Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 221 Steamed Bear's Paw

Chapter 221 Steamed Bear's Paw ([-] words! Please subscribe!)

Due to the wide angle of Liu Jing's lens, sharp-eyed viewers have already caught the little bear sneaking up on the edge of the fence.

"Fuck, bear! There are bears!"

"Sister Jing! Stop playing, there are bears!"

"What's the hurry, this bear seems to be about the size of the princess, let Kaka go!"

"Is this the Northeast? Is it the same as the polar bear country, and the family also raises bears?"

"Don't be embarrassed by the above. People who are born and bred in Northeast China have never seen wild bears."

"Is this a bear cub? Be careful that the mother bear is behind. There have been a lot of news about brown bears attacking people a while ago."

On the platform at the entrance of the courtyard, everyone was still happily playing eagles and chickens, but they didn't know that the live broadcast room had already turned upside down.

Xiao Yang is also getting better, and he is very agile in dodging from left to right, mobilizing the long dragon behind Liu Jing into twists and turns.

Xiaojie grabbed Liu Jing's padded jacket, Xiaoying grabbed him, and Yang's mother followed behind and dodged out of thin air.

The princess standing at the back ran the longest and most exciting way, with her big tail wagging happily, obviously she liked this game very much.

Anyone who has played eagle and chicken knows that this kind of inertia is generally that the more people there are, the bigger it is, and it all acts on the "hen".

It may be that the two children were too fascinated to play and exerted all their strength, even if there were only two of them, Liu Jing's upper body clothes were still tight, making her a little out of breath, and her face flushed.

If she was playing in summer, her usually light short sleeves would probably be torn right away.

At this moment, Xiao Yang stopped suddenly and gave Liu Jing a little breathing space.

"Little Jie, you're holding on too tightly!"

".I'm sorry, godmother."

Just as Liu Jing turned her head and widened her eyes to teach Xiaojie, the family followed Xiao Yang's gaze and turned their heads to look behind.

I said before that the mountain villa is built on a platform halfway up the mountain, with the forest area behind it.

Yang Tingxiang took over this forest area originally because he wanted to plant some trees he liked, but later he felt that it was too troublesome and let it go.

In short, after reaching this platform, the entire hill that goes up belongs to our own family.

This small hill stretches over two more hills, and it becomes one piece with the forest in the blockade area.

Xiaoying, who had never seen a bear before, was taken aback, her face turned pale, and she went right behind Xiaojie, holding his cuff tightly and not letting go.

Xiaojie was also quite scared at first, but the old man blushed from Xiaoying's sudden attack and stood in front of the scene, his eyes searching for Kaka's traces around him.

"Stand back."

Mama Yang calmly opened her arms and drove the children back.

Unlike the strict formation here, the little bear who leaned against the wall and stood up to observe secretly saw that he was discovered, and immediately panicked.

I turned my head and wanted to run back, but because my head was not very bright, I forgot that I was still standing, so I fell back to the ground, and it took a long time to get up.

"This bear seems a little not very smart."

"Haha, so cute, I was shocked when I was found out."

"Could it be that you're hungry and have nothing to eat?"

Seeing the little bear's movements, the barrage became more cheerful, and Yang's mother was not as nervous as before.

But Ren Lai Crazy Princess observed for a while and ran over directly.

"The princess is back!"

Ignoring Mama Yang's shout, she ran to Little Bear and sniffed it curiously. Little Bear shrank back subconsciously when he saw the princess who was about the same age as him.

Looking at the dirty little bear, the princess asked, "You ugly little bear, what are you doing here?"

"You're ugly, I'm here to find my master!"

"I'm much prettier than you."

The princess turned around in place, the snow-white fluffy hair paired with the sky-blue eyes exuded a charming charm, of course from the perspective of a spirit beast.

Xiao Xiong looked at the princess who was circling in front of him, and felt that there seemed to be light emanating from her, which was extremely beautiful.

It lowered its head and looked at its already embarrassed body, which had been embellished and embellished by the master, and couldn't help leaning against the wall again, feeling like an unattended bumpkin.

"You said you came to find your master? Who is your master?"

Facing the princess's question, Little Bear hadn't spoken yet, Jiang Baibai had leapt over three or two times and landed beside her steadily to answer.

"It's Kaka."

"my brother?"

The princess widened her eyes in shock.

The lamb also came over curiously to observe the little brown bear who felt a little socially intimidated.

