Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 206 A Different Lunch

Chapter 206 A Different Lunch

After the giant eagle soared into the sky, the two members of the World Security Bureau who stayed in place found a dead tree and leaned against it to rest.

Yas took off the black knitted hat on his head, cleaned the snow stains, put it back on, and complained: "When did this ghost mission end, Cole, do you believe it? He must have gone to find game for himself." .”

Cole frowned and looked up at the somewhat pale and distant sky to remind him: "Aas, he is a B-level beast in the spirit world, don't talk about him casually behind his back."

"What are you afraid of? That bald eagle has a treasure on its body to cover its breath, and it can fly a few kilometers away as soon as it flaps its wings. Besides, he is good at speed and vision, and his hearing is not so strong."

Cole walked over helplessly and said in a low voice: "That's a B-level. A single blow can trigger the power of heaven and earth, and it can easily destroy a city. According to the investigation of our intelligence department, these races in the western part of the spiritual world are somewhat tyrannical. impermanence."

"We are now trying to cooperate with them to take advantage of each other, but it is best not to provoke him, I don't want to fight with him."

"Cole, although he is a B-rank in the spirit world, he is also suppressed to a C-rank here just like you. Are world-class elites like you afraid of him?"

"Alien beasts have unique advantages in combat. It's unimaginable if you haven't fought them before. At present, there are almost no examples of humans defeating alien beasts of the same level, oh, except for the Dragon Nation's Sky-Slaying Sword."

Hearing this name, Ya Si also took it very seriously. Over the past few years, they suffered a lot of secret losses from Zhan Tianjian, until he grew all the way to A-level and never dared to challenge the Dragon Kingdom openly.

"I don't understand why the Dragon Kingdom has such an advantage in cultivation. There are countless precious relics for people with such talent as Zhan Tianjian."

Cole exhaled a cloud of mist with some emotion: "Perhaps this has something to do with their long historical inheritance. The testable history of human beings is too small compared with this planet and this universe. The more you practice, the more you will feel like a person in the universe." dust."

"However, having said that, the development of Dragon Kingdom's strength in the Reiki Age is indeed somewhat unbalanced. Their dominance will inevitably affect the security and stability of the entire world, which is contrary to the purpose of our World Security Bureau."

"But fortunately, we can restore part of the situation by cooperating with these races in the western part of the spirit world. We can take some of them away while the power of the Dragon Kingdom is not enough to fully excavate and digest these relics."

As he spoke, he remembered the news of the ruins brought by the holy envoy group.

Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a peerless power who taught all spirits on the top of the snow-capped mountain. This relic was left by this great power, and it contained treasures to help all spirits improve their talents.

The ancestors of these ethnic groups in the western part of the spiritual world once received the favor of this treasure, so it was recorded in some historical records.

Now, seizing the opportunity of intense interference between the two worlds, the Penglei Monster Vulture Clan and the Eagle Kingdom hit it off and decided to cooperate.

If this relic can be obtained, then the growth of the members of the World Security Bureau will be amazing, and the world situation will be more stable.

Cole looked at the layers of mountains and forests and fell into thought.

The Daxing Mountains are more than 1400 kilometers in length and more than 1400 meters above sea level, stretching majestic and vast.

Under the long-term protection of the Dragon Kingdom, most of the area is still a primitive jungle with little human activity, which breeds countless rare wild animals, and the brown bear is just an ordinary one in the Daxing Mountains.

However, under the baptism of rich aura, this natural treasure may become even more exciting.

In a huge dead tree hole somewhere in the Daxing Mountains, a one-year-old bear cub is sitting on a dry and warm grass mat.

He stroked his belly with his little furry paws, and there was humanized distress in his eyes.

Beside her, a tall and mighty female bear, nearly two meters long, was sleeping soundly on the straw mat, looking very sweet.

Under normal circumstances, brown bears hibernate in winter, and they sleep for three to four months or even as long as six months. Maybe they are so fat and strong because they have not exercised for a long time?

The amazing thing is that brown bear mothers are usually pregnant during hibernation, and the end of hibernation just happens to give birth.

So I often see on TV that when everything recovers in spring, the brown bear mother takes a few skinny little ones who can barely walk out to look for food.

But this method of production will definitely bring the risk of many cubs dying. This one-year-old little cutie, who is about the size of a normal husky about to grow up, is the surviving one of the two brothers.

The little bear sat on the ground with his legs spread apart, his paws helplessly supporting his bear's head.

He is hungry, very hungry.

For some reason, he woke up suddenly from hibernation yesterday. The intense hunger made him subconsciously wake up his mother and ask her for help.

