Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 199 Shadow Strike

Chapter 199 Shadow Strike
The office of the person in charge of the Qiankun Sucheng branch.

Yang Zhen was rubbing his chin and looking at the document in front of him thoughtfully, while Yi Fei was standing beside him and explaining to him.

"This is the detailed information of the newly awakened citizens at three o'clock in the morning today."

"His surname is Liu, he is 24 years old, and he comes from Tongyang County to deliver food in Sucheng."

"When I was delivering food, I had a conflict with a group of drunk young people who had just come out of a nightclub. After the car was smashed, I suddenly woke up."

"According to the analysis form sent above and the medical examination results, it should be that under the excitement, the spirit connected with the more and more intense aura and opened up the sea of ​​stars."

Yang Zhen nodded, flipped through a few pages casually, felt a little headache, and threw it on the table.

Then he leaned back on the boss chair and asked, "How many star cores did you wake up?"



At this stage, there are two star core phantoms in the star sea when I first wake up, which is different from having two star cores after a complete recovery in the future.

Awakening when the aura is not strong means that the individual is born with a higher affinity for aura, and it will not be too difficult to naturally perceive the phantoms of other star cores in the future.

For those who just woke up with two star cores, at least they should have no problem understanding the third star core.

However, this does not mean that people who are not awakened are not talented. After all, the better the hardware, the more power the car needs.

It's like Xiao Yan's ring, how can the old man wake up without enough energy?

Moreover, according to scientific data analysis, the probability of human awakening will even reach an astonishing one-half after a period of development.

Waking up is even as common as catching a cold overnight.

However, the real difference in talent will be reflected in the D-level level, and the awakened ones who can reach the D-level are one in a million.

After Yang Zhen finished speaking, he closed his eyes and swayed the chair slightly back and forth, while Yi Fei stood quietly by the side and waited.

After a while, Yang Zhen suddenly said: "Are there still no cases of underage awakening? Has the sky eye observed it?"

"No, in the last month, 53 people have been awakened in Sucheng, all of which have been captured and marked by the sky eye. All individuals who can exchange and react with aura can be monitored as long as they have more than 50 spiritual particles, unless the other party is carrying hidden equipment or has a special talent."

"Is it possible that it will be missed by the detection interval of Tianyan?"

Sky Eye is a detection device developed by Longguo related research institutes in combination with the treasures brought out by Deng Jiefu from the A-level ruins. It can capture all personal creatures with aura fluctuations within a certain range.

The lower the monitoring threshold set by Tianyan, the greater the consumption.

For example, if it is only set to capture aura fluctuations with a mark of B level or above within the range of Sioux City, the consumption will be greatly reduced.

But now in this special period before the complete recovery of spiritual energy, the monitoring threshold can only be lowered, in order to find these accidentally awakened people.

A city-wide test is performed every two hours, each lasting 10 minutes.

"Even if it is missed the first time, it will be detected by the Sky Eye later on. The probability of this is not high."

"Oh, Yi Fei, I'm in a very complicated mood right now."

"On the one hand, I hope that there will be more awakened people in Sioux City, but I'm also afraid that something will happen to our current staff of awakened people."

Yi Fei smiled: "You can just have fun, thanks to the exponential increase in spiritual energy concentration in recent months, many members who are stuck at the D-level threshold have achieved breakthroughs."

"Our D-class members have reached a rare scale of 630, which is quite a supermodel in the first-tier cities of Longguo."

"But C's fighters are more disconnected. So far, you are still only a C-level. Even if the core members enjoy Snowball's magical powers, it will be difficult to catch up."

"The more you practice, the more you can feel how desperate the talent gap is."

As she spoke, Yi Fei couldn't help sighing.

However, her expression was not very sad or even a little happy, because she had successfully broken through to D-level, which was the state she had longed for during her two years of cultivation.

After a short chat, she returned to the topic.

"According to the proportion required in the white paper issued by the Qiankun headquarters in the imperial capital, it is estimated that the proportion of Qiankun branches in various places should be 1:5000 management scale."

"Sioux City has a permanent population of 1200 million. Our Sioux City branch should have at least 2400 field personnel within one year of the full recovery of spiritual energy."

"Our own personnel can only fill less than 40.00% of the vacancies. The task is very heavy, and we must ensure that the quality and mental state of the team will not be reduced due to the filling of newcomers."

