Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 207 A childhood sweetheart?

Chapter 207 A childhood sweetheart?

For Yang Tingxiang, he is very interested in Kaka, the new "grandson".

Before we met, he learned a lot of related things on the Internet, but these are too superficial, and the most conspicuous thing about Kaka is his body length of more than one meter, which is about the same as that of a lion, and it is also Kaka's most topical place recently. .

However, this size may be shocking to an urban two-legged beast who has lived in the city for a long time and is 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters in front of him from morning to night.

After all, many people keep dogs and cats in pocket versions. Suddenly seeing an adult Alaska with a body length of just over one meter would make him feel a little nervous, not to mention Fang Lin's stature.

But for Yang Tingxiang, who has lived near the Daxing Mountains since he was a child, this is just so-so.

It's just a male lion. There are many animals in nature that are bigger than a male lion.

Especially those herbivores. When Yang Tingxiang was young, he was lucky enough to see a moose once in the mountains. This kind of deer was nearly [-] meters long and weighed [-] to [-] kilograms.

Not to mention the various farm cattle raised in the countryside, all of which are bigger than Kaka.

It's just that Kaka can give people a feeling of coming out of a movie, with a huge body and white fluffy hair, shining in the sun.

If it is in a movie, you will definitely feel that his owner is a prince or princess in a castle. This is why Fang Lin is so popular among netizens. Compared with other pets, it is a bit too foul.

However, what Yang Tingxiang cared about was Fang Lin's own quality. Given Fang Lin's position, he planned to train his sense of smell and the like, and just forget about fighting.

After all, it's my daughter's favorite thing to look so good-looking. If there is an extra wound on her body, I probably have to sleep on the street to apologize.

But after seeing Fang Lin, the more Yang Tingxiang observed him, the more he felt that he was unusual.

With his power of observation just now, Kaka suddenly looked at the door, and Xiaoying appeared at the door after a dozen or 20 seconds.

Decades later, in modern society, Yang Tingxiang, who used to be a half-hearted dog, is now considered a senior hound trainer.

What do hounds usually rely on to find the target?Nothing more than hearing and smell.

You must know that there was a barbecue grill next to Kaka just now. For a normal, untrained pet dog, this time is undoubtedly in heaven.

All the attention is basically on the barbecue beside him, not to mention still observing the surroundings calmly, and smelling the smell of strangers outside the gate from the smell of so much meat and pungent seasoning.

What's more, all kinds of smells are very weak in winter.

In addition, when he first received Kaka, he jumped onto Sanbengzi suddenly with a weight of [-] to [-] kilograms, but Sanbangzi didn't move at all, and he felt light work.

Calm, focused, strong physique, sense of smell far surpassing similar ones, and meticulous control of the body. simply a perfect jade in the rough. He has never seen the word talent displayed so vividly on a dog.

Yang Tingxiang sighed, it's a pity that this is his daughter's favorite, and he can't win her love.

Forget it, just practice a little and teach something, life is full of regrets sometimes.

The sky in winter is white, not as transparent and clear as in summer.

In the spacious courtyard of the mountain villa, Yang Tingxiang looked up at the sky above his head, exuding a melancholy temperament all over his body.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

After turning over a piece of fried Zilla's oily steak with a small shovel, Yang's mother glanced strangely at her father not far away who looked up at the sky in a daze.

Yang Tingxiang glanced at his daughter faintly and said, "It's nothing."

Then he continued to raise his head in a daze.

Mama Yang: "???"

Yang's mother was a little dumbfounded, she actually saw a trace of resentment in her father's eyes just now? ?

She looked around and found that Du Qingfeng was not there, then handed the shovel to Liu Jing who was next to her, and then came to Yang Tingxiang and whispered, "Did you make my mother angry with something? Do you need my help? Just say it."


Yang Tingxiang looked at Yang Ma silently, let out a cold snort, and walked slowly to Yang Tingrui, who was roasting leg of lamb not far away, and did not move.

"God babbling."

With a grunt, Mama Yang went back to her barbecue stall and got busy.

Fang Lin, who didn't know that he was being targeted, had already driven Xiaojie off on the road.

The girl named Xiaoying just now felt very good to him.

You see, her eyes are big and cute, her face is round and she has ponytails, she looks like a beauty at first glance.

The most important thing is that he heard that Xiaojie went back to his hometown and took the initiative to come to play with him. With such a cute childhood sweetheart, why would he look for Chenchen.

Not a cheap mule?

In the yard, Liu Jing was sitting on a chair chatting with Xiaoying with her aunt smiling all over her face. She felt that the child was cute and looked like herself.

But Xiaoying was a little restrained. In her opinion, this aunt was a little too enthusiastic, which made her a little embarrassed.

