Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 216 He also apprentices?

Chapter 216 He also apprentices?

It was nine o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining brightly.

The island is surrounded by an endless blue sea, and the warm sunlight reflects the light and shadow of glass on the sea level.

In normal winter, there is no one who does not like the sun today. Feeling the sunshine on the body, it seems that the whole person has become much warmer, and the sea breeze that was originally cold has become a little warmer.

The scenery of the island is very beautiful. If you take a picture and post it on the Internet, it may attract a lot of people's attention. They come here to bask in the sun for vacation.

However, Cole, who was kneeling behind Peng San's right, was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. His fate was now in the hands of the man in the black robe with dragon pattern suspended in the sky.

Deng Jiefu looked down at the two people below and was thinking about how to deal with them.

Originally, he wanted to fish, and deliberately removed the coercion secretly to give him a reason to do it.

Dragon Kingdom, as a peace-loving country, has set a policy in the future era of Reiki to consolidate its foundation, achieve sound and rapid development in Reiki, and further establish its position as the world's number one. At the same time, it will try to unite other countries to make progress together and move forward into a new era. .

The wisdom of the people in modern society has long been awakened. Even if the coverage of basic education in some countries is not as good as that of Longguo, the people are easily biased by the things fabricated by the media, but this does not mean that people all over the world are paralyzed.

In this era when personal freedom and individual rights are highly valued, it has become impossible to annex other countries under normal circumstances.

Unless the Dragon Kingdom rules the world and destroys other governments and then enslaves or kills all the people of other countries, it will face endless "anti-Qing and restoring Ming".

Therefore, the Dragon Kingdom, which is very rich in resources, just wants to digest these resources properly and establish an absolute advantage in the initial stage of spiritual recovery.

Facing a new world and a new era, making the cake bigger is better than anything else.

Therefore, as the helm of Qiankun, Deng Jiefu was not prepared to kill the two of them, after all, he did not do anything excessive.

Practitioners are very precious now, and it would be great to take them back for some tests or wait for a ransom.

But before he was happy, he found that the biting fish had been killed by other fish.

Deng Jiefu looked at the corpse on the ground and raised his eyebrows, but he died when he died.

At this time, Peng San continued to speak: "Dear king, I would like to provide you with some information about our mission."

He paused for a moment and saw that Deng Jiefu had no objection, then continued: "According to the information, the relic that we attracted before is a super-large relic, which contains very precious resources, maybe the whole relic may be the remnant of a super sect .”

"It is recorded in the ancient books of our clan that the owner of the ruins was a top-notch power. He possessed a secret treasure handed down from generation to generation that could improve the cultivation qualifications of living beings. He received a wide range of disciples and taught them without discrimination. If this secret treasure is in hand, it can lay an invincible foundation for the clan. "

Hearing Pengsan's narration, Deng Jiefu became a little interested: "Your clan sent you for such an important secret treasure?"

"The venerable level is the highest level that can enter the ancestral land according to the rules. Besides, the time of ancient books is recorded in hundreds of millions of years, and it is not necessarily accurate. If you don't try, you will have no chance at all. The reaction of objects must be a very precious relic."


"Please appreciate it."

Speaking of which, a small bronze pagoda with a simple and simple shape flew out of Peng San's body, floating in front of Deng Jiefu.

Peng Sanyi gritted his teeth, directly and forcibly cut off the blood connection with Xiaota, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spewed out and became weak.

Deng Jiefu: "."

"You can mentally sense the holy object."

Deng Jiefu looked at Peng San who was so knowledgeable and couldn't help sighing: "I don't even have the heart to attack you with your behavior."

Peng San was overjoyed immediately: "Thank you for your kind hand."

"But it's a pity you did something wrong."

Peng San was stunned for a moment and said: "I acted very low-key throughout this mission, and I didn't know where I bumped into you."

"I have an extra brown bear disciple."

"Brown bear?"

Peng San was surprised for two seconds, and suddenly remembered the scene when he was hunting.

He has been struggling in the spiritual world for hundreds of years, and he, who is well versed in the world, fell silent and felt a little desperate.

This is not over.

Who would have thought that hunting could provoke a king.

But Pengsan also understands that there is nothing to complain about. The law of the jungle survives the fittest. These eight words have been deeply engraved in his bones and blood since he can remember.

The blame can only be blamed on my bad luck, I am not meticulous in doing things, and even normal beasts are going to be wiped out?
Thinking of this, Peng San laughed a little dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was your apprentice."