"We have to realize these things step by step, and we can't be in a hurry."

Listening to what Yi Fei said, Yang Zhen felt as if something was stirring his head.

A heavy mountain seemed to be on his shoulders.

With the rapid increase in the concentration of spiritual energy, almost all practitioners can feel that the day of complete recovery is not far away.

And this period of time is the most difficult time, especially for the people in charge of Qiankun in Yang Zhen.

Because the news of the revival of spiritual energy, which subverts modern values ​​to a certain extent and can cause huge turmoil, must be accepted slowly under orderly guidance.

Thanks to the rapid improvement of the level of science and technology and some exchange of interests, the Dragon Kingdom has obtained 100% control over the country's Internet from the foundation to the superstructure.

Even if some small countries have begun to be overwhelmed by the news and gradually become turbulent, the country is still peaceful, and any relevant news cannot be spread.

However, with the gradual emergence of "wild" awakened people in this country, it is unrealistic for the news to really kill them.

The headquarters has been mysteriously not giving specific standards, and Yang Zhen is really a big head every day.

I can only do my best to accept these early awakened citizens like a whack-a-mole, for fear that the news of "Shock! A person with super powers appearing in Sioux City!" will hit the headlines tomorrow.

When people in charge of these places in Southern Province communicate and tease privately, they will ask each other, "Will XX be on the trending list tomorrow?"

Anyway, they are all holding their breath, and whoever gets on the hot search first will become a laughingstock, and then be used as a model by the headquarters to conduct follow-up policy research.

It is simply standing on the pillar of shame.

At the same time, with the gradual development of the universe, various things became more and more complicated. Yang Zhen even felt that he was a little out of control, leaving much less time for himself to practice.

"Okay, let's do that, start to check his social background and life trajectory."

"There are those bad reviews among those who have delivered food in the past year, and there have been conflicts with those people. Make a personality analysis map."

"If it's above good, start training, if it's below good, recast it first."


After finishing speaking, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some gratitude: "It's lucky to have you."

Yi Fei rolled her eyes: "Hurry up and recruit some administrative talents, or make a report to the higher-ups to ask for some people to come. I'm so busy these days."

"Okay, by the way, you guys should pay more attention to your cultivation. I'll think of a way tomorrow and see if I can find an excuse to let Xueqiu stay longer."

"She and Kaka are going back to their hometown in Northeast China for the New Year. Don't you know this? You fake fan."


"Just the video that was posted yesterday."

"I didn't pay attention to it, okay, I'll contact Hei Province, and there won't be any problems."

Yi Fei put away the document, held it in her hand and shook her head: "You are right to explain. I remember that the head of the Black Province is Du Liyong, right? He seems to be only C-level, so don't make any conflicts and then let Kaka give it to him." Beat up and down."

"Is it that exciting?"

At 08:30 in the evening, the illusion of God in the Great Dimension.

In a dark and damp cavern with tangled branches, the stench of blood and the rotten smell of the original cave permeated the air.

In the deepest part of the crypt is a huge stone platform, and some traces of polishing can be seen.

A short cyan goblin less than 1.5 meters tall was riding on a huge unicorn crustacean.

Fang Lin's lion-like body was still a little smaller in front of the Beetle.

Fang Lin's gaze was fixed on every move of the crustacean. The shiny black shell of the crustacean had a strong protective effect, and its huge body carried enormous strength.

I don't know how this skinny goblin tamed this crustacean, is it some kind of mind control method?
"Brother, be careful!"

Following Xueqiu's exclamation, the goblin grabbed the rein and babbled nonsense, and the crustacean under him rushed towards Fang Lin as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

Alas, served.

Fang Lin quickly dodged to the side helplessly.

Reasonably speaking, if this was his own body outside, the crustacean wouldn't even have the courage to charge him.

"It's okay, brother, I'll help you."

A bright white moonlight poured on Fang Lin, which was the supernatural power of the princess.

The supernatural power of the princess is very interesting. It can perform a life link with a living body and share the damage for the other party. You can choose the proportion of sharing according to your own wishes.

At the same time, you can also get some gains based on the opponent's physical and spiritual strength.

The gain ratio will be attenuated when the opponent is higher than your own level.

The best effect is to fight side by side with practitioners of the same level as yourself.

