Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 203 The Fate of the Times

Chapter 203 The Fate of the Times

When the special plane landed steadily at Harbin International Airport, the chief purser wearing a cheongsam appeared in front of everyone and saluted gracefully with ancient etiquette.

"Dear passengers, we have arrived at our destination safely. All the crew members wish you a happy Chinese New Year in advance and look forward to seeing you again in two weeks."

Because she finally arrived at the Northeast of her heart, the happy Liu Jing clapped her hands very cooperatively.

Then she asked curiously, "Have you been here these two weeks?"

"Yes, we are all waiting for you in Harbin City."

Liu Jing's big eyes blinked: "Then where do you live?"

The purser glanced at the polite and polite Father Lin who was wearing glasses on the other side and smiled.

"Thanks to Mr. Lin, the company arranged for us at the Shangri-La Hotel."

"That's right, it's my first time staying in a five-star hotel."

The young flight attendant who took a photo with Fang Lin just now leaned out from behind the purser to talk.

The purser continued: "In the beginning, the company arranged an ordinary hotel, but Mr. Lin helped us "upgrade" the cabin."

Father Lin, who was caught by the cue, pushed his glasses and replied indifferently: "It's a small matter. If you can't go home for the New Year, of course you should make your stay here more comfortable. There should be some shopping cards. You can go to the mall if you have nothing to do." .”

"Yeah, thank you, Mr. Lin."

The purser took a look at Mama Yang and knew that it was not appropriate to thank her enthusiastically, so he quickly helped everyone organize things.

Seeing this scene, the lamb lying on the carpet couldn't help sighing: "It's nice to be rich and generous, and they can bring happiness to many people."

Fang Lin looked at Xiao Yang in surprise, he didn't expect her to have such a feeling.

Xiao Yang noticed Fang Lin's expression and explained: "Brother Kaka, don't you think that's what Sister Baibai is like? I used to mix a lot of good things with Sister Baibai. We pay for it."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows. Isn't Gongsun Yun's father a specially forged emperor?

It stands to reason that this kind of alchemy refiner should be very rich, right?

At this time, Jiang Baibai, who was on the side, was suddenly praised a little unnaturally. She said, "Yunyun's father is usually strict. Except for cultivation resources, everything else is under strict control, and there is no chance to have fun."

Fang Lin understood it when he heard it, and he was really comfortable as a dude.

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Baibai, a little curious about what her father looked like, the S-level emperor should be very rich, right?
And from what Jiang Baibai said, they should usually be very supportive of Jiang Baibai. If you know that you have taken care of her so well during this time, wouldn't you have a chance to get a big red envelope when you meet?

The more Fang Lin thought about it, the happier he became, and he decided to treat Jiang Baibai better in the future and avoid cheating.

And Jiang Baibai noticed that Fang Lin was frowning with the strange eyes that had been looking at him all the time, and he didn't understand what Kaka was suffering from again.

So she shook her tail and nimbly jumped onto Liu Jing's shoulder, ready to follow her off the plane.

As the saying goes, if you don't shoot in [-], you can walk on the ice in [-].

As the New Year approached, the north was cold and windy. Liu Jing, who had lived in Sioux City since she was a child, felt the warm welcome from nature as soon as she got off the plane.

"Wow, it's so cold."

Originally, the temperature was minus [-] degrees, and the ground of the airport was wide open, so the cold wind blew directly into Liu Jing's mouth.

It made her close her mouth quickly and retract her head into her thick scarf, bouncing around on the spot like the ground scalding her feet.

Lin's father who also came down also shivered, but Yang's mother looked very happy, as if she had returned to a familiar place.

Fang Lin also felt this way. Even the temperature of minus [-] degrees and the cold wind did not affect him at all.

Fang Lin shook his head comfortably, his white and fluffy hair fluttering in the cold wind.

"Let's go, I've arranged a car. It's estimated that there are still two hours' drive away. I can catch lunch at my hometown."

"Go, go, I'm freezing to death."

Sioux City, Qiankun branch.

"What is this?"

Yang Zhen was speechless looking at the letter of appointment with a red steel seal in front of him.

"Member of the Southern Provincial Reiki Education Committee?"

On the screen in front of him was Deng Jiefu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Deng Jiefu was sitting in the office of the person in charge of his Qiankun headquarters, with two miniature flags on the table in front of him.

