Chapter 208
The deafening roar became more and more clear in the woods, and the snow-covered pine needle trees in the virgin mountain forest were rustling with snowflakes.

However, in the seemingly majestic roar of the female bear, one can clearly feel a kind of sternness.

The little bear who noticed this was even more anxious. He didn't understand, isn't mom sleeping?

How could it come out suddenly, and then fight with that monster in the sky?
The place where he listened to the sound was not far from him, but it was still some distance away from the tree hole where he and his mother hibernated. Why did mother come out?
Couldn't it be that he found himself absent and then came out to find himself?

A kind of unspeakable regret and worry welled up in his heart, and he moved his chubby paws to rush from the pit to the source of the sound.

From the perspective of the little squirrel in the tree, the bear who rushed towards the roar was undoubtedly stupid.

How could bears want to go to such a dangerous place?

But this scene of rushing towards danger left a deep impression on the little squirrel.

Driven by curiosity, the little squirrel cautiously jumped up and down the tree and followed the little bear.

In just two or three minutes, the roar of the female bear gradually disappeared.

When the cub rushed to the place, the mother bear's breathing was a little weak and she was lying on the ground. There were several deep bone scars on her back and waist.

And the instigator was standing leisurely by the side, pacing.

This is a powerful monster that gives people a sense of suffocation standing there. From the little bear's perspective, this vulture standing on the ground is a circle bigger than his mother.

The huge sharp claws that were as black as ink stepped deeply on the snow, and beside them were pools of dark red blood.

However, seeing the miserable appearance of the female bear, a rush of blood suddenly rose from his heart, and he rushed out of the shadows.

The chubby body, which was not much different from the juvenile husky just one year old, let out a somewhat immature roar.

Seeing the appearance of the cub, the dying mother bear seemed to be full of strength again in an instant.

She struggled to get up and yelled at the little bear to signal him to run quickly, and then attacked the enemy in front of her again without stopping.


The body weighing several hundred kilograms staggered towards the holy envoy, and the bear claws and tiger tigers, which were bigger than a human head, slapped him vigorously.

The envoy looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help being a little bit teasing. After spreading his wings that covered the sky and the sun, he flipped the female bear out of the way, and directly hit a giant tree.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from the female bear's mouth completely silent.

The little squirrel who was hiding in the tree above the bear's head was so frightened that he subconsciously covered his mouth with his little hand, and his tail trembled slightly.

The envoy looked at the dead female bear and shook his head.

He really doesn't know what's wrong with this ancestral land, there seems to be something wrong.

In the spirit world, the horror of spirit beasts is deeply embedded in the blood of ordinary beasts, even when they are hunted and killed, they are too frightened to move.

However, this female bear still dared to roar at him. At first, under the trend of novelty, the envoy played with her for a while, but now she got a little annoyed and killed her directly.

"You're left, Little Bear."

The holy envoy looked at the little bear beside him who was starting to tremble.

At this time, a very high-tech collar around his neck made a clear sound through bone conduction.

"Holy envoy, the aura radar of the Dragon Kingdom is expected to cover the Daxing Mountains in 29 seconds, and we are still where we are."


The holy messenger ignored the trembling little bear beside him, as if he was a ball of air, he grabbed the dead body of the female bear and rushed towards the place where he came from.

After the envoy flew away, calm returned to the primeval forest.

There is a gap between the high-level spirit beast and the ordinary beast, and there is no shadow even if you look up.

Powerless, powerless from within.

The little bear lay motionless on the snow without saying a word, and the blood in front of him was particularly dazzling.

The little squirrel looked at the back of the little bear and scratched his head, thought for a while and ran to his home.

After a while, the little bear was still lying motionless on the snow, as if the dead bear was him.

Then a pine nut fell from the tree, hit the bear on the rear and bounced into the snow.

The little squirrel tilted her head and looked at the brown bear on the ground expectantly. Her big mouth was full of nuts and pine nuts.

However, there was no movement for a long time.

The little squirrel took another pine nut out of its mouth, and continued to throw it at the little bear.

This time the pine nut hit the little bear's head and bounced off.

But this time it bounced high when it didn't hit the butt, which may be the reason why the head doesn't have a Q bomb on the butt.

