Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 210 I Can't Take It Anymore

Chapter 210 I Can't Take It Anymore
The night is getting darker, and the bright moon hangs quietly in the night sky, illuminating the gloomy winter night.

In the center of the spacious cave, a bonfire is constantly jumping, and the red firewood occasionally makes a crackling sound.

The light of the flames cast the shadows of several people on the cold rock wall, flickering, flickering, long, and short.

Cole sat cross-legged beside the fire and took care of the source of the fire. From time to time, he used a log to pull out some burnt wood, and then filled in some dry and flammable wood.

The envoy found a place to sit quietly, and Yas seemed to have fallen asleep lying beside him with his eyes closed.

"Holy envoy, can I ask you B-level, oh no, what does the venerable level look like, I have been in the envoy level for a long time."

Cole suddenly opened his mouth and tried to ask the envoy about cultivation.

There are very few B-levels in the Eagle Country, even now there are only three, and each of them has a high weight.

Even if he is a C-level, he rarely sees them. The B-level who has comprehended the power of heaven and earth classics interprets what is called the natural moat and gap of status. This is vividly demonstrated in the Eagle Kingdom, which advocates individual freedom and individual rights.

Although C-levels also have a lot of voice and status, they can't be compared with B-levels at all, and the three B-levels are not willing to teach them the real cultivation skills of these C-levels.

On the contrary, what they like is to occasionally say some high-sounding words of encouragement in front of a group of new members who have just awakened to gain their prestige.

It just so happened that this time there was a genuine B-rank powerhouse in the spirit world, and Cole felt that this was an opportunity worth trying.

It is extremely difficult to change one's fate against the sky all the way in cultivation. If you have to fight, you have to fight, and you have to try.

Hearing Cole's words, the envoy who was closing his eyes to rest suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Cole with a pair of sharp eyes and remained silent.

Yas, who was lying next to him, rolled his eyes twice under the closed eyelids, and continued to pretend to be asleep and listened to the follow-up calmly.

"I'm just performing tasks with you, and I have no obligation to guide your cultivation. You should find us advanced human practitioners."

"I understand, but a B-level powerhouse won't easily tell me the trick to break through. I just don't know what to do, so I want to ask you. It's okay."

"Ha ha."

The envoy glanced at Cole and snorted coldly and said: "If a group wants to be strong, it cannot block the inheritance of knowledge. At least it must leave a way to rise. This may be the reason why you are weaker than this human country."

Cole was stunned for a moment and retorted: "It's just that the Dragon Kingdom has an innate advantage. In the past, our technology was much ahead of the Dragon Kingdom. Now the accumulation of cultivation is not enough, so most people can only rely on themselves. It is normal that the hard-earned experience and knowledge do not want to be easily shared.”

"is it?"

The envoy scoffed at Cole's words, weak is weak, no matter how many reasons there are, it still can't change this fact.

However, as a spirit beast who has cultivated all the way from the insignificant to the venerable level, he is also quite touched by the second half of Cole's words.

It is indeed a tormenting thing to practice and grope alone. Perseverance, wisdom, and talent are all indispensable.

He looked at Cole, who was concentrating on fiddling with the fire, and said for a while, "You must have something special about being able to reach the messenger level at the beginning of your spiritual energy recovery. You are a genius among human beings."

"It's your destiny to meet me, so I'll tell you the trick to break through the B-level."

Colton was pleasantly surprised when he heard this. Is the thing that has troubled him for a long time finally going to be revealed?
"The envoy level is a link between the past and the future. In this level, you will learn to turn the aura into a liquid in your body, which will greatly increase your aura reserve and aura quality. The method of exuding the aura will be more flexible."

"However, in the face of the Venerable, he is just an ant after all."

"When your background is deep enough and your perception of aura is thorough enough, then you can try to sense the power of heaven and earth in this world."

"This is the power of the world's origin, invisible, shadowless, and traceless."

"When you are feeling the power of heaven and earth, you are also feeling the whole world."

"If one day after you have worked hard for a long time, you find that you have touched the hem of the power of heaven and earth, and it finally starts to respond to you, your every move will be amplified by the whole world."

"Flying into the sky, escaping from the ground, breaking mountains and filling the sea are no longer phantom flowers in dreams, but things you can really do."

"When I broke through to the Venerable level, I directly cut off a small mountain in the clan's territory. The king praised me and fined me a month's salary."

Cole listened intently to the envoy's explanation, not daring to miss a single word.

The sage-level power depicted by the holy envoy is almost omnipotent. This kind of picture deeply attracted him and Yas next to him.

Those who have not stepped into the path of cultivation cannot imagine the practitioners' pursuit of the path.

It is not a joke or a joke to hear that Daoxi is dead.

After the envoy finished speaking, he looked at Cole, who was still staring at him with bright eyes, and Yas, who had sat up at some point beside him, and didn't know what to say.

He paused for a moment and then added in the expectant eyes of the two: "At the same time, comprehending the power of heaven and earth is also a prerequisite for comprehending the laws of heaven and earth in the future and stepping into the king's class."

