Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 214 Breakfast

Chapter 214 Breakfast ([-] words, please subscribe)

At this time, the time has come to five or six o'clock in the morning. Although the night is still dense, some elderly people who are relatively light sleepers may have woken up.

After Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai bid farewell to the little bear and the little squirrel, they quickly ran all the way through the primeval forest, hoping to return home quietly.

To be honest, Fang Lin was actually very interested in the little squirrel, but after the exchange, the little squirrel, whose intelligence was not fully developed, seemed to prefer everything now, so he had no choice but to give up.

The test against Cubs was actually just a formality, Deng Jiefu had already spoken, and Fang Lin would naturally save face.

To be honest, any spirit beast can worship Fang Lin as a teacher at this stage is simply lucky.

Fang Lin's ability is so suitable for cultivating the growth of spirit beasts, he sometimes even doubts whether the inheritance did it on purpose.

Whether it is the inheritance of the old wolf, or the space of the Great Emperor that made the inheritance mutated, it seems that there is such a starting point.

Because both of them seem to want to restore their former glory, it is bound to have a prosperous population and a deep foundation.

In the era of aura, whether it is the clan of the old wolf in the other world or the power of the fairy city or fairyland like the emperor space, it is a bit like some asset-light companies now.

Talent is their most important asset. Perhaps they had many valuable training facilities at their peak, but when they are on the verge of extinction, the first thing they think of is to transfer talents.

Only those who have practiced will be able to regain the former peak.

This is a bit of a rush to put him on the shelf and let him be the boss behind the scenes. There are so many facilities in the emperor's space, but many of them are not very useful for Fang Lin, because they are all included in the inheritance.

It is more like a pedal for Fang Lin to restore the former glory based on the current space.

But Fang Lin actually felt that these were very troublesome, so let it be, since the days are long anyway.

If we meet someone like Xiao Xiong again, it is not impossible to accept an apprentice by chance.

The most important thing is that Fang Lin himself has to become stronger. Now that he has broken through to B level, he is facing an unusually long practice.

At the beginning, the newly awakened cultivator fills up the first spiritual core, and after opening the second spiritual core, it is considered to have reached the D level.

After the second spiritual core is filled and the third spiritual core is opened, it is considered to have reached C level.

The first three spiritual cores are completely filled so that the spiritual cores form a small circulation in the body, and the fourth spiritual core will not be opened until the power of heaven and earth and the resonance of heaven and earth are understood.

At this time, it is considered to have entered the B rank.

At this point, the spiritual core in the body is no longer fighting alone. Under the comprehensive operation of the first three spiritual cores, the spiritual energy will continue to grow like a river, sea and lake, greatly increasing the battery life.

But permanence is relative.

Also at this moment, creatures who have a solid foundation and comprehend the power of heaven and earth are finally qualified to comprehend the world, have the opportunity to comprehend their own supernatural powers, and at the same time try to comprehend the laws.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth spiritual cores are all B-level categories. Every time one is filled, the creature will become stronger and have a deeper understanding of the world.

Laws are extremely mysterious and mysterious things. To comprehend the laws requires a creature to have an extremely solid foundation, which is actually the number of spiritual cores.

If the creature itself is not strong enough, then even if it understands it, it cannot bear the weight of the law.

This is also the reason why the Holy Envoy would say that everyone below the B level is an ant.

In addition to the core of law, Deng Jiefu, who entered the A-level, was three spiritual cores behind Fang Lin, who had just entered the B-level, which was why Fang Lin had no power to fight back in front of him.

Fang Lin looked inside his body while running in the primeval forest.

The background of the spiritual core has become a deep and boundless starry sky, and it seems that there are occasional stars.

Three star cores that have evolved from dark gold to radiant colors are floating in this starry sky and running quietly.

The size of Fang Lin's fourth star core has become a little scary, it really looks like a planet in the starry sky, not to mention the fifth and sixth spiritual core phantoms are getting bigger and bigger.

