Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 211 Please Teach Me

Chapter 211 Please Teach Me
In the cave illuminated by the bonfire in the Daxing Mountains, the envoy suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong aura immediately spread.

A small golden tower was directly summoned by him and suspended in the air. When the aura was activated, a phantom of itself appeared on the small tower, and then spread to the surroundings.

It's like opening a transparent hood and quickly expanding through the thick walls.

Sensing the movement, Cole quickly felt overjoyed: "Holy envoy, is this the fluctuation of the ruins?"


However, the envoy didn't look happy. He frowned and said, "But I didn't expect this relic to be so powerful. After being attracted by me before, the initial fluctuations are so obvious."

"I have used the holy artifact to cover up the subsequent aura fluctuations, but I don't know if the previous ones will be noticed by the strong human beings."

Speaking of which, the holy envoy took two steps back and forth in the cave with his huge sharp claws, weighing the gains and losses in his heart.

After a few seconds,

He suddenly turned his head, staring at Cole with sharp eagle eyes: "Your intelligence network is sure that there is no Dragon King-level combat power nearby, right?"

Cole nodded: "I'm sure that human B-level powerhouses are very limited, and Dragon Kingdom currently has only four, all of whom are stationed at the southern or northwest borders where the situation is tense, and that A-level has been guarding them all the time." Imperial capital."

"Okay, bet."

The envoy was ruthless and said decisively.

Cole saw this mission as an opportunity, and why didn't he?

A low birth means that all resources must be obtained by oneself to take risks.

Everyone wants to cultivate safely without dying, but is this possible?

Before he came, he had the consciousness that he could not go back.

This mission is to be carried out in a completely unfamiliar ancestral human country, and there is a king-level advanced combat power in this country, which is as difficult as pulling a tiger's beard.

If there is no such risk, how can such an opportunity be left to him?

The really simple task of obtaining resources and prestige has long been divided up by those royal children.

"Although the previous fluctuations may be noticed, there is nothing special about the aura fluctuations in the early stages of the ruins."

"However, there may be investigators from this country coming. Let's keep a low profile and stay within the cover of the sacred artifact and don't move around at will. If they really send investigators, just wait for them to leave and act."



Black Province, Qiankun headquarters.

"Boss Guan, at the coordinate XX outside the Daxing Mountains, abnormal aura fluctuations were detected, but the fluctuations disappeared after only two or three seconds, and the fluctuations were not very violent. It may be the aura disorder caused by the increase in aura density or the appearance of relics."

A member of the intelligence department sitting in front of a very sci-fi instrument turned his head and reported to the burly man sitting at a separate desk not far away.

"No hurry, I'll take a look."

The man responded calmly and stood up from his seat.

With a height of 1.9 meters, he only wears a standard short-sleeved upper body in the office in winter, with combat pants and combat boots underneath.

The muscle outline of the body is extremely obvious. If it is placed in the movie, it should be the same as Schwarzenegger who can play Gatling with one hand.

The man walked up to the instrument, and the members of the intelligence department clicked on it, and the 3D holographic projection of the Daxing Mountains appeared in front of them.

A line of rating numbers also appeared in the air.

The man pondered for a while and said, "Which is the nearest Qiankun branch?"

"Well, it's 15 kilometers away from Mingyuan Town. Let me see, it belongs to the Qiankun Branch of Qi City."

"Qi Shi? Open that kid? Has he reached the C level?"

"Master Zhang Kai is still a D-level peak record in the system."

At this time, a man in casual clothes with a thermos came over and asked, "Old Guan, what's the situation now?"

Seeing the minister coming, Guan Hanshan told him the information he had just collected.

The head of the Qiankun Headquarters of the Black Province suddenly murmured, and cursed in a low voice: "It's really fucking unavailable, and I don't know how those monsters in the Southern Province cultivate."

He pondered for a while and said: "Let Zhang Kai take someone to investigate first. The D-level peak plus his background can come and go freely in the primitive mountain forest. If there is an emergency, report it immediately."

"Old Guan, you should also prepare, if there is an unexpected situation, you can go to support."

"it is good."

Guan Hanshan signaled his subordinates to contact Zhang Kai, while he chatted with the minister.

"Baibu, if you feel that no one is available, break through quickly. Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you don't take this lead, I guess it will be difficult for the few of us to break through."

Minister Bai rolled his eyes: "Does everything work like this at the beginning?"

"I can't help it. Sometimes it's just so mysterious. Our side is in urgent need of high-level combat power, and we can't do anything. What should I do if there is an accident this time? I can only ask the emperor for help."

"What a fart to ask for help, the situation is so tense now, what's the use of asking for help? I really will be there at that time, and we will die together."

Facing the complaints from the head of his own intelligence department, Minister Bai looked like a cat whose tail had been trampled and its hair blown: "No matter what, I will never bow to Deng Jiefu."