When she found that the little bear on the ground was still motionless, the little squirrel scratched his head and looked around to confirm that there was no danger, then jumped down from the tree and ran to the little bear.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi."

The little squirrel went around the little bear, looked carefully at the little bear, and was relieved to find that he was indeed alive and his eyes were wide open.

She walked up to the little bear's face and tapped the little bear's head with her paw like a watermelon, and then put all the pine nuts and nuts from her mouth in front of the little bear.


The little bear's empty and lifeless pupils moved, turned to look at the little squirrel next to him, and then turned to the gray sky.

"Hey, Qian, you see everyone is praising Kaka."

There is a long wooden table in the yard of the villa halfway up the mountain, on which there are all kinds of skewered meat and some fresh seafood.

The whole family sat around the table and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. Liu Jing sat next to Mama Yang and shared with her the video she had just posted.

In the video, the scene of lively and lovely children and young beautiful girls sitting on Kaka's back and running in the snow really made netizens envious.

"Is this the power of [-] per month?"

"I can also do [-] per month. Where can I get a pet like Kaka?"

"Woo, Qingqing is so happy to be able to ride Kaka every day."

"I want to experience what it's like to bury my head in Kaga's neck, the fur must be warm there."

Many beautiful ladies and sisters who have videos in their personal works commented in the front row, and male fans secretly added attention while liking it.

The bold ones have already asked the good-looking young lady below if she has added a fan group, how many groups are in the fan group, and so on.

The Kaka fan group has now gone out of the circle, and in the 2000-person group alone, Liu Jing has more than a dozen of them who are the group leaders themselves.

After I can't manage it later, let some reliable or simply pure fans spontaneously form a fan group.

Unlike those male stars whose fan bases are basically only girls, the ratio of male to female fans in Fang Lin's fan base is almost 1.5 to 1.

You must know that this is because the base of girls is already large and few men will join this group.

As for why the male compatriots are so enthusiastic, it is self-evident.

In their view, there is a gap between girls who like pets and girls who chase stars, and they will not reject them when they lick together.

"Speaking of which, does the policy of so many giant pets announced before indicate something?"

"Indeed, all kinds of policies that are obviously useless and the level of the Wushu Association recently, no matter how you look at it, it looks like cultivating immortals."

"Isn't there any spiritual energy that needs to be revived right away? It was the Dharma-ending Era before, and then suddenly revived for some reason?"

"Brother, do you read novels?"

Liu Jing looked at the gradually distorted comments and shook her head, and complained to Yang's mother: "I feel that my male fans' brain circuits are not normal, and they can actually talk about spiritual recovery."

Xiaojie, who was eating chicken wings, suddenly said, "Then Ultraman really exists?"

Father Lin said with a smile: "It's not impossible. According to some parallel world theories, the Ultraman world actually exists. Because of the interference and influence of the two worlds, their images are transmitted through dreams. It came to us or influenced the thinking of some creators in some ways that cannot be explained by current technology."

"Then they successfully wrote various fairy tales, including the Ultraman you mentioned."


Xiaojie's eyes lit up immediately.

Yang's mother shook her head: "Your son recently bought that Ultraman card and was bewildered. Why are you so bewildered?"

"Maybe it's a virtual helmet."

Lin's father shrugged: "Technology is changing our way of life. Now it seems that fantasy and magic things may not be impossible to realize with science in the future."

Yes, the product jointly produced by Papa Lin and Academician Lu Research Institute is a virtual helmet, which has now completed mass production and is expected to be officially sold on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

Dad Lin brought a sample home the night before he came here, but Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai were concentrating on downloading a copy in the space at that time.

"Virtual helmet?"

Yang Tingxiang was a little puzzled, why what he said sounded so weird.

"It's a medium that makes you feel almost [-]% in a virtual environment, using a neural network to connect to a unified cloud terminal."

"You should be able to see the advertisement tomorrow. It's very powerful."

Yang Ma frowned and thought for a while: "Then isn't this very dangerous? If the neural network is connected to the cloud terminal, won't you be able to see my memory or something?"

Liu Jing also interjected: "Could it be controlled by you to cause amnesia or brain death?"


Lin Yuqing covered her mouth and was a little scared. She also experienced it last night, and it really felt like swimming in the sea.

