Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 202 Snow

Chapter 202 Snow

Under the watchful eyes of a group of people waiting in a long queue to board the plane, Fang Lin followed his family on a special shuttle bus and drove straight to the special plane that had been waiting for a long time.

The VIP shuttle bus at Dongfang Airport is not even the same, the space between the seats is quite spacious, but Fang Lin still has to occupy the entire row by himself, with his front feet on the seat to squeeze out.

Noticing Fang Lin's embarrassment, the driver of the shuttle bus wearing white gloves apologized to Dad Lin, saying that they were not very considerate and would prepare a special vehicle when they came back.

When the shuttle bus arrived next to the plane, Gongsun Yun sitting in the front row stared blankly at the huge plane in front of her with her small black eyes.

Airliners are the essence of the technological world, the crown of industrial manufacturing. Fang Lin, who usually feels that he is not small, is just a child in front of these cars, planes, and high-speed rail.

When an individual really stands in front of an object much larger than himself and looks up at it, everyone can feel a kind of shock from the bottom of their hearts.

Although there is no shortage of giant spirit beasts in the spirit world, and spirit beasts above level B can freely control their size, it is undoubtedly amazing to let lifeless steel fly into the sky.

Jiang Baibai raised his paw and patted Gongsun Yun as if he had come here: "Are you stunned? How is it? Shock it, this is called technology, and it is as amazing as the Internet we usually use."

Lamb shook his head: "I was wondering if forging could achieve the same effect, but no matter how I think about it, I can't get rid of the output of aura, just like those flying shuttles."

"Uh, I don't understand this either. If you are really interested, you can search the Internet. It seems that Kaka said that the knowledge of the human world is shared. If you want to learn, you can learn by yourself."

"Okay, I'll take a look then."

The lamb's eyes were full of curiosity.

While the two were chatting, the purser who was waiting beside him wearing a cheongsam came up to greet the family with a smile, introducing the itinerary and guiding them to board the plane.

The chief purser seems to be in his thirties and is very stable, with an elegant and generous feeling. It has to be said that the airline has indeed taught the etiquette to the flight attendants very well.

Especially the flight attendants who charter flights for rich people are probably even more carefully selected.

The purser took a quick look at a few people, then came to Yang's mother with a smile and led her on the red carpet first.

After a slight bump during takeoff, the special plane gradually stabilized and flew at high altitude.

Fang Lin deftly opened the seat belt on the seat with his paws and let himself out, stepping firmly on the soft carpet with his paws.

The appearance inside the private plane was a little different from Fang Lin's expectation. He thought it would be a civil aviation with many seats or at most a business class that could lie flat.

But it turns out that he does underestimate the world of the rich a bit, like a farmer wondering if the emperor plowed the land with a golden hoe.

What is in front of Fang Lin now is simply a luxurious hall.

Soft and clean carpets, comfortable and spacious sofas, hanging built-in TVs, various fruit bowls on the table, and even a PS5 game console for playing. On the other side, there are single bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.

The overall color is very bright and magnificent like a palace, and the flight attendants always smile enthusiastically.

Fang Lin had never been on a plane before, let alone a first-class cabin, or even a crowded economy class.

But from the mouths of classmates and friends who have sat in it, there are no complaints about how the economy class is against human nature, which is even more outrageous than the green train.

Of course, the quality of the group is naturally stronger, but the location is really not as spacious as the green skin.

As for this, Fang Lin had seen some of the latest foreign designs when he was watching the news, saying that he planned to make the economy class into a semi-sitting one.

That is, passengers need to bend their legs and lean on the reclining chair, which is a little bit better than standing
Seeing Fang Lin jumping down, a flight attendant wearing a split cheongsam slowly walked to Fang Lin with a hot towel, and then she gracefully knelt down on one knee, and a scent immediately wafted into her nostrils.

Fang Lin stared blankly at the flight attendant half-kneeling in front of him. Before he understood what she wanted, he found that his paws were carefully touched by a pair of jade hands.

The flight attendant gestured to the hot towel in her hand, as if she didn't dare to lift Fang Lin's paw directly.

Fang Lin thought for a moment and then lifted up to cooperate with her.

Kneeling on the ground in a cheongsam, the flight attendant put Fang Lin's paws on her thighs, and carefully wiped them with a hot towel.