Guan Hanshan shook his head nonchalantly: "God Ma called the ministers of Qiankun Headquarters from all provinces to a meeting, so you have to salute him."

"My good minister, it's not what it used to be."

After finishing speaking, Guan Hanshan returned to his seat and looked through the documents.

The remaining Minister Bai was stunned on the spot.

Fang Lin was not idle at this time, and rushed towards the opposite direction of Xiaoyang Village in the virgin forest of the Daxing Mountains.

He feels more and more wrong now.

The sapphire-like eyes began to radiate a faint light, and the dark golden spiritual core in the body was running crazily, and the power of heaven and earth was slowly sucked into Fang Lin's body by the spiritual core.

The blood all over his body began to boil and become hot, and the mysterious runes that were born in his body also shone with light and began to transform into dark gold.

Fang Lin was a little anxious, he couldn't bear it anymore.

And for some unknown reason, his higher bloodline, which was mutated by unknown influences, became very restless, and his hidden powers gradually became somewhat dysfunctional under the influence of the bloodline.

It's like a proud king who doesn't bother to hide his head and tail in this way.

Forget it, so be it.

It is far enough away from Xiaoyang Village, so hurry up and go back after breaking through.

With this in mind, Fang Lin stopped running, and found a flat and quiet place nearby to actively mobilize the spiritual core in his body to cater to the active power of heaven and earth.

At this moment of mutual attraction, it seemed that some shackles were opened between heaven and earth.

The turbulent power of heaven and earth began to gather crazily, and the surrounding spiritual energy set off waves like the sea stirred by the Dinghai Shenzhen needle.

Fang Lin, who was at the center of the great change, felt unusually hot. He could clearly feel that his body and spirit were undergoing an unprecedented transformation.

The senses become more and more clear, and the sky, the ground, the wind, and the snow seem to be not themselves, but they are themselves.

He seems to have a deeper understanding of nature and a broader perspective.

The high-level blood in his body is also getting hotter, as if cheering and celebrating, announcing that a new legend is about to begin.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and obeyed his heart seriously, but what he didn't know was that his body gradually began to change in the center of the aura vortex stirred by the power of heaven and earth.

The originally snow-white and fluffy hair began to grow slowly, and the body also rose into the air and gradually grew larger.

The blue is like a real aura surrounding Fang Lin, his sharp claws and tail, his whole body began to truly look like a future king, full of terrifying oppression.

The sky and the earth also seemed to be celebrating, a bright beam of light was cast directly from the distant dark sky and reflected on Fang Lin's body, silver, crystal clear silver.

The originally handsome and handsome husky turned into a huge moon howling silver wolf king, and a lightning-like luminous crescent appeared between Fang Lin's eyebrows.

The already cool eyes became sharper and more majestic, and a ball of silver mane fluctuated slowly with the aura on his chest.

Just as Fang Lin was immersed in the breakthrough, the huge spiritual energy fluctuations also began to stir up the situation.

"Report! At the customs, A-level aura tides were found at the coordinates of the large mountain range XXXX, and at the same time, the detection equipment detected the aura fluctuations of strange B-level creatures."

"Compared with the database, there is a 90.00% probability that there is a spirit beast breaking through there."

"What? B-level spirit beast, why haven't you found any information about it before? Report it to the imperial capital immediately, and I'll go find the minister."


"Holy envoy, this is?"

The Holy Envoy stared fixedly at the gloomy night outside the entrance of the cave: "This is a spirit beast breaking through the Venerable."

After speaking, he rushed out of the cave immediately.

In the distance, amidst the dense pine needle forest and the shadows, a huge moonlight pillar slowly sprinkled down, and the spiritual energy in a radius of more than ten kilometers was rolled into a vortex and gathered in the direction of the spirit beast.

The time the envoy had seen this kind of situation was the last time, it was simply unbelievable.

Cole chased him out and was stunned by the scene in front of him. The whole world seemed to be penetrated by that huge moonlight, penetrating the sky and the earth.

"Is this the B-rank?"

Cole looked a little fascinated, the picture in front of him was so beautiful.

The envoy looked at Cole and shook his head. He didn't want to tell Cole that even in the spirit world, only the top royal children would make such a breakthrough.

He felt the strong power of heaven and earth around Yuehua and said to Cole: "This spirit beast is not simple, let's go back, the mission is temporarily postponed."

"What? Are we going back?"

"Otherwise? This recent venerable has made such a big noise, it is impossible for the human A-level to have no news, and they will not be able to leave if they don't leave."

"Otherwise, let's disturb him twice. Anyway, this is in the territory of Dragon Kingdom, making him hate human beings."

Yas's eyes lit up and he began to think of crooked ideas.

"Hehe, the weak always have inexplicable courage."

The envoy couldn't help but think of the female bear that roared at him before, the creatures in the ancestral land were still too naive.

