanoid bodies like Fang Lin usually choose to hide them.

"It's beautiful, I found that this equipment can automatically adapt to the size."

"Okay, where are Gongsun Yun and the princess?"

"It should be coming soon."

"I hope the princess can give me some strength today."

Fang Lin chose the warrior class in the Illusory Realm of the False God, and the attribute points for upgrading and growth were all focused on strength and endurance.

There is no way, he looks the most resistant to beatings in terms of size, and usually he has to attract attention to kite enemies and get beaten by the way, which is why Fang Lin is unwilling to play high-intensity.

It hurts a lot.

One thing to say, these virtual enemies in the Illusion of the False God are quite intelligent, and Fang Lin can irritate them by talking nonsense in any language.

Jiang Baibai is the assassin output type, Xueqiu is the auxiliary type, and the princess and Gongsun Yun cooperate with Fang Lin to attack from the side.

It didn't take long for Gongsun Yun and the princess to come to the statue.

Jiang Baibai jumped on Fang Lin's back, and shouted with an ambitious look: "Let's go! Goblin Cave!"

"I hope you can give me a necklace too."

"If it explodes, I should give it to my brother. He usually works too hard."


"It's the same for everyone."

"Brother is so nice ^^"


Time always flies by.

When Fang Lin and the others were still working hard to open up wasteland with their weak bodies in the new space facility, the time had come to 03:30 in the afternoon.

Yawning, Liu Jing slowly walked down from the second floor, and seeing Mama Yang sitting on the sofa, went to pour herself a cup of hot water and sat next to her.

"No lunch break?"

"No, I just tidied things aside again."

"Ah, I seem to have forgotten to prepare some of my daily necessities."

"I've already packed it for you, you don't need to bring anything."

"Hey, Qian, you are so kind~"

As she said that, Liu Jing rushed forward and hugged Yang Ma's arms.

"Okay, okay, how grown up, how come the more you live, the more you go back."

"Hmph, I only feel the joy of life now, okay?"

Liu Jing let go of Mama Yang, moved to the empty space on the sofa and lay down.

Since she got divorced, she ate and drank at Mama Yang's house, and she didn't have to do any housework. At most, she helped wash the dishes and beat her hands while cooking.

I don't have any troubles every day. When I come to Yang Ma's house, it's like entering a safe zone. From head to toe, I feel relaxed from the heart.

Speaking of it, it's really a bit like how she felt in her own home before she got married.

It is said that poor men raise rich women, whose daughter is not a little princess at home?
The mentality of being a parent is different from the mentality of the person who is preparing to woo cabbage.

In the past few years of marriage, she has transformed from a princess at home into a good wife and mother. She is busy every day and prepares a table of meals to eat together at ten o'clock in the evening.

In exchange for being full of sincerity, her husband had sex after drinking, and at that moment everything seemed to lose its meaning.

Liu Jing lay on the sofa, looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, shook her head and stopped thinking about these sad things.

Some pains cannot be overcome in a few months, and a relationship that is too invested will still hurt when you think about it accidentally after a year or two.

Fortunately, the break was timely. After the Spring Festival, it will be a new year, and she should really be 30 years old.

30 years old
The best youth in a woman's life.
Liu Jing tightened her red padded jacket and twisted her body to make herself lie more comfortably.

Then crossed Erlang's legs, put his 30-year-old still delicate and white feet in the air, looked at the ceiling and said aloud.

"Qian, tell me, can I live to be 60?"

"Huh? What?"

Mama Yang, who had just finished packing her things and was really looking at her phone to rest, had a puzzled face on her face. She wasn't sure if she heard clearly just now.

"Will I live to be 60?"

Liu Jing repeated her question again.


Seeing that Mama Yang didn't say a word, Liu Jing continued to say to herself: "I think I'll be almost 60 years old, and it's meaningless to be old. I can't eat good things, and I can't play fun things. I just stay here every day." As an empty-nester at home, I can still enjoy 30 years of life.”

Yang Ma rolled her eyes and complained, "Aren't you too busy? You don't have to choke your throat here."

"You are still a 60-year-old empty-nester, why don't you just stay at home and lie on the sofa all day, just like the flower pigs I raised at home when I was young."

Liu Jing felt that her personality had been greatly insulted, she quickly raised her body and wanted to sit up.

As a result, the red padded jacket on his upper body was too thick to use his strength, and he accidentally rolled off the sofa in desperation.


Liu Jing was taken aback by herself, moved from the ground to the sofa and looked at Mama Yang and said, "I'm not a pig."

Yang's mother gave her a sideways look: "The movement you got up just now is exactly the same as the big flower in your hometown."

"I'm very diligent, okay?"

"Then go and take out the trash, it's over there."

"Ah, it's a bit cold outside."

"Go down and move around. Recently, you excused yourself from doing morning exercises in the cold weather. Your stomach is getting bigger, right?"

"Not at all."

