Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 218 What a pity

Chapter 218 What a pity
Xia Chenglin looked at the innocent and sincere little bear, feeling very uncomfortable but not prone to seizures.

He decided to stay away from the bear first.

Thinking of how many pot-bellied people Xia Chenglin had squeezed out with his clever mouth, his face was flushed and he couldn't speak, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Deng Jiefu's apprentice every time.

What a bloody hell.

After Deng Jiefu gave the instructions, the headquarters began to get busy, and the two found a quiet corner to sit and chat, and Xiao Xiong followed closely beside Deng Jiefu.

Cole was the most confused.

Ever since he was brought into the headquarters by Deng Jiefu, no one cared about him!
It's fine for Deng Jiefu to ignore him, and the others don't care about him. At most, they look at him with strange eyes and go about their own business.

"Hello comrade, please stop standing on the road."


Cole turned his body sideways with black hair, and two Qiankun members passed by him carrying an instrument.

"Thank you."


Cole is really dizzy, I'm a C grade!
The C-level pinnacle with amazing destructive power!
The liquid spiritual energy in the body is like a vast ocean, and killing people outside is like searching for something.

Even the main station tank was divided into two halves under his sword light.

How dare you ignore him? It's too contemptuous of others. This is a complete denial of his personal value!

Cole looked at the tent opening behind him, thinking about the success rate of escape in his mind.

At this time, Deng Jiefu and Xia Chenglin were chatting and glanced at Cole. Cole noticed it and quickly turned his head and looked around nonchalantly.

Forget it, the hero doesn't bother to run away.


Xiaoxiong squatted in the corner of the tent next to Deng Jiefu and waved to Cole for him to come over.

What's the matter with this man?You don't want to go with the master, do you still want to learn from the master?

It looked at the different appearances of Cole, Deng Jiefu and others, and wondered if this was another species of human, feeling stupid.

Cole had nowhere to go. Seeing the little bear beckoning to him, he thought for a while and leaned over, squatting beside it and watching the ants on the ground with him.

Xia Chenglin looked at Cole, who was squatting down to play with Xiao Xiong, with some doubts: "Old Deng, who is this?"

"The person from the World Security Bureau just caught, C-level."

Colton straightened his upper body slightly.


Xia Chenglin immediately lost interest and continued to chat with Deng Jiefu.

Cole: "???"

On the contrary, the other Qiankun members who were busy beside them widened their eyes in shock.

After all, it is because the level of the boss is not enough, you can see that the apprentice of Zhantianjian just pulls out a C-level, and the captured prisoners are also C-level, and his own boss is also C-level.
The eyes of these members coincidentally looked at Bai Yu who pretended not to hear by the sand table.

Bai Yu tightly pinched the edge of the sand table and pretended not to hear, but his clenched teeth seemed to indicate that his heart was not at peace.

Xia Chenglin didn't care about the reactions of the people around him, and continued to ask Lao Deng for information he was interested in.

He had been chatting for a long time just now, and it was time to spy on the news unexpectedly.

Xia Chenglin pretended to be casual and asked: "Hey, did that B-level spirit beast break through successfully? What did you do to it?"


Deng Jiefu replied calmly: "What B-level spirit beast?"

Seeing Deng Jiefu pretending to be confused, Xia Chenglin was speechless: "??? Do you really think I'm a fool?"

"Old Deng has a limit to fooling me, right? Why was I transferred here? The transfer order still has your Lord Deng stamp on it."

"Oh, you said that spirit beast, I suddenly forgot it just now. I thought it was because of the legendary ruins."


Xia Chenglin rolled his eyes when he heard the first half of the sentence, but he stood up in shock when he heard the second half: "What? Legendary ruins?"

He, Xia Chenglin, is a B-rank, the patron saint of the Dragon Kingdom, and one of the five honored directly by the supreme leader. It's not like he hasn't seen good things before.

But it's not something simple that can make him react so much.

