Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 200 Medal of Honor

Chapter 200 Medal of Honor
The dark underground cave was silent, only the rough hammering marks on the surrounding stone walls and the scattered goblin corpses on the ground seemed to indicate the short-lived glory of the goblin tribe.

After the death of the green skin goblin, the crustacean seemed to have lost the ability to think, and stopped in place in a daze.

It looked around at the few eyes that were staring at itself viciously, and lay obediently on the spot.

He curled up and covered himself up with a shiny black carapace, only occasionally showing his head to look at Fang Lin and the others, as if he was a little scared.

Jiang Baibai looked at the crustacean and walked up to it, patted it with its paw pads, then stretched out its sharp claws and scratched it, only to hear Zlara's rubbing sound, and there was no trace on the dark body.

Jiang Baibai sighed: "Tsk, I didn't expect this thing to have such a hard shell, but it is so timid, it should have been controlled by some kind of animal taming method before."

"Have you seen this creature before?"

"No, who knows if this is made up in the illusion of the False God, anyway, I have never seen it."

Fang Lin nodded slightly but still did not let down his vigilance. He was relieved when the special battle end notification sound and task completion panel popped up in the Illusion of the False God.

That's fine with Unreal, it's kind of like inserting some limited system functionality into a completely real world.

After the shielding of the pain and the adrenaline both subsided during the burst of supernatural powers, the severe pain in his body hit his somewhat tired nerves wave after wave.

Fang Lin slowly lay down on the spot, Snowball released a halo on one side, and the clear light of the silver moon gradually sprinkled on everyone, which made Fang Lin feel a lot better.

But the pain really still exists, and this feeling is quite uncomfortable. People who used to have a fever and feel weak all over can hardly imagine the feeling of their body and internal organs being traumatized.

Moreover, there is no such thing as blood medicine in the False God environment. If you want to recover, you can only go offline and put your body in the hotel. When you go online the next day, no matter how serious the injury is, such as stumps and broken arms, it will be fine.

It's a bit like the spring water in moba games.

Fang Lin felt the pain that he had never felt in the outside world, forced a smile and said to Jiang Baibai with a grin: "Yes, your sneak attack skills are getting more and more proficient."

"What sneak attack? It's called art, understand?"

Jiang Baibai rolled her eyes, she looked around the dark cave and sighed: "I finally finished this cave, I really don't want to come in again."

"I don't want to come either."

Because the False God environment is completely real, there is no T sarcasm, it all depends on Fang Lin, the princess and Gongsun Yun trying to seduce the front, and Jiang Baibai outputting from the back.

For the first time this week, Fang Lin felt that in the face of absolute power, some schemes were just clouds.

Take this crypt as an example. When Fang Lin and the others were not high enough in level and attributes, it was a kind of numerical crushing to some extent.

Jiang Baibai sneak attack?
Where is the sneak attack when you are left alone in the front row for a second?And the crustacean can turn around and flick its tail quickly when there is no limit.

Anyway, I don't have any experience in beating Fang Lin, not to mention his size, the monsters subconsciously stare at him and beat him, which is very good (sad).

Gongsun Yun on the side silently came to the side of the princess who was lying on the ground, and after pushing her body with his head, he said weakly to Fang Lin: "Brother Kaka"


As soon as Fang Lin turned his head and saw the princess lying on the ground, he immediately understood what was going on just now, and he was out of breath.

Regardless of the pain he had just relieved, he stood up, walked to the princess who had fallen to the ground with a dark face, and said, "Resurrect quickly."

After dying in the Illusion of the False God, after passing through the extremely real sense of despair, a soul will continue to exist, and after paying a certain resurrection fee to the Illusion of the False God, you can be resurrected smoothly and recover to 80.00% health state.

Then he squatted in front of the princess and stared at her coldly.

After waiting for a while, the princess's body was covered by a burst of soft light, which was very warm but cut off all sight.

When the light slowly dissipated, the Princess gradually opened her eyes.

A cute, fluffy, snow-white husky with intact hair appeared in the underground cave, somewhat out of place with the surrounding muddy environment.

The princess glanced at Fang Lin secretly, then hurriedly and carefully blinked at Jiang Baibai beside Fang Lin to send a signal, wanting Jiang Baibai to speak for him.

When she really made Fang Lin angry, it was like facing a kind old father holding a belt, she had no ability to resist.

"stand up."

Hearing Fang Lin's words, the princess was so frightened that she got up from the ground and sat with her head down, not daring to look at him.

"How many times have I told you? You are not allowed to bear 100% of the damage for me, at most 5%. You must not form this habit."

"What if it's really outside? Tell me?"

Fang Lin felt that something was wrong before. He expected that after resisting the impact, he would suffer internal injuries, broken bones and so on. It all depended on the shielding of pain when his talent exploded, just to create an instant output for Jiang Baibai environment.

