Chapter 205
It is cold in the northeast at -[-] degrees below zero, and the hot air exhaled from the mouth will soon be liquefied into small water droplets in the air to form clouds of white mist.

The top of the mountains in the distance is a vast expanse of whiteness, and the snow there does not seem to melt, and it is difficult to see clearly under the seemingly non-existent fog, exuding a little mysterious atmosphere.

Not long after the snow stopped, there was still a lot of snow on both sides of the road from Mingyue Town to Xiaoyang Village, but Yang Tingxiang and Yang Tingrui, who were very confident in their driving skills, did not slow down much.

Two gray-red three-jumpers were driving on the roughly flat concrete road with a "boom boom" one after the other, and the rhythmic engine sound was quite impressive.

It was the unique vibration of the three-bounce car body that made everyone holding the car frame feel a little numb in their hands.

However, Liu Jing, who had never experienced three jumps before, was unusually novel. Wearing cute white gloves with only palms and thumbs, she tightly grasped the frame of the car beside her and squinted her eyes to deal with the cold wind blowing on her face.

When the road surface is relatively smooth, she will stand up like Xiaojie, holding the frame of the front of the car to stand proudly, just like the general who was driven by the car in ancient times.

Fang Lin stood in the front of the back pocket and rested his front paws on the front frame of the car, his snow-white and thick hair swaying in the wind, looking very sassy.

The second grandpa, who was driving the three jumpers in front, saw this scene through the rearview mirror and felt even more itchy.

To be honest, he immediately saw Fang Fanglin. Huskies with such physical talent and good looks are rare.

He even carefully recalled in his heart the secrets of pet training he learned from a hunter when he was young as a chef and took on private jobs.

At that time, the first and most important knowledge point that Orion taught him was to cultivate feelings.

He came up with this set of secrets in the winter night with two catties of burning knives and roast chicken.

But how to develop feelings?
Yang Tingrui doesn't like to use his smartphone to scan vibrato, and the latest mobile phone his son bought is only used for making calls.

They belong to people who don't really want to follow the changes of the times, and like to live in their own rhythm and world.

However, he also occasionally mentioned Kaka, a husky, from Yang Tingxiang and his family. It is said that he has a spiritual intelligence close to that of a human.

What does this husky like?

Thinking about it, Yang Tingrui couldn't help turning his head to look at Fang Lin behind him standing on the car frame with his front paws.

Fang Lin noticed that his gaze was looking down, and the two directly looked at each other.

The second grandfather immediately showed a "honest and kind" smile, and his plump face was full of deliberate smiles.

This made Fang Lin a little speechless.

Second grandpa, you should concentrate on driving and look at the road.

And Fang Lin always felt that the second grandfather looked at him strangely, but his extraordinary senses told him that there was no malice.

"Ahem, how does the scenery here feel? Have you never seen snow?"

Yang Tingrui's loud voice reached Fang Lin's ears through the biting cold wind and the rumbling noise of the three jumpers.

Fang Lin couldn't help but turned his head and looked around with some doubts.

Who is this talking to?
The loud voice was also heard by the people in the front car, Liu Jing slowly moved the small bench under her buttocks, and approached Mama Yang to ask.

"Hey Qian, the second grandpa is chatting with Kaka, I think he is quite cute and doesn't look like him."

Mama Yang rolled her eyes at Liu Jing and replied, "What is your name, Second Grandpa? Your name is Uncle Yang."

Then she also looked at Yang Tingrui, who was racking his brains while driving and trying to chat with Kaka, and continued.

"Second Uncle is a good person. People of the older generation are very enthusiastic and responsible. When he was a cook in the town and came home from get off work, he did a good job several times."

"You must know that the robbers who dared to come out to rob in that environment back then were not as simple as holding a fruit knife or something. Er Bo still has a scar on his head."

"It's a bit fierce with a fat face and a bald head, but there's nothing you can do about it. Cooks are usually like this."

Liu Jing raised her gloved hand and covered her mouth with a smile and added: "I still like to wear a mink coat~, I see that Uncle always thinks of that mountain sculpture in his mind."


Yang's mother also became happy when she heard the words.

"Qian, since Uncle Yang is so nice and reliable, I think he also likes Kaka, why don't you let him take Kaka out to play?"

"The second uncle's sons and daughters are all very busy working in other places. They may not come back home once a year. Now that he has nothing to do, he likes to raise something and run around in the mountains. Who knows if he will take Kaka and wander around in the deep mountains. What? You are so bold, I don’t want Kaka to learn from him.”

Liu Jing picked up Jiang Baibai from the car and nodded. It is true that not everyone has good family conditions. It is very common for the elderly to go home and visit their parents when they are busy with work. It is true that the elderly have pets. A lot of loneliness.

