Chapter 215

"It seems to be, is the back mountain blocked? I didn't hear the siren last night, did you hear it?"

Mama Yang looked at the report and questioned the others suspiciously, and they all shook their heads.

Father Lin pondered for a while and said, "The cause of this beam of light is a bit difficult to analyze. If it is just the phenomenon of light reflection in nature, it should not be able to explain such a regularity and such a high height."

"From the visual inspection in the video, it should have broken through the troposphere and entered the stratosphere."

As the behind-the-scenes boss of a technology company, Dad Lin naturally has basic scientific knowledge. In his heart, he can only guess that it is man-made, maybe it is a space-based laser weapon test.

The reason why it is so thick may be to reduce the lethality.

But he didn't plan to talk about the later guesses at the dinner table.

At this time, Xiaojie suddenly asked Yang Tingxiang with some expectation: "Grandpa, have you ever seen a similar scene before? Could it be some kind of magic?"

"Don't tell me, I actually saw it when I was a child."

Hearing this, Mama Yang frowned, staring at her father with dissatisfaction.

This is how to output some values ​​​​that are nagging all day long, but seeing that both Liu Jing and the children are very happy waiting to hear the story, she didn't stop the disappointment.

Mama Yang also thought of the myths written in the textbook.

Nuwa mends the sky, Houyi shoots the sun, Kuafu chases the sun, Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

Behind every short and condensed word is a fascinating story, full of fantasy, which made her fantasize endlessly when she was young.

Maybe, there really are gods?

As soon as this idea came out, Yang Ma shook her head, maybe it was because the things she saw recently were a bit weird, otherwise she wouldn't have such strange thoughts.

Looking at the family listening to the story carefully, Mama Yang sighed.

Forget it, when did you not like these in childhood?This should not be much different from Altman, if the children are interested, they will be interested.

Isn't it the most important thing for her as a mother to let the children grow up happily?

The older generation suffered, and so did they. Now that they have finally made it through, their children will naturally guarantee to meet all their expectations for a better and happy life without taking detours.

After figuring this out, Mama Yang didn't care about any feudal superstitions anymore, she listened intently to Yang Tingxiang telling Xiaojie and Qingqing stories, enjoying the happiness of three generations living under one roof.

Father Lin noticed the smile on the corner of Mama Yang's mouth, and he understood Mama Yang's thoughts in an instant with a tacit understanding.

He who accidentally stroked the tiger's beard just now understood that now is the best time to show favor.

When a woman is happy, that's when she speaks best.

For the happiness of eating and drinking after he went back, Father Lin quickly showed a gentle smile to Mama Yang and nodded, indicating that I understand you.

However, when Mama Yang found out that Papa Lin was looking at her, she immediately put on a straight face. She still remembered the grudge.

Dare to say that the rice cooked by my mother is not smokey, you will taste the smoke of nature in the future.

Father Lin's mouth twitched, thinking that he might really have to eat Kaka's meal when he went back.

Anyway, Kaka eats so much barbecue every meal, so it shouldn't be a problem to split one or two slices.

While Yang Tingxiang was telling stories to the children, Du Qingfeng thought of something and hurriedly got up and left the restaurant, then quickly came back with a small jar and put it next to Papa Lin.

Father Lin was stunned for a moment and asked, "Mom, what is this?"

Du Qingfeng blinked at Papa Lin mysteriously and said: "Tiger bone wine, great tonic! I asked someone to ask for it. If it weren't for the old man's reputation nearby, they wouldn't sell it."

Tiger bone wine?
The whole family looked different after listening to it.

Liu Jing covered her mouth and looked at Papa Lin with a smirk, while Mama Yang continued to eat breakfast calmly, it is not known whether she was happy or not.

Father Lin looked around, and even Kaka looked at him strangely.

This or that line?
He quickly refused: "Oh, mom, why do I need this when I am young and strong? I don't need it, I don't need it."

Du Qingfeng was suddenly a little dissatisfied: "Silly boy, this thing is not allowed to be used now. They are all old items that have been handed down for more than 20 years. If you drink a little less, you can't buy it with money. Don't you give mother face?"

"No, Mom, I know it's a good thing, but I don't need it."

"Mom knows that you don't need it, so you put it away first. Tiger bone wine can also beautify your body besides strengthening your body. You can take it back and give it to Qianqian to drink. Be obedient."


Father Lin was a little helpless, feeling very tired looking at this dark little jar.