The sleepy mother brown bear felt the warm temperature in the tree hole and thought that the winter was over and spring had come.

So he glanced at his baby unbearably, gritted his teeth and yelled at him.

After frightening the little bear, he grabbed his neck cruelly and wanted to take it down the tree hole and throw it out.

Brown bears who are one and a half years old after hibernation have already needed to forage independently, and it was a very difficult process at first.

However, in the Daxing Mountains, brown bears have no natural enemies except for super-large predators such as tigers, and at the beginning, brown bear mothers will tolerate one-year-old brown bears wandering around their territory to hunt, so it is safer here.

However, when the mother bear took the cub out of the tree hole "violently", he was completely awakened by the cold air outside.

She looked at the ice and snow outside, and carried the little bear back into the tree hole in silence, and the two stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Perhaps it was the first time being a mother with little experience, so the brown bear who made an oolong hesitated and stepped forward to lick the cub.

Trying to comfort his frightened young heart just now, and influence him with maternal love again.

Some hungry cubs didn't care for a long time, and quickly signaled to their mother that they were hungry, and asked her to take him to find food.

Although the mother bear felt that this was a bit contrary to the life experience in her blood, her mother's nature still made her stand up unsteadily and take the cub out for food.

And it seems that the heavens are blessing the little bear. The mother bear is very lucky to catch a lost and silly roe deer, and after giving the little bear a good meal, the mother bear takes the little bear back to hibernate.

However, what made Little Bear crazy was that he woke up hungry again today.

But this time he was not as hungry as yesterday. Sometimes there were many crystal blue dots in the world before him, which made him very curious, and he seemed to have become a lot smarter.

The little bear thought about the consequences of waking up his mother with a very intelligent brain, hesitated for a while and decided to go out to find something to eat.

When he and his mother went out yesterday, they also observed the surrounding terrain and it seemed that there was no danger.

And the various survival skills he had been taught by his mother also appeared in his mind.

The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and the confident little bear secretly left the tree hole alone.

The snow is so cool.

After climbing down from the tree little by little, he began to search around with his black nose.

If spring is synonymous with life and everything is revived and full of vitality, then winter is the silence of everything.

The little bear wandered around his house for almost an hour, leaving a long string of bear footprints on the snow.

During this hour of searching, he was surprised to find that his nose seemed to be able to smell more and become more sensitive, but this did not change the situation of finding nothing.

He was looking forward to meeting some delicious animals such as rabbits and pheasants knocking on the door, but today his luck seems to be not very good.

Hunting in winter requires some luck, and meeting the silly roe deer yesterday is already a stroke of luck.

The little bear moved his nose twice, came to the side of a big tree and started digging into the snow.

He seemed to smell some prey hiding in the burrow, and he felt that the opportunity was inevitable, and he began to exert force quickly.

Inadvertently, some spiritual energy began to pour into the little bear's body to nourish it, but the amount attracted by unconsciousness was still too little. After all, not everyone has the cheat of automatic cultivation.

Little Bear dug for almost half an hour, and he dug a small hole in the dirt under the snow, but he found nothing except a small hole, even if he tried to stretch it with his claws, it was useless. There must be a network of tunnels extending in all directions inside. .

He sat on the snow with some annoyance, and patted the big tree beside him with his paw as if venting.

After a while, the little bear suddenly raised his head, and he found a little furry head protruding from the big tree.

He twitched his nose twice and was overjoyed. After looking at the distance, he began to climb up the tree.

And it was a gray-haired squirrel that poked its head just now.

Squirrels are small and cannot store much fat, so they generally store large amounts of food such as nuts and pine nuts in their homes.

It stayed at home until winter and either ate or slept. Just now it was attracted by the movement under its feet and glanced at it quietly.

However, what he didn't expect was that the little bear's sense of smell was so sensitive that he caught it in an instant. This may also have something to do with the wind direction just now.

But now is not the time to regret it. Seeing that the little bear moved faster and faster, the little squirrel hesitated and hurried up.

It is going to jump to other big trees to form a dog-walking tactic when the little bear is about to hook him.

However, to its surprise again, the little bear didn't seem to be interested in it at all, and went straight to its small tree hole when it came up.

After reaching the side, I hugged the tree branch and started digging in with my claws.

Bears are omnivores, so nuts and such are naturally edible.

The little bear was surprised to find that the amount of food stored in the tree hole was surprisingly large, and he happily took it out and sent it to his mouth.

The squirrel above the head was anxious, jumping up and down on the branches but there was nothing to do.

So he suddenly jumped to a big tree next to him to find another base for himself, climbed out with a few nuts in his arms, and began to smash at the little bear here.

