Chapter 201
Fang Lin woke up early the next morning and slowly opened his eyes.

Since coming here, his daily biological clock has been maintained well, and he hardly stays in bed anymore.

Fang Lin felt the cold temperature around him and yawned, his big mouth that could hold a watermelon clicked.

Sioux City was surprisingly cold in January, but that was nothing to Fang Lin.

But for the local residents of Sioux City, the winter without heating is indeed a bit difficult. Even in the room like Yang Ma's house where the central air conditioner is always on, the temperature is only a dozen degrees.

Lin Yuqing was wearing a furry and cute Tigger pajamas, with one of Fang Lin's paws on his side, tightly against his body, while Xueqiu was huddled under the quilt and sandwiched between the two.

Fang Lin usually sleeps on his stomach in the quilt when he sleeps at night, which is equivalent to having a large warm baby in the quilt, which makes Lin Yuqing sleep very comfortably in winter.

You must know that fairies are most afraid of the cold. In the past, Lin Yuqing's quilt has never been warm. Even if she tried her best and even used an electric blanket, her feet were still icy cold when she woke up the next day.

Fang Lin himself does not dislike being hugged and slept by Lin Yuqing, who doesn't like girls who are getting more and more beautiful when they are young?

Smelling the faint fragrance around him, Fang Lin felt that his usual sleep became more fragrant, and his mood became much happier.

Fang Lin glanced at Lin Yuqing, who was sleeping very peacefully next to him, and looked around boredly.

He was very energetic now, and he didn't have the idea of ​​going back to sleep at all, so Fang Lin stood up and wanted to leave the bedroom and go down to have a look. Yang's mother should have woken up and started cooking by this time.

When Fang Lin stood up, Fang Lin took up the entire quilt directly, and a gust of cold air rushed into the quilt instantly, giving Lin Yu a chill.

The paw that Lin Yuqing was holding was also taken away by Fang Lin, and at the same time she lost the two miracles of the quilt and the warm baby and woke up.

The little fairy groaned a little bit dissatisfied, stretched out her hand and rolled up the quilt again to cover herself tightly, revealing her head.

"Bad Kaka, the heat is flying away."


Fang Lin responded softly and apologized.

However, after Lin Yuqing muttered, he fell asleep again, and he closed his eyes for the whole action just now and did not open them at all.

Maybe girls also need to hibernate in winter?

Fang Lin wagged his tail, opened the door and left the bedroom by himself.

"Wuhu, let's go!"

At eight o'clock in the morning, the family had already had breakfast and went downstairs with their luggage.

When they came to the underground garage, Mama Yang and Papa Lin packed their things into a mighty and domineering pickup truck next to them.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie were also fully armed, wrapping themselves tightly in thick down jackets and warm scarves.

After all, according to Yang Ma's words, the coldness in Northeast China is not at the same level as that in Sioux City, so the two children have already made psychological preparations for the severe cold.

The pickup truck was bought by Lin's father after Fang Lin became bigger.

But to be reasonable, Fang Lin's current figure is not shocking, it's just bigger than ordinary pets.

Even a male lion can only be a child compared to the current off-road vehicles. It is estimated that in the Northeast, there are still some old cattle with cultivated land.

Therefore, the family's car, Fang Lin, could barely fit in a row by himself. He reckoned that Lin's father had wanted to buy this kind of pickup truck for a long time, and he just took this opportunity to find an excellent reason.

However, Fang Lin also likes this pickup truck very much. He accidentally heard Lin's father talk about a Ford Cobra or something like that.

If he really bought a tattered pick-up truck like the one Fang Lin had seen before, Fang Lin himself would really not want to sit in his back pocket.

Even if he doesn't travel far in the future, he doesn't want to drop the price, just like a child doesn't want to go to school in the van at home.

But looking at such a handsome and powerful pickup in front of him, Fang Lin jumped up from the open back pocket with a light jump.

Yang's mother specially put a layer of cushions inside, and then modified and added an awning, so that Fang Lin can be protected from the rain or the sun.

This giant pickup truck has three rows of seats. After the whole family got into the car, Dad Lin started the car.

"Boom boom boom~"

The surging power came from the engine, and the mood of the family also became excited.

"set off!"


Fang Lin rested his paws on the front of the car, and looked forward in an invincible posture.

The melodious cry spread in the underground garage, causing many people to look up.