Originally in the spirit world, she liked to make friends with other spirits, but because of her family, she was usually reluctant to talk to others. Except for Jiang Baibai, no spirit beast really played with her.

Among the spirit beasts of the same generation with the same family background, if Jiang Baibai wasn't around, she would definitely be the one who would be ridiculed.

After all, mischievous children without tutors will always unconsciously bully those gentle and quiet girls.

However, in the past few months since she came to the ancestral land, her personality has become a lot more cheerful, and she is happy every day.

Now seeing the little bear whose eyes look a bit like his former self, he couldn't help but talk: "Are you Kakage's new apprentice?"


Is my master's name Kaka?

The little bear was stunned for a moment and said: "My master is that very powerful spirit beast with a huge size."

Originally, it wanted to say that it had huge wings and was covered in light, but it stopped as soon as it said it.

Because it suddenly remembered that Deng Jiefu told him not to expose his master's situation. In front of others, his master was just an ordinary spirit beast.

Jiang Baibai was a little curious: "What is huge?"

Little Xiong looked at Jiang Baibai as if watching a spy, his eyes were full of vigilance and his mouth was tightly shut.

Yang Ma looked at the scene and was a little puzzled.

Are these hairy kids in my family so social?

Chatting with a strange little brown bear so quickly?

Liu Jing saw that things seemed to be under control again, so she went to get her mobile phone and took pictures.

In the camera, the dirty little bear retreated by the wall, surrounded by the very neat and beautiful Princess Xiaoyang and Jiang Baibai.

The painting styles are very contrasting, as if a princess meets a beggar on the street, or a pampered child meets a waif who is exposed to the sun.

The barrage that made Liu Jing cautious turned into "What a poor little bear." "Are you hungry? Or can't find a home?"

Especially when the little bear saw a few tall humans coming over, the appearance of moving backward vigilantly made people feel distressed.

But Little Bear could see that these people didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

"Okay, don't look nervous, your master is sleeping at home, these are his family members."

"If he admits you, it will be your family in the future."

Jiang Baibai took a step forward gracefully, frowning slightly and said to Little Bear.

This little naive look always made me feel like I was bullying it.

"My master will definitely admit me!"

Hearing this answer, Jiang Baibai couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "That's not necessarily the case, you are a day late, and 24 hours have already passed."

"Your master is the strictest, he says what he says, even if it's his master or the man you hugged your thigh, it's useless to talk."

Jiang Baibai started to scare the little bear, but the little bear swallowed subconsciously and remained silent.

And Yang's mother also had a headache looking at the dirty and pitiful little bear.

Did you poke the animal nest in your own home?

Why have more and more animals come to him since he brought Kaka and Snowball home.

She turned her head helplessly and looked at Liu Jing who was honestly standing beside her holding her mobile phone and asked.

"Is this how you picked up the general and the skewers?"


Liu Jing nodded quickly.

The barrage also began to instigate.

"Raise it, raise it!"

"The little bear is so pitiful, why don't sister Jing raise it?"

And some rational netizens began to refute.

"What do you think this is? Do you understand the national second-class protected animals? You can raise it if you say so?"

"The per capita quality of Douyin is like this. If you don't understand anything, you will know nonsense."

Immediately, the tip of the needle pointed at the wheat awn.

"Can't feed the head office with something to eat, can't you watch it starve to death in winter?"

"What does it have to do with you? What are you in a hurry for?"

Seeing the rhythm getting bigger and bigger, an account with official certification sent a barrage.

"Hi host, we are from the Black Province Rare Animal Protection Association. Because of the vision a day ago, our expert team is on the way to the Daxing Mountain Nature Reserve. At present, it seems that this little brown bear is about one year old. It should be there. Some accident left the hibernation home."

"You can give it some food while ensuring your own safety. We will come to check it in detail when we arrive. We can talk privately and tell you the precautions, thank you."

Once the barrage with the authentication number was sent, netizens in the live broadcast room copied it one after another to let Liu Jing see it.

After Liu Jing saw it, she quickly patted Yang's mother to signal her to read, and after reading these words, Yang's mother was relieved.

After all, this bear is different from ordinary cats and dogs, and it must be better to have an official endorsement.

She looked at the little bear and said for a while, "Are you hungry? If you are hungry, I will take you back."

As he spoke, he took two steps back.

What she and the audience in the live broadcast room didn't expect was that the little bear actually followed Mama Yang.