His mouth continued to respond, and his body had secretly mobilized.

The survival rate of Class C against Class A is 0, and the survival rate of Class B against Class A is 0.1%.

If at the cost of shattering the spirit core, a complete explosion can be carried out while temporarily recovering B-level strength, perhaps the chance of survival can be higher.

It's so hard to live,

I hope to have a good birth in my next life, maybe being a human is also good?

While his thoughts were in chaos, Pengsan was ready to shatter his spiritual core and make the last fight in his life.

"But you're lucky, I'll let you go this time."

"Thank you. What?"

Peng San's eyes widened in astonishment, thinking he had heard wrong.

Deng Jiefu smiled and didn't explain too much. A golden light shot out instantly and shot towards Peng San when he waved his hand, and entered his body before he could react.

From Pengsan's perspective, the golden light was like a solid shackle, directly sealing his star path, and the subsequent seventh star core phantom completely lost its sense.

Then Deng Jiefu raised his hand casually again, and the familiar golden bubbles covered Cole in it, leading Cole and him into the reopened crack in the sky.

With the disappearance of the cracks, the scene became quiet, with only the whistling sea breeze and the sound of churning waves.

Everything happened too fast, and Peng San, who still didn't quite understand the situation, was silent for a while, paralyzed on the ground of the island with some exhaustion.

"Block my future path, and let that little bear take revenge in the future?"

"Hehe. It's really the usual routine of the royal family's children."

The originally sharp eagle eyes also became a little confused, and Peng San looked at the blue sky without moving.

Finally, survived.

persist in!persist in!
you can!

In the snow-covered primeval forest, the little brown bear keeps pumping himself up.

The brown hair that was originally shiny and shiny looked a little embarrassed at this time, and the body was stained with many snow stains and muddy water, and the hair in many places was knotted into a ball.

If the little bear is a human child now, you can clearly observe the many bruises on its body, especially the biggest one on the skull.

There is no way, this is the environment of the primeval mountain forest in winter.

When visiting mountains and rivers and climbing some steep mountains, even with artificially built steps, you will find it extremely difficult to walk. If you deliberately walk directly on those trees, it will consume more energy.

It often appears in some nature reserves or famous mountain scenic spots that some people insist on exploring together to places without artificial roads and finally get lost and lost contact.

Not to mention this kind of mountain forest with no traces of human beings at all. It’s good to see the road in summer, but now the ground is covered with snow, maybe if you step on it, there will be a big pit underneath.



The little bear stepped on the ground, and the whole body of the bear rolled directly down the intricate ramp.

It tried its best to hug itself into a ball, and its claws tightly covered its head to prevent important parts from being hit.

This is the experience that Cubs summed up not long ago.


After rolling for an unknown amount of time, the brown meat ball finally stopped after hitting a big tree.

The rough-skinned little bear felt pain all over his body, especially his butt, which hit a tree just now.

The little bear who was exhausted struggled to get up from the snow, and the little chubby claws clumsily tried to support the ground, but after the strong stimulation, the body was slightly disobedient.

After repeated attempts, the claws pressed another piece of soft snow, and the whole body climbed down again, and the head and the snow were in close contact again.

At this moment, the little bear stopped moving, and it lifted its snow-stained head out of the snow and put it on the snow ground to start a daze.

If my mother was still so helpless, she would definitely come to comfort me, right?


After the sudden change, it is only over one year old, and it is finally difficult to contain the grief and mixed feelings in its heart, and finally can't hold back.

All the accumulated sadness, sadness, grievance, and helplessness finally burst out at this moment.

If there is no wisdom, perhaps the current little bear will feel very uncomfortable, but he will not be so sad.

Possessing spiritual wisdom, possessing real and sensitive emotions and desires, the pain in the heart will also be magnified accordingly, making people feel like a knife is piercing their hearts.



The little bear was lying on the ground, and some ugly howling sounds spread in the forest.

The nature in winter is silent and everything is withered.

Maybe in spring, there will be some butterflies flying over and landing on it in the forest to give it some comfort, and maybe some birds will stop on the surrounding branches and shake their heads to look at the poor little bear.

But now, nothing.

The world visible to the naked eye is covered by ice and snow, and all animals are hiding in their safe havens and will not go out easily.

After an unknown amount of time, the little bear stopped crying.

When it was rubbing the icy scum formed from tears on the fat face with its little chubby paws, it seemed to see a pair of feet standing in front of it.