Liu Jing hurriedly denied, then sighed, stood up from the sofa, walked to the trash can and pressed the button.

After the smart trash can helped her pack the trash, she bent down and picked it up, turned her head and pouted to look at Mama Yang asking for credit.

"Look, I'm going to take out the trash."

"Okay, okay, go, go, you are awesome."

Liu Jing complained a few words in her heart and saw Fang Lin lying by the French window in a blink of an eye: "Look, Kaka just lay there all day."

"It's alright if I'm wrong, go take out the trash, you're the most diligent, Kaka is like a big flower."

"It's almost there."

Liu Jing became happy, and walked out the door wearing cotton slippers.



As soon as the door was opened, Liu Jing subconsciously called out.

Yang Ma asked suspiciously when she heard the movement: "What's the matter, Jing?"

"Uh, it's okay, I accidentally kicked the wall, I'll go down first."

Saying that, Liu Jing hastily closed the door.

In front of the elevator, Liu Jing frowned at the man in front of her with a garbage bag in her hand.

"What are you doing here?"

In front of her is her ex-husband Ren Da.

During the several months of divorce, Liu Jing never approached Ren Da, but she did not blackmail Ren Da's contact information either.

Sometimes during the holidays Ren Da would send a few words of blessing, and when Liu Jing was in a good mood, she would reply with a thank you, and if she was in a bad mood, she would pretend she hadn't seen it.

This time, I didn't expect Ren Da to stand in front of the door when I opened the door.

Liu Jing glanced at Ren Da up and down, and found that he was wearing a casual down jacket, a bit like the style she bought for him before.

The dark circles under my eyes that I used to stay up late in the past are much smaller, my stomach seems to have gone down a bit, and my overall complexion is good.

And Ren Da himself was taken aback.

He has been following Liu Jing's video account. From the last video, he knows that Mama Yang's family is going back to their hometown for the New Year.

And a few days ago, he had the cheek to go to Liu Jing's parents' house, and after asking, he found out that Liu Jing hadn't contacted her parents, nor had she said anything about returning home during the New Year.

So he felt that Liu Jing might have nowhere to go during the Chinese New Year, and she must be alone, so he just took this opportunity to try to see if he could ease the relationship.

He has dreamed of Liu Jing every night for several months, and he really wants Liu Jing to give himself another chance.

So Ren Da came at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Because Liu Jing didn't want the house across from Yang's mother's house, Ren Da was still the owner of the community and could enter.

Originally, he wanted to come during lunch, but after thinking about it, Ren Da felt that it was not suitable for him to come during the meal, and there were too many people.

So I just wanted to take the time to come.

But standing here in front of the door made Ren Da feel inappropriate.

Judging from previous experience and the videos I've been watching recently, Liu Jing has the habit of taking a lunch break, and it's not good to disturb her rest.

So he gritted his teeth and chose to wait at the door of the room. If Liu Jing chose to go upstairs to sleep, he would just meet and have a chat.

If he was sleeping at Yang Nianqian's house, he would wait until Liu Jing woke up.

And this entanglement was waiting for more than two hours, until Liu Jing suddenly opened the door when she was about to throw out the trash.
"Uh, well, good afternoon. No no, good afternoon."

Ren Da waved his hands in a panic, then hesitated for a moment and put his hands, which he didn't know where to put, into the pockets of his down jacket.

He looked at Liu Jing who was wearing a red padded jacket, white cotton slippers, fair face and slightly rounded hair, and felt his heart stopped beating for two seconds.

Although the very festive red padded jacket is a bit old-fashioned compared to modern clothing, the human face is the best fashion item.

At the age of 30, Liu Jing still has some baby fat, cute and beautiful plain makeup. With this dress, there is a kind of fresh and refined beauty. This is because winter clothes limit the display of Liu Jing's figure.

The power of appearance is powerful, and Ren Da even panicked in front of Liu Jing with pure and bright eyes.

Looking at Liu Jing's clean and beautiful face and big eyes, I regretted why I didn't cherish them in the past.

Such a beautiful woman is his ex-wife
Thinking about those vulgar and vulgar fans, my intestines are almost green with regret.

He smelled the familiar yet unfamiliar scent of Liu Jing in front of him, and stood there awkwardly.

Liu Jing didn't seem to reject chatting with Ren Da either.

She wrapped her arms around her chest and looked at the man in front of her who didn't dare to look into her eyes, her heart was very complicated.

For several months, she has been trying to forget the past, and even a little afraid of seeing Ren Da again on the road. It is a very complicated feeling, and only those who have experienced it can understand.

But after seeing Ren Da suddenly today, she found that there seemed to be no fluctuations in her heart.

"Good afternoon, you look much better than before."

"Uh, yes, I seldom drink and socialize now except for very necessary things. The main thing is that I found that the young people under my command don't really like wine games. Taking them out to drink and eat is better than giving them hundreds of red envelopes to make them happy."

