Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 204 2 Grandpa

Chapter 204 Second Grandpa

Coming out of Harbin International Airport, the family took the bus prepared by the airline to their hometown Mingyuan Town, more than 100 kilometers away.

Fang Lin's two lifetimes have only been more than 20 years in total, so he hasn't been to many places.

But thanks to the existence of the Internet, I have seen a lot of things from the Internet.

I have also admired the Nanhai, Nordic and Western styles, the chaotic buildings and cities in England from various videos.

And now, regardless of his military strength, he can be regarded as a son of a rich family. What he has seen and experienced in the past few months is richer than that in the past 20 years.

Coupled with his extraordinary senses, he now goes to a place where he can feel many emotional things besides the sights visible to the naked eye.

For example, Dongbei gave Fang Lin a different feeling.

During the journey of more than 100 kilometers, Fang Lin squeezed his body on a row of seats and looked out the window with some effort, admiring this once extremely glorious place that shouldered the important task of the development of the Dragon Kingdom.

It's very quiet here.

This kind of stillness is not a quietness on the physical level, but a kind of tranquility on the psychological level.

The various passers-by he saw through the window walked with a feeling of neither arrogance nor impetuosity, very stable and steady, as if he could not see anything called anxiety from them, full of the breath of a beautiful life.

Some people say that in the development of the new era, the economies of these places have been unable to keep up with the speed of the dragon's soaring progress and have fallen behind.

Some people also say that the young people in this place will basically never come back if they can go out.

From Qianqianlin’s impression of the Northeast in various hearsay and fragmented information, what else is there to say that the 60-square-meter 3w room in Crane City is like a paradise for freelancers, even if it is uninhabited and not prosperous.

But what Fang Lin felt from these passers-by was a kind of dedication to life and neither humble nor overbearing, and he seemed to be happier.

At least in Sioux City, Fang Lin has seen too many young people tortured by the skinny reality.

Sometimes when he goes out for a walk with Yang Ma or Liu Jing at night, he can also see senior beaters in suits and leather shoes sitting on the side of the road crying with their heads in their arms. He has never seen this kind of scene in some remote hometowns before.

Perhaps among those who cry bitterly at night, there are also many young people who came out of the peaceful and soothing Northeast to chase their dreams.

I don't know if they will be homesick.

The advantage of modern life is that everyone can choose their own way of life, nothing more than the difference between gain and loss.

If you want money, you have to face a fast-paced society and a high-pressure environment. If you want to live comfortably, you will stay away from the metropolis and you will not starve to death.

The snow outside the window is still falling.

But it's a little small, and the rustling snow particles are fluttering in the air.

Near Mingyuan Town, there are snow-capped hills on both sides of the road, and you can vaguely see endless stretches of magnificent mountains and rivers in the distance.

Fang Lin felt the aura around him gradually rising and getting stronger, and felt particularly comfortable looking at the vast world invisible to the city in front of him.

If he had a choice, he would definitely choose to live in a villa in this kind of mountain forest. If he wanted to go out to play, he would go to the mountains to have fun, and if he didn't want to play, he would slump on the big blanket all day.

But if the spiritual energy is fully recovered in the future, if the spirit beasts can integrate into the society of the dragon country, it is not impossible for him to go to the bar occasionally to have a good time.

Suddenly, the power contained in the world seemed to open a little embrace to him.

The mind became clearer in an instant, and a magnificent door opened a little gap.

Is this the power of heaven and earth?

Fang Lin looked at the mountains and rivers that could not be seen in the distance, and seemed to be able to feel their heartbeat and breathing.

The three dark golden aura cores in the body exude dazzling light, echoing the six phantoms behind, faintly shining with nebula.

It seems that I still like nature, and it seems that nature also likes him.

Mindfulness is indeed a very important thing.

Now, B-level is just a natural thing for Fang Lin, maybe a day or two, maybe three or four days, or just now.

No wonder those successful people like to visit mountains and rivers and return to gardens.

There are indeed many different perceptions when you are open-minded.

It seems that cultivation is more consistent with this logic. As the level gets higher and higher, cultivation becomes something mysterious and mysterious, and everything comes from the heart.

Is level B the level of the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom?

Alas, I hope the world in the future can be more exciting, otherwise it would be too boring.