Not to mention the few people here who chatted about life, Fang Lin in the other car was a little speechless.

This second grandfather has been looking for something to chat with him all the time, I really don't understand, he is now a husky, okay, which normal person suddenly chats with him?
What's the use of getting close to him?
There shouldn't be any special hobbies, right?Fang Lin suddenly remembered the other party's slap on his ass.

bah bah bah.

What was he thinking about, Fang Lin hurriedly shook his head to drive away the strange thoughts.

He went back to the car bed and lay down. If you can't provoke him, you can hide anyway.

The second grandfather talked for a long time and found that Kaka actually went back to lie down, and scratched the back of his head in confusion.

This high IQ is indeed a high IQ, and it is really not easy to get closer.

But when he thought of following such a handsome and mighty husky like a lion by his side, whether it was going into the mountains or wandering around the village, it would be very refreshing.

How long does this take?
Mr. Zhang, who lives in the village, showed off to him the purebred Tibetan mastiff in his dog farm. If Kaka is trained, isn't it more powerful than a Tibetan mastiff?
Sled dogs should be no worse than hounds in their bones.

Yang Tingrui helped his hat, and continued to concentrate on driving three times.

After several turns, small buildings with two or three floors appeared in front of the road, and the stone tablet of Xiaoyang Village stood beside the road.

When it was almost lunch time, villagers in twos and threes gathered under a pavilion at the entrance of the village to chat and chat.

"Old Zhangtou, why don't you hurry home and cook after this is already ordered?"

"What the fuck, you still don't know me? I always eat what's ready-made."

"Hehe, I don't know who was dragged back to wash the vegetables at noon yesterday."

"I was giving her face outside, lest she lose face."

"Tsk tsk, you are tough at the beginning of the scene."

"That is, let me tell you, when I raise my hand like this at home, she knows it's time to pour me water."

"Hey, this is the first time I've heard you blow it. I'll go to your house to see it later?"

"Ham, there's nothing to know, I'm used to it."

A few middle-aged and elderly villagers in thick jackets were blowing away their leisure time before lunch while looking around.

When other villagers pass by, they will casually say hello and chat, which is very common in rural areas.

Sometimes villagers will come over with vegetables that need to be picked at home, and a group of people will volunteer to help while chatting.

At this time, two Sanbengzi driven by Yang Tingxiang and Yang Tingrui drove in from the village.

The old Zhangtou in the mouth of the bystanders just said hello when they heard the movement, and Yang Tingxiang and the two also slowed down and stopped to chat.

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule. They have to stop and say a few words to give each other face.

"It's time to pick up your daughter and son-in-law to celebrate the New Year. You old man is really enjoying himself."

Yang Tingxiang hadn't spoken yet, but Yang Tingrui behind him joked carelessly: "Old Zhang, I said that your three daughters will not come back to celebrate the New Year this year, right? Or come to my house for a New Year's Eve dinner, and you and the old couple will be alone."

"Hey, let's not talk about the second brother, let's just talk about the elder brother, as if the two in your family will come back."

Ignoring the bickering two, a villager next to him looked at Fang Lin in Yang Tingrui's car and couldn't help sighing, "Is it such a big dog?"

"Hey, you don't know yet? This seems to be the star husky, famous all over the country."

"Really? So powerful?"

Yang Tingrui waved his hand immediately: "Hey, it's so-so, and it's the only case in Longguo."

The fat face was full of smug expressions.

Old Zhangtou was a little dissatisfied: "What does Renqian girl have to do with you?"

"Why doesn't my family matter? I'll take it out tomorrow."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, don't you run a kennel? You can see what's wrong with this dog. Look at this muscle. Although it's much stronger than your Tibetan mastiff, I still feel like it's almost meaningless." .”

The very experienced old Zhangtou looked at Fang Lin's perfect body proportions and muscular lines, his mouth twitched, he snorted and said nothing.

"What is this sheep? You bought it for meat?"

"What do you know? This is girl Qian's pet, and the food they eat is specially provided by the research institute, you know? Several large boxes were mailed a few days ago, and they were delivered directly by military vehicles."

"Is that the Jeep a few days ago? It's amazing, girl Qian."

"Generally average."

Mama Yang and Papa Lin also smiled and exchanged greetings with several villagers, and Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie also greeted a few times under Yang Tingxiang's guidance.

The surname Yang accounts for more than half of the people in Xiaoyang Village, but there are still many people who have moved in. Even though they are not relatives, many of them are very familiar with each other.

Feeling that it was almost done, Yang Tingxiang took the lead in sending the vehicle, bid farewell to several people and drove home.

