Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 217 You are a good man

Chapter 217 You are a good man

"Are you also a teacher like me?"

"Hey, are you shy?"

Little Bear flapped his spirit bubbles and kept trying to communicate with his neighbor Cole, but Deng Jiefu blocked the sound of both of their spirit bubbles, so Cole couldn't hear what Little Bear was saying.

Of course, even if he could hear the little bear's movements, it would be in the bear's language. Since the little bear didn't wear a language translator, he couldn't understand the brown bear's words.

Cole looked at the little bear waving its paws at him in the spiritual bubble next door and closed his eyes directly, out of sight and out of mind.

It's really annoying, he just wants to have a good rest now, even if he is put in some kind of prison then it doesn't matter, as long as he can eat, live and sleep well.

Besides, with his C-level cultivation level, he is the mainstay no matter where he is, and the World Security Bureau will definitely find a way to negotiate to let him go back and treat it as a temporary vacation.

Thinking of this, Kerr happily closed his eyes and leaned against the spiritual bubble to enjoy the sunbath.

He had already thought about it, no matter what Long Guo Qiankun wanted to know, he would explain it, and his attitude would definitely satisfy them.

Is that information more important than him?

What a joke, he's a C-rank!In the World Security Bureau, except for the three B-level bosses, who would dare to show him face?

And the little bear felt a little boring after waving his paws for a while.

Why ignore people?

This person is good or bad, no wonder he looks so ugly.

For Deng Jiefu, the [-] kilometers is almost the same as going out to buy a cup of milk tea downstairs.

After flying all the way to the edge of the forest at low altitude, Deng Jiefu lowered his height again, and he already felt the complicated atmosphere outside.

Soon he came out of the woods.

The official cordon was just a few tens of meters away from where the trees had become loose. There was a relatively flat ground with a wide field of vision between the numerous police officers dispatched urgently and the temporarily established headquarters, so Deng Jiefu's goal became very obvious.

An imposing man in a black dragon-pattern trench coat came out of the blocked virgin forest, and there were actually two golden bubbles floating behind him.

The most outrageous thing is that there is still a foreigner and a little brown bear inside? ?
The police officers who were urgently dispatched to confiscate all communication equipment became tense, and some even wanted to yell to tell people to stop moving forward and touch their right hands behind them.

But before they could open their mouths, they saw the head of the Qi City Police Department, who was wearing a white shirt under a white down jacket and had some gray hair, trotting forward to meet him.

These police officers looked at each other for a while, and began to discuss these things from last night to the present with some surprise.

"Are you Minister Deng? I am Duan Anmin, chief of the Qi City Police Department."

Duan Anmin, who rushed over to introduce himself, felt a little sweat on his forehead in the winter.

Deng Jiefu looked at him in surprise and then stretched out his right hand: "I am, good morning Director Duan, why did I call you over?"

"It was notified last night, let us cooperate at all costs."

"Hehe, hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

Duan Anmin heaved a sigh of relief after shaking hands quickly.

To be honest, he could hear what Minister Deng meant. It was nothing more than asking ordinary police officers to cooperate and help.

Who wants to?
In the middle of the night, he was woken up by a phone call from the head of the province, and he explained in a stern tone what he needed and what he didn't have. He even felt that the old leader was joking with him.

But the urgent tone in the middle of the night made him quickly understand that this was no joke.

Twenty kilometers to the northwest of Xiaoyang Village, Mingyuan Town, Qi City, there is a B-level spirit beast breaking through the realm, which may threaten the safety of residents.

Immediately, the Black Province Qiankun branch will call him, and now immediately gather elite backbones to confiscate all external communication equipment to cooperate with the work.

At that time, after hearing this, he wondered if he had just woken up and traveled through time, but Duan Anmin, who was a soldier, still strictly followed the order.

If you don't understand it, understand it while executing the command.

When he commanded a group of elite backbones to the command location to set up a cordon and waited for the members of the Qiankun branch to arrive, when he was just wondering what reason to evacuate the surrounding people, he received an order to stand by and guard.

This wait is straight to the present.

Duan Anmin took a look at Deng Jiefu calmly, is this the big leader that the old leader said he can reach the sky?Looking so young.

There's also the... um, the bubble at the back, which actually contains a bear and a foreigner, which is really strange.

Duan Anmin looked at Deng Jiefu, who looked at him with a smile but not a smile, and immediately continued to introduce: "You come with me, the other leaders are already waiting at the headquarters."

"it is good."

Duan Anmin was a little nervous leading the way ahead, as if he had returned to the time when he just started working decades ago or when he went to the province to receive awards a few years ago.

