Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 212 Master, tap lightly

Chapter 212 Master, tap lightly

"Become like you!"

As if to cheer himself up, Little Bear shouted hoarsely at Fang Lin in the sky.

After shouting, it widened its eyes and waited for the reply from the existence in the sky.

The huge body covered the sky and the sun, and the white and beautiful hair fluttered in the gorgeous light and shadow of the aura. It seemed soft but gave people a feeling of indestructibility.

Little Bear doesn't know what it means to be strong, and he doesn't understand what it means to be powerful.

But looking at the dazzling blue aura special effects around Fang Lin and the moonlight beam that pierces the sky, is it even better than that bald eagle?

Handsome is just one word.

Just when the little bear looked excitedly and nervously at the strange strong man in the sky, it suddenly discovered that the space above the opponent's back began to become unreal.

Then in the blink of an eye, a pair of giant wings emerged out of thin air and spread out against the wind. The huge wings almost covered the entire sky and covered everything in front of his eyes.

The aura, light and shadow also become more colorful with the generation of giant wings.

Little Bear stared blankly.

"That's great."

It muttered to itself.


While the wings were flapping, a gust of wind howled out.

Visible wind and waves tossed the surrounding pine needle trees.

The little bear also felt a huge force starting to push it, it quickly lowered its center of gravity, and its chubby little claws firmly grasped the ground.

However, it still had no effect, the entire bear body was blown out, and it turned several times in succession.

Fang Lin stopped agitating when he saw the position, landed from the air and stepped on the ground, looking down at the little bear who happened to be blown up in front of him.

"Why should I teach you?"

The cold and arrogant voice clearly entered the little bear's little ears.

It looked up at Fang Lin, but it was a bit tall and his neck was too short, so he just sat down on the ground and raised his head.

However, looking up at Fang Lin, the little bear didn't know what to say for a while, and the chubby paw scratched the bear's head anxiously for a long time and choked out a sentence: "I, I want to become stronger."

This little brown bear is quite playful.

Fang Lin couldn't help chuckling, this newly awakened animal is really interesting.

I feel very innocent in my mind, a bit like a silly child.

No wonder the thousand-year-old monsters in the novels I read before were all beaten to death by the protagonist.

After living for so many years, my brain is not very bright, let alone the newly awakened one in front of me.

But Fang Lin then put away his smile, stared at it with sapphire-like eyes and said thoughtfully, "Well, you want to become stronger."


"What does that have to do with me?"

Little Bear froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Fang Lin waited for a few seconds and said again: "It seems that none of you can impress me."

"Hey, here comes another little guy."

With a slight movement of Fang Lin's wings, a little squirrel was blown up from the big tree behind by a whirlwind and flew into the sky.

In front of Fang Lin's power of heaven and earth and aura, the wind in nature is very cute, and the little squirrel is just a little bit floated by the wind.


The little squirrel that was suddenly rolled down from the top of the tree fluttered in the air in a panic.

When she was running here just now, she felt a gust of wind in the woods. Fortunately, she found a suitable branch and hugged her tightly so that she didn't get blown off.

This time, I actually flew directly into the sky. Anyone flying at such a high altitude would be hurt.

After bouncing around for a while, a sense of weightlessness suddenly hit her. She was so frightened that she thought she was going to fall to her death, so she closed her eyes in fear.

Two seconds later, when she opened her eyes, she realized that she was already on the ground.

The little squirrel looked at the little bear beside him for two seconds before reacting.


Fang Lin nodded slightly, and a cloud of gas came out of his nose and blew on the little squirrel, causing her to take two steps back.

Seeing Fang Lin's huge lowered mouth, the little squirrel quickly hid behind the little bear's butt.

"Don't be afraid, little squirrel, he is good."

Little Bear took the initiative to introduce to Little Squirrel.

However, the little squirrel took a peek at Fang Lin, and compared Fang Lin's mouth with his own body with a pair of small paws behind the little bear, feeling as if he could eat several of himself in one bite.

Fang Lin felt that it was a little more interesting, and the good person card was issued now?
pure fool,
If the spirit beasts and humans can coexist harmoniously after the spiritual energy is revived, it is estimated that one of these spirit beasts will have to be deceived in a few days.

Then, individual conflicts gradually rise to group conflicts in this way, and the grievances between the two groups grow bigger and bigger, and finally the division of humans and animals is irreconcilable.

Tsk tsk, Fang Lin felt as if he understood some profound social truth.

However, Fang Lin didn't plan to fight with these two little guys for a long time. It is estimated that there will be more spirit beasts in the future, so there is nothing unusual.

Fang Lin raised his head again and looked down at the two little ones. Now that he has changed from a small car to a truck, the brown bear and squirrel can only be regarded as small ones.

Fang Lin said in a deep and solemn voice with a little regret: "Unfortunately, although your little friend accompanied you, you still have no reason to impress me."

"I can't teach you."