After being promoted to A-level, he seemed to look more calm and introverted. The edge that he occasionally showed when he was in B-level before has completely disappeared, and his eyes are as deep as the boundless starry sky.

"Yes, according to predictions, the impact of this Reiki recovery is huge. In the first wave of Reiki recovery, everyone, including teenagers, is expected to have a 10 to 1 awakening rate. Therefore, Reiki education must be put on the agenda immediately."

"It takes ten years to grow a tree, and a hundred years to cultivate a person. The layout and preparations for the issue of aura education have been started very early, and the teaching materials and suitable exercises have been prepared."

"And the Spiritual Committee is the organization responsible for awakening young people with spiritual energy. Specifically, in each county and city, it is the Spiritual Education Bureau. Student files will be managed in a unified manner and classes will be taught in a centralized manner."

Yang Zhen was a little surprised when he heard this: "Do you want to build a separate school for them?"

Deng Jiefu shook his head: "No, the unawakened are citizens, and the awakened are also citizens. It's just equivalent to having an extra specialty. Our goal is to provide more targeted education rather than divide the masses."

"What's more, awakening does not mean that you are talented enough to continue on the road of cultivation. With the progress of the recovery of spiritual energy, everyone may feel that spiritual energy can be cultivated by the whole people in the future. This is just an excess."

"The children will gather together to form new classes in the original school, and add various Reiki courses on the basis of teaching the original courses."

"Such as Reiki general education class, practice class, military warfare class, formation class, weapon refining class, etc. However, considering that the current resources cannot cover every school, we will choose a few key primary schools in various counties and cities. It is trained in stages, and similar to the refining class, it only teaches theory for the time being, and the specific practice will be truly taught in the Reiki University."

"So, in addition to being a member of the Southern Provincial Reiki Education Committee, you also have to temporarily serve as a consultant for the Sioux City Spiritual Education Bureau."

Yang Zhen frowned: "Consultant? What is this for?"

"For those who support the scene, the higher-ups are already rushing to select the relevant comrades, but most of them are ordinary people with strong work ability. They will call you if they need something. If you have nothing to do, just put your name on it."

"Oh, that's all right, by the way, what is the Reiki University you mentioned earlier?"

"That is the Lingwu University specially set up to cultivate talented practitioners. After research and discussion, the talent level is also divided into ds, which represents the future potential. It will be comprehensively considered in terms of aura affinity, innate awakening, etc. .”

"Future teenagers will pass special Reiki college entrance examinations to obtain admission requirements, and current college students will also issue invitation letters to those with excellent talents, and adults in society will have another specialized institution to be responsible for training."

Yang Zhen curled his lips after hearing this: "Are you the principal of Lingwu University in the imperial capital or the magical capital?"

A smile curled up on the corner of Deng Jiefu's mouth: "From the southern province."


Yang Zhen was overwhelmed by this answer.

According to Deng Jiefu's current status in the domestic or world cultivation world, it is an honor for him to be the principal of any of the top Lingwu universities. The world's No. 1 is not just for fun.

And the location is actually very easy to think about, either the imperial capital or the magical capital, whether it is politics or economy, any other city is inferior to these two cities, but how could it be the southern province?
Deng Jiefu spread his hands: "And it will be opened in Sioux City, there is no way, this is a request from our allies in the spirit world."

"Currently, the four top royal families in the Eastern Continent of the Spirit World are all our allies. Among them, the two princesses of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat and the Jade Cauldron Yaoyang Clan, as you know, are now living in Sucheng."

"According to our good contacts, they expect to send some members of the ethnic group to visit us to study and live for a period of time after the spiritual energy recovers, and they hope to be in the same city as Jiang Baibai and the others."

"So the best choice is to establish a top-level Lingwu University in Sucheng, and just let those royal spirit beasts enroll."

Yang Zhen scratched his head: "Did no one suggest that Jiang Baibai and the others go to the imperial capital or the magical capital?"

"What do you think?"

Deng Jiefu looked at Yang Zhen with interest.


Seeing Deng Jiefu's appearance, Yang Zhen immediately understood that it was his master who made the move.

How could no one mention it?
This involves the pattern of aura education in the next few decades and even the central position in the new era. However, how could Deng Jiefu let this affect his young apprentice Fang Lin?
Can you make these royals change their minds? Deng Jiefu doesn't want to care, but don't think about touching the people around your apprentice.

