Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 209 Night

Chapter 209 Night
The sky in winter always gets dark very quickly, and the sun has completely set by seven or eight o'clock.

Modern metropolises are often referred to as cities that never sleep. At night, there are colorful neon lights everywhere. Many people like to go out in the middle of the night and visit the crowded night markets to feel the popularity.

But the nights in the small towns and villages next to the Daxing Mountains are different. The nights here are dark and pure.

Standing on the edge of the platform at the entrance of the yard and looking around, the surrounding mountain roads and bare vegetation are covered with a layer of tulle under the silver moonlight.

The light is extremely dim, with only a very weak layer. If someone with night blindness or poor eyesight walks here at night, they will not be able to see clearly without turning on the light.

In addition, there is also a very peaceful feeling. There is no noise of traffic, no noise of city machinery running, everything is so quiet, and the occasional distant barking of dogs is very clear.

Fang Lin stood on the edge of the cliff on the platform at the entrance and exhaled softly.

"I love this place."

Jiang Baibai, who came out to ventilate with Fang Lin, turned to look at him.

Under some pitch-black nights, the bright moon in the sky hung above Kaka's head, and some silver light sprinkled on his white hair seemed to be shining slightly, and his sapphire-like eyes were unusually bright and shining.

Jiang Baibai stared blankly for a moment, Kaka has always had a different kind of charm, and now she is more natural and harmonious in the mountains and forests.

She smiled and said, "I think you are quite suitable here."


"I said, I think you are quite suitable for this kind of place."

"Well, it does feel much more free than in Sioux City."

Jiang Baibai nodded.

She looked at the natural moon, and the little white paw on the front left clicked on the ground and asked casually.

"You, do you have any idea of ​​living in the spirit world in the future?"

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows: "The spirit world?"

"Well, you will be more comfortable where you are than here, it belongs to the world of spirit beasts."

"Forget it, I still like it better here."

Fang Lin thought for a moment before denying Jiang Baibai's idea: "I am used to modern life, if you tell me that there is no tablet, no mobile phone, no games, no Internet, then I will feel that the quality of life will drop a lot."

Jiang Baibai was stunned for a moment and subconsciously nodded.

That's true.

She is also used to chatting online and has to tease Yang Zhen every day, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable, and she is also used to playing games and chasing dramas occasionally.

The usage rate of the tablet has far exceeded the spiritual power and various magic weapons.

In fact, Jiang Baibai also understands that the biggest difference between the ancestral land and the spiritual world is that the life here is too peaceful and stable. Even in her own palace, she does not feel safe on the streets of the ancestral land.

Then what should I do in the future?

Jiang Baibai, as His Royal Highness of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan, will definitely return to his own clan in the end, will he leave by then?

She glanced at Fang Lin, who seemed to have nothing to worry about, and suddenly became angry.

Jiang Baibai hammered him once with his claws, then turned his head and walked into the yard.

Fang Lin, who was suddenly beaten, found that Jiang Baibai had started to return to the yard before he understood what was going on.

What's the matter with this mother?


He shook his head and suddenly remembered something and shouted at her: "Don't forget to go out to play at night."

"I know."

Jiang Baibai walked in without looking back after saying a word.

The courtyard was full of lively family members, Yang Tingxiang built a bonfire in the open space and hung a large pot of hot tea above it.

The adults sat around the bonfire and chatted happily with each other. There was always endless talk between relatives who hadn't seen each other for a year.

And when it comes to bragging and farting, Yang Tingrui, who has been a cook all his life, is even more familiar with it, and has always maintained the atmosphere very well.

Liu Jing, a native southern girl, listened to him speak from Tiannan to Dibei in smooth Northeast dialect, Le's mouth never closed, her eyes sparkled and she was very focused.

Facts have proved that if you want to attract girls' attention, you have to have both appearance and personality, right?
Either you are as handsome as Wu Yanzu and Chen Guanxi, even if you are dumb, some girls will think you are cold.

Either you are humorous and eloquent, and girls will be attracted to you after getting along slowly.

For example, now, Yang Tingrui, who looks somewhat vicious, has become a very good elder in Liu Jing's eyes.

The three children took Princess Xueqiu and the lamb to find various animals in the yard to play.