Fang Lin's dog head looked out of the window with a sad face, his tail wagging slightly.

This look was captured by Liu Jing in the seat next door. She gave Fang Lin a strange look, then turned her head and said to Yang Ma.

"Strange, why do you feel that Kaka is a little silly after arriving in the northeast?"

Yang's mother glanced at Fang Lin and shook her head: "Leave him alone, who knows what Husky is thinking in his heart, maybe he wants to play in the snow, he probably hasn't seen snow yet."

"Okay, hey, have you watched TikTok? Today, suddenly a lot of animals are trending, and it feels like they have become smart overnight."

As she spoke, she touched Snowball, which was sleeping on her lap.

Yang's mother was not surprised by this, and began to analyze rationally: "Actually, Douyin's hot search has always had a kind of crowd effect. If a type of video has a high degree of attention, similar videos will be pushed more, so there are many. .”

"Besides, there are not many animals that become sperm. It's not surprising that many of them are very smart. When you get home later, you can see that the hounds in the backyard are quite smart."

"Huh? Hound?"

"Well, my dad has nothing to do when he's idle."

"Will there be any sense of territoriality, and then they will be aggressive?"

"It's okay, very obedient, and does Kaka seem to be afraid? I haven't seen him afraid of anyone yet."

Liu Jing scratched her head and looked at Yang Ma embarrassedly, a little hesitant to admit that she was afraid.

Seeing her appearance, Yang's mother raised her eyebrows: "Isn't it because you are afraid?"

Liu Jing, who was poked at the center, was a little dissatisfied: "Please, that's a hound, can I not be afraid? What if it gives me a bite."

The score of the dog, except for his own Liu Jing, is quite empty.

She had already imagined the scene in her mind. She stepped into a large yard, and then there was a vicious dog tied up by a thick chain at the door, grinning at her.

Just thinking about it makes me scared, okay?

"Then you will hide behind Kaka and let him protect you."

"Hmph, Kaka must be afraid too!"

At this time, Father Lin held up his mobile phone and looked back at the few people from the front seat with a smile and said, "This news is interesting, take a look, I posted it in the group."

"What news?"

While replying, Liu Jing turned on her phone and clicked on the group chat - Fairy and her fans.

Mama Yang glanced at the group name and found that it had been changed by Liu Jing again, and she was used to Liu Jing working on the hour every once in a while.

"The Longguo Martial Arts Association advocates that the people of the whole country actively exercise to keep fit, and encourage young people to practice martial arts to cultivate their bodies and cultivate their spirits."

Liu Jing shrugged her shoulders after chanting word by word: "What's the matter? Isn't it just a proposal?"

Father Lin waved his hand: "Click to open it, the classification inside is very interesting."

"Really? Let me see."


"Yinyuan Realm, Dongming Realm, Yaoguang Realm, Kaiyang Realm, what are these? What about Tianshu Realm, martial arts novels? Is it really an official release?"

"Look at Douyin, this is the video posted by the official account."

Liu Jing was stunned, she had a very strange and absurd feeling.

It's like something that doesn't belong to your world suddenly popped up, and was told seriously by the most credible official that you were not joking.

She pursed her lips and said to Yang's mother: "It's interesting, can this Tianshu realm be able to ride the clouds and ride the fog?"

Yang's mother rolled her eyes: "Are you dreaming? It would be nice to be able to fly over eaves and walls. I think I just want to make it more formal and more traditional. After all, these traditional things have not been popular for so many years."

"Hey, the above said that some serious martial arts classes will be opened in various cities at a certain time. Do you want Xiaojie or Qingqing to try it?"

Yang's mother shook her head and rejected Liu Jing's idea: "What age is it? If you want to keep fit, running with me every morning is better than anything else, and stay away from these violence."

"Besides, do you think they look like people who want to practice martial arts?"

Liu Jing turned her head to look at Lin Yuqing, who was pure and lovely with wide eyes, and Xiaojie, who was leaning on the side in a daze. After thinking about it, she felt that what Mama Yang said was indeed reasonable.

Fang Lin, who was watching the scenery in the next seat, felt a little interesting when he heard the conversations of several people.