Fang Lin sat on the three bungee and gradually moved deeper into the village.

The small courtyards on both sides became more and more sparse, and finally the two Sanbengzi drove up a long uphill, and the group finally arrived at the destination after seven or eight minutes.

Only then did Fang Lin realize that his grandfather's family lived on the hill behind the village, and there were only two or three households on the hillside.

At first he didn't understand why he lived in such a remote place, but when he saw the magnificent courtyard, he finally understood.

The square wall feels half the size of a football field, and when the black gate carved with patterns is opened, there are some stone art on the face.

In the center of the front yard is a large pond, but perhaps because of the weather, a thick layer of ice has formed on the pond.

Some free-range animals walked around in the yard as if no one was there. One of the big goose spread its wings and walked in front of the crowd. Its small eyes seemed to be examining the identity of the visitor.

"This goose is very interesting."

Jiang Baibai jumped directly from the three jumpers onto the back of Fang Lin who had already got off the car and chatted with him.


Hearing this, Fang Lin looked at the big goose carefully. The spiritual light was indeed a little more than normal animals, but it still hadn't reached the threshold of awakening.

This is the difference between animals and humans.

Awakening is not a difficult thing for humans in the age of spiritual energy, what is difficult is the subsequent step-by-step cultivation path to the sky.

However, for animals that are born with undeveloped intelligence, awakening means the evolution of the life level, and has a flexible brain that can be completely independent like humans.

Among them, the difficulty is no less than turning a stone into gold.

This is also the advantage that the royal families in the spirit world have bloodline supernatural powers that humans do not have, and a powerful body that far surpasses the same level.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

Lin Yuqing's grandmother stood by to greet her, beckoning the family to enter the house quickly.

The structure of the whole house is biased towards the ancient style, you can feel the luxury and at the same time feel a lingering sense of heaviness.

The entrance hall is a huge aquarium with many very fat and colorful koi swimming in it.

It's hard to imagine that you can see the shadow of a pig from a koi.

Alas, it seems that I still know less.

Fang Lin sighed and followed Mama Yang closely. It was time for lunch and he was also hungry, looking forward to what he would have for lunch.

Forty kilometers away from Xiaoyang Village is an untouched primitive mountain forest, which belongs to the category of Daxing.

The uninhabited virgin forest is now covered with thick ice and snow, and the nature without human influence has a unique charm, completely under the cruel natural law.

In the cold winter, even many animals have entered hibernation, the mountains and forests are quiet, and the world seems to have fallen into absolute silence.

However, under a huge pine needle tree, two blond foreigners wearing thick winter combat uniforms were talking around a huge vulture-like animal.

"Envoy, are you sure the ruins are here?"

"The holy artifact shows that it is near here, and the specific location can be determined when the ruins move the sacred artifact again."

"I don't understand why the precious relics are all open in the backward Dragon Kingdom."

"That's easy to understand."

The vulture, which is about the size of a helicopter, communicates proficiently in Eagle Mandarin.

"A long time ago, the place you were in was a barren land, so that the human cultivators at that time would not have left any traces there."

"But we also have relics in our country."

The vulture glanced at him and said indifferently: "Naturally, there are some barbarian cultivators or exiled orthodox human races in the wild area."

The person who heard this before wanted to refute but was stopped by the person next to him.

"Yas, no matter what, we are now taking the relics we deserve."

When Vulture heard this, he looked at the two of them strangely.

It seems that the human race is indeed the same as in the legend, selfish and treacherous, don't be shameless for the sake of profit.

No, it doesn't exclude these, they just use each other.

If you don't seize the opportunity, wouldn't the benefits of the ancestral land be taken away by the royal families in the Eastern Continent?

The Holy Envoy felt a little depressed about Zudi's suppression of his own strength, and felt a little irritated.

He didn't understand why the law was directed towards the ancestral land. He, a beast master, was suppressed and could only use the power of a beast envoy.

However, thanks to the excellent physical talent and blood inheritance of the spirit beast itself, the human beast envoy level, who is currently lacking in skills and spiritual weapons, cannot defeat it at all, and he can also touch it at the beast master level.

What's more, he came out this time with a holy artifact.

However, it seems that this human kingdom already possesses the combat power of a king, so he still needs to be careful. With the cover of the holy artifact and his own fast speed, he should be able to get the relics smoothly.

Thinking of the various promises made by the emperor in the clan to him to return successfully, the envoy couldn't help but feel agitated.

"I'll find a suitable location to cover up the fluctuations of the future ruins, so don't run around."

As he spoke, he spread his wings and soared into the sky, and soon disappeared from the sight of the two members of the Eagle Country World Security Bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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