The free-range animals in the yard feel that their personalities are quite gentle and not noisy. The big goose also blends in after the children, as if it has become a dog's leg, and follows the free-range pheasants, little pigs, and big yellow dogs all the way.

Jiang Baibai, who walked into the yard, looked at the very happy lamb and sighed in his heart.

Indeed, who doesn't love a life of peace and tranquility?
The more they have experienced this kind of experience, the more they know how precious the environment of this Dragon Kingdom is.

Forget it, who can say what will happen in the future?Since Yunyun likes the ancestral land so much, then she, the older sister, will stay here with her for 80 or [-] years before talking about other things.

Jiang Baibai, who had successfully persuaded himself, was no longer worried, and quickly jumped into Liu Jing's arms and lay down to listen to the family chatting.

In this way, the night became thicker and thicker with the jumping of the bonfire flames.

Sioux City, Qiankun branch.

In the middle of the night, the lights in the office of the person in charge of Qiankun were still brightly lit.

Yang Zhen forcibly buried himself in a pile of documents with an expression of grievance.

"Dong dong dong."


Wearing a close-fitting training suit, Li Mei walked in with a well-proportioned figure, holding a lunch box.

What kind of woman is the most attractive?
If Li Mei is on the Internet, she must be the dream lover of many people.

Her temperament is contradictory, she has the iron-blooded tenacity of a soldier and her natural charm, but she also has a good figure.

It can only be said that the outstanding ones are handed over to the country.

Yang Zhen raised his head from the document and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Team Deng will make a video call with you in five minutes. By the way, I saw that you worked overtime and brought you a box of supper."

"Is there something to eat? What did you bring?"

Yang Zhen's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a midnight snack.

"The fried beef in the cafeteria, didn't Yi Fei go to the province for a meeting? I knew you were left alone at this time."

Yang Zhen retorted with some dissatisfaction while opening the box: "What you said is the same as my inability to take care of myself, what about you?"

Faced with Yang Zhen's pickiness like a child in front of her, Li Mei shook her head and sighed softly: "I have been in the orphanage since I can remember, what do you think?"


Yang Zhen froze for a moment and stopped talking, he suddenly forgot about it.

The main thing is that Li Mei has always been optimistic and normal, as if her childhood, which was not very happy compared with ordinary people, did not leave any traces on her.

"Okay, remember to take Team Deng's video when the time comes, and this secretary won't bother you."


"I'm on standby in Yi Fei's office~ Call me if you need something."

Li Mei winked at Yang Zhen, then left the office with sexy steps.

Yang Zhen looked at the closed door and scratched his head, why did he feel that something that was obviously normal sounded exciting?
The women from this special intelligence department are really hard to deal with.

After a while, Yang Zhen, who was eating supper, answered Deng Jiefu's call.

Deng Jiefu's more dignified appearance while sitting in the office appeared on the computer screen.

Once a person is in a high position, his aura will gradually become very oppressive. Coupled with Deng Jiefu's own A-level king-level combat power, this situation becomes more obvious.

"I heard you've been busy recently?"

"What do you think? My good master, you arranged this, how dare I have any objection."

"Hehe, you have a lot of opinions in what you said."

"No, no, you feel wrong, I have no objection, do you have any instructions for calling me?"

"Let's chat with you, and let's see how your preparations are going."

Speaking of this topic, Yang Zhen immediately started to complain.

"This Raoshizi Reiki Committee really has a lot of things to do. It needs committee meetings for everything, and not only those in the province, but also those in Sioux City have meetings."

"There are a lot of things that can be discussed once, but I have to talk about it several times. I can't stand it and ask Yi Fei to help me with the meeting. I think she likes it."

In front of his apprentice, the serious Deng Jiefu finally showed a smile.

He shook his head and joked: "You, you have to get used to it. The recovery of spiritual energy is such a big thing. In addition, spiritual education is the foundation of the country in the future. It must be normal to have repeated meetings and discussions."

"In many places, there are repeated meetings and discussions on things that are too big."

"Anyway, I can't stand it now, and besides, you can't stand it either?"

Deng Jiefu raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Why can't I take it anymore?"

"Since you went to the imperial capital, you have not smiled every time you answer the phone. You must have been annoyed by some people when you called and chatted with me this time?"