"Let's go, that guy looks like he's about to make a breakthrough."

As he said that, the holy envoy spread his wings, grabbed Cole and Yas one by one with two claws, and flew into the sky.

"It's broken, it's broken, how could there be a beast master breakthrough? How many hidden existences are there in the ancestral land?"

Jiang Baibai looked anxiously at the place where the sky and the earth were illuminated, which happened to be the direction Kaka was running.

Could it be affected by the relics?Maybe this beast master had taken a fancy to the ruins a long time ago, and was waiting for the opportunity, or simply started to break through because he had benefited from the ruins.

Kaka won't meet any Beast Master, right?

Should not should not.

Kaka is not the kind of curious person, and if he finds something wrong, he should run out directly.

No, I have to check it out.

Jiang Baibai put away the crystal ball and with a thought, a shadow immediately enveloped her, and she disappeared in place without a sound in an instant.

The imperial capital, the headquarters of Qiankun.

"Team Deng, the Qiankun Branch of the Black Province is asking for help. There are traces of strange B-level spirit beasts in the Daxing Mountains, which are suspected to be breaking through the realm. There are towns and villages within 20 kilometers."

"Minister Bai and the others have already set off and headed straight to the marked spot. He said that if nothing can be done, they will delay it for 3 minutes at all costs."

Daxing Mountains, where is Kaka?

"Well, I see."

"From now on, the imperial capital is in a state of special combat readiness, and the aura radar is fully activated. Once any traces of strange cultivators are found, they will be arrested immediately, and the resisters will be killed immediately. I will now authorize the authorization of the Tianwei defense system to Deputy Minister Ling Yunfu."


After Deng Jiefu finished speaking, his eyes glowed with golden light, and the absolute truth of everything in the world was immediately displayed in front of him, and the golden light on his body disappeared in place.



In the spacious and warm cave that Little Bear used to be, the little squirrel was standing in front of him to resist his way.

Fang Lin's advanced position was only one kilometer away from them, and the violent aura and momentum made the little squirrel tremble.

And the little bear felt the aura storm not far away and the oppressive breath from the strong, and his body was excitedly secreting adrenaline.

that's how it feels,

It turns out that this blue light spot can bring such a huge power.

However, he himself couldn't even absorb the blue light spots.

The little bear squeezed the little squirrel away from him and rushed out of the tree hole.

At this moment, it seemed to be in the center of a storm.

Feeling the turbulent blue ocean around him, it stared closely at the beam of light that seemed to be in front of him. The moonlight gave him a warm and friendly feeling, but this violent momentum made him tremble unceasingly.

But it has no choice, the opportunity is in front of it.

Intuition told it that the owner of the beam of light must be stronger than that vulture.

Bear, who can sense aura but doesn't know how to use it, can't restrain his desire for revenge.

He gritted his teeth and climbed down from the tree, followed the direction of the surrounding aura and ran towards the center of the vortex.


you are crazy!
"Little squirrel, I want revenge!"

The little squirrel froze in place as he watched the back of the little bear going away.

At the center of the aura storm, Fang Lin's breakthrough has gradually come to an end.

It was as if he had entered a fighting form now, his huge body reflecting crystal light all over his body.

With a thought, under the boost of the power of heaven and earth, a substantial blue aura permeated his body, just like the energy radiating from a Super Saiyan.

The originally handsome face was now set off to look like a cold-faced male god.

Although Fang Lin couldn't see his own face now, he knew that he must be very cool now, and the feeling of being radiant was so cool.

The beast should have full special effects.

After being promoted to B-level, in addition to the power of heaven and earth that other creatures can master, his bloodline has evolved again.

His current appearance is a form dedicated to combat, which greatly increases physical activity to provide a huge increase in aura, and can also use Fatianxiangdi to increase the size again.

Oh, it's time to fly.

Fang Lin took a deep breath, and the spiritual core slowly resonated with the surrounding world.

The power of heaven and earth was induced to act on his body, so a howling moon silver wolf in combat form with blue light all over his body slowly floated into the sky.

And the little bear who rushed over happened to see this scene, and with his eyes absent-minded, he fell with a plop and ate shit.

Fang Lin:? ? ? this a bear?

How do you feel that you are not as big as the princess?
Fang Lin slowly floated towards the little bear, looking down at him with cold eyes full of frost in his fighting form.

The little bear propped himself up on his stubby limbs awkwardly, looked up at Fang Lin, and then turned his face to the ground again, with his buttocks up and lying on the ground.


Fang Lin frowned and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"I want you to teach me."

"Teach you what?"

"Become like you!"

 I was about to fall asleep while writing this. Today is my first day at work. I went to bed at 4 o’clock last night and woke up at 7:[-] in the morning.Can't stand it, can't stand it, give up
(End of this chapter)

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