Faced with the crushing of strength, this is the only way, there is no other way.

However, the damage he suffered at that time was much less than expected. Now it seems that the princess directly used his natural talent to bear 100% of the damage, and the rest hit himself.

The princess didn't dare to look up at Fang Lin, her front paws slammed back and forth on the ground, her ears drooped, exactly the same as when Fang Lin was dealing with Yang's mother.

Fang Lin looked at the husky with drooping ears in front of him, and he could clearly feel that she was still a little emotional and not resigned.

He took a deep breath and said, "Don't you understand how serious this is?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense anymore. If you dare to use this bullshit supernatural power to bear the harm to anyone, you don't even want to play in the snow once in the northeast, and you will never be allowed to come to the space again. I will do what I say."

The princess, who is usually calm and lively, was taken aback, and after a while she whispered in a crying voice: "I want to protect big brother."


Fang Lin was a little speechless, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Seeing the princess's pitiful look, he lost his temper: "Anyway, it's not allowed to use it, and we'll talk about protecting me after your C-level."


"Ahem, that's enough, let's go back and hand in the task. We can leave Novice Village after this is done. I'm tired of seeing the village chief who always has a wicked smile on his face."

Jiang Baibai coughed lightly and walked between Fang Lin and the princess to break up the conversation.

Gongsun Yun also jumped to the side and added: "Let's touch the corpse first? Maybe there is something good."

"I come!"

Xueqiu took the initiative to invite Ying and walked to the goblin who was almost split in two by Jiang Baibai, resisting the stench from the opponent's body and groping.

"Hey, there's a pamphlet!"

The princess glanced at Fang Lin, moved back quietly, and then looked at Fang Lin's reaction. After finding that the eldest brother had no intention of disagreeing, he also spread his legs and rushed to Xueqiu's side.

"Is there a necklace? Is there a necklace?"

"There is no necklace. But there is a ring. I will take it off and give it to the fairy sister later."

Xueqiu took the brochure and the ring he had found and put them in front of him, calling out to Sister Fairy together with Jiang Baibai in his heart.

Soon the booklet and the ring were surrounded by a ball of light. When the light dissipated, there was only a re-glowing ring left, and the booklet directly became a learnable skill book.

"Daniel's Ring of Wisdom"

"Wearing Level: 7"

"Attribute: +5 Intelligence"

"Special effect: There is a certain chance to cause critical damage when casting a spell."

"Skill book: mind control, learning requires an intelligence of 7 or higher, and can affect creatures with an intelligence of no higher than 5."

The princess looked at the attributes of the silver ring and felt a little strange. He turned to look at Jiang Baibai and asked, "Spell? Sister Baibai, what is the spell?"

Jiang Baibai shook his head, thought for a while and replied: "Maybe it is a secret technique that consumes spiritual power? Many things in this illusion are different from reality, but it is quite rigorous when you think about it carefully."

"This ring should be made of some kind of material with great aura affinity through some kind of secret method. Maybe when mobilizing aura, it may have a chance to make the transmission of aura in your body smoother."

Jiang Baibai stated her understanding of the attributes of the ring. Because she has a necklace, she is deeply impressed by the effects of the equipment in the Illusion of the False God.

The feeling of space is to explain the effect of the ring in words that are easy for them to understand.

"Then who is this ring for?"

The princess looked at the silver ring eagerly. Up to now, they have only got one necklace in the world, and there are other chests, shoulders, etc., but they are usually hidden.

Their favorites are necklaces and rings, which are both beautiful and powerful.

"Brother, I agreed to give it to you."

Hearing Xueqiu's words, Fang Lin shook his head: "Why do I need intelligence for a front row tank shield, and my level doesn't seem to be enough."

He was at level five before, but after clearing the cave, he successfully upgraded to level six, and added an attribute point to his strength to reach 10.

Fang Lin looked at the princess who had been staring at the ring and wagging his tail, and wanted to say give it to her, but Fang Lin saw that Xueqiu seemed to be interested in the ring, so he simply closed his mouth.

It's just a ring, whoever wants it can take it, anyway, he doesn't get involved in these trivial matters to cause trouble.

Gongsun Yun also shook his head at the side: "I don't want it either, I don't need intelligence."

The princess remembered that she didn't need intelligence either, so she said regretfully, "Give it to the second sister, I don't need intelligence either, alas, why does this green skin monster have no strength?"

"Okay, take the snowball, let's go back to the village."

"Then what about it?"

Snowball gestured to the crustacean still curled up and looking at them.

"Well, according to the rules of the spirit world, it is necessary to cut grass and roots. It feels that it is a little afraid of fighting by nature, and it should be easy to deal with when it loses control."