The nuts and pine nuts hit the bear's butt and were bounced off without any harm. The bear ignored it and continued to enjoy his meal.


A piece of steak was put on the steaming hot iron plate, and the oil began to sizzle in an instant, exuding an aroma.

It's time for lunch, and it's a bit strenuous for such a large family to cook a sumptuous meal normally.

So Yang's mother told her parents to make barbecue directly, which is delicious and convenient.

So the iron stove was pushed into the small courtyard by Yang Tingxiang, and all kinds of prepared meat were endowed with the meaning of their existence one by one.

"Mom, I want to eat grilled wings."


Beside a charcoal stove on the other side, Yang Tingrui, who has a wide body, is roasting a huge leg of lamb.

"Hey, Kaka, I've been a chef all my life. The meat I roast must be better than your mother's. And this is the marinated leg of lamb that I brought home just now. You can eat more later."

However, Fang Lin was a little moved but hesitant when he saw this leg of lamb.

Since the lamb came to the house, the family no longer eats mutton.

At this time, the lamb had already come out of the house, and Liu Jing had already fed her with the spirit grass just now.

The lamb also likes the environment here, jumping around happily, saying hello to the big geese and free-range chickens next to him.

In particular, she also likes the big yellow dog that is free-range in the front yard. The big yellow dog seems to be a bit old, and the beard at the corner of the mouth is a little gray, lying quietly under the eaves and watching the lively crowd in the yard.

Facing the approaching lamb, he just shook his tail to express his welcome, and then made no other movements.

After wandering around in a group, the lamb came to Fang Lin and asked curiously: "Brother Kaka, are you waiting for lunch? What kind of meat is this roasting? It smells delicious."


Fang Lin felt guilty of being caught as a thief, he hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I won't eat this"

Then he ran to Mama Yang's side in no time.

"Hey Kaka, don't you want to eat roast leg of lamb?"

Gongsun Yun: "."

Fang Lin: "."

Fang Lin sat waiting beside Yang's mother, and Yang's mother saw him come over and throw a baked wing into Fang Lin's mouth.

While chewing, Fang Lin peeked at the lamb from the corner of his eye.

The lamb lived up to expectations, and walked over slowly with a solemn expression, and Jiang Baibai licked his lips and ran to the side to start watching the show.


"Huh? Yunyun, do you want to eat these delicious wings? Let Jiang Baibai get you two and put them in the storage space for you later."



"Do you like lamb very much?"

"Ah, I don't like to eat, sheep are so cute, I can't bear it."

"But you were drooling just now."

Fang Lin subconsciously raised his paw and wiped his mouth: "Is there any? No?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Jiang Baibai couldn't bear it and rolled beside him, while Gongsun Yun hummed and said, "It's okay Brother Kaka, you can eat as much as you like, the unawakened and the awakened in the spirit world are not the same at all. Species. Well, it’s like monkeys are similar to people.”

Fang Lin asked curiously: "So those carnivores sometimes eat... um... that's it?"

"...No, although it's not a species in name, but I don't take the initiative to eat it. It's still very strange."

"Then you still let me eat mutton."

"I didn't let you eat mutton."

"But you just now"

Fang Lin paused for a moment and fell silent. He finally understood that the co-author of the lamb just now was deliberately speaking ironically.

Tsk, this is all duplicity.

At this time, a strange smell was getting closer and closer, and Fang Lin turned his head curiously to look at the open door in the distance.

Jiang Baibai and Gongsun Yun also looked over.

Yang Tingxiang, who has been paying attention to Kaka since he jumped onto the three-bouncer, saw this scene and looked towards the door strangely.

After more than ten seconds, a little girl appeared at the door with her head poking around.

She was wearing a white down jacket with double ponytails. The flushed face on her small face felt a little cold, and her big black eyes were shining with aura.

The girl hesitated at the door, touching the door frame with her little hand, hesitant.

As soon as Mama Yang looked up and saw the person coming, her eyes widened and she smiled: "Hey, Xiaoying, why are you here?"

"Well, auntie~ I heard from my mother that Xiaojie is back, I'll come to play with him~"

Xiaoying stood in place politely and answered Mama Yang's question seriously, her voice was so crisp that Mama Yang liked it very much.

She hurried up and led Xiaoying in by the hand: "Have you eaten yet?"

"Have eaten."

"Auntie, call him for you, he should be packing up with your Uncle Lin upstairs, Kaka~"


"Go up and call Xiaojie down."


At this time, Xiaoying, who found such a super big husky in the yard, was startled, and hurriedly hid behind Mama Yang to watch Fang Lin, and was only relieved when he rushed into the house.

Yang Tingxiang, who was not far away, also looked at Fang Lin's back and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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