Deng Jiefu didn't feel anything. Under the curious eyes of a bunch of police officers around him, he brought Cole and Xiaoxiong into the headquarters, and then dismissed their spirit bubbles with a wave of his hand.

Cole and the little bear fell to the ground immediately. The little bear was still looking around, but was caught off guard and fell into the mud again.

"Hey, Lao Deng, why is there a little brown bear?"

The speaker was wearing the same black robe as Deng Jiefu, but the pattern on it was a little different, and he was still wearing a pair of sunglasses in the tent, which was very cool.

Deng Jiefu glanced at the other party and raised his eyebrows: "Chenglin, why are you here?"

Xia Chenglin raised his sunglasses on top of his head to reveal his handsome young face, and said while squatting close to Little Bear in front of it.

"Didn't you hand over the command to Lingyunfu after you rushed over? He transferred me here, and the handling in the southwest is almost the same."

"There are movements of B-level spirit beasts here, and you can't leave the imperial capital for a long time. Of course I'm going to come and play."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the little bear with a smile, stretched out his hand and touched its head, and then wanted to open the little bear's mouth to look at its teeth.

The little bear shook its head and tried to break free from Xia Chenglin's grasp, but it was Xia Chenglin's opponent, so it had to open its mouth to frighten Xia Chenglin back and forth.

As a result, Xia Chenglin didn't seem to be afraid that the little bear would bite him at all, he poked his mouth to observe the little bear's teeth, and then picked up the little bear's paw to look at it.

"Master! Save me!"

Facing Xia Chenglin's fiddling with him without saying anything, Xiaoxiong hurriedly asked Deng Jiefu for help.

"Okay, Cheng Lin, don't tease it, uh, grandson, call him uncle."

Deng Jiefu wanted to call Little Bear, but he remembered that he hadn't named it yet.

And Xia Chenglin stared wide-eyed and stood up, looked at Deng Jiefu and asked, "Isn't it? Why are you so senior? Disciple?"

"Who is his master? Yang Zhen?"

"Second child."


Xia Chenglin had an unbelievable expression on his face. He looked at the people around him, and went to Deng Jiefu to inquire about the news: "What is your second apprentice's level?"

Deng Jiefu glanced at him, and said without blushing, "C grade."


Xia Chenglin put his head in his hands in shock: "Okay, Deng Jiefu, do you have any hidden panacea or exercises, hand them over quickly, my Xiaojin is not yet D-level!"

Standing beside Duan Anmin, Minister Bai of the Qiankun Branch of the Black Province, and others were silently listening to the conversation between the two big shots.

Even though Xia Chenglin was as detached as before, in the eyes of everyone, he was still full of personality and unique.

After all, in the eyes of practitioners, Xia Chenglin, the B-level guardian, naturally has a halo, not to mention that they were all attracted by the conversation between the two.

Especially Minister Bai of the Qiankun Branch of the Black Province, he looked at Deng Jiefu with complicated eyes.

I used to be a colleague in the same unit, but I didn't expect that after the spiritual energy revived, the gap between the two would become so huge, even the other party's apprentice was already the same as me?

But in the eyes of Duan Anmin and others, the leader is actually unassuming, it can't be unsteady, right?
And Deng Jiefu looked at Xia Chenglin, who was no longer big or small again, a golden light flashed in his deep eyes.

Noticing that the muscles on Xia Chenglin's butt twitched unconsciously, he immediately calmed down, as if there was some shadow.

He pretended to be relaxed and smiled: "Hehe, Lao Deng, just kidding, don't get excited, but if you have something good, don't hide it."

"No hiding, he's very talented."

"Oh, okay."

Although Xia Chenglin seemed to agree with Deng Jiefu's words, he really didn't believe it in his heart.

What about a liar?
Breaking through the C rank for a few months without good stuff?Do you think that Kaka is the reincarnation of the Tengu in the myth, turning around and rebuilding with memory inheritance?
This looks like taking drugs, no, I have to find a way to repeat the routine.

Xia Chenglin stepped aside and thought about it.

"What's the situation now?"

Facing Deng Jiefu's question, Bai Yu adjusted his mood and stepped forward to answer: "Mr. Deng, the aura radar has not sensed any traces of B-level spirit beasts, but found a relic's aura fluctuation at a similar location."

"The fluctuations in this ruins are becoming stronger regularly. After the data is uploaded to the Imperial Capital Research Institute, the analysis report shows that the ruins may be opened within a week."

Deng Jiefu nodded and looked at Duan Anmin beside him.

Bai Yu understood what Deng Jiefu meant and continued: "Because the situation was too urgent last night, I called the police station to gather to help seal the scene and evacuate the crowd, but it didn't work. They all signed a non-disclosure agreement."