The comfortable surroundings and the warm touch of his paws made Fang Lin lie down on the carpet and enjoy the service of the flight attendant.

He stared at the flight attendant who was working hard in front of him, and felt that cheongsam was really easy to set off a person's temperament.

But shouldn't the stewardesses be all uniforms with black silk?

Is this a unique arrangement for charter flights?Make rich people feel a little more upscale?
Soon Fang Lin's four paws were wiped carefully, and then the flight attendant half-knelt on the ground, looking at Fang Lin with bright eyes, as if hesitating.

Fang Lin also looked at the flight attendant with some doubts, not understanding why the flight attendant, who was wearing a half-slit cheongsam, suddenly looked at him.

Is there a charge for massage?

But he would not admit defeat to this kind of game, he looked at the flight attendant with great interest.

Yang Ma has been observing from the sofa on one side from the very beginning, and she is keenly aware of the wishes of the flight attendant.

Ever since Kaka got bigger, every time she takes Kaka on the street by chance, there will be this kind of girl. She likes it to death on the Internet, but when she sees it in real life, she dares not go up and touch it.

Yang Ma smiled and said, "You can touch him."

Then she yelled at Fang Lin again: "Kaka."

Feeling supported by someone, the flight attendant became happy. After all, if you really want to touch the head of a lion, you have to consider whether the other party's mouth can bite off your hand in one bite.

She had just plucked up the courage to sit in her heart and before reaching out, she was shocked to find that Kaka in front of her raised her paw and slowly put it on her head and rubbed it.


"╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭"

The flight attendant was a little confused, did she get patted by Kaka just now?

There seems to be something wrong, right?
"Kaka! Don't tease others."

Fang Lin curled his lips, can this also be my fault?

Obviously it's Kaka that Mama Yang said just now, you can touch her.

He looked at the half-kneeling young girl in front of him and didn't play tricks anymore. She lay down in front of her, put her head on her front paws and stretched out to her feet.

The smooth thighs under the young lady's cheongsam suddenly became clear.

The flight attendant looked at Kaka's humane eyes and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and gathered her cheongsam as if to ensure that she would not lose it all.

However, this small movement made Fang Lin feel hurt.

He stretched his head over to make it easier for the girl to touch his furry head, but did she actually suspect that he was peeking?

You actually suspect a pure and kind-hearted dog!
The flight attendant looked at Fang Lin's shocked and complicated eyes, and suddenly felt that she understood the other party's meaning.

"Ah, no, no, I don't mean anything."

She hesitated for a moment, looked at Kaka at her feet, and gently pulled the skirt back to its original shape.

Yang's mother next to her rolled her eyes and got up, came over and patted Fang Lin's head, then tugged at her ears and said, "Kaka, what are you doing?"


Fang Lin said that he was wronged, he really did nothing! ! !
"Come on, touch it."

So under the intimidation of Yang Ma, the flight attendant got the Kaka that she always wanted very smoothly.

"You can give me a hug, Kaka, and sit up."

Fang Lin continued to operate honestly.

Even though she was very professional, she couldn't help squinting her eyes happily when she was young.

She looked at Kaka who was sitting in front of her and was a little taller than herself, and slowly moved forward.

Then stretched out her white arms and gently wrapped them around Kaka's neck, and her body stuck to Kaka's soft and fluffy hair.

Kaka's unique and good-smelling emotions spread to her nose, which made her like this unique husky even more.

Although she wanted to hug her for a while longer, she still remembered her responsibilities, stood up hastily and thanked Mama Yang, "Thank you."

"Little thing, do you want to take a picture? Go get your phone and take a picture."


"Really, let's go."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Seeing the girl's excited back, Yang's mother smiled, walked back to the sofa and sat down, and gave Fang Lin a warning with her eyes.

Fang Lin wagged his tail and looked at Yang Ma innocently.

After the flight attendant got up and returned to the front cabin, he took his mobile phone and walked back after a while.

But this time, her expression was like that of a child who was caught doing something bad, and the purser who came with her was behind her.

The flight attendant did not approach Fang Lin directly, but held up her mobile phone and carefully gestured to Mama Yang who was sitting next to her.