"You know that too? It's true. Every day, various people from various channels want to ask someone to lead me, but you still have to take care of some people's face."

After Deng Jiefu finished speaking, he smiled and added: "You can have fun secretly, my side will not stop as soon as I sit in the office, and the important thing is to meet offline."

"You can still ask Yi Fei to replace you. Whom can I ask for when I have a meeting with them? Even Wen Yu's authority is not enough. You should seize this opportunity and grow up quickly."

"In addition to the general direction of the Dragon Kingdom, what I care most about is you and Kaka's cultivation."

As he spoke, Deng Jiefu's expression suddenly became serious again.

For some reason, Yang Zhen felt a trace of worry from Deng Jiefu. He looked at his master and wondered how many things he was carrying on his shoulders.

"The current situation is not optimistic, and there is still too little time left for us."

"What? You are the world's first A-level cultivator, so we can conquer the world just because of you?"

"Say some irrelevant things every day, and think about it next time with your brain."

Deng Jiefu was a little speechless to Yang Zhen, and sometimes he doubted how he fell in love with him at that time.

"When you reach A-level, you will understand that A-level is nothing, and there is still a long way to go."

"And soon the spiritual energy will be completely recovered, and there is a high possibility that there will be new A-levels in other countries. The most important thing is that the number of A-levels in the spiritual world is really not small."

"I now only hope that the current restrictions on creatures in the spirit world will still exist by then, otherwise the fate of human beings will be hard to say."

Yang Zhen also frowned: "Is the situation so serious? Don't we still have many allies?"

"If the royal family of the spirit world can enter our world without restriction, then facing our various precious relics and protection here, maybe our allies will be the first to attack us."

"Academician Lu is researching the reason for this restriction, but he still has no clue. We can only speculate that our world may have some kind of connection with the spirit world before."

"This connection contains some mysterious laws that protect us. If this is true, there is a high probability that the restrictions on spirit world creatures will still exist."

"In addition to these things that will happen in the near future, the current world situation is also very complicated, and various secret organizations are rampant, especially those places around us have already lost control of the situation."

"Currently, countries that are closely related to us have applied to send Class B to help them deal with various matters and stabilize the situation. This week is the most stressful time."

Yang Zhen was a little surprised: "Who did we send?"

"Qin Yunfeng, besides his people, there are some accompanying photographers."


"Well, it's time to show some force in the new era. When the new era comes, these videos will be released to the public. This is an opportunity God has given to our country, and it's time to show off our muscles to the world."

"Did you shoot you too?"


"What did you shoot?"

"You'll know then."

One o'clock in the morning, Daxing Mountains.

In an empty cave, the holy envoy was sitting by the fire enjoying his supper.

Two members of the World Security Bureau were discussing the tasks for the next few days.

"According to the news from the headquarters, the current high-level combat power of the Dragon Kingdom has a clear whereabouts. There is no B-level guard here for the time being. Our mission should go well this time."

At this time, the envoy interjected: "Be careful anyway."

He knows that there is a king-level existence in this dragon country, not to mention that there is a gap between the beast master and the king, he can't even display his own strength now.

If this human country really noticed it, facing that king, his fate would not be much better than the female bear he was eating.

"It shouldn't be a big problem with you and the holy weapon, but we have to be more secretive. Next time you hunt, try to be as silent as possible. Although the mountain was covered by heavy snow before, I don't know if there will be any scientific expedition team coming. Investigate the Daxing Mountains."

The envoy nodded, he really hadn't considered this before.

Oh, by the way, there was still a cub at that time, but it shouldn’t survive this winter without the protection of its mother.

This is the law of nature. I have to work hard to go up. The rewards I received at the end of this mission plus my previous inventory should be enough to retreat for a period of time. I don’t know if I can touch the threshold of the king.

It took a lot of effort to sense the power of heaven and earth back then, and the law is even more difficult to comprehend than the power of heaven and earth.

Cultivation is really difficult. As a vulture who has cultivated all the way from a commoner, he really envies those direct descendants of the royal family. They are born with good blood and talent, and there are inexhaustible resources.

"Holy envoy, when will the ruins fluctuate next time? After we lock the location, we can proceed to open it."

The envoy whose thoughts were interrupted said slowly: "Be patient."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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