Father Lin shook his head with a smile: "It doesn't exist. The most important thing to be able to sell is safety. The helmet will strictly limit the signal strength of the nerve transmission, and it will not affect people's health."

"At the same time, the memory is naturally inaccessible. The secrets of the human body involved are still too profound."


Father Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Because of the interaction between the cloud and the terminal, it should be detectable what you think when you use it."

Liu Jing was suddenly filled with righteous indignation: "Isn't this too intrusive on the personal privacy of the people?"

The family members next to him also agreed, and they all stared at Papa Lin with wide-eyed eyes.


Father Lin was a little helpless: "The authority of the cloud terminal is firmly controlled by the state. With the advancement of technology, the privacy of citizens will definitely be affected to some extent. There is no way around it."

"Just like when various shopping apps and big data became popular before, there was actually no privacy at all."

"Compared to those private companies collecting personal information, I think it is more credible that it is in the hands of the state."

"With so many people accessing it at the same time, the country will not deliberately censor what you are thinking all the time. The workload is not small."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes and asked: "Then foreign countries will definitely have opinions on this, right? What technology does the cloud terminal use?"

"There will definitely be opinions. After all, freedom and personal rights are always advocated, but I can only say whether I want to use it or not. The epoch-making technology is here. If you want to keep it out, just let them go."

"As for the technology of the cloud terminal, I don't know either. This is not within the scope of cooperation and should be a state secret."

Speaking of this, Dad Lin sighed: "I feel that our scientists are getting better and better, especially in recent years, it feels like their IQ has suddenly increased a lot."

"And what amazes me the most is that many of the studies done by our top scientists are kept secret, and I feel that if they are taken out casually, they can shake the world."

Yang Tingrui, who couldn't understand at all before, and stared and dazed for a long time, finally found an entry point when he heard this.

Holding a glass of beer, he said: "Our Dragon Kingdom is indeed getting better and better. Come, let's make a toast to the scientists!"

Yang Tingxiang cast a vague glance at his brother, finally finding an opportunity to highlight his presence.

But he didn't care about the bustle and bustle, and raised his glass with his family to have a drink.

Xiaoying, who had already eaten, sat next to Xiaojie holding a glass of orange juice and happily raised the glass.

She likes it here very much, besides brother Xiaojie whom she likes to play with, there are many good people and pets, it is much more lively than her own home.

Fang Lin turned his head and looked at the mountains in the distance, thinking about when to find a geomantic treasure. He felt that he had already made a breakthrough, and the power of heaven and earth felt that he was eager to make friends with him.

At night, see if there is a chance to sneak out for a wave and find a quiet place by the way.

This is finally leaving the city. It’s definitely not in vain. There are cameras everywhere in the city. It’s fine to stay at home honestly. There are mountains and trees around here. How can you experience the extraordinary feeling?

Let go of the noise and run around, there is no danger to him anyway.

Jiang Baibai, who has always been extremely sensitive about going out to play and take risks, sensed the meaning behind Fang Lin's expression, and she quietly approached Fang Lin to ask.

"Kaka, go to the back at night? I have already checked the information. There are thousands of kilometers of primitive mountains and forests behind. It must be very interesting."

"And in some fairy tales, this place doesn't seem to be very simple. Maybe we can find some precious ruins that are just about to be opened? These are all treasures."

Fang Lin's eyes suddenly brightened. Now that he is about to enter the B-level, he is no longer the little Ha who needs to be cautious in everything.

Isn't this the time to get something for yourself?

Look at the big family around me, it can be said that eating, drinking, and lassing are all relying on tricks to abduct Jiang Baibai, which is really unbearable.

After all, he is very kind at heart.

"Ahem, yes, let's go and see if there are any relics, and keep them in our hands and hand them over to Deng Jiefu."


Jiang Baibai nodded again and again, but after listening to it, he became impatient: "What are you doing for him?"

"You are stupid, we are now in the northeast of Longguo, and it's not my master's territory. What if the world of this place comes after we get it?"

"When we say that we will hand it over to Deng Jiefu, maybe we will stay. Otherwise, we will definitely argue. We still have to hang out in Longguo. We can't be too rampant."

Jiang Baibai has always believed that what he picks up is his own, even if he picks it up in his father's treasure house.

But when you come to the ancestral land to send people under the fence, you really have to pay attention to one thing.


(End of this chapter)

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