Xiaoying's eyes lit up when she found Xiaojie appeared, she stood up from the small chair and quickly raised her white gloved hand to wave at Xiaojie.


The crisp and lovely voice reached Fang Lin's ears, making his feet tremble and his figure a little unstable.

Jack? ? ?

Fang Lin was dumbfounded.

It turns out that Xiaojie, who is the dog licking in front of Chenchen and the bottom of his family, is also Brother Jie in the eyes of others.


Fang Lin followed Xiaojie curiously and observed the two of them.

When Xiaojie heard Xiaoying's shout, his body became much taller and his expression matured instantly, and he nodded at Xiaoying calmly.

Looking at Xiaojie, Fang Lin suddenly thought of a roommate of his in junior high school. At that time, they had just learned to play basketball together. Whenever this roommate made a shot, he would be like Xiaojie, and his walking posture would change his mother's way.

When Xiaoying saw Xiaojie approaching, she wanted to get closer, but when she saw the huge Fang Lin following behind, she took two steps back in fear.

"Don't be afraid, this is Kaka, he is very obedient and obedient."


Xiaoying was still a little hesitant, holding her hands in front of her chest and looking at Fang Lin with big eyes blinking.

Fang Lin found that the little girl was a little afraid of him, so he squatted down on the spot, showed her a kind smile, and stuck out his tongue lightly.

At the same time, he was trying to convey a warm and kind aura to the little girl, which was a little skill he had recently learned from the coercion of his own blood.

And Xiaojie stepped forward, grabbed Xiaoying's hand in the shocked eyes of Fang Lin and Liu Jing, who was watching the play next to him, and pulled her over.

"I really don't lie to you, Kaka is very good, come and touch him."

After Xiaojie pulled Xiaoying over, he helped Xiaoying take off a glove while talking, and then slowly put Xiaoying's snow-white and tender hand on Fang Lin.

Fang Lin, who was squatting, was taller than Xiaoying. She shrank back when her hand touched Fang Lin, but was soon pressed down by Xiaojie again.

Fang Lin turned his head to look at Xiaoying whose face was getting redder, and speculated in his heart why she was blushing.


What's the matter with Xiaojie?

Why do you feel like you are suddenly acting like a suit, picking up girls by yourself?

Seeing that Xiaoying was not afraid, Xiaojie took a step back and let go of Xiaoying's arm and said proudly: "Look, Kaka is very good, right? You can still hug him."

Fang Lin looked at Xiaojie's movements and raised his eyebrows, so let him go?
He thought this kid was doing it on purpose, but he still didn't understand anything in his head.

At this time, Xiaoying obviously doesn't feel disgusted, so she should continue to help her hug herself.

Forget it, let's pull this kid.

Immediately taste the bitterness of love in junior high school and high school, and wait until college to turn around directly. Xiaojie, who has excellent financial conditions in college, should find it easy to find a girlfriend, right?
Hmm. Gao Wan shouldn't be treated like a fool.

Fang Lin shook his head.

"Jing, take the children to the gate of the yard to play, and call you after dinner."

"Okay, I just happened to shoot a video. It's been a long time and it's time to update it. Go Kaka."

Liu Jing stood up and walked to Xiaoying's side, holding her hand with a smile and walked out together. Lin Yuqing looked at her younger brother and followed Fang Lin out with a mysterious expression.

Grandfather's house is considered halfway up the mountain and also the top of the mountain, because there are no other people's houses further up, but there is also a road up the mountain looking back in the distance.

This is a huge open space, and Fang Lin guessed that the woods behind might also be surrounded.

A clean passage was cleared between the gate of the yard and the road down the mountain, but there was still a lot of snow on the open space next to it.

There are many heat sources above and below the ground in the urban ecological environment, so the snow generally melts quickly, but in this environment close to nature, the snow is like a part of the surroundings, existing very harmoniously.

The princess who ran out with him was very happy. He had no good chances since getting off the plane, and now he can finally play in the snow.

She looked up to the sky and rushed into the snow with a howl, running around, scurrying around under the snow that was more than ten centimeters thick, and Liu Jing couldn't stop her even if she wanted to.

The poor Liu Jing directly picked up her phone and started recording.

"We've arrived at our hometown in the Northeast~ Look, there's our little villa behind us hehe."


The princess's voice kept rushing into the video, and Liu Jing took advantage of the situation to turn the screen over.

"The princess may be a little excited because she hasn't seen the snow very much, but Kaka is quite quiet when you look at it."

At this time, a barking sound came from far away from the backyard.

Liu Jing was stunned for a moment and explained: "Uh, these should be the hounds raised in the backyard."

When Liu Jing held up her mobile phone to explain, Xiaoying, who was standing beside her, looked at Liu Jing and the running princess very curiously.

