Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 213 Test

Chapter 213 Test
"Sinister, do you know that you are called Master now?"

Fang Lin couldn't move and lay on the ground, his eyes rolled in their sockets and he found that Deng Jiefu started to go around behind him.

At the same time, the golden light began to condense behind him, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Fang Lin quickly opened his mouth to quibble, trying to awaken the master-student relationship in Deng Jiefu's heart.

"Master, I just made a new breakthrough, so I want to discuss it with you."

"I know you love me the most, so I'm afraid that after you reveal your identity, you won't be able to do anything, so I pretend not to know you."

"Oh, I see?"

Deng Jiefu's voice seemed to soften a little.

Feeling that Deng Jiefu's tone softened, Fang Lin was overjoyed and rushed to pursue the victory.

"Of course, I didn't expect you to subdue me without even touching you. You are really amazing. You are worthy of being number one in the world and the patron saint of the Dragon Kingdom."

Facing Fang Lin's praise, the corner of Deng Jiefu's mouth twitched, but soon became expressionless again.

"Okay, then I forgive you for this matter."

"Okay! Then come to me first, I don't see that you are a little flustered."

"Hehe, it's not over yet, what should you do if you conceal the news that you are about to break through?"



Deng Jiefu snorted coldly, and the golden light instantly condensed into a slender whip in the air, and with a light flick, it hit Fang Lin's spanking.



Strangely, the long whip formed by the golden light hit Fang Lin's furry buttocks without any trauma, and he didn't even lose two hairs, but Fang Lin felt a needle-pricking pain that hit his soul directly.

Although he can't use aura now, he is in combat mode now. The fur on his whole body looks soft but his defensive power is abnormally high at B-level.

Even Fang Lin's non-aura-powered bullets and cannons couldn't pierce the fur.

But now facing this golden whip is useless.

Fang Lin bared his teeth in pain and yelled, "Don't! Master, I was wrong! What did you use to beat it? It hurts like hell."

Not far away, the little bear and the little squirrel, who were suspended in the golden light bubble, looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Especially Xiaoxiong, his future master is actually being spanked with a whip by a human being who fell from the sky!
(A flash of lightning flashed in its mind, and it suddenly understood what a master is. Well, that's it.)
The little squirrel couldn't bear to look straight at it, covered his eyes with his little paws, and then continued to peek at Fang Lin being beaten from between his fingers.

The little bear looked at the little squirrel, and followed her example and covered his eyes with the bear's paw, but he really covered it after he covered it, and let it go after thinking about it.

"Do you know it hurts now?"

"Tell me, if there are cultivators with malicious intentions who take advantage of your breakthrough to interfere with you, what should you do?"

"Breakthrough to B-level is an overall sublimation and transformation. What if you make a mistake by yourself?"

"Why didn't you notify me in advance?"

"Come or not."


The golden whip swung again and hit Fang Lin's ass.


"It's too late!"

"I have always restricted myself and the power of heaven and earth. I wanted to find a geomantic treasure today, and then prepare for a breakthrough later. Who knew that the power of heaven and earth around me was disturbed by the fluctuations of the ruins, and then I couldn't restrain it. Stayed and broke through directly."

Damn, what is this thing that feels so evil?
Not the same as normal pain.

Fang Lin, who was a little scared, said all the reasons in one go, for fear that Deng Jiefu would give him another whip.

Hearing this, Deng Jiefu frowned, feeling a little strange.

"Restrict the power of heaven and earth and your own induction?"

"Yes, my cultivation speed is too fast. I want to consolidate the foundation like those written in those novels. Who would have thought that I would break through without holding back all of a sudden? I really don't blame me. I originally thought that I would tell yours."

And such a thing?
Deng Jiefu has always heard complaints from the elites of the Dragon Kingdom about their inability to sense the power of heaven and earth and their lack of affinity with heaven and earth, but he did not expect to gain knowledge today.

Even he took a lot of effort to successfully resonate with the world.

This apprentice of mine is a bit of a monster with talent.