"Yes, leader, the Qi City Police Department must resolutely complete the mission and never disclose state secrets."

Deng Jiefu waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, you don't have to keep it secret for a few days, let the police go back, and call the troops directly under the Qiankun of the Black Province to come and seal the scene."

Can't keep it secret for a few days?
Duan Anmin didn't react immediately, but he heard Deng Jiefu's words and said quickly: "Gaoting has been on the way overnight, look?"

He was talking about the person in charge of the Black Provincial Police Department. Naturally, when such a big event happened, he had to hurry over and accompany Deng Jiefu to observe the scene.

At the level of the high hall, you have more or less heard some rumors. Now that you have the opportunity, you naturally want to meet the well-known leader.

"No need, the affairs of the High Hall must be very busy, and the situation here is also very complicated. You can go now."

Duan Anmin didn't dare to say more, and walked out after answering the question.

Deng Jiefu told Bai Yu: "You have already dealt with several ruins, and I will not interfere with your specific arrangements, but there is one thing you should pay attention to."

"Last night's aura light beam should have attracted a lot of attention, we must do a good job of blocking it so that no one is allowed to approach."

"Understood, I will arrange it now."


Guan Hanshan who was standing on the side looked at his very well-behaved and honest boss and curled his lips in his heart. He was blowing loudly before, so he had to run hard when he went back.

And Xia Chenglin had already set his sights on Little Bear.

This little guy is now Deng Jiefu's disciple, and he will definitely get good things from Deng Jiefu in the future, so he has to observe and observe.

I really let myself catch what kind of medicine this little bear ate or practiced some top-quality spiritual beast skills, and I put the evidence in front of Lao Deng. Would Lao Deng be embarrassed not to give it to himself?

Use it secretly, really picky, see me expose you when the time comes.

He was already a little excited, like a buddy or a couple living together, one of them secretly ordered a bunch of delicious food in the middle of the night and hid in the bathroom to steal it, and he was going to catch him on the spot.

"Ahem, bear, I am your Uncle Xia."

Little Xiong glanced at Xia Chenglin warily and didn't say anything.

Xia Chenglin saw that the little bear looked at a villain and scratched his head: "Don't be afraid, I am your master's friend, your master has to call me uncle when he sees me."

He calculated his seniority in his mind and put himself and Deng Jiefu on the same level.

Deng Jiefu next to him said with a smile: "If you want it to call Master Uncle, you have to give it a meeting gift."


Xia Chenglin weighed gains and losses in his heart, obviously he wanted to gain benefits from Deng Jiefu, why did he give it to others now?
Seeing the increasingly distrustful eyes of Little Bear, he gritted his teeth, and took out a small bottle in pain.

"Little Xiong, don't say that I'm stingy, Master Uncle. The top-grade Spiritual Beast Foundation Establishment Pill is specially for a little guy like you who has just awakened. Both body and spirit can be blessed, and there is a possibility of slightly improving aptitude."

Deng Jiefu looked at the small bottle and asked, "Is this what you and Lu Zhou have been begging for for a month?"


Xia Chenglin rolled his eyes: "Yes! I want it! There are only three bottles in total, and I gave it one bottle. How about it? Is it generous enough?"

Deng Jiefu gave him a thumbs up, and then said to Little Bear: "Take it, this is a good thing."

"Oh, good."

After hearing Deng Jiefu's words, Little Bear stood up, took the small bottle from Xia Chenglin with his raised two front paws, and shouted: "Thank you, Uncle Master."

"Hey, so cute."

Before Xia Chenglin could be happy, he saw the little bear bouncing towards Deng Jiefu on its hind legs.

Then the two fat front paws held the small bottle and handed it to Deng Jiefu.

"Master, help me hold it."

"it is good."

Deng Jiefu glanced at Xia Chenglin with a smile, and then slowly put the pill into his arms.

Xia Chenglin suddenly felt that his teeth hurt a little, and he finally asked for the elixir from Lu Zhou after talking about it, but he gave it to Lao Deng, a stingy bottle?
Made, seems to be fooled.

"Thank you, Master Uncle."

Xiao Xiong thanked Xia Chenglin again, this time he meant it sincerely.

He is very simple, he treats whoever is kind to him.

Although this master uncle doesn't seem very smart, but if you treat yourself well, you must respect him.

Little Xiong, who has no relatives, cares about this very much.

Looking into Little Xiong's sincere eyes, Xia Chenglin froze for a moment and waved his hands: "It's okay, you're welcome, your uncle and I have a lot of good things, if you need something, just ask me."

"Yeah, you're a nice guy."


(End of this chapter)

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