It's time to change, and you have to show your masculinity.

I don't know who slandered me and said bad things about myself in front of the old man. Otherwise, would I think of giving myself tiger bone wine?
He accepted the tiger bone wine and said to Du Qingfeng, "Okay Mom, thank you."

"Speaking of this, let's go and eat quickly."

"Grandma, what is tiger bone wine? I want to drink it too."

Xiaojie stared at the side and asked.

However, Du Qingfeng, who has always asked for anything from her grandson, waved her hand this time: "What kind of wine do children drink, and grandma will fix it for you when you grow up."


Fang Lin, who had already finished eating the super large piece of smoked barbecue, laughed secretly and felt a little guilty at the same time.

Look, she usually takes care of herself and a few children, but she actually forgot about Papa Lin, who treats her well.

No matter what, you have to make him "physically" strong, otherwise you will see how embarrassing you are now, and Liu Jing on the other side is so suffocated that she doesn't dare to look up.

As a man, Fang Lin expressed a deep understanding of Dad Lin.

It's hard for a man, since he has to earn money to support his family, he has to pay public food when he comes back, which is difficult.

Eh, wait.

At this time, Fang Lin suddenly realized that the back mountain was blocked by the police. What about the little bear?
His expression suddenly became weird.

On the northwest border of the Daxing Mountains, the wind is howling, and the sky is full of ice and snow.

The thousand-kilometer-long Daxing Mountains are like a natural barrier, separating the Dragon Country and the Polar Bear Country.

In addition to the vast and uninhabited primitive landform on this boundary line, there is also a meandering river that can't see the edge.

Wearing a black robe, Deng Jiefu stood quietly in this ice and snow world. The snowflakes that fell from the sky seemed to be separated by a transparent barrier, and none of them fell on him.

He had inspected the entire Daxing Mountain Range just now, and found no trace of the hidden person, but his eyes, which could see through Fang Lin's hidden magical powers, still found some clues.

In the early stage of the recovery of Reiki, superpowers with relatively large land areas would indeed have this kind of loophole.

That is, the frontier areas, especially the frontier areas where the climate and environment are very harsh, do not have that strong control.

Because under normal circumstances, ordinary people cannot enter the country illegally through these natural barriers, otherwise there would not be such a saying in ancient times as the right time and place.

But some Reiki practitioners do sneak in through these loopholes.

Deng Jiefu, who is the general manager of Longguo Qiankun, understands this loophole.

There is really no one available.

Unless there are B-level powerhouses on shifts all the time, or the aura radar of the research institute is updated again, otherwise it is still impossible to build a prevention and control zone.

However, after all, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

So, there is actually another way.

"toot toot"

"Mr. Deng, your entry request has been approved. Polar Bear wishes you all the best and prosperity."

"Well, thank them for me, Longguo will never forget his friends."


After Deng Jiefu finished speaking, he hung up the satellite phone. He looked at the endless no-man's land in front of him and disappeared in an instant.

"Let's rest here for a while. I've already called for reinforcements. Because the international status of the Dragon Kingdom has been increasing recently, the Far East Fleet can't approach the Cherry Blossom Sea at will."

On a deserted island, Cole reported the situation to the envoy around him.

In the middle of the night last night, after the emissary took the two of them to escape, they used their aura and holy objects to fly all the way, and did not dare to stop at all while ensuring the output of aura.

He first flew over a large mountain range and entered the border of the Polar Bear Country, then flew all the way east and circled a semicircle, and came to the border between the Polar Bear Country and the Cherry Blossom Sea.

The southeast of the cherry blossom sea is the country of cherry blossoms, and the southwest is South Korea.

This route flew nearly 2000 kilometers without stopping, and the strength of the holy envoy was suppressed at the C level. If his physical strength and racial advantages were not still there, he might have been exhausted halfway.

But even now he seems to have lost half his life.

Yas touched his face with some pain and moved his body.

He couldn't stand a D-level being held by the Holy Envoy for so long, and he complained: "Holy Envoy, why are we so afraid? When we leave the border of the Dragon Kingdom, we will hurry up just like when we came here. Alright."

They also followed this route when they came, and spent most of their time flying at the border of the Polar Bear Country, trying to minimize their time in the Dragon Country.

The envoy frowned when he heard Yas's words. He was so tired that he didn't want to explain at all. In the spirit world, he would have slapped such an ignorant and talkative look to death.