These Yinyuan, Kaiyang, and Tianshu really have the flavor of Xianxia, ​​how did people like Qiankun come up with using this kind of thing to pave the way for the recovery of spiritual energy?

Today is psychic animals + martial arts classification, what will it be tomorrow?

Fang Lin was really looking forward to it when he thought about it. The feeling of knowing the answer and then watching the official play around the bush is quite magical.

In his feeling, the aura has indeed become active to an unbelievable level, and it even seems to be condensing into a liquid state.

It seems that it is time to find a suitable opportunity to awaken Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie. After he enters B-level, the effect of Yuehua supernatural power will be even stronger.

The initial awakening of the creatures baptized by the moonlight can see more spiritual cores.

Fang Lin felt that at the dawn of this new era, he would definitely want his family to have the right to choose.

After he gave them good talents, it was up to their choice whether they wanted to go on the road of cultivation.

It doesn't matter even if you want to be an ordinary person, no one can hurt them.

As time passed, the rustling snow particles in the sky disappeared and stopped completely.

The bus drove cautiously on the national highway, and soon arrived in front of Mingyuan Town.

Lin Yuqing's grandfather had been waiting at the intersection in front of the town early on.

Mingyuan Town is not too small, there are quite a few vehicles coming and going around noon, and the three-wheeled motorcycles that are almost invisible in Sioux City seem to be everywhere here.

The bustling small town may best describe the appearance of Mingyuan Town, and it is also the place closest to Fang Lin's former hometown of small third- and fourth-tier cities. The pace of life is just right.

Looking at the surrounding scenery through the window, Fang Lin felt a lot in his heart. He thought he had adapted to the life of luxury and money.

I don't know what my hometown looks like, it's just as different from my previous hometown.

In my impression, my hometown in the countryside should be a small courtyard with one floor and two floors, and there are many grape vines planted. I don’t know what will be different in what I will see soon.

"Mr. Lin, may I stop here?"

The driver wearing white gloves stopped and turned to ask after driving the car to the predetermined location.

"Well, just here."

"Grandpa~! Grandpa is over there."

After waking up in a daze, Xiaojie saw a familiar figure through the car window and shouted happily.

Xiaojie used to like his grandpa and grandpa very much. Every time the Chinese New Year is approaching, he waited to go back to his hometown to play. After waiting for so long, he was very happy to finally see his grandpa, and immediately became energetic.

The group of people have been exhausted from the morning to now, and when they arrived at the place, they all moved their muscles and bones and packed their things impatiently and got out of the car.

Fang Lin jumped out of the car door and turned his head to look around.

Towns in modern society no longer have the kind of walls and walls of ancient times, and a tall street sign erected next to it is already considered good.

However, there is still a stone tablet standing in Mingyuan Town. The uniquely shaped black stone surface is engraved with three large Chinese characters flying and phoenix dancing with gold lacquer.

A wide road stretches infinitely from the front of the stele to the distant mountains ahead, and Mingyuan Town is behind the stele on the side of the road.

It seems to be very lively near noon, and various small vendors are still sticking to it, and there is a long road behind the stone monument.

Fang Lin should have entered the boundary of Mingyuan Town when he stepped on the roadside hurdle.

While Fang Lin was looking around, a loud and unrestrained voice suddenly came.

"Hey, what a big dog, it weighs about two hundred catties, almost as heavy as Erbai."

Fang Lin:? ? ?

It can't be a big white pig, can it?
Fang Lin turned his head and found that it was an old man with a wide body and a neck that could not be seen.

In winter, he was wearing a black mink fur coat, and his bald head was also wearing a gray wool cap. There was a sense of shamelessness, and those who didn't know it thought they were filming bandits.

Before Fang Lin could take a closer look, Lin Yuqing, who also got out of the car, immediately greeted the person coming: "Second Grandpa!"

"Hey, tsk, Qingqing has become more beautiful again, did you miss the second grandpa when you came back this time?"

"Go, go, go, my granddaughter must have come here because of me, and it has nothing to do with you."

An old man next to him, who looked a little thin in comparison but was very strong, couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly interjected.

Fang Lin saw that this was Yang Tingxiang?Then the fat guy next to him should be the second child who was the cook in the previous story?
Although the two are a little old, they look better than many young people, especially the second grandfather.