After obtaining Yang's mother's consent, she secretly glanced at the purser next to her, with cautious eyes, it seemed that the purser usually handles it badly.

"I'm bothering you."

"It's okay, let her go and take a picture, just take a photo together."

At this time, two more beautiful and cute flight attendants who were about the same age as the flight attendant appeared behind the chief purser, also wearing cheongsams and each with their own characteristics.

They also looked at Mama Yang and the purser with some embarrassment.

The purser in his 30s turned his head and glared at the two girls, then asked Mama Yang helplessly.

Mama Yang understood immediately, and said with a smile: "Let's take pictures, don't be afraid of Kaka, although he is a bit big now, he is still very kind."

So the three flight attendants happily went to take pictures with Kaka, and it seems that they succeeded in chasing stars.

Kaka was forced to pose between three girls who smelled the fragrance.

Liu Jing, who lay next to Mama Yang and began to apply the mask beautifully, sat up with her face up.

The heating was turned on on the plane, and she was wearing a plain sweater with a long collar, showing her curvy figure to the fullest.

This kind of simple, elegant and somewhat close-fitting clothing is most suitable for women with a good figure.

She leaned over to Mama Yang and asked in a low voice: "Hey, Qian, I feel like why are they so afraid of you? It's like a palace maid meeting an empress dowager in a costume drama."

Mama Yang rolled her eyes speechlessly and replied in a low voice: "You are the empress dowager, and she will treat you the same way if you pay."

Hearing this, Liu Jing became even more curious: "How much does it cost to charter a flight? Are these captains and flight attendants hired together?"

"I don't know the specifics. It was Lao Lin who contacted him, but they were indeed hired together."

"Then what do we take when we come back? Is it still a chartered flight?"

"Of course, it's still this plane. Look at Kaka and Gongsun Yun. One is so big and the other is a sheep. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for us to take them with us."


Liu Jing touched the mask on her face, nodded and said casually: "We will go back when the time comes and inform them in advance, shall we?"

"No, this passenger plane and these flight attendants, Lao Lin, said that they were contracted for three weeks, and we will be back in the next year."


Liu Jing stopped patting the mask.

"Aren't they going back for the New Year?"

"If you don't go back, it's very troublesome to make an appointment once. It's not easy for his secretary, Xiao Liu, to take a Spring Festival holiday. He can just book it for three weeks. It will be fine if he stops at the airport in Harbin for maintenance."

Liu Jing was thinking about the cost of a passenger plane parked at the airport for 3 weeks, even if it was an ordinary car parked in the parking lot for [-] weeks, it would be painful.

What's more, this plane is not the same as a car, and it needs to be checked and maintained all the time. What's more, listening to Qian, these flight attendants and captains are all celebrating the New Year on the spot?

How much commission does it take to make these people serve them with a smile on their faces even though they can't go home during the Chinese New Year?
If it was me, at least not.
Liu Jing shook her head and leaned directly on the sofa.

forget about it.

She suddenly remembered that she had seen a question on the homepage of somehumor before, what kind of experience is it for a best friend to be a rich woman?
At that time, she was in a hurry to search for things and suppressed her curiosity so she didn't click in. Now she just happened to go shopping.

Liu Jing took out her mobile phone and connected to WIFI to start her journey of anonymous answers.

"Thank you for the invitation, I'm on the special plane, my best friend just wrapped it up"

After about three hours of flying in the air, the flight attendant appeared in front of the family and reminded the family with a smile, "Hello, we will be landing soon, please fasten your seat belts."

With the help of the flight attendant, Fang Lin fastened his seat belt on the single sofa, and looked at the bright and quiet sky outside the window.

Maybe the next time he goes to the sky, he will fly up by himself?

Fang Lin could clearly foresee what he was about to break through, especially now that the aura was more intense.

The strange power between heaven and earth also greeted him very kindly, this is the power of heaven and earth that every C-level breakthrough must feel.

Maybe I should inform Deng Jiefu?
Forget it, it feels a little strange, as if I'm about to give birth.

Fang Lin shook his head, looking forward to the ground getting closer and closer outside the window.

"Snow! Brother, are those in the distance snow?"

The princess looked excitedly at the white scene in the distance outside the window and asked.

Fang Lin smiled and nodded at her.

(End of this chapter)

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