The relics have been characterized according to the preliminary analysis of the relevant research institutes of the Dragon Kingdom, and then the internal white paper issued by the Qiankun headquarters clearly records the relevant levels, which are divided into four levels: common, rare, epic, and legendary.

The relics are actually equivalent to a paradise or a small world. The internal structure of each relic is different and the functions are not the same. After refining and refining, it is equivalent to obtaining the ownership of the relics.

So far, there is only one legendary relic. It is a relic rich in various precious spiritual materials, like an ancient sect or sect in a related direction.

Although I don't know how many years and time have passed, the spiritual fields inside are a little withered, but fortunately Academician Lu and the others found the spiritual plants and various seeds hidden in the secret treasure, just like human beings in response to the destruction of the world It's the same as the reserved seed bank.

There are also secret recipes for cultivating various spiritual liquids, as well as the Yunling Formation that absorbs spiritual energy from the outside world, etc. After nourishing those spiritual fields, they gradually regained their lives and began to deliver precious medicinal materials to the entire Dragon Kingdom.

But, do you think that you can get the rating of the Legendary Ruins of the Dragon Country Research Institute just by relying on these?

of course not.

In this ruins, besides the endless spiritual fields that can accelerate the growth of plants, there are also the most precious formations involving the law of time, covering all the endless spiritual fields.

This means that countless precious spiritual materials can be mass-produced in a short period of time if necessary.

Longguo has seen quite a few formations since the recovery of spiritual energy in recent years, and there are even several formation masters at the research institute, of which Academician Lu is the most amazing.

However, the mystery of this kind of formation involving laws is beyond imagination. It is not like something that can be accomplished by an S-rank, nor is it like a miracle that can be accomplished by a medicine sect that produces spiritual materials.

Because it is easy to think, if you are the suzerain or the head of this medicine sect, how can you cover the tens of thousands of hectares of spiritual fields with such a precious time law formation?
At most, it would be good to cultivate some of the most precious ones in the entire several acres of land.

When you see the law of time formation covering tens of thousands of hectares, there will only be one thought in your mind, that is, regardless of cost or future, only production.

Moreover, this formation is so stable and easy to use, even if the spirit energy is mobilized until now, it can be activated, and even activated by area, covering as much as you want. Will the construction party really be so conscientious?

According to Academician Lu's guess, this is more like one of the logistics departments built by the human race at that time for a certain impending desperation, because some details in the entire Lingtian have some standardized meanings.

Maybe this kind of legendary relic that produces medicinal materials will be encountered in the future, but this cannot deny its preciousness. The current rapid development of spiritual energy cultivation in the entire Dragon Kingdom has a great relationship with this relic.

This could also explain why Xia Chenglin lost his composure.

The members of the Black Province Special Affairs Bureau who heard it nearby also opened their mouths in an uproar.

"Legendary level ruins? This is the first time I've heard of this level."

"Damn it, our Black Province is going to send it!"

"I don't know what the ruins are about."


Bai Yu suddenly turned his head and stared at Deng Jiefu with wide eyes.

Xia Chenglin's face became very serious, and he quickly gave orders to Bai Yu and the others. "Immediately raise the security alert level. The local police officers just now are all detained, and no one is allowed to leave before the relic is successfully obtained, and no information exchange with the outside world is allowed."

"I once again emphasize the importance of confidentiality work. It's not that I don't believe in the elites of the Black Province, but the matter is of great importance. All personnel must be under surveillance 24 hours a day, and everyone must undergo a regular review of consciousness and behavior."

"Qiankun headquarters will immediately dispatch intelligence personnel to monitor simultaneously."

Bai Yu also knew the seriousness of the matter, and without hesitation, he immediately issued an order to Guan Hanshan, the head of the Qiankun Intelligence Department of the Black Province next to him.

Then he came to the two of them with a very embarrassed face and said: "Two leaders, Hei Province Qiankun is confident and capable of completing this arduous task. Can the headquarters stop meddling?"

As the person in charge, he is very happy to see the relics appearing in Black Province, but the problem is that the scale of the relics is too high.
It's so high that the province of Heilongjiang can't afford it.