He is really going to get drunk, how many cultivation resources will it take? ?
Without resources, even if he has 24 hours of training, wouldn't it take him several years to step into the king level?

Although this speed is shocking in the spirit world, Fang Lin, who got used to it smoothly, is still not satisfied.

Resources are nothing more than asking for wages from Deng Jiefu or making contributions, or taking benefits from the relics and exploiting big households.

When the spiritual energy is completely recovered, there must be contacts between the two worlds, and maybe some royal children will come over, so we have to take the opportunity to make some money.

Ma De, go back today and play those mobile games to see how they kill people.

Fang Lin, who was a little worried about his future cultivation, let out a sigh of relief and cleared away these troubles. Let's not think about it for now, and let's talk about it after stepping into B-level.

He and Jiang Baibai flew all the way like walking on flat ground, and arrived at the edge of Daxing Mountain in less than 10 minutes.

In fact, the speed can be even faster. Fang Lin is a B-level, needless to say. If he really keeps supersonic speed under the increase of the power of heaven and earth, he will have no problem catching up with high-speed rail and airplanes.

Jiang Baibai's own racial characteristics can make her walk on the ground, but she also slowed down considering Fang Lin.

When the two arrived at the edge of the mountain forest, they felt something was wrong. After looking at each other, a cloud of shadows covered both of them and then disappeared.

Fang Lin felt the vision in the shadow horizon, a bit like wearing a layer of gauze, which should be hidden from the material world.

Weaken the possibility for others to perceive them through the five senses or psychic perception.

"Didn't you say that your racial supernatural powers can only work on yourself?"

Jiang Baibai curled his lips: "You think I practiced for nothing in the mysterious space during this period, and the Enlightenment Pavilion is very useful."


After Fang Lin complimented, his eyes rolled: "Is Wudao Pavilion really that powerful?"

"Of course it's amazing. I've never seen a place that can help comprehend the law to comprehend supernatural powers. It should also help spirit beasts comprehend subsequent unopened spiritual cores. This is simply a treasure for spirit beasts that are naturally weak in comprehension. "

"Hiss, it's a bit powerful for you to say that."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin strangely and said, "Have you never used it? Can you feel it after using it?"

"Ah, hell, I must have used it, otherwise the breakthrough was so fast."

"Mainly because I've been using it from the beginning, so it doesn't feel like it."


Jiang Baibai suddenly felt a breath stuck in his chest and felt a little stuffy. He was really angry, but he turned his head and opened his mouth wide and bit Fang Lin.

There are two cute little canine teeth in a beautiful little silver tooth.

Fang Lin quickly weakened his outer physical defense, for fear of chipping Jiang Baibai's teeth.

After Jiang Baibai took a bite, he clicked his mouth twice, and complained: "I will answer your questions with good intentions, can you not say such annoying words? The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, and the teeth still clot when biting."

Fang Lin shrugged helplessly to express his attention next time.

At this time, the two were already very close to the periphery, and Fang Lin thought about it, and his hidden powers also quietly acted on the two of them.

This time, no one will be able to spot the two of them from any angle, unless Deng Jiefu comes over now and scans with his king-level binocular supernatural power.

"Is this the local police? There are so many here?"

The two walked out of the woods and found a good angle to observe. The police officers coming and going in sight established a blockade at the foot of the mountain, probably at the top of the back mountain of Fang Lin's hometown.

Some people in special uniforms were having a serious discussion with two white shirts.

"It's probably because of the previous fluctuations in the ruins and the breakthrough of the venerable spirit beast."

Jiang Baibai whispered to Fang Lin beside him, but Fang Lin was not interested in these.

He was also thinking about the charges for his space facilities.

"Hey, Baibai, how much do you charge for space facilities? Are they expensive?"

"Huh? I don't think it should be expensive according to the function of the facility, but it mainly depends on who uses it for what."