"and then?"

The envoy frowned: "Then what?"


Cole was a little at a loss: "How do you comprehend the power of heaven and earth?"

"What a joke. If there is a trick to this, wouldn't there be a flood of venerables in the spiritual world? Remember, those who don't become venerables are all ants."

If you don't step into the Venerable class, you won't be able to swim in the sky except for the spirit beasts that are born to fly. In the eyes of the holy envoy, they are not popular at all.

Of course, maybe when the envoy steps into the king one day, he will also feel that he is an ant if he does not become the king.

After all, the criteria for judging ants will also rise according to their own level.

After listening to the envoy's words, Cole felt that he had been deceived: "It's no different from saying nothing."

"You humans really don't know anything about cultivation."

"The power of heaven and earth is something mysterious and mysterious. Everything depends on your talent."

"If you don't have enough talent, then you may not be able to understand what the power of heaven and earth is, and what it means to resonate with heaven and earth."

"If there is any trick, it is to try to see as many places as possible close to the world itself, such as deserts, snow fields, or the sea, to see what is a thunderstorm, what is a tsunami, and what is an avalanche."

"The closer you get to the mighty power of the world, the more you can comprehend these things."

"There are no shortcuts in the way of cultivation, or it is simply full of thorns and difficulties. It took me 170 years to comprehend the power of heaven and earth. It is rare for you humans to have an understanding far beyond that of beasts. You must have an indifferent heart. "

"Been taught a lesson."

The envoy looked at Cole who seemed to be enlightened and nodded.

If it weren't for the fact that this person is considered a human genius, he wouldn't bother to say so much. He would not be stingy with this kind of sacrifice when he embarked on the road of cultivation alone, and maybe he will reward himself in the future.

King, when will I feel your demeanor.

He looked at the silent and dark world outside the entrance of the cave, and silently closed his eyes.

"It's really annoying. I have said that I haven't found a place yet. Why are you pestering me all the time?"

In the empty courtyard, Fang Lin was speechless feeling the power that originated from nature and was full of intimacy.

This feeling is like the world is calling you, let you break through and be friends with them.

I really don't know why the monkey is so anxious, I haven't found the geomantic treasure yet.

Fang Lin sensed the three aura cores that were completely filled in his body, and directly stopped his 24-hour automatic cultivation plug-in.

I dare not practice anymore.

He feels like he has a little diarrhea now, and every time his body absorbs and merges with the outside world, there is a trace of heaven and earth power wanting to penetrate into his body.

How could something so ceremonial be so hasty?
And he had a premonition that the movement of this breakthrough would not be too small, and he really had to find a quiet place in the deep mountains and old forests.

Mad, is this the legendary Inch Challenge?
I don't know how other people deal with this kind of trouble.

When I have a chance, I have to ask Deng Jiefu to see how he suppressed the impulse to break through. It is really difficult.

The main reason is that this situation is rather special. In addition to restraining his body, he also has to work hard to find ways to drive away the forces of heaven and earth surrounding him.

It's like when you try to stop and you end up with a girlfriend
Whoops, far away.

Fang Lin stood in the dark yard and waited for Jiang Baibai. They made an appointment to go to the mountains at night.

In a well-decorated and warm-looking small house in front of the house, Rhubarb drilled out of it and looked at Fang Lin quietly with a pair of dry eyes.

As for why the old rhubarb lived outdoors in the winter, Fang Lin was also very curious at first. When Liu Jing asked about Yang's mother while sleeping, Yang's mother gave her an answer.

The big yellow dog is more than eight years old this year. Before he was more than one year old, he ate hundreds of meals. He wandered around the village and luckily escaped various natural disasters and dog dealers. Then he met Yang Tingxiang who was in a good mood.

The big yellow dog, who is used to the hardships of life, has consciously not stepped into the house since the first day he entered this house. The living area is this spacious yard.

Even after Yang's mother took him to the town to take a clean bath, at the request of Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing, Yang Tingxiang agreed to the two precious grandchildren who wanted to bring him into the house.

But the big yellow dog is still indifferent, whether it is seduced with food or kicked out with a stick, it just does not enter the house.

So there was no other way, so Mama Yang asked someone to order such a warm little house, which used the best insulation materials, and there was a big shed and a refreshing pond in the yard in summer, so she wouldn't worry about heatstroke.

"Go back to sleep, I'll go out to play, don't bark."

Under Fang Lin's urging, the big yellow dog wagged its tail and walked into his hut quietly.

At this time, Fang Lin raised his head.

A window on the second floor of the large mountain villa opened quietly, and a white shadow came out of the gap without a sound and landed firmly on the ground.

Then the window was closed quietly again, and a sheep's head appeared behind the window and Fang Lin waved his hoof.

When Fang Lin also greeted the lamb, Jiang Baibai said excitedly: "Let's go, let's explore Wuhu in the forest~"

She hadn't gone out to explore for a long time, and this time it was the primeval forest of her ancestral land, her DNA was directly moved.