Because there is no hair on his head and wearing a sable hat, he really looks young and middle-aged, but Yang Tingxiang's hair is a little gray.

The second grandpa who was bullied didn't care, he just smiled, his chubby face was wrinkled together and his glasses were narrowed, so it looked a little cute.

Fang Lin shook his tail, since you are the second grandfather, forget it, but you actually compared yourself with Er Bai, which sounds like a big white pig.

Although the fatter husky is also known as a husky pig, but he is completely robust, okay, it doesn't matter at all, okay?

Fang Lin yelled at the second grandfather, signaling him to pay attention next time.

In the end, the second grandfather who was attracted wiped his palms, walked towards Fang Lin with a smile, and circled around him.

"Tsk tsk, this leg, this ass, is a good seed"

Yang Tingxiang next to him couldn't help but nodded when he heard it.

But Fang Lin, who was praised by the two, always felt that something was wrong.



The second grandpa spun around and reached out to pat Fang Lin's upturned buttocks.

When the shocked Fang Lin turned his head to look at him, the second grandfather gave him a thumbs up.


Fang Lin hurriedly slipped behind Yang's mother. There was something wrong with the old man. The key point was that Fang Lin's extraordinary senses felt kindness.

It really beeped the dog, what's wrong.

Seeing this, Mama Yang, who was instructing the driver to move things, raised her waist.

"Second Uncle, why are you scaring Kaka? I sued Second Aunt."

After Yang's mother's attack, the second grandpa immediately lost his temper. He raised his hand and touched the back of his head, which was exposed outside, and explained: "No, I didn't want to scare him, I just wanted to see him happy."

"Come on, let me warn you, don't think about taking Kaka up the mountain, my father said it's dangerous recently."

"Ham, girl, the old three and you are talking about deep mountains and old forests. The mountains behind us run from small bare buttocks to big ones. There are squirrels on that tree and bird nests anywhere. You can know with your eyes closed."

"You should take care of yourself. Can't you cook well and improve your technology after retirement? Is the back mountain connected to Daxing?"

"Girl, there is a huge difference, let me explain to you."



The second grandpa, who was stared at by Yang's mother, touched his belly and changed the subject: "I'll go and see Sanbangzi, don't freeze in this cold weather."

Three jumpers?
Fang Lin was a little puzzled, followed his gaze and found two tricycles parked on the side of the road, and they were also well-known brands of Longguo.

At this time, Xiaojie cheered directly, and rushed towards the car in front of Sanbengzi who had a small bench in his back pocket.

"Be careful, don't fall."

Mama Yang exhorted.

The whole family got out of the car at this time, and Liu Jing, who was full of attributes in the cute society, shouted hello uncle, and stood obediently behind Mama Yang without moving, only a pair of big eyes looked around, obviously interested Sanbangzi is also very interested.

The driver, Dad Lin, together with Yang Tingxiang and Yang Tingrui, moved the luggage to a tricycle behind.

Fang Lin looked at the compartment with half a load of luggage padded with a layer of clean cloth, and he jumped into it from behind the car with the rails open, leaving a few paw prints on the cloth.

"Yo, so flexible."

The second grandpa had just finished moving the luggage, and was still thinking about how to get Fang Lin up, whether he should borrow a board or something, when he turned his head and saw Fang Lin jumped up.

Yang Tingxiang, on the other hand, looked at Fang Lin's unmoving tricycle after jumping on it, with a little surprise in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

"Hey, there's a lamb. Is this a pet? I'll help you."

Seeing that the second grandfather was smiling and walking towards him, Gongsun Yun also jumped up, followed by Xueqiu and the princess.

Instead, Jiang Baibai jumped into Liu Jing's arms and got into the car in front.

"set off!"

Xiaojie stood in the pocket of the car, holding on to the front handle and shouting happily.

And the second grandfather also happily cooperated: "Let's go!"

Then step on the foot, twist the accelerator, and the two tricycles headed towards the town with a "boom boom boom" one after the other.

 After the defense, but the next semester of the junior year was suspended for a subject of mathematics, because the previous reform school did not allow make-up exams and could only be retaken, so I had to re-select the exams in the next semester of the senior year.

  I just got my grades yesterday, and I received my graduation certificate on Monday, so I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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