Besides, in Deng Jiefu's opinion, there is no difference. It is not that there is no Lingwu University in the imperial capital and the magical capital.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. I will serve as the honorary principal of the imperial capital and Lingwu University in the southern province. This is also a compromise."

Yang Zhen nodded, this is indeed the best way to deal with it.

After all, Deng Jiefu's information will definitely be disclosed to the public when the spiritual energy recovers to enhance national self-confidence, and maybe Deng Jiefu will show some hard work such as breaking the sea with a knife.

At that time, if Deng Jiefu only serves as the principal of Lingwu University in Southern Province, the Imperial Capital and the Demon Capital will naturally be dissatisfied.

The number one in the world is the gold content of walking. By then, the communication center with allies in the spirit world will be in the southern province. How can it be possible to give up the sky-killing sword to the southern province?
Do the imperial capital and the devil capital still lose face?

In the end, Deng Jiefu had no choice but to serve as the honorary president of the three universities, and he did not deal with practical affairs but only served as a mascot. The specific presidents should be appointed by several B-levels depending on the situation.

This position is actually a sweet potato, and it is very sought-after to be the president of the best Lingwu University at this early stage of spiritual recovery.

This is also one of the compromises Deng Jiefu made, but to him, he doesn't care about these illusory contacts in the future, such as peaches and plums all over the world.

He stands here as a network.

"Catch up on your own cultivation and prepare the elixir I gave you. The first wave of spiritual energy that completely recovers is the most precious."

"B-level may even be promoted to A-level directly because of this understanding of your own laws. Although your strength is low and you can't use it much, it is not difficult to be promoted to C-level."

Yang Zhen: "."

low strength
"Have a good time, don't need Kaka to protect you at that time, use the resources you can use, and distribute the things at hand to your subordinates, you are the person in charge of the Qiankun Yicheng branch, you must Learn to use people."

"I don't expect too much from you. Even if you don't have a long way to go after training, it's good to take more burdens."

However, Deng Jiefu's earnest and earnest words made Yang Zhen's ears especially harsh.

He has indeed been slack recently, and he is also doing many things that can be handed over to his subordinates, most of which are actually a kind of escape.

Yang Zhen waved his hands impatiently like a child facing his nagging father: "I know, I know, I'll hang up if I'm fine."

"Don't worry, you haven't disclosed Kaka's affairs to others, have you?"

"no, what happened?"

"Don't mention Kaka's strength again, just treat him as just awakened, and I have already explained it to the Mu family."

"Why do you want to do this? He's already C-level in the country and he's protected by you, what are you afraid of? If he's exposed, he will have more resources."

Deng Jiefu shook his head: "What Kaka needs now is not strength but heart."

"He is too young, perhaps because of his outstanding talent, which makes his behavior a little mature, but I think he is imitating."


"Yes, maybe I am imitating Lin Wenshao, imitating his calmness and stability, after all, he is only eight months old."

"I hope he can be with Lin Yuqing or Lin Zhijie, no, Lin Yuqing's age is just right."

"I hope he and Lin Yuqing can enter the Lingwu special class to study together, just use the name of Ling pet."

"In this way, he can have a complete youth and ideological cognition, and he can have more recognition of our society. As for the cultivation resources, I will naturally provide him with it. Don't worry about it."

But Yang Zhen felt very weird when he thought that the C-level Kaka was going to play with a group of newly awakened children.

However, after he thought about it carefully, Deng Jiefu's approach seemed to be reasonable. Strength is strength, and three views are three views.

I only thought about Kaka's strength, and I really didn't care about my junior brother's inner world.

It still doesn't seem competent enough.

Yang Zhen nodded in agreement and asked, "What if Lin Yuqing doesn't wake up?"

"It's just awakening, don't worry. After being nourished by the spiritual energy for a long time, most people will increase their affinity to the spiritual energy and then awaken to absorb the spiritual energy. If she really doesn't awaken, it's no problem. I have my own solution."

Yang Zhen thought about Lin Yuqing's handsome appearance in his mind and sighed: "I don't know whether it is right or wrong to let such a quiet child embark on the path of cultivation."

"It's just a Lingwu specialty class. It's your choice whether to continue on this path in the future. Lingwu University is the real beginning."

"But I believe that everyone has unlimited potential, and talent is the most important thing. It doesn't matter whether you are quiet or lively."

"Well, I just think it's out of place to think of her holding a sword."

"This is the fate of the times, unless she wants to be an ordinary person."

(End of this chapter)

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