Little Bear gritted his teeth tightly when he heard Fang Lin's answer, and told him frantically in his heart that he must seize this opportunity, which is the only chance in this life.

"I want revenge. My mother was killed by a big bird and took her away. I want to avenge her."

"Well, it's a touching story, but it still has nothing to do with me."

"You go."

The rules of the animal world are like this. Where there is no civilization, the survival of the fittest is natural selection. Even the animal world is photographed from a distance.

How many newborn duikers were separated from their mothers under their lens, and there are also scenes of antelope mothers fighting with lions and leopards in order to protect their daughters.

But the bird that could kill an adult brown bear should also be a spirit beast, so he couldn't care less about it. If the spirit beast didn't hunt, what would it eat?
In the final analysis, it has nothing to do with him. Fang Lin will only do his best to protect his relatives and friends in his life.

If he has spare energy, he may also help humans. After all, most of his family, friends, teachers and teachers are also humans.

And he himself considers himself human.

Little Xiong stared blankly at the silver wolf with wings amidst the brilliant lights and shadows, his body was very weak.


What does it have to do with him?

Little Bear had no choice but to fall down on all fours in front of Fang Lin again.

There are only two thoughts in the young and pure heart, one is to continue to pray in case there is a glimmer of hope?

The second is to sternly say to the front that it is stronger than that strange bird, 30 years in the east of the river and 30 years in the west of the river, there will be no bears here, there will be places where bears are kept, don't bully young bears!
But the second immature and childish thought only flashed for a moment before being thrown out of his mind.

The little squirrel looked at the bear with a heavy back, then looked up at the "scary" Fang Lin, thought for a moment and jumped in front of the bear.

Under Fang Lin's scrutinizing gaze, he took out two pine nuts from his mouth.

Fang Lin: "???"

Seeing Fang Lin's indifference, the little squirrel thought that he didn't understand or didn't think it was enough, so she pushed the two pine nuts forward and put them on the ground, and then used her two little paws to make gestures out of thin air.


Indicate that I still have a lot of pine nuts and pine cones, and I can give them to you.

The little bear was very moved when he heard the little squirrel's intermittent words, but he was also a little anxious: "No, those are your winter food. I have already eaten half of you. What would you do without these?"




The two quarreled with each other so that Fang Lin frowned, as if he really wanted these pine nuts.

I always eat steak, okay?
After his mind moved and transformed, he released a little bit of coercion that he could control more freely, and the bear and the squirrel closed their mouths in fright.

But now he has a little interest in the little squirrel, and in his induction, the little squirrel's intelligence has reached a certain level, perhaps because the aura of this primitive mountain forest is stronger than that of the city.

And he is also very curious about how the bear and the squirrel met, and when can such creatures become friends in nature?

"Are you friends? How did you become friends?"

Hearing this, Little Bear thought for a while, felt a little embarrassed, and fell silent for a while, while Little Squirrel, after understanding Fang Lin's words and spiritual transmission, began to think with a not very bright mind.

Actually she doesn't know either,
At first, he was very angry with the little bear.

But then Bear apologized, and she wasn't so angry.

Later, she witnessed the tragic scene of Little Bear and her mother and was greatly shocked. She felt very uncomfortable in her heart because she didn't have a mother, or even brothers and sisters.

In a daze, I wanted to help the little bear.

The little squirrel spoke intermittently and vaguely. Fang Lin half-guessed and half-understood.

Half of the food for the winter was eaten, but an apology can forgive more than half of it.

It should be empathy later, and there is no mother.

Fang Lin felt strange in his heart. During the dark days when he was a human being, he felt that he was the most unfortunate one in the world.

In the past seven or eight years of university + graduation, I have never seen anything as miserable as myself.

Now that I have become Emperor Ha, I see them every day, and they are all spirit beasts.

Jiang Baibai is, in his daily contact, he should observe the lamb, and now this little brown bear is, and so is the little squirrel.

Nature is really so cruel?
Are there very few happy people?
Civilization is really a good thing, and Dragon Kingdom is really good.

Just as Fang Lin sighed, a ray of golden light suddenly flashed in the distant sky.

Then a rift suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a figure wandered out from the void to hang in the dark sky.

At this moment, a terrifying coercion accurately enveloped the entire surrounding primitive mountains and forests.

When Fang Lin broke through before, it was only the natural pressure and momentum brought by the raging spiritual energy storm and the power of heaven and earth, and he did not deliberately use blood pressure to enhance it.

But this time the coercion is much more violent than before, and it is extremely targeted.

The little bear and the little squirrel in front of Fang Lin were just trembling with panic on their faces, while Fang Lin himself felt as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed, and it was accompanied by an irresistible sense of powerlessness and fear from the heart.

The golden light in the man's eyes flashed in the sky, he quickly determined the position and flew towards Fang Lin, and stopped in the sky above Fang Lin and the others in the blink of an eye.

It was Deng Jiefu who came.