The little bear hastily brushed the bear's face a few times with its paws to clean up the blurred vision just now.

Then he froze, sat down on the snow and looked up at the figure in front of him.

"Silly boy, why are you crying?"

The gentle voice was deeply imprinted in the little bear's mind, and it seemed to contain an infinite magic power, which gave it an unprecedented sense of security, just like it was in the arms of its mother before.

Regardless of whether there is a storm outside the tree hole, the mother's side will always be so dry and warm in the tree hole.


Tired of crying, the little bear jumped to Deng Jiefu's leg, hugged Deng Jiefu's thigh tightly and began to cry loudly.

Crystal clear tears kept pouring out from the small black eyes, and then they were rubbed onto Deng Jiefu's black robe and trousers.

Deng Jiefu didn't speak either, just stretched out his palm and bent over to touch its head to accompany it.

Cole, who was in the golden spirit bubble next to him, looked at the scene in front of him very curiously. Now that he knew that his life was not in danger, he just let it go.

As long as Zhan Tianjian doesn't want to kill himself, then his side is the safest place.

After being worried for so long, Cole is a little tired to be honest. Leaning on the wall of the spirit bubble to observe the actions of this human No. 1, let alone it, is quite interesting.

After 10 minutes, Xiaoxiong was tired from crying and finished venting, and slowly let go of Deng Jiefu's thigh.

Looking at Deng Jiefu's somewhat dirty clothes rubbed by himself, it scratched its head a little embarrassedly.

Deng Jiefu also laughed dumbfounded in his heart. It is a kind of fate that his disciples make up his clothes that have no place to stay in the wind and snow, right?

He imagined the picture of the little bear sitting by a water basin and washing his clothes with his paws, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, so he happily decided to keep this clothes for the little bear, and the first thing to do when he picked it up Just do your own laundry.

But now Deng Jiefu still asked about the things he was interested in first.

"Why are you here? Didn't Kaka, oh, your master take you back?"

If it wasn't for Deng Jiefu who left his own law remnants on Kaka and Xiaoxiong before, maybe he just skipped it.

Is my master's name Kaka?

After thinking about it for a moment, Little Xiong told Deng Jiefu about this matter: "Master left me a test, and asked me to walk out of the forest from the previous place in one day."

Deng Jiefu frowned: "Nonsense, there were more than 20 kilometers of mountain roads in that place before, plus the snow cover, how could you walk out in a day, what he said at the time."

"Master said that normal people need two or three days, so give me one day, as long as I finish, I will be accepted as a disciple."

Deng Jiefu: "."

He felt that Kaka must have misunderstood normal people.

Not to mention the beasts that may come out to hunt, just say that the complex undulating primitive terrain and snow cover the ground to lose sight.

Even if it is a trained professional who comes here, he has to push forward a little bit to open a road that can be traveled, and he will face the risk of getting lost, which will take at least a week.

But I can't blame him, maybe I judged it according to my past.

"You've only walked less than one-tenth of the way up to now, and it's not a straight line."

Deng Jiefu told Xiaoxiong a little funny.


Under the transmission of mental fluctuations, Xiaoxiong directly understood Deng Jiefu's meaning: "Is that all?"

It looked at the sky that had been bright for a long time, and became very anxious.

"Master, I won't chat with you anymore, I have to leave immediately."

As he said that, he took a step and wanted to continue walking.

"You're going in the wrong direction, this way."


The little bear turned his head again.

"Okay, what are you walking around, just go back with the master."

"Ah? No, the test Master gave me."

"I am your master's master, and he has to listen to me. Don't worry, just follow me and I'll make the decision for you."

Hearing Deng Jiefu's words, Xiaoxiong couldn't help but think of the picture he saw before.

My own master was crazily whipped by the master with a golden whip.

It suddenly felt its waist stiffen.

"Okay! Master, I will follow you!"


"That. Master, will you help me?"


"But what if Master doesn't want me?"

Facing the nervous little bear, Deng Jiefu directly wrapped it with spirit bubbles, then took off into the sky and flew low above the sky, with two golden bubbles suspended behind him.

Little Xiong, whose voice was also cut off by the bubbles, said a few more words and gave up after realizing that the master ignored him.

It was relying on someone and immediately enjoyed the scenery happily. At this time, it saw a human being in the golden bubble beside it!
It waved its paw curiously at him, but the people over there ignored him.

Hmm, does this person also want to be a teacher?

 Thank you for the 1000 starting point coins rewarded by Mars, the boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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