So Mama Yang didn't stop and took it directly into the yard.

"Kaka can understand people's words, I understand. After all, she often gets along with sister Jing and the others. What's the matter with this little bear! Has he become a spirit!"

"Is there a possibility that it is because Cheng Jing is too smart that he is out of tune with other brothers and sisters and was kicked out of the house by his mother."

As soon as he entered the door, the animals in the yard jumped up and down.

Seeing the little bear with an unfamiliar aura, the big goose spread its wings and rushed over aggressively.

Before the little bear understood what was going on, the big goose smeared his face, and immediately covered his head with his paws and started running.

"Dabai, don't hit it!"

"Big White!"

Liu Jing tried to persuade the fight, but Dabai didn't pay attention to it at all, and yelled indiscriminately.

The little bear was also angry at this time.

It's okay to be teased by Jiang Baibai, after all, she is my master's friend and has that special aura, which I can't beat.

But you are too much for a goose!
The anxious little bear looked for an opportunity to stand firm, grasping the ground with four chubby claws and lowering his dantian, he raised his head and roared at Dabai.


However, some immature growls only stunned Dabai for a moment, Dabai who often molested those locked up hounds in the backyard had no fear at all.

The wings were glued together, and then it pecked fiercely at the bear's ass.

Because it was at the master's house, he didn't dare to make a real move, so Xiao Xiong had to be pecked to the ground.

"Little bear's combat power = 1 big goose" has been posted in the barrage, and I don't know how the little bear will feel when he knows this in the future.

"Big White!"

Yang Ma stood forward, frowned and grabbed Dabai's neck, picked it up and put it aside.

The big goose who was reprimanded by Yang's mother suddenly became honest, shrank his head and started to wander around as if nothing happened.

Du Qingfeng, who heard the movement, came to the front yard from the kitchen. When she saw the little bear, she asked in a daze.

"Where did you catch the cub?"

"Mom, I didn't catch it, it ran to the door by itself."

"And what about the ones you delivered to your door?"

Although the little bear couldn't understand what the new human being in front of him was saying, it didn't feel too good.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Little Bear still couldn't see the Master he was thinking of.

The grill in the yard has been set up, and a few big steaks that are sizzling on it exude a charming aroma.

Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie and Xiaoying surrounded the little bear curiously, and Lin Yuqing kept taking pictures and sending them to Zhao Hanya.

Yang Ma stood in front of the grill and kept turning the beef, then asked Liu Jing next to her: "Did the experts say whether brown bears can eat cumin powder?"

"No, I'll ask."

Liu Jing picked up another mobile phone that was not live broadcasting and sent a message.

Liu Jing: "Hello, can it eat cumin?"

Expert: "Um, are you going to feed it barbecue? Actually, raw cut into small pieces will do."

Liu Jing: "That won't work, it's so unhealthy if it's raw, can I eat cumin?"

Expert: "... Yes, you can eat it, it's just a kind of spice, but it's best not to let it go."

Liu Jing: "I understand."

"Qian, I can eat it."

"it is good."

Yang Ma immediately sprinkled a handful of cumin on it.

Seeing this scene, the barrage was a little restless.

"Good guy, I want to eat after seeing it."

"It's obviously three o'clock in the afternoon, why did I suddenly feel a little hungry just now, I want to order a takeaway."

"Sister Jing, is there still room for your pet room? Do you think I'm suitable?"

"What are you thinking buddy? Do you know that you have to line up in the lottery? The next place is already scheduled for next year."

Liu Jing glanced at the bullet screen and said casually: "There is no pet room at home, and the Princess and the others sleep with me."

The barrage became even more excited when he heard this.


"Why am I more excited?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Good guy, do you want to apply for a pet dog upstairs? But the position for dogs is already full. Didn't you see that the later ones were all other species?"

"Then what's missing, is there a pig? Heh heh heh"


These beef are all high-quality beef prepared for Kaka, and the rich meaty aroma wafts in the yard.

The bear sitting in front of the grill stared at the grill with bright eyes. It had never smelled such a delicious aroma.

The young heart had a deep affection for Yang's mother.

At this time, Du Qingfeng, who was wearing an apron, came out with a large wooden basin and put it in the yard, and then threw a pair of plastic gloves and a large brush aside.

"Mom, remember to use warm water."

"Understood, the cubs outside here are not domesticated, they are very solid."