Liu Jing nodded and did not speak.

Ren Da looked at Liu Jing staring at him, thought for a while and quickly added: "By the way, I also started exercising recently, such as running and swimming, and I also try to cook at night, and I feel pretty good."

"I also quit smoking. I always couldn't quit smoking before, but this time I really quit."

Liu Jing smiled lightly, looked at the man in front of him who was asking for credit like a child, and joked, "It sounds like you're doing better than before without me."


Ren Da's eyes widened when he heard this: "No, no, that's not what I meant."

"what does that mean?"


Ren Da was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Liu Jing shook her head, and didn't tease him again: "Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"Well, I'll be here at one o'clock."

"Come to me?"

"Yes, I want to ask where you are going during the Chinese New Year. If you are alone, I can accompany you to your parents' house."

Liu Jing rolled her eyes: "I don't want to go back."

"Why? After all, they are parents, so it's time to get in touch."

Liu Jing patted her forehead and said she was speechless: "You still ask why? Isn't it because of you?"

Liu Jing's parents are both university professors of humanities, and their tutors belong to the more traditional type, and Liu Jing has been a good girl since she was a child.

But because he fell in love with Ren Da who was not favored by his parents, he insisted on marrying him without listening to anything, not to mention the dowry, and even took 100 million from his family to Ren Da for business.

Therefore, while Liu Jing's parents respected her decision and wished her happiness, they said that in the future, it would be fine to contact her by phone, unless she was kicked out, otherwise she would not return to this home.

One can imagine how angry Liu Jing's parents were at that time.

So now Liu Jing can be regarded as being kicked out in a sense, but she doesn't have the face to go home and face her parents, as long as she knows that the two of them are healthy and everything is fine.


Ren Da felt very uncomfortable. He had paid too little to Liu Jing in the past, and he really deserved it.


He raised his hand and slapped himself fiercely, and Liu Jing was so frightened that he took several steps back.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Jing asked angrily.

Ren Da held back for a while and said: "I think I was too useless before, don't worry about me, this pain is nothing."


Liu Jing was a little puzzled: "How do you know that I'm worried about you? If you slap yourself, can you say something in advance to scare me."

Ren Da: "."

He coughed lightly to change the subject: "Then what will you do during the Chinese New Year?"

"Go to the Northeast with Qian to celebrate the New Year, it's very fun there."

"Oh, can I"


Liu Jing knew what fart he wanted to fart as soon as she heard it. She looked at Ren Da and smiled angrily: "Brother, Qian and I are good best friends. It's fine to go back to celebrate the New Year together. Which one are you? Wouldn't it be good to go back and be with your parents?" ? The old couple is waiting for you to go back and look old."

"Right? Successful people?"

Ren Da: "."

He suddenly didn't know what to say. Facing Liu Jing again this time, he felt that he had been manipulated from beginning to end.

Ren Dayi gritted his teeth and said cheekily: "I can't afford the rent of the house outside. Since you don't live in this house, I will come back to live in it first."

Liu Jing raised her eyebrows: "Isn't there a new supermarket in the next city?"

"It's about to close down because I can't make ends meet. Anyway, I don't have any money on me. I gave you all the money in the card at that time. I will come back to live tomorrow."

Ren Da opened his eyes and talked nonsense, this trip must be rewarding, even if he is laughed to death today, he still has to achieve some goals.

"Oh, your supermarket is about to close down and you still think about me? My future new husband has to be worth tens of millions before I think about it."


"I suddenly remembered that there will be a meeting soon, so I'm leaving first."

Ren Da took a deep breath and lost his temper, hurriedly pressed the elevator and walked in.



In front of the elevator room, Liu Jing looked at the slowly closing elevator and Ren Da who looked up at the scenery inside the elevator, and suddenly felt very good.

When the elevator went down, she couldn't help laughing.



After enjoying myself for a while, I took the garbage and walked to the house, and opened the coded door casually.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Mama Yang who was tiptoeing towards the living room.

Yang Ma turned her head and gave her a simple and honest smile. Seeing that Liu Jing was in a good mood, she acted as if nothing had happened and quickly went back to the door. After closing the door, she dragged Liu Jing to the sofa.

He took the garbage bag casually and put it aside, then asked, "Did Ren Da come to see you? What did you two say?"

Liu Jing smiled: "I didn't say anything, didn't you eavesdrop? Didn't you hear it?"

". The sound insulation effect of the door is too good. If you don't listen carefully, why are you so happy? He asked you to remarry, and you agreed?"

Liu Jing's eyes widened immediately: "What are you talking about? How could some things be irreparable after being done."

"That's what you mean, you had the upper hand in the chat just now?"

"Hey, that's a must."

"Tell me about it carefully."

"Cough, I'm a little thirsty."


"Oh, I'm so tired, I don't want to take out the trash."

"...I think you're a little out of sorts."

"Ah ~ don't!! I surrender, I say I say!"

(End of this chapter)

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