Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 220 The Eagle Catches the Chicken

Chapter 220 The Eagle Catches the Chicken

Liu Jing is now somewhat used to live streaming.

Just like now, she set up a small bench in this beautiful place and set up a camera, and then sand sculpture netizens would flood in.

Even if she, the anchor, doesn't speak and just stares at the camera or enjoys the scenery, these netizens will chat with each other in full swing, as if she has nothing to do with her at all.

But being asked a lot, Liu Jing will still answer some questions.

For example, "Sister Jing, do you want to buy a helmet?"

Liu Jing gathered the big padded jacket on her body and said, "It seems that in addition to the first batch of 1 sales quotas, some anchors with relatively high traffic will have additional purchase quotas. I seem to have them, but I'm not sure yet."

The barrage suddenly exploded and began to screen black screens.

Seeing the reactions of netizens, Liu Jing curled her lips and revealed another shocking melon.

"And I think some fans want to buy or sell it or forget it, because it is said that an identity binding mechanism will be introduced."

"That is to say, the helmet you bought with your ID card can only be bound to you by default. If the face recognition fails, there is no way to activate it."

"So even if you buy it, you can't sell it, you can only return it. After confirming the return, the ID card cannot apply for a purchase quota again within three months."

The two news blasted the audience in the live broadcast room into a mess, especially those who usually use new product releases to resell to make money, suddenly began to complain about dissatisfaction.

Fang Lin, who was lying next to him, became mentally active.

Who should I play with the whole helmet?
Of course Papa Lin can do it, but Yang Zhen doesn't know if he can do it. Yang Zhen has good food now, but some people don't like it, so he might as well go to Deng Jiefu directly, I guess my cheap brother will have to ask Deng Jiefu in the end.


Fang Lin shook his head abruptly.

Fang Lin, Fang Lin, why do you want to play?

After the aura recovered, everyone pointed at you, and Qi Ling was also urging her to upgrade and increase her influence every day, so she had to find a way to get resources!

Originally, Fang Lin thought that it was almost time to be promoted to B-level. After all, he was already considered a high-ranking person in the world, and he could rest for a while in the Buddhist system.

In the end, who would have thought that even the hem of his master's clothes would be damn hard to touch.

Deng Jiefu also mentioned to him before that the gap between the ranks gets bigger and bigger.

Thinking about it this way, wouldn't A-levels be worthy of standing in front of S-levels?
Then push it down like this, wouldn't he be worse than an ant?

Can't be so slack anymore!

keep it up!
But where to get the resources?

Speaking of which, the ruins from before seem to be really good, why don't you find a chance to join in the fun?
I don't know if there is a chance to go in with the regular army. If there is no chance, I will call Jiang Baibai. The shadow and my concealment should not be a big problem.

But Fang Lin could only sneak out at night. If he didn’t see anyone during the day, something would definitely go wrong.

Ah, so annoying.

Although I have enjoyed the long-lost family affection and money here, everything is a double-edged sword, and someone who always cares is also a limitation.

How can you sneak out during the day without being noticed?
Just as Fang Lin was thinking about how to operate reasonably to make a fortune, a snow-white figure rushed towards Fang Lin.

When it got close, the car didn't stop and bumped into Fang Lin.

Fang Lin, who was lying beside Liu Jing, pushed the princess who hit her chest with his paws speechlessly, watched her frown and reprimanded her.

"How frizzy."

The princess took a half step back in a daze, shook his head, then jumped up and down on the spot and said happily: "Brother, let's go and play~!"

"If you don't want to play, you can go find Yunyun."


The interaction between the two of them was clearly captured by the camera, and the barrage immediately flashed across the screen.

"Kaka is such a man, I feel like a domineering president and a little wife."

"Nonsense, it's obviously a father-daughter relationship."

Some little fairies who only cared about pets were pleasantly surprised.

"I'm convinced, can this be smashed?"

"What stinky rice circle, please climb."

However, before the little fairies could fight back, the male netizens who had sneaked into the fan base immediately began to output, and a defensive battle immediately broke out.

At this time Xiaojie also came out of the house with a frisbee, followed by the well-behaved and lovely Xiaoying, who came to play with Xiaojie again.

Xiaojie walked up to Fang Lin with the frisbee and waved it: "Kaka, let's go and play." He said and threw the red frisbee at him.

The frisbee flew through the air in a parabola and hit Fang Lin's head before bouncing off.


Fang Lin rolled his eyes at Xiaojie and turned his head away, too lazy to talk to him.

He suddenly had an idea about how to sneak out, so he got up and ran back to the mountain villa and went upstairs to Lin Yuqing's room amidst the doubts of several people.