Could it be that he is in the same moment of being blessed by the world as he was before?
According to academician Lu's guess, this is similar to the restrictions on beings from the spirit world when they come to Skyblue Star, and it should be some kind of world rule or some means left by the ancestors.

According to a more fanciful guess, Shui Lanxing actually has his own thinking, but he has been sleeping before the aura has not appeared.

When the content of special particles such as aura in the air increases, it will have a very special impact on the water blue star, so she wakes up and blesses the local biological group in order to cope with the challenges from outside.

But this is just a scientific hypothesis, just like some previous scientific hypotheses on basic theories, it sounds powerful but has no theoretical basis.

Deng Jiefu didn't think about it any more. Since it happened like this, there must be a reason for it.

He never thinks that he is the most talented one, and it doesn't matter if his apprentice's talent is better than his own.

"Okay, then it's considered that you have passed the test temporarily."

Fang Lin was overjoyed immediately, his ass finally didn't have to be beaten, why didn't he have the ability to resist in front of Deng Jiefu?

The golden long whip spun around in the air and hit Fang Lin's ass before disappearing.


Fang Lin screamed in pain and bounced into the sky with too much force.


He froze for a moment before realizing that Deng Jiefu had lifted the suppression of the golden energy, and he could move freely again.

Fang Lin fluttered his wings and slowly fell down to stand in front of Deng Jiefu.

At the same time, the two golden spirit bubbles dissipated out of thin air, and the bear and squirrel inside also fell to the ground from a height of half a meter.

The little bear who had been beating the golden bubble to get out from just now fell to the ground, and quickly got up on the ground.

Then the four little chubby claws staggered back and forth on the ground, roaring and rushed towards Deng Jiefu.

"Don't hit my master!"

The small body showed an aura of death.


Deng Jiefu glanced at Fang Lin in surprise. As an A-level powerhouse, he could easily learn the language of the orcs.

When did my apprentice have an apprentice?
Didn't he become a master?

Suddenly, a black line appeared on Fang Lin's forehead.

With a light sweep of his big white and fluffy tail, he stopped the little bear's charge and fell down on Dun'er.

"Be honest with me."


The little bear who wanted to help Fang Lin but was scolded himself sat on the ground a little aggrieved.

But he is not stupid, he can see that the relationship between Fang Lin and this human is not ordinary.

Emmm, it seems that my future master still listens to this human being?
Bear rolled his eyes.

Not to mention the little bear who started to think of ghost ideas, Deng Jiefu began to inquire about what happened. After Fang Lin briefly explained the situation to Deng Jiefu in Long Mandarin, Deng Jiefu walked up to the little bear with great interest and looked at it carefully.

Xiao Xiong watched Deng Jiefu look around him and did not dare to move, for fear that he would also be beaten up by the golden thing before.

"Well, not bad."

After talking to himself for a while, Deng Jiefu smiled and asked the little bear in a very kind tone: "Uh, little brown bear, tell uncle, how many spiritual cores can you see?"

Fang Lin behind him was very speechless.

Although I don't know how old Deng Jiefu is, but he is almost 40 years old, right?

This little bear is only one year old, and he has to be called grandpa no matter what he is 40 years old.

The little bear was stunned for a moment when he heard Deng Jiefu's pure animal language, then his eyes stared like balls, and he pointed his paw at Deng Jiefu in shock and said, "You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you can talk!"

"Hahaha, of course I can talk."

Deng Jiefu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and with a light wave of his hand, a golden lifelike spiritual core suddenly appeared in the air.

The surroundings are dim, and the golden spiritual core is like a slightly rotating nebula, beautiful and mysterious.

Looking at it, it seems to see the boundless starry sky behind it, which makes people feel sincerely shocked.

The little squirrel looked dull.

The little bear looked at the golden spirit core and understood Deng Jiefu's meaning, hesitated for a while and said, "It should be four."


"Mine aren't as pretty as this one."

"Oh, congratulations, little brown bear, you're talented."