Sioux City Qiankun branch.

"Yang Zhen, Team Deng just called to notify. According to the instruments of the research institute and the monitoring of our allies of the spirit world emperor, it is estimated that the two worlds will completely interfere with the recovery of spiritual energy in two weeks, which is around the first day of the new year."

"Is it a coincidence? Or are there other factors?"

"I don't know. In addition, the concentration of spiritual energy has started to increase abnormally. The notice from above will release the dissemination of relevant domestic information step by step according to the level of public acceptance."

"At the same time, the official media will also start laying the groundwork and guide step by step, so that we can prepare for all variables and ensure social stability at all costs."

Yang Zhen frowned when he heard this, at all costs?
Is something wrong?
He looked at Yi Fei and asked, "Did Lao Deng tell you that?"

"Yes, verbatim."

"Is there any news? There is a change in Yingguo?"

"The specifics are unknown, but apart from Team Deng, who is in the imperial capital, the other four were all sent to the border, including Academician Lu, who has lived in the laboratory for a long time, and also rushed to the northwest border."

"The headquarters asked us to check the remnants of the spiritual organizations in other countries on one side again, and make sure to cut off all the claws that came over."

Yang Zhen nodded, his eyes suddenly brightened a lot: "It seems that this day is finally coming, the era of national cultivation, it's really like watching a science fiction movie."

"Come on, this is the opportunity of the times, we must firmly grasp it."

These turmoil behind the scenes have not had much impact on the ordinary people of Dragon Kingdom today.

It's just that when I use Douyin now, I can occasionally see some videos about wild animals, most of which are in some inaccessible places.

What is the white fox asking for help from humans, the black bear who enters the greenhouse to steal food generously, and the squirrel who throws nuts to the car under the tree
Most of them are positive, causing netizens to feel addicted to the eyes while lamenting that today's Douyin is like the animal world.

Lin Yuqing was sitting in the back seat playing with her mobile phone. Now they are driving to the Dongfang Airport in Sioux City. The whole journey takes about an hour.

Suddenly, Zhao Hanya sent her two messages.

"Qingqing! You want to go back to your hometown in Northeast China!"

"Well, didn't I tell you yesterday?"

"Look, you!"

While talking, Zhao Hanya shared a Douyin video.

In the picture, a black bear with a huge body and about the height of a person is sitting on a farmland, and the camera is moved to show the whole picture clearly.

This should be a vegetable greenhouse full of tomatoes.

There was a huge hole on one side of the shed, and it looked like the black bear had messed it up.

Seeing that humans noticed it, the black bear didn't panic at all. It still sat firmly on the ridge of the field, holding tomatoes in both hands and showing off.

Some didn't like it, so they took a bite and threw it aside.

The black bear even waved like a farmer standing at the gate of the Dapeng and photographing it from a distance.

And the person who took the video was also a bold guy. Seeing that the blind man waved to him without any desire to attack, he opened his mouth to communicate.

"Have you nothing to eat?"

"If you like tomatoes, I'll give you more, and I'll get you some meat to take away? Don't plan my greenhouse again."

Originally, this person might just be joking, but the black bear in the picture actually stopped picking tomatoes, stared at him for a while, then sat up slowly, took another tomato in his mouth, and came down along the hole that was planed before. walked out.

He stopped in an open place outside and sat there waiting.

The person who took the video hesitated for a moment and then turned his head to prepare things. After some editing, the picture focused on the black bear again.

This time, he placed a large package not far away, the kind usually wrapped in a bed sheet, with a lot of vegetables, melons and fruits and a few chickens, ducks and fish inside.

The black bear should be quite satisfied after sniffing it with its nose. After yowling at the camera twice, it left with the package in its mouth.

Lin Yuqing was amazed after reading it, and quickly recalled the news.

"Where is this?"

"Looks like Ji Province? I kind of forgot. The author of the video on Douyin has a geographical location. I downloaded it and sent it to you. You can go to Douyin to search."

So Lin Yuqing searched on her own and found that it was indeed Ji province, but the hometown she was going back to was in Hei province.

"Hehe Qingqing, I think this black bear is a little cute."

Lin Yuqing looked at the black bear in the video again and shook her head. If she hadn't heard the story from her grandfather about someone whose entire face was eaten off by a black bear, she would also think it was cute.