Qingqing was lying on the bed with her feet up, chatting video with Zhao Hanya, when she saw Fang Lin come in and turned the camera on him to say hello.

After Fang Lin dealt with his little girl Zhao Hanya over the camera, he lay down on the floor and closed his eyes.

His eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he came to the Emperor's Dimension.

He had an idea that perhaps the hidden powers could help him do this.

The fact that hidden supernatural powers can be certified by the stone tablet shows that it has huge development potential, and various previous performances have also confirmed this point.

Moreover, the Wudao Pavilion will retain the user's perception and experience of his own supernatural powers. As the master of the space, Fang Lin can learn these at will.

If Jiang Baibai's shadow magic power and hidden magic power are combined to improve and develop, can he form a shadow clone with his own aura?
It may be possible to improve the shadow magic power to be successful. Specifically, the shadow magic power forms a clone entity with a certain ability to resist attacks, and then uses the hidden magic power to improve and simulate one's own breath.

Fang Lin felt that it was very feasible. If it really succeeded, he could easily find resources outside.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about leaving directly for the sake of strength or convenience.

Again, sometimes hard work is meaningful.

When you really experience the crowds and hustle and bustle, but you are alone in this world, it is actually very difficult to be motivated.

We say that our efforts are for ourselves, but seldom for ourselves. Even if we are strong in our hearts, it is like proving this in front of some people.

Fang Lin saw a piece of news in the dark time before. The content was that a middle-aged man went to cancel the account cancellation procedures for his mother who passed away due to illness, and erased the traces left by his mother in this world with his own hands. .

A big man was crying so much that he couldn't write a word with trembling hands.

And he once erased two.

Below the video are some sad words.

"Parents help us register, and we help parents cancel their accounts."

"Father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like an ocean, never forgetting."

"The death of life is the death of life science, and the cancellation of household registration is the death of sociology, but the figure of our parents is still in our memory. As long as we are still there, our parents will not disappear."

At that time, Fang Lin watched the video expressionlessly, then dropped his phone and closed his eyes and lay down on the bed.

He didn't know if this middle-aged man had a wife and a family, and if his mother's death would make him lose hope in life and get by, anyway, Fang Lin himself was like this.

People live a lifetime, always have to give something, always have to protect something.

No matter how refined and self-interested people are, facing their loved ones, there will be a moment when they want to give without expecting anything in return.

So now Fang Lin just wants to find a way to let himself slip out successfully. If it’s not possible, someone will have the supernatural power of avatar. At that time, give him the access permission of the space. After realizing it in Wudao Pavilion, the supernatural power will come naturally It will be included in the space.

At this moment, the figure of Xueqiu in the space suddenly appeared beside Fang Lin.

Seeing Fang Lin here, she greeted in surprise: "Brother, are you here to practice too?"

Fang Lin nodded a little surprised: "I see the princess and Yunyun are playing below, why don't you go and have a look?"

The gentle and bright eyes like snowball jewels looked at Fang Lin and smiled: "Sister Baibai said that the spiritual energy may recover within a week, and the stronger the time, the greater the benefits will be, I want to hurry up and practice to help you .”

Looking at her serious eyes, Fang Lin couldn't help being dumbfounded. He wanted to say that he didn't need her protection, but let himself protect them.

But Fang Lin was more than that, looking at Xueqiu's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, then you have to work harder, or you won't be able to catch up with me."

Xueqiu stuck out his tongue at Fang Lin, turned his head and ran quickly to Wudao Pavilion.

After Xueqiu left, Qi Ling appeared next to Fang Lin in fluttering white clothes and said with a smile, "My respected emperor, Xueqiu has been working very hard recently, except for resting, he basically cultivates in space."

Fang Lin looked at the direction she left and nodded, but asked curiously, "What is she practicing?"

"Generally, she is comprehending her supernatural powers, and generally comprehending the spiritual core behind. If the spiritual core is fully comprehended in advance, the speed of cultivation in the front will be extremely fast. It is a bit similar to the saying of Houtian Taoism. In short, it is related to heaven, earth and energy. more intimate."

"And I have observed that Snowball has been trying to strengthen the strength of his supernatural powers on others."

After speaking, Qi Ling watched Fang Lin's expression carefully with his eyes wide open, trying to see some expressions he expected.

"I see."

However, Fang Lin didn't show what Qi Ling wanted to see, and he was a little disappointed.

Fang Lin looked at her very strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"Aren't you moved?"

"I'm touched."

Qi Ling pouted, and Fang Lin didn't know what strange things Qi Ling was thinking, so he asked.