Deng Jiefu's eyes lit up and he encouraged the little brown bear, while Fang Lin curled his lips and said, "That's it? So-so."

The little brown bear was very happy at first, but he was at a loss when he heard Fang Lin's words.

"Hehe, you scoundrel is quite high-sighted, your senior brother is the same as it, you don't think much of it, do you?"


Fang Lin: "How dare I, you have a good eye."

"Otherwise, the four star cores already belonged to geniuses at the beginning of the awakening, and the complete recovery of the spiritual energy will naturally comprehend more."

"Otherwise, with Yang Zhen's tired and lazy look, I was really pleasing to my eyes at the beginning, but unfortunately, I was a little blind before, and now it's too late to regret it."


Fang Lin pouted, if he didn't have recording equipment now, or he would really record it and play it back for Yang Zhen to listen to.

And the little bear opened his mouth wide in shock, looking at the human in front of him seriously.

He is his master's master?
Could it be that he was a little dizzy.

Deng Jiefu turned his head and continued to look at the little brown bear with a smile and teased, "Isn't he still called Shizu?"

Fang Lin was in a hurry: "I haven't agreed to accept him as an apprentice yet."

Little Xiong couldn't control that much. Hearing Fang Lin's words, he rushed to Deng Jiefu's feet, wrapped his front paws tightly around Deng Jiefu's legs and shouted emotionally: "Master~!"

"Look, how cute it is."

Deng Jiefu continued on his own: "Your senior brother has been working alone in the office every day. The work is tiresome and busy. You don't want to see how lonely he is."

"It's just a matter of letting Xiaoxiong go to him to accompany him, and he can practice better with more resources."

"But when the time comes, send me off for a few days. I'll play around. No, I'll teach him how to cultivate and so on. The research institute has the latest spirit beast exercises and some pills."

Fang Lin was a little speechless: "Master, you slipped your mouth just now."

Deng Jiefu said indifferently: "Why is this little bear so cute and playful? You were so cute at the beginning, but it's a pity that I didn't have time to tease it before you became so big in a blink of an eye. It's boring."

Fang Lin stopped talking.

He looked at Deng Jiefu who was teasing the little bear, and felt that he talked a lot today.

Maybe it's because you're happy to see yourself break through?Or if you really want to chat with someone.

What Yang Zhen said just now was actually talking about himself, right?
Indeed, Fang Lin can imagine what kind of responsibilities he shoulders as the world's first A-level, and how many people he has to deal with.

Maybe, really tired.

Fang Lin didn't rule it out, and was more than happy to chat with him more.

"Master, that ruin"

"Well, I felt it when I came here. It's not easy. Besides, from the big bird you mentioned before, I probably guessed what's going on."

There was a hint of coldness in Deng Jiefu's originally kind eyes.

"Since the claws are so long, don't blame me for chopping them all up."

Hearing what he said, Fang Lin also understood what Deng Jiefu meant. It seemed that someone else was eyeing the ruins.

Seeing Deng Jiefu's icy eyes, Xiao Xiong's chubby legs trembled, he pulled Deng Jiefu's legs and said, "Master, I want to become stronger, and I want to avenge myself."

Deng Jiefu was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll leave that big bird to you, and you can avenge yourself."

Then he turned to Fang Lin and said, "You take it home to live for a while, I just happen to deal with this matter and there are still relics, and then I will ask Yang Zhen to come pick it up and send it to me."

Sure enough, this time it was completely undisguised.

Fang Lin groaned in his heart and asked, "Why didn't you send it directly to you, and you have to act when you bring it home."

Deng Jiefu shook his head and said earnestly in Long Mandarin: "You attach great importance to your family now, don't you?"


"Then it's even more important for Little Bear to get along with them for a while. I believe Little Bear will fall in love with them because of their kindness. The relationship is based on getting along. Since they will be important people in the future, naturally they can't be separated."

"I'll just take it away. Do I have to wait until it grows to be more than two meters long, and let it get along with the family from scratch?"