If it was outside, after the princess's supernatural power was linked to Fang Lin, she would be able to get a strong improvement. At the same time, because her supernatural power came from Fang Lin, the promotion ratio was quite exaggerated.

So when Jiang Baibai learned about this supernatural power, he couldn't believe his ears. This kind of supernatural power already had a sense of law in it.

And it seems to be quite rare, not a common elemental law or something.

But now in the Illusory Realm of the False God, Fang Lin's own physical strength is very limited, and the princess can get even less buffs.

"Bagu~quack quack."

The charge of the crustacean was dodged by Fang Lin, and the goblin on it smiled wantonly at Fang Lin and the others.

From its point of view, these spirit beasts who don't know where they came from are being played hard by themselves and their mounts.

These intruders couldn't break through its crustacean's defense at all. As long as you were a little patient, the battle would basically be over if you hit the opponent.

The goblin touched the headband tied on his bald forehead, and his eyes locked on Fang Lin, who was the biggest in front of him.

Originally, it was taken aback when it saw Fang Lin's size, but after the fight, it found that this huge thing, who didn't know whether it was a wolf or a dog, was just a show.

"Cuckoo la la~"

(I'll take you, stupid dog)
He pointed at Fang Lin, and manipulated the crustacean to charge.

"Kaka, find a way to drag him."


The corner of Fang Lin's mouth twitched, and he sighed as he watched the crustacean rushing towards him aggressively.

He roared, and the muscles on his body began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

This is the skill that came with him after he came to the Illusory Realm of the False God.

Originally, Fang Lin had many innate magical powers, such as the hidden magical powers and moonlight magical powers shown on the black stone tablet, but Fang Lin feels that these two have no real role in this type of game.

And for the more mysterious and comprehensive moonlight supernatural power, the False God Illusory Realm can't reproduce it very accurately.

So Fang Lin chose his physical talent.

That's right, Fang Lin found that something was wrong with his body from the very beginning. With the improvement of his cultivation level, his body and bones began to be slowly engraved with mysterious inscriptions.

While passively improving his physical strength, he can also actively mobilize his spiritual energy to greatly explode.

But he didn't see it on the black stone tablet, and he didn't know if it was because the stone tablet didn't look good or what, but the illusion of the gods was detected, so Fang Lin chose this.

The specific effect is similar, it can explode violently, like a small universe.

However, Fang Lin's body in the Illusory Realm of the False God does not have a spiritual core that is already invincible in dark gold quality, and does not have a huge amount of spiritual energy far exceeding the same level as a support, and his physical fitness is not too high, so the time and quality of the explosion are really limited.

The crustacean that slammed into it like a train was majestic, and the goblin on it smiled when it saw Fang Lin wanting to resist with his body.

According to the level of cultivation, the defense of the crustacean needs to be at least D-level to break through, and the impact of its charge can't be resisted by even a D-level little superman who can fly a car.

This stupid dog is really a stupid dog.

go to hell!
Seeing that the gigantic crustacean was about to crash into him, Fang Lin showed a fierce face and rushed forward ferociously.


A large amount of dust was suddenly stirred up in the middle of the open space, and Fang Lin's claws in the middle of the dust pressed against the Beetle's head tightly, unexpectedly resisting the Beetle's charge.


Goblin couldn't imagine the scene in front of him at all, how could it be possible?

Fang Lin himself didn't feel well against the innate skills of this kind of crustacean. He felt as if he had been hit by a truck.

The whole body was completely numb, and it took a while for the severe pain to slowly spread from the body to the nerve center of the cerebral cortex.

I couldn't even vomit out the overwhelming blood in my body.

Fang Lin raised his eyes and glanced at the health bar, which directly dropped a third.

Eh, is it only one third?
It's okay, I'm really strong.

Fang Lin, who was a little dizzy, was enjoying himself in pain. He thought he was going to be killed.


The body of the princess who was diagonally behind him softened, and slowly fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

Jiang Baibai's eyes lit up in the shadows, and he quickly rushed out from the side, dexterously attacking behind the goblin on the crustacean.

"Bag, blah, blah!"

The goblin sensed something was wrong, and quickly tried to manipulate the crustacean to turn around, but the crustacean, which was also a little dizzy, didn't immediately respond to his command.

"Shadow Strike."

A bright light flashed in the darkness, and Jiang Baibai deftly landed on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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