"If it is for a king-level who understands the law, the price must be cheap, but for some D-levels who want to understand the spiritual core, it must be expensive. If you don't have a family background, you must not be able to afford it. .”

"Eh? I don't think I've seen Qi Ling pay you the fee? I told Qi Ling later that I would pay for the four of us, but the price still hasn't changed."

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I was the first patron of this space. At that time, I helped the space to test the operation of many functions, so there is free usage time every month. The amount is large and generally cannot be used up."

"I heard that we are actually considered good. After the spiritual energy recovers, there will be other patrons whose price will increase several times."

Jiang Baibai's eyes widened: "Really?"

"Really, Qi Ling and I told her almost personally."

"Will our prices go up?"

"will not."

"That's fine."

Jiang Baibai also became happy, and then suddenly thought of something and excitedly said to Fang Lin: "What is the basis for choosing the favored person in the space?"

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "Hiss, I really don't know about this, tell me?"


Jiang Baibai whispered as if he had discovered some secret: "According to the previous situation, this space should be left by the former human race power to revive the human race, right?"


Fang Lin nodded.

"Then he will definitely want to choose a high-potential human race, right?"

"That makes sense, then what?"

"But now the space may have just reappeared in the world. Hundreds of millions of years have passed and the world has changed. The space must be tested for a period of time, and we are the selected testers."

"Is the game closed beta? It makes sense, but why choose us?"

"Perhaps at some point in their life, the human race might be better off with some spirit beast races. You see, both you and I were chosen because we were in human society. Another important factor is talent."

"You and I have good talents, and we are close to the human race. It will also be a great help in the future after being cultivated."


"But I heard what Qi Ling said. Space development also needs resources, right? So it must be a lack of people who are stupid and rich in money."

"I happen to know a few of these people. If I introduce them, will the space give me a kickback?"

Fang Lin took a serious look at Jiang Baibai, but he didn't expect that she would want to take kickbacks even though she has thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Why do you give you a kickback for a normal invitation? Space is not a human pyramid scheme."

"I know, but they have a lot of money, and the family is so rich that they can set a super high price, and they will definitely not consider money when they see such precious training facilities as Enlightenment Pavilion and False God Illusion. "

"Especially in the False God Illusion, it is really affordable to be able to comprehend the secret art for free. If I were the master of the space, I could add a skill learning fee, and the price of resurrection could be a little more expensive."

"Oh, by the way, the world of False God Illusion is so real and currency is popular, it is completely open to exchange resources for the virtual currency inside."

"They and the space each get what they need, I only need a little bit, hey, I'll try to talk to Qi Ling next time."

After listening to Jiang Baibai's words, Fang Lin felt his mind opened up.

Good guy, indeed the nobles will oppress people, tsk tsk.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the sky is still a little dark, the sun has not yet appeared, and the moon is still hanging on the horizon, illuminating the world.

Although the sky is still a little dark, Xiaoyang Village has already come alive, and some cooking smoke has begun to float in the sky.

Fang Lin's hometown is no exception. The family who just woke up on the long table on the first floor of the mountain villa are already sitting and waiting for breakfast.

While breathing lazily, Liu Jing secretly complained to Yang's mother beside her: "Why did the big goose in the yard start to cry at [-]:[-]? The chickens in the wild didn't even cry."

Yang Ma looked at her and smiled: "Then you go beat it later."

Liu Jing curled her lips, imagined in her mind that she was chased by a big goose with its toes and fled, and complained.

"Forget it, I can't beat it, hum, I'll take Kaka to teach it a lesson after dinner."

Alas, I wanted to sleep late at first, but I didn't expect to get up so early in the morning in the northeastern countryside.

Liu Jing pouted and stared at the dining table in a daze, some messy hair scattered on her fair and round face.

She was indeed a little tired from the exhaustion yesterday, but the big geese in the yard started calling at [-]:[-], and then Du Qingfeng came over with a smile one by one and called them to get up and eat.