Gongsun Yun looked at the small black eyes of the crustacean and couldn't bear it: "Forget it, Miss Baibai, we don't do this in the spirit world either."

"Hey, I'm talking about those races that like to invade, such as those in the West. Let's keep it here. If it loses mind control, it should slip away by itself. Let's go."

Jiang Baibai summed it up and walked out without hesitation. The depth of the cave was dark and damp, and she really didn't want to stay for long.

So several people walked out together along the way they came.

Fang Lin, who was walking at the end, suddenly felt something, and turned his head to look at the body of the green goblin deep in the cave.

There seemed to be a black light passing by in the corner of the dark stone wall. Fang Lin thought he was dazzled, blinked and looked again but found nothing unusual.

He shook his head, looked away and continued on his way.

"From the mysterious patrons, your growth has exceeded my expectations."

"Congratulations on your triumphant return."

In front of a somewhat magnificent western-style villa, the smiling village chief with a white beard leaned on a cane and said to Fang Lin and the others in front of him.

"Old man, don't be so close, hurry up and get the reward."

"Praise nature, I will not lie at such an age."

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes: "In such a big village, you live in such a luxurious place, who knows how you got there."

The village chief smiled: "I'm old, and the villagers feel sorry for me and make it better for me."

As he spoke, he touched the ring on his hand, and then a heavy bag and five medals shining with golden light appeared out of nowhere.

The princess' eyes widened immediately: "Do you have space equipment?"

"Hehe, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

The old village chief paused and said, "Let me see."

He stopped on the spot for a while, and the bag and medal in his hand suddenly disappeared again: "It should be fine, you can see that the mission rewards have been distributed to your, uh, backpacks."

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Lin and the others expectantly.

Hearing this, Fang Lin glanced at his backpack.

"Certificate of Honor for Novices"

"Equipment Category: Accessories/Medals"

"Wearing this medal means that you have the qualifications to enter the Mulan Continent."

"Attribute: All attributes +5"

"Special effect: The prestige of the Holy See of Nature has been raised to respect."

I don't know if the golden medal is made of gold. A towering tree is depicted on it, not to mention it looks pretty.

"Ahem, since you have all received rewards, I will give you the next mission."

Jiang Baibai pursed his lips and said: "Don't worry, okay, and who said we are going to take over your mission?"

The old village chief pretended he didn't hear and continued on his own: "You should have found some problems when you went to the deep cave outside the village this time, such as some fleeting black shadows."

"Wait, Sombra? I didn't see it."

"You must be very panicked by this, has the darkness invaded Mulan again?"

"Praise nature, my children, I'm afraid you are right to worry, the goddess has already paid attention to this."

"And mystical patrons, I need you to go south from here, pass through the Red Ridge Mountains and the Layton Plains, and arrive at the Emerald Holy Land in Silvermoon Forest."

"There lives a highly respected elf priest, and we need her prophecy."

"There must be many difficulties along the way, and you may face some human coveting because of racial issues, but nature will bless you, go bravely, patrons."

Jiang Baibai and others: "."

The princess quietly approached Fang Lin and asked, "Brother, is this the plot that Sister Baibai talked about?"

"should be"

At this moment, Gongsun Yun suddenly said in a hurry: "It seems that I should go back at 10 o'clock. Liu Jing has been taking pictures of me, so I will go out first."

After hearing this, everyone quickly teleported their bodies to the hotel and left the space.

The village chief, leaning on crutches, looked at Fang Lin and the others who disappeared, and looked up at the blue sky, his eyes deepened.

"What's going on with these few at home, it seems like they haven't slept in the last life."

In the room, Liu Jing looked at the furry children by the French windows, on the balcony, on the sofa, and on the cat climbing frame with some distress.

"Finally woke up. If it weren't for the ups and downs of your stomachs, I would have thought you were dead. Would this group sleep?"

"You dare not sleep tonight and make trouble with me, and you are not allowed to sleep during the day from now on, do you hear me?"

Liu Jing pointed at the princess who was stretching her buttocks on the carpet and threatened viciously.

The princess wagged her tail, skillfully pulled her ears down to pretend to be pitiful, and hurriedly approached Liu Jing's feet enthusiastically and began to swing around her.

After this set of operations, Liu Jing lost her temper. Everyone is soft and not hard. She snorted and said: "The princess has also learned from Kaka now. Every day when she is scolded, she droops her ears and comes over to pester her." you."

"Okay, okay, go back and rest, get up early tomorrow."

"Okay, what time is the plane?"

"It doesn't matter, we'd better go as early as possible. The chartered plane is expected to be at 9 o'clock. If it's really late, just talk to the flight crew and arrange a route."

"Okay, good night."

"Good night."

(End of this chapter)

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