This is why it is said that Deng Jiefu cannot leave the imperial capital for a long time.

It's not just because of the meaning behind the imperial capital or because there are many important people, but also because the imperial capital has too many precious things that the Dragon Kingdom has worked so hard to accumulate since the recovery of spiritual energy.

These are the inheritances exchanged by the members of Qiankun with their blood. They are the results of the researchers' continuous research day and night under the regulations of absolute secrecy.

But this Legendary and Hei Province was discovered after all, right?In the future, they can always get a bigger share than other places, isn't that a problem?

But if the headquarters intervenes, the extra bite of meat will have to be bitten off by the headquarters.


Before Deng Jiefu could speak, Xia Chenglin immediately became angry.

Although he has always escaped, he is very clear about such important matters.

"It's such a big deal, what ability and confidence do you have in Black Province to complete it independently? How can you guarantee that none of your subordinates will have any problems?"

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I can guarantee that there will be no problems with my people."

"You can guarantee your size!"

Xia Chenglin pointed at Bai Yu's nose and scolded: "You know the meaning of the imperial capital, and Lao Deng will go back soon. The situation around the border is also very tense, and the B-level combat forces are tied down and unable to escape."

"How many people and countries in the world are staring at us and don't want us to rise peacefully."

"Believe it or not, as long as the news dares to leak out, the eyes of the whole world will be on us. What if their B-level is desperate to restrain us?"

"I know what you're thinking, but you used to be a soldier, and now you're the head of the Qiankun Branch of the Black Province! You have to understand that sacrifice! It's necessary! It's inevitable!"

"Did you know how many people died after a year of fighting in the Demon City Passage!"

"Give me a good time to reflect and get to work!"


Bai Yu went out with a dark face, and at the same time called everyone present.

Before carrying out the next specific work, everyone must first accept the review of the law of consciousness and behavior. This is also a new type of review proposed by the research institute. The purpose is to prevent people with special abilities from impersonating relevant personnel in the Reiki Age.

In the big tent of the temporary headquarters, only Xia Chenglin, Deng Jiefu, and a bear crouching in the corner dare not make a sound.

Xia Chenglin let out a breath, calmed down and looked at Deng Jiefu complaining.

"Old Deng, why did you say such a big thing like this? At least there is a plan?"

"I said that the area has been isolated before, and the outside of the tent cannot be heard, including those police officers."

"It's okay, just in case, just let them all take a vacation, but they can't tell the public, and some members from the surrounding universe will be called to take over their jobs later."

"Well, I felt it with the magic weapon. The ruins will appear in the world in about three days. During this period, the aura fluctuations will gradually increase. Thank you for your hard work."

"Okay. Old Deng, do you have any way to cover up the aura fluctuations of the relics? I am afraid that the aura fluctuations of the legendary relics will be noticed by foreign countries. Recently, there are many new B-levels in Western countries. Although there are only three in the Eagle Kingdom, those other The younger brother also has one, and the Setting Sun Country has two, I'm afraid."

"There is no way."

Deng Jiefu waved his hand and comforted: "Don't worry, they won't dispatch all the top combat forces, and their backyard is not very safe, they will send up to five."


Xia Chenglin wanted to stare on the spot, but Deng Jiefu stopped him and said, "They want to hold me back, at least three of them have to stand still, so in the worst case, you only need to hit two, and maybe only four , do you fight one by one?"

"I believe you."

Hearing the three words I believe in you, Xia Chenglin seemed to hold his breath in his chest and felt a little uncomfortable. After a few seconds, he asked in a muffled voice: "Can't you take the initiative to fight those three? How long will it take you to solve the three B-levels? You try to hurry up, I will wait for you here."

He believed in Deng Jiefu, and he had also experienced the strength of A-level, but maybe those people abroad didn't know it.

Moreover, he didn't really believe in Deng Jiefu's analysis, and he was already prepared to fight two, one and three, as long as Lao Deng solved the three and came to support him.

As a result, before he finished analyzing in his heart, he saw Deng Jiefu shaking his head.