"Is there any facility that can help them practice, such as accelerated cultivation like some spirit gathering arrays."

"I just wanted to tell you that the Qianxiu Pavilion has been built and is waiting for your order."

Do you want to repair the pavilion?

Fang Lin nodded: "Let's build it. By the way, set Snowball's access authority to 100%. Since I want to become stronger, I will help her."


"Which potential repair pavilion can I also use?"

"You can use it, but you don't need it~ Qian Xiu Pavilion is divided into two modes."

"One is that the space itself absorbs the spiritual energy in the world and stores it, and then opens rooms with different concentrations of spiritual energy in the Qianxiu Pavilion."

"The other is to hand in ores or other things rich in aura, which will be decomposed by Qianxiu Pavilion to release pure aura for users to practice."

"No matter what kind, the stone tablet can be completed automatically and sent directly to your aura core. At that time, you should feel an increase in your cultivation speed, about 30%."

"Okay, go get busy, I'll go to Wudao Pavilion."

After Fang Lin heard this, he remembered that he still had a training task, so he found a hidden place in the space and began to comprehend supernatural powers through the stone tablet.

Ignoring Fang Lin and Xueqiu who were practicing hard, the atmosphere outside had gradually become more cheerful.

On the platform outside the mountain villa, the family played eagle catch chicken.

The Frisbee that Xiaojie originally held was confiscated by Yang's mother. She thought it was meaningless.

So under her leadership, Liu Jing, Xiaojie, Xiaoying, the princess and Yunyun started to catch chickens.

Now Mama Yang is the eagle, and Mama Liu is the hen. Xiaojie, Xiaoying, Princess and Yunyun line up behind Liu Jing to avoid Mama Yang's pursuit.


"Ha ha ha ha."


Under the mobilization of Yang Ma's agile figure, the children behind Liu Jing looked excited and happy.

Among them, only Gongsun Yun is the oldest, but she is only a child according to normal calculations. This is the happiest game she has played, and no one has ever played with her like this before.

Even if she went to play with Jiang Baibai, she would just wander around behind Jiang Baibai's ass.

The long line consisting of two people, one hare and one sheep twisted and twisted back and forth behind Liu Jing, and finally Gongsun Yun was caught by the wool on her buttocks in a quick back and forth transition by Yang Ma.


"Okay, the skewers, it's your turn."

Mama Yang exhaled, she was quite tired unexpectedly.

Gongsun Yun happily walked up to Liu Jing on her sheep's hooves, ready to attack.

Xiaoying, who was hiding behind Xiaojie in the middle of the team, and netizens behind the distant camera watched this scene very curiously.

"Fuck, this lamb really knows what it means for an eagle to catch a chicken."

"I feel that it plays better than I did back then."

"Why do I feel that any animal will become sperm when it comes to sister Jing and sister Qian's house? Has anyone checked?"

"Hey, Sister Qian is like the beast master in the novel, all of her subordinates are high-level spirit beasts."

"Another fool who reads novels, come and drag him away!"

Xiaoying was even more surprised in her young heart, because she grew up in Xiaoyang Village and had seen many lambs, but none of them were as smart as Yunyun.

But before she could start thinking, the lamb had already launched an attack, so she was forced to dodge joyfully.

Jiang Baibai, who was on the chair next to him, lay there with a disdainful face watching this scene.

What's the point of this kid's playing house?
It's just that her eyes seem to betray her a little.

Boring, Kaka went back to sleep in broad daylight, so lazy.

Alas, I really want to go for a walk in the mountains and forests again.

Just when Jiang Baibai was bored, she suddenly turned her head to look at the wall of the mountain villa.

A little brown bear was peeking at the wall with its head poking its head. It was covered in dust, dusty, and only had a pair of small black eyes that were very expressive.

 Thanks to Wenrou Xuelang for the 2000 starting point coins, and thanks to Hunter Rongguang for the 5000 starting point coins!

  After seeing the comments saying that the plot is slow, I suddenly realized that this is my problem all the time, and it is also the problem of this book.

  Because in this case, the form of the protagonist has no purpose, and there is no chain of events like those in traditional novels.

  In fact, it is mainly my own ability and the limitation of this novel. The protagonist is a pet dog, which restricts him from going out to take risks and upgrade dungeons like the protagonists of those novels.

  It's quite uncomfortable, so the plot has developed to the point where the world line advances first and then reverses to affect the protagonist, especially when the world line does not advance, it can only be written like a unit drama with children.

  What I wrote is also very restrained, try to adjust it.

(End of this chapter)

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