Fang Lin didn't have any ink marks, and the two jumped out from the wall and ran towards the back mountain.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, the moonlight was shining on the vast Daxing Mountains, and the snow-covered layers on the top of the mountains in the distance seemed to be emitting a little fluorescence.

In the snow-covered forest, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai shuttled among them.

Originally, Jiang Baibai wanted to see some jokes about Kaka, after all, the environment in the forest is very complicated.

In addition to various trees, there are some shrubs, and the terrain is also uneven.

After all, Kaka doesn't have his own rich experience in exploration, so it's not allowed to have one foot deep and one foot shallow. Maybe the white hair, which is more beautiful than himself, will be caught somewhere.

However, who knew that Kaka's performance was completely beyond his expectations.

In the difficult virgin mountain forest, whether it is a steep uphill or a gap between trees, it is very smooth.

This has nothing to do with the amount of strength, it is purely a sense of familiarity in the bones.

After all, it's not a bulldozer-like rampage or staying vigilant and dodging around like obstacles.

It's a spirit beast born and bred with full field experience.

"Why do I feel like you have been to the primeval forest many times?"

"You forgot, we also walked through the woods in the imaginary world."

"Oh alright."

Although it didn't feel right after all, it wasn't too long after all, but Jiang Baibai thought about it and there was no other explanation. It can only be said that Kaka has a strong adaptability.

"I feel that you are born to live in the spirit world."

Faced with Jiang Baibai's praise, Fang Lin smiled and did not reply.

In fact, the reason why he feels like he has returned home is also due to his own blood. Inheritance is full of experience in this complex terrain, and he got used to it in a short while.

High bloodline inheritance is so unreasonable.

"Have we all traveled a long way? Can you see if there are any relics?"

Jiang Baibai felt it for a while and said: "It's about ten kilometers away, I'll use my magic weapon to sense it."

As she spoke, she took out a transparent crystal ball, and soon the crystal ball seemed to be filled with ink, filled with the power of shadow.

"Okay, if it detects the fluctuation of the ruins, it will light up, let's continue to look around, I haven't played for a long time."

The crystal ball became the size of a small marble and floated in front of the two of them.

It seems that Jiang Baibai is not only interested in treasure hunting, but walking in nature is also her interest.

She was curious to observe some small nocturnal animals she saw along the way.

From time to time, he also shared some beautiful little creatures in the spirit world with Fang Lin.

The one mentioned by Jiang Baibai is similar to fireflies, but it is an elf composed of small auras, which makes Fang Lin very curious.

Coming to the Daxing Mountains, walking a road that has never been taken before, and seeing the scenery that has never been seen before, this is what Fang Lin enjoys very much now.

He took a deep breath of the fresh aura-rich air, and then let it out slowly.

It is also a beautiful thing to have someone to accompany you for a walk on a quiet night and under the bright moonlight.

When he was still a human, how long had he not felt this way?

Well, it seems like it hasn't been since my parents passed away.

Jiang Baibai led the way around with great interest to observe and appreciate, while Fang Lin followed closely to listen to her narration and sharing.

Happy time always passes quickly, nearly two hours have passed and the sky is still deep black.

Maybe wait until seven o'clock, the sky here will be bright, right?

Just when Fang Lin thought he was just going out to take a look at the scenery this time, suddenly a strange fluctuation began to spread in the primitive mountain forest.

This wave is like a breeze or like the wings of a butterfly flapping gently.

However, what spread along with it was the already strong aura in the Daxing Mountains.

As a result, a turbulent tide of spiritual energy began to surge in the mountains and forests, and the power of heaven and earth also became extremely active and excited.

Fang Lin's face turned pale immediately.


Among other things, this wave of spiritual energy and the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth, Fang Lin was the first to bear the brunt.

Fang Lin, who had been patient at the threshold, was suddenly disturbed by the tide of aura and the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth.

The three dark gold very noble aura cores in the body suddenly started to run slowly and spontaneously, just like a giant sleeping beast woke up and gradually brightened up.

At the same time, the excited power of heaven and earth also began to squeeze into Fang Lin's body.

It's like a hole has been cut in the dam, and a breakthrough is already imperative.

At this time, Jiang Baibai became excited: "Kaka! The ruins! Look!"

The crystal ball suspended in front of their eyes began to bloom with dazzling brilliance, like a crystal clear gem.

"Wow! It still looks like a precious relic, we are lucky!!"

Jiang Baibai was very excited.

However, Fang Lin couldn't help it anymore, he said hastily.

"Okay, let's look separately, and I'll go over there."

After finishing speaking, he directly mobilized the aura to run the hidden talent, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Baibai: "???"

"My magic weapon has a guiding function! Hey!"

Jiang Baibai was a little speechless looking at Kaka who had disappeared. As for being so eager?
But it doesn't matter, Kaka's messenger-level strength is not in any danger.

Hehe, then the princess will be the first to take down this relic~

Jiang Baibai sensed the magic weapon and ran to a place completely different from Fang Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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