Hearing that there was a B-level breakthrough in the Daxing Mountains, he immediately thought of the second apprentice who was traveling in the Northeast.

Surprised and delighted in my heart, I was very worried, and without saying a word, I urged the field of law to run over regardless of the cost.

First of all, he wasn't [-]% sure, after all, his second apprentice had only been promoted to C-level for three or four months, and he had to have great fate and peerless talent to break through quickly.

Just like he did at the beginning, the breakthrough was like drinking water as if he was blessed by the world.

Secondly, if it was really him, he would have to arrive immediately. He was afraid that Kaka, who was young, would not understand what was wrong with the breakthrough or was disturbed by someone.

He has broken through to B level, and he knows that this is a very difficult transformation. When he realizes that the power of heaven and earth enters his body and resonates with heaven and earth, no matter whether it is body, soul, or spirit, the messy terms and definitions will be tempered and improved, and they must not be ignored. What went wrong with Interference.

Deng Jiefu looked at this mighty and handsome huge spirit beast covered with special effects and a bit flamboyant on the ground, and immediately felt that it was almost the same.

Then he mobilized his magical eyes, and the sharp golden light swept across the whole body of the spirit beast.

When he felt the familiar feeling of opaqueness, he finally had a bottom line in his heart.

Heart, let go, the result is very good.

However, he was a little angry.

This brat is sneaky and secretive about such a big matter, so he must teach him a lesson.

Thinking of this, Deng Jiefu's expression became serious. After observing the scene, a wave of golden spiritual bubbles enveloped the little bear and the little squirrel and took them to the side, and then the monstrous momentum attacked Fang Lin again.

Fang Lin felt the pressure strengthened again, and his blood boiled.

It seems that Lao Deng didn't realize that it was him, so he just took the opportunity of wearing a mask to touch him.

After breaking through to B-level, he felt a little invincible, the power of heaven and earth, spiritual core transformation, physical transformation, physical supernatural power transformation, supernatural power transformation, bloodline breakthrough transformation.

All this gave Fang Lin infinite confidence.

This is a divine beast, an invincible divine beast of the same rank.

It's just A-level, if Lao Deng also has the blood of the beast, he really wants to be a little bit cowardly, now hehe.

If he had beaten him, he would just slip away and pretend he didn't know when the time came.

However, in order to prevent accidents, he coughed lightly and shouted in Chinese: "Humans! I have no hostility towards the human race. Since you came to the door today, I will touch you!"

Then the power in the blood vessels surged crazily, the blood all over his body began to boil, and the dark golden runes all over the bone meridians in his body suddenly shone brightly under the urging of the spiritual energy.


After the astonishing roar, Fang Lin's blood pressure directly bloomed. The pressure on his body suddenly decreased, and even dispelled by reverse suppression.

With a flap of its wings, the winged silver wolf flew into the air and attacked Deng Jiefu.


"Hello? Who is it? I'm on a mission."

"You don't have to come, I'm already here."

"Who the hell are you?"

Deng Jiefu hung up the phone, and looked at the second apprentice flying towards him with a smile on his lips.

grown up,
Something like that.


It is far worse than being a teacher.

He raised his hand slightly, and in an instant, golden lines began to spread in the surrounding space, and then instantly formed a net that enveloped Fang Lin and a radius of hundreds of meters.

This golden color is so natural, as if it belongs to this world or it is a world.

The moment the golden area was formed, strong pressure suddenly appeared on Fang Lin's body.

The spiritual energy and the power of heaven and earth that had been very close to him all the way seemed to have become strange and difficult to control at this time, so much so that the spiritual energy in his body could not be controlled and could not function.

The situation turned to the extreme in an instant.

Fang Lin's blood began to roar hot, and what flowed in his body was supreme and noble blood.

This blood comes from the bloodline of the most respected holy beast in the other world and has been sublimated in endless time and space. It refuses to accept it.

No one can make a person with this bloodline bow his head.


A long and angry howl exploded in Fang Lin's body, and the four spiritual cores that had changed from dark gold to a little radiant were connected again, and even the remaining five were faintly visible.

The phantom of the winged silver wolf reappeared in Fang Lin's body after a long absence, and Fang Lin struggled to mobilize the surrounding aura and power of heaven and earth.

It's like taking steps in a swamp.


Deng Jiefu was a little surprised, but he curled his lips again: "My good disciple, he is still far away."

The golden light was dazzling again.

The intensity this time directly sealed Fang Lin's body, and his actions, aura, and power of heaven and earth were instantly silent.

The incomparable blood boiling in his body also calmed down all of a sudden, as if to say, or else, forget it first.

Fang Lin suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Deng Jiefu also fell down slowly, and walked slowly towards Fang Lin.

Knowing that he had been exposed, Fang Lin smiled wryly and moved his only free mouth to beg for mercy: "Master, I was wrong, hit me lightly."

"Ha ha."

(End of this chapter)

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