After having no fear, the cute-looking furkids have won her over.

Lin Yuqing also became interested, walked up to Fang Lin who was squatting, hugged his hairy neck and acted coquettishly.

Fang Lin, helpless, sighed, leaned down and let her sit up.

After Lin Yuqing sat down firmly, Fang Lin started to run slowly in the snow. The princess found that Fang Lin was also involved and ran around him happily.

Under the mild sunshine in winter, two huskies, one big and one small, with different styles but the same good looks are running in the snow, and a young and beautiful girl is actually sitting on the oversized husky.

Lin Yuqing's arms and fair face were buried under the hairy neck, and Fang Lin would occasionally laugh like silver bells when Fang Lin accelerated his speed.

The camera cuts away to rows of undulating mountains. This picturesque scene was captured by Liu Jing with the camera without dragging frame by frame.

Xiaoying's big black eyes were also full of envy.

"Would you like to try it on?"

Liu Jing, who had been paying attention to Xiaoying, asked with a smile.

"Can I?"

"Okay, Qingqing~ let my sister try."

"it is good."

Lin Yuqing patted Fang Lin's neck, knowing Fang Lin ran towards Liu Jing, and then stopped firmly in front of them.

The majestic body and the white hair fluttering in the air carried a mighty aura, and Xiaoying couldn't help taking two steps back.

After Lin Yuqing came down, Fang Lin lay down on the ground and asked Liu Jing to help Xiaoying lie on top of her.

Unlike Lin Yuqing, who was already familiar with the situation and was completely like a knight, Xiaoying lay tightly on Fang Lin's back, not daring to get up at all.

"Should I take her with me?"

Xiaojie suggested at the side.

However, before Liu Jing could speak, Fang Lin stood up directly.

Want to fart and pick up girls on my back?

So under Xiaoying's panicked voice, Fang Lin ran steadily into the distance.

Looking at the picture in the camera, Liu Jing couldn't help sighing in her heart, will it make fans envious when it's posted?

She, a 30-year-old middle-aged woman, felt itchy to look at, let alone those young female fans.

There is silence in the boundless primeval forest of the Daxing Mountains.

In winter, both hunters and other herbivores lowered their voices to cover up the traces of their actions in this silent world.

And on a tall tree, a chubby little brown bear was lying on the branch and chewing nuts slowly, as if he was still appreciating them.

This is the little bear that came out of its belly to look for food.

He stretched out his chubby paws into the little squirrel's warehouse and took out a handful of nuts and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Quack quack."


(The quality of this batch of pine cones is not good, it is not as delicious as before.)
"Gee chi chi!!!"

On a big tree next to it, the little squirrel who had already accepted the reality became impatient again, went back and took two pine nuts and threw them towards the little bear.

The pine nut hit Little Bear Q's butt and flew out and landed on the grass.

While eating the nuts, the little bear looked regretfully at the nuts that fell on the ground: "You can't waste food, I'll eat which one later."


Little Bear burped happily.

It is conceivable that there is a lot of food stored in this No. [-] storage warehouse if he can have a full meal.

Perhaps it was due to the rise of spiritual energy last autumn that the food source of the little squirrel greatly increased, or it was too hardworking, which is unknown now.

Anyway, Warehouse No. [-] is cheap now.

After gaining wisdom, the little bear somehow also has some sense of shame, and he looks at the heartbroken little squirrel beside him with a sense of guilt in his heart.

He scratched his itchy butt with his paws and looked at the little squirrel and said, "What. I was so hungry just now that I can't help it. You may not understand, but I really can't find anything to eat."

"When spring comes, I will return it to you when I find something to eat, okay?"


The little squirrel was still angrily cursing the little bear, cursing him to be bald in the future.

"Thank you~ I have a little left for you, sorry."

At this moment, a strong sense of oppression suddenly came from the top of his head.

Whether it's him, the little squirrel next to him, or the animals around him who couldn't see him hiding before, they all feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts, and they can hardly breathe.

The little squirrel trembled twice, looked at the little bear, and quickly retreated into his No. [-] home.

Little Bear barely raised his head, and saw a huge shadow with wings spread under the layers of needles.

He didn't dare to look too much and slid down from the tree, hid in the soil hole he dug next to him, and covered himself with the snow and soil next to him.

After a while, the giant shadow flew past the little bear before he breathed a sigh of relief, and the little squirrel on the tree next to him also looked at the little bear with its head probing.

The little bear waved to him, and the little squirrel reciprocated and threw a pine nut on his forehead.



Just when Little Bear was about to say something, a familiar roar came from the woods.

The little bear was stunned for a moment and suddenly looked in the direction of home.

(End of this chapter)

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