"It's winter after all."

"I know, I know."

After a while, Du Qingfu came out with a large pot of hot water and poured it into the tub, then gave the little bear a vicious look.

She was preparing dinner for her precious granddaughter and grandson. She was going to make stewed chicken, braised pork and braised lion's head.

This unknown little bear cub ran out to disrupt her plan.


The scalding hot water was poured into the wooden basin, and the steaming heat floated into the blue sky.

The little bear was startled when he heard the movement, he leaned over to the barrel, looked in and asked Jiang Baibai beside him.

"What is this for?"

Jiang Baibai glanced at it and said, "Get ready to eat the bear's paw. After scalding the bear's paw with hot water, the fur on the bear's paw will fall off and be handled easily. You can put it on the grill directly."

The little bear trembled subconsciously when he heard this, but he knew that Jiang Baibai was teasing himself.

The lamb explained to it with a smile: "I need to give you a bath, and other people will like it if you are clean."

Little Bear looked at his body and was a little embarrassed: "Actually, I can wash it myself."

After a while, Du Qingfeng poured another pot of hot water into it, and then took a water pipe from the pond to neutralize the temperature.

Soon a large basin full of bath water was put away.

Du Qingfeng never thought that one day she would bathe a cub, so she brought a small bench over, put on gloves, picked up a brush, and gestured to the bear.

"Go in."

Seeing Du Qingfeng's posture, Little Bear hesitated for a moment, but was soon slapped on his ass by the impatient Du Qingfeng with a brush.

"hurry up."

Little Xiong looked at the Princess, Xiaoyang, and Jiang Baibai next to him, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and didn't understand where this shame came from.

But it had no choice but to dawdle into the tub.

The water temperature was just right, even a little comfortable, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

However, it soon felt a coolness appearing from behind, and when it looked back, it turned out that it was the fierce human woman pouring a very fragrant thing on itself.

The little bear subconsciously stretched out his head to lick and taste it, but Du Qingfeng slapped it on the head.

"Fool, I want to eat shower gel too!"

After the little sheep translated for the little bear, the little bear immediately understood.

It looked at Du Qingfeng, and the unique senses of spirit beasts told it that although this human being was a bit fierce, he was also full of kindness towards him.

It seems that everyone here has a pure heart for it, making it feel very comfortable and natural.

No wonder these humans are Master's family members, but it seems that they don't have that strange feeling, haven't they cultivated?
Although it didn't understand why such a powerful master would be with these untrained humans, it still obediently let Du Qingfeng play with it.


Perhaps the master is watching from somewhere.


"Another one."

"Ass pouted."




Under Du Qingfeng's fiddling, Little Bear enjoys the Northeast scrubbing, but the scrubbing tool is a big brush.

This feeling is just right for a bear with rough skin and thick flesh.

Netizens who watched the whole scene in the live broadcast room couldn't help but sigh that the second-level national seems to have no dignity in front of the Northeast aunt.

From the very beginning, she was educated clearly, and if she was not obedient, she would be served with a big brush. Now she has closed her eyes comfortably and completely fallen under the power of the Northeast aunt.

"Huh, I'm exhausted. This little bear cub is quite enjoying it."

Du Qingfeng, who was sweating a little on his forehead in winter, looked helplessly at the little bear who had fallen asleep with his head resting on the edge of the tub.

"After washing, the water has turned black, let it sleep for a while?"

Du Qingfeng looked at the little bear with a cute face, and felt a little happy.

Mama Yang looked at it and said, "Forget it, it's so cold outside, let's wake up and take it to the shower room on the first floor to take a shower, and go to sleep after eating."


Du Qingfeng came to the little bear and tapped its nose, and finally patted its face to wake it up.

Half an hour later, the little bear, who had been washed again and blown for a long time, came to the yard again.

This time, its appearance has changed drastically, and its overall appearance is more than one grade higher than before.

The hair that used to be full of mud, heavily knotted, with dark patches and light patches became very fluffy and smooth, making the whole bear look cute and pleasing to the eye.

It can only be said that hair is indeed an important factor affecting the appearance of creatures, whether it is for humans or spirit beasts.

The princess came to it in surprise and walked around it: "So you are not ugly."

Just as Little Bear was about to argue, when he looked up, he saw a figure he was thinking of walking down the stairs, and it was the handsome and handsome Fang Lin.


The little bear howled and rushed towards Fang Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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