"No, something went wrong in my practice recently, it's serious, it's not easy to do it."


Xia Chenglin frowned: "So serious?"

"It's okay, just rest for a while."

"That's not good, let's call a few people back, Lu Zhou or Qin Yunfeng will do."

Deng Jiefu still shook his head: "No way, the situation over there is so chaotic that you can't believe it. As soon as they leave, conflicts will erupt immediately, and their war may immediately affect our border residents. If they can't move, the situation is better. We have to transfer Lu Zhou back immediately, he was wasting too much at the border."

Xia Chenglin scratched his head and felt something was wrong, no matter what it meant, he had to beat him too much?

"Relax, many of them are newly promoted to B-level, and you will definitely be fine if you play one or two."

Hearing this, Xia Chenglin had no choice but to nod his head: "I don't care, I'm just afraid that there will be problems with the ruins."

"It's okay, there will be no problems with the ruins."

As expected of you, Old Deng, I only deny one.

Xia Chenglin shook his head and looked at Cole in the corner next to him: "What about this person? It's an emergency, kill him or not."

Although his sentence pattern was interrogative, it didn't sound like there was any question in it.

Cole, who was squatting before, was startled. His heart collapsed when he heard the explosive news.

Originally thinking about my C-level status, it would be fine even if I went to Longguo as a prisoner, as long as I actively cooperated with everything and negotiated with the World Security Bureau, there must be a chance to go back.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom has always been very peaceful. Even though they had some collisions secretly before, and there were casualties, the captives were basically released.

But this is hard to say with such top-secret information!

Cole quickly responded: "Don't kill me, I don't understand dragon language!"

The bear next to him was also taken aback by Cole's reaction.

Little Xiong doesn't understand dragon language, and the previous communication was all based on Deng Jiefu's spiritual dialogue. He only knows that the good uncle who gave him something just now got very angry and scared the bear very much.


Xia Chenglin was a little puzzled by Cole: "Have you ever been to school?"

"Graduated from Army Officer College."

"What is 99 divided by 3?"


"never mind."

Deng Jiefu waved his hand: "Don't worry about him, just let him stay here, I will take him away when I leave, you go and see the situation outside first, I will go out right away."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

After speaking, Xia Chenglin walked out.

After Xia Chenglin left, Deng Jiefu stood there for a while, looked at Cole meaningfully, then called the bewildered little bear to go out as well.

In an instant, the headquarters was empty and silent, leaving only Cole in place.

What's happening here?Why don't you care about yourself?
He looked around, all kinds of advanced instruments that he could not understand, holographic sand table, communication equipment, satellite phone on the table next to him, etc.

At this moment, Cole deeply realized that Dragon Kingdom has completely surpassed his own country in the study of aura and the combination of aura and technology.

After getting this legendary relic, the distance may be even further.

It's really scary to have a powerful hero Dragon Kingdom, Cole couldn't help sighing in his heart.

His eyes wandered and suddenly stopped on the satellite phone on the table next to him.

He knows this satellite phone, and the working mode is similar. As long as it is in the authorized state, it can make calls to any number.

A bold idea appeared in Cole's mind.

What if I call and report to the World Security Bureau?
Even if it was cut off halfway, as long as I said the legendary ruins, I should be able to understand it, right?
Cole froze for two seconds, then quickly shook his head to get rid of this crazy idea.

How the hell did I have such a dangerous idea, thinking that the hero sacrificed himself to make a blockbuster Eagle Kingdom?

Didn't that bald eagle go back?It would certainly speak of the remains of the situation.

Cole convinced himself very quickly, and obediently sat cross-legged on the spot.

Two seconds later, he moved his butt a few more times and stood up directly facing the tent wall.

Standing outside the tent, Deng Jiefu, who was watching the busy people, couldn't help but shook his head regretfully. The little bear at his feet looked at his master and sat down in a daze.

 Recently, I have been getting news about the sudden death of young people, and today I got a 22-year-old young girl who stayed up late and went into cardiac arrest, which is so scary.

(End of this chapter)

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