After hearing this, Fang Lin was still a little unwilling: "I still feel a little too casual."

"This is the fate."

"Since you two met by such a coincidence, it is fate. If I didn't come today, it means that there is no fate, but if I come, it is fate."

"You, Yang Zhen, I met you in this way, wouldn't there be people who don't believe in fate in the Age of Reiki?"


Fang Lin was speechless. He looked down at the nervous little bear who couldn't understand the conversation between the two and sighed.

Suddenly, Deng Jiefu's expression moved slightly and he looked at Fang Lin. Fang Lin also instantly sensed that someone was coming, and his spiritual energy directly changed from a fighting posture to the original appearance.

Seeing the master who suddenly became a circle younger than his mother, Little Bear opened his mouth in shock again.


Deng Jiefu gestured to the little bear, and the little bear understood it instantly, and tightly covered his mouth with the bear's paw.

After a while, a shadow appeared out of thin air.

Jiang Baibai's snow-white figure jumped out from inside, looked at Fang Lin and said worriedly: "Kaka, are you okay?"

"I am fine."

"I was scared to death. Not long after you left, there was a breakthrough from the Venerable in your direction, which may be related to the ruins."

"I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I rushed in this direction quickly, but I didn't notice the fluctuation of the battle, only the fluctuation of the breakthrough of the venerable spirit beast, so I didn't continue to approach."

In the spirit world, rashly stepping into the warning zone when other spirit beasts break through means that there will be no end to death.

"After the news of the breakthrough was over, I searched for you for a while and then felt the coercion of a king-level powerhouse. I looked up and found that it was your master, so I hurried to him."

Jiang Baibai felt a little bit wrong while talking.

She took two steps back, covered her mouth with a small white paw and looked at Fang Lin in shock: "You won't break through to the Venerable, right? It's only been four months, you, you, you."

Before Fang Lin could speak, Deng Jiefu shook his head and interrupted: "It's not Kaka, it's a strange bird that also killed the little brown bear's mother. This revenge must be avenged, right my good disciple."

The little bear reacted for a while and quickly responded: "Yes, that bird is too bad, I must take revenge in the future."

Jiang Baibai looked at the awakened little brown bear with a question mark on his face: "This is?"

"A little bear, met by Kaka by chance, wants to worship Kaka as a teacher."

what a mess
Jiang Baibai shook his head and asked the key question: "Where's the big bird at the venerable level?"

Fang Lin remained expressionless and kept silent, letting Deng Jiefu do his best.

"Let it run away temporarily, it has related magical powers, I was careless."


Can the Venerable class also escape from the King class?
However, in her impression, Deng Jiefu has always been a very reliable image, it is just that Deng Jiefu has just broken through and is not familiar with how to fight.

It is estimated that Deng Jiefu is also upset in his heart, right?After all, as a king, if you let the venerable go, you will be ridiculed by other kings.

Under the realm of law, there are all ants.

Jiang Baibai saw that Deng Jiefu would never bring up this sad thing again, so he said indifferently, "It's fine as long as Kaka is fine."

Seeing that the fooling was over, Deng Jiefu nodded with satisfaction in his heart and said to Fang Lin: "It's almost dawn, you go back quickly, I'll find someone to ask for an explanation."

"be careful."

"Smelly boy, let's go."

After speaking, a golden light flashed, and a crack appeared in the air. After Deng Jiefu walked in, the crack disappeared immediately, as if nothing existed.

This law masters
Jiang Baibai felt a little confused again.

Fortunately, Fang Lin drew her attention away.

"Little brown bear, although Deng Jiefu promised you, I didn't promise you."

Little Bear stood in front of Fang Lin and listened carefully to what he said.

"However, I can give you a chance."

"There is a [-]-kilometer primitive mountain road from here to the direction I pointed, and it may take two or three days for normal people."

"But I only give you one day, as long as you can walk out of this snow-covered virgin mountain forest within this time, I promise to take you as an apprentice."

"do you understand?"


Little Bear looked at the primeval forest in the darkness and nodded heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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