But considering the temporary cooperative relationship between the two races, he suppressed his temper and said: "The movement of the breakthrough of the venerable spirit beast will definitely attract the existence of the dragon king."

"As the strongest of the ancestral human race, I have reason to suspect that his combat power is at the top of the king class. Even if he is just entering the king class, he must not be underestimated."

"For such an existence, we are irresponsible to our own lives if we stay for one more second."

The envoy is really too lazy to spread king-level power to Asp. If he regards those below the venerable as ants, the king will regard him as ants.

Once the field of law was opened, the Venerable had no chance to stand in front of the king at all, and everything would be blocked.

It is said that the spirit beast venerable with the top bloodline can forcibly break through the realm of the king's law, but he has never seen it before.

Yasi still didn't understand: "But we have already left the border of Dragon Kingdom."

The angel took a deep breath.

To be honest, he kind of wanted to knock open this human's head to see if it was full of shit, didn't they all say that the human race was full of tricks?
These stupid human beings don't even think about whether they have stepped into the territory of another country now.

"Why do you think the king cares about borders or not? He."

Before the Holy Messenger finished speaking, his face changed drastically.

A golden crack emerged above the small island, and the figure in black robe appeared from the crack together with the coercion that made the soul tremble.

This coercion is just the coercion that is not blessed by the aura, it is the natural coercion that the living beings face the low-ranking people after they have evolved and sublimated through the practice of life.

It's just that Deng Jiefu usually took the initiative to keep it, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to stand beside him.

"No, it's the Zhantian Sword. The Holy Spirit tells us to go quickly."

After Cole saw who was coming, he resisted the urge to kneel down and shouted to the envoy, expecting the envoy to take them away quickly.

However, the envoy pretended not to hear it, and had no intention of running away at all.

He took a step forward and looked at the black-robed figure suspended in the sky, and prostrated himself on the ground with spread wings and shouted loudly.

"The Penglei Demon Vulture Clan in the spirit world, the Venerable Emperor Leihuang gave the name Pengsan, see the dragon king's crown."

However, the figure in the sky was still suspended in the air without speaking, and Peng San's heart was beating violently, and the pressure was increasing with the silence of the scene.

He waved his wings suddenly, and Cole and Yas were also brought to the ground by him.

Peng San was really going to be pissed off by these two stupid pigs, did the king want to take him to death with his arrogance in front of him?
Fortunately, he thought that Cole had a future, but now it seems that he has a future!

At this time, the figure in the sky spoke faintly, and the majestic voice was clearly sent into their minds along with the movement of spiritual energy. After reaching the king level and comprehending the law, language is no longer important.

No matter what language you speak, the fluctuations in the spiritual world are the same, it's just that the medium used is different.

"Any aura cultivator who steps into the Dragon Country without permission will pay the price, not to mention the unexpected."

"This sentence should have been conveyed to your World Security Bureau before, right?"

Hearing this, Pengsan was overjoyed: "Dear human king, I am not aware of this order from your country. They did not inform us when they cooperated with our clan. They did not intend to offend. Please forgive me."

When he spoke, the coercion on the three of them was quietly relaxed, but Cole and Yas didn't notice it.

Only Pengsan noticed this, and immediately felt a sudden shock in his heart. At this moment, Yas, who was beside him, suddenly circulated his spiritual energy and stood up.

Facing the Sky Zhanjian standing in the sky, Yas felt that he was so handsome in resisting the coercion of the A-level powerhouse.

He shouted: "We are willing to apologize to your country for our previous actions, but you should also think about a question, no matter how powerful you are, you are only an A-level."

"Space interference between Water Blue Star and the spirit world will soon be fully open. At that time, there may be strong spirit world powers coming through the space channel. I don't know if you can still face those S-level beings like you are today."

"How about we take a step back?"

The world is still changing too fast, and Yas seems to be still immersed in the previous era when the Eagle Kingdom looked down on the world and did not take anyone seriously.

However, before he finished speaking, a ray of light flashed, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

The person who made the move was obviously Peng San.

He really had enough.

He really couldn't understand what this stupid pig was thinking.

He wants to live, he wants to return to the spirit world alive.

He came to carry out the mission this time to earn resources to break through the king, not to die, and not to let his life be lost in the hands of such a fool.

It took hundreds of years of hard training to get to this point, and only he himself knows how hard it is.

At this moment, Peng San's desire to survive reached its peak.

(End of this chapter)

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