"What's so cute? Black bears are very dangerous. My grandfather told me that someone went into the mountains and encountered a black bear. As a result, his entire face was gnawed off."

"Huh? The whole face?"

"Yes, the eyes, nose, mouth, etc. are all gone."

".Then is he still alive?"

"It seems alive, but does it make a difference?"

"...Don't scare me, it's you who wants to go back now."


After Lin Yuqing realized it, she turned her head and looked at Kaka from the rear window, wondering if Kaka could beat the black bear.

Forget it, when the time comes, you should stay at home honestly and you should be fine.

Sioux City Oriental Airport.

Dongfang Airport is a new era international airport built ten years ago. It covers a huge area and has flight routes to all parts of the country. The passenger throughput can reach more than 700 million passengers a year.

On the way to the airport, Lin Zai has become the focus of everyone's attention.

For Fang Lin, who has nearly 4000 million Douyin fans, he is too recognizable.

Perhaps other Internet celebrities with tens of millions of levels will not be recognized if they wear a mask or something on the road. After all, there is still a certain difference between Internet celebrities and celebrities.

But Fang Lin is different. The huge Fang Lin can be recognized at a glance. This is a typical giant pet in the country.

The vehicles along the way greeted Fang Lin in the back pocket of the mighty pickup truck and took photos along the way.

Especially some girls shouted Kaka~ Kaka~ I love you and other insulting words, but Fang Lin has long been used to it.

He smiled at them and ignored them.

Soon Dad Lin drove on a fork in the road and diverted from other vehicles, and Fang Lin's ears immediately cleared up.

The airport can be said to be the place where wealth differences can be most displayed in daily life.

Ordinary people usually take a taxi to the airport, and few people will drive to the airport and then leave the car in the parking lot to fly by themselves.

And when they arrived at the airport by taxi, they began a long queuing career. They had to queue for boarding passes and boarding. If they didn't arrive two hours earlier, there was a risk of delay.

But the Ford Cobra that Fang Lin was sitting on now was driving on the VIP passage.

Yes, it is different from before entering the airport.

The special VIP channel will arrive at the special VIP parking lot, and take the elevator from the VIP parking lot to the airport directly.

There is a special security check service. After passing the security check, just go directly to the VIP lounge and wait, and you can even take a nap.

Because before you board the plane, someone will come to gently wake you up and remind you to board the plane.

Ten minutes later, Fang Lin's family arrived at the VIP lounge with the ground staff who led the way.

"Mr. Lin, your family can take a rest here first, so you can eat some fruit and drink some tea. I'll check the departure time of your special plane and inform you right away."

"OK, thanks."

"You're welcome."

The ground staff lady bowed slightly and left in a hurry. Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie also felt a little tired, so they found a sofa and sat up.

At the same time, another ground staff lady in uniform and stockings came to the family with a small wooden basket, and took out hot towels from it and distributed them one by one.

"Mr. Lin, if you need anything, just wave your hand, I'll be right there."

"Thank you, nothing else, you can go to work."

"Kaka, uh, does your pet need anything?"

The ground staff lady had already turned her head and took a step before she remembered that Kaka, who was lying beside her honestly, didn't care.

As a surfer, she is naturally a fan of Kaka. No woman can resist a cute, handsome and furry pet.


"He said no, I'll call you if necessary."


The ground staff lady looked at Fang Lin with some reluctance, turned her head and left.

Only then did Fang Lin turn his head and look around. The whole family found sofas and sat down. The luggage had already been transported to the special plane, so they didn't have to worry about anything.

There were also scattered guests in the VIP lounge, but they were all very quiet. Some celebrities who wore gold belts and silver jewelry and covered their necks and ears occasionally smiled when they saw Papa Lin or Mama Yang looking at them, but That's all.

"Mom, I want to eat that dessert."

Xiaojie looked at the self-service snacks not far away and was a little greedy.

Yang Ma looked at the phone and said casually: "If you want to eat, go get a piece, but don't eat too much, there will be delicious food on the plane later."



Speaking of which, he's getting a little tired of grilling meat every day recently, so it's time for a change.

So Fang Lin got up quickly, grinned stupidly at Yang's mother who noticed the movement and looked at him, and then followed Xiaojie to the pastry buffet.

Five minutes later, the first lady on the ground came over.

"Mr. Lin, your special plane is ready to take off. If it's convenient, can I take your family on board now?"


(End of this chapter)

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