Liu Jing was too embarrassed to sleep late, so she washed her face indiscriminately and went downstairs in a padded jacket.

Du Qingfeng got up earlier, she woke up at [-]:[-] to make breakfast for the family.

For her, these few days are undoubtedly the happiest time of the year. She can see her daughter and son-in-law, as well as her grandchildren.

The breakfast Du Qingfeng made today is not complicated.

Steaming egg drop soup, served with hot and sour potato shreds, beef sauce, and some burritos baked by her.

Simple yet delicious and warm.

Yang's mother took a sip of the egg drop soup. The taste has never changed since she was a child.

The hot soup is very thirst-quenching, and the smooth egg inside is poured into the stomach along with the soup without chewing.

Served with egg drop soup and a bite of hot and sour potato shreds, it is refreshing and appetizing in the morning.

The sauced beef dipped in the special sauce is even more satisfying. The various sauces made in my hometown, especially the chili sauce, are always full of memories and delicious.

And the burritos are crispy and chewy.

To be honest, Liu Jing had very little experience of eating shredded potatoes with jealousy in the morning, but since she ate and drank at Yang's mother's house every day, she fell in love with this bite, it was really delicious.

Mama Yang's mother's cooking is even more authentic than Mama Yang's, and the pancakes she bakes are even more indescribably charming, but they are delicious anyway.

Liu Jing stretched out her thumbs and praised wildly: "It's delicious, auntie, woo, it's so delicious, it's even better than what I've eaten before!"

Sitting opposite her, Du Qingfeng smiled happily: "Eat more if it tastes good."

After hearing this, Mama Yang asked blankly: "Is it more delicious than before? Is it delicious there? Tell me."

Liu Jing, who was immersed in the home cooking, didn't hear the danger approaching and was still thinking about the problem seriously: "Well, I can't say it, it just feels a little different."

Lin's father pushed his glasses with a bookish look, took a sip of the soup and added with a smile for her: "There is a little more fireworks."

"Yes, yes, yes! That's how it feels."

Du Qingfeng explained this problem to Liu Jing with a smile.

It turns out that the design of this forest villa is timeless and full of ancient charm. Neither Yang Tingxiang nor Du Qingfeng like the style of European and American mansions given by the designer.

The furniture is almost all wooden furniture ordered by Dad Lin, and the tea room even has yellow rosewood that I have been looking for for a long time.

In Du Qingfeng's kitchen, apart from the modern natural gas set, the chimney and wood-burning stove are deliberately reserved.

Sometimes, the rice cooked by firewood is indeed a bit smoky and has a more human flavor.

Yang's mother glanced at Liu Jing, then stared deeply at Lin's father, and decided in her heart to let the two drink the northwest wind when they got back.

Cooking is also Mama Yang's favorite thing. What makes her happiest is watching her family feast on the food she made. It is not a day or two to compete with her mother.

Didn't you see that although Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing at the dinner table stuffed their mouths fiercely, they didn't dare to say nonsense?
Liu Jing was still too young, and Father Lin's mouth twitched with regret in his heart.

He looked at Fang Lin, who was eating a huge piece of pastrami next to him, and seemed to be thinking.

Fang Lin, who was having breakfast, suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as if someone was thinking about his breakfast.

He raised his head to search for a while and then locked on Papa Lin who was looking at him.

Fang Lin tilted his head and looked at Papa Lin with some doubts, and Papa Lin smiled at him very friendly.

Fang Lin looked at him, then at Yang's mother, silently turned his body and aimed his butt at Lin's father, his tail flicked in the air and continued to eat breakfast.

Father Lin: "."

At this time, Liu Jing suddenly held her mobile phone and exclaimed: "Wow, look quickly! There was such a large beam of light shooting down from the sky in the Daxing Mountains in the middle of the night last night! It seems that it can be seen hundreds of kilometers away. The border is blocked."

"Hey, isn't this location near us?"

(End of this chapter)

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