Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 222 Lesson 1

Chapter 222 Lesson [-]

The bear screamed and rushed towards Fang Lin, his chubby body was so cute when he ran.

I don’t know why things like bears always give people a sense of intimacy. Maybe they are too deeply influenced by film and television images. You can see bear dolls of various sizes in various sizes in major shopping malls.

When you look at these big guys from the animal world, they are also stupid. Maybe there is a reason why they are too fat and furry. You are always worried that they will not be able to catch fish and be hungry.

The marble floor was a bit slippery, and the little bear couldn't stop the car. The whole bear spun slightly and slid on the floor.

Fang Lin, who came down the stairs, stretched out his paw and stepped on the bear's butt like a football to help it stop.

After the little bear stopped, he turned around Fang Lin excitedly and said, "Master, I have completed your test. You don't know how difficult my journey is. I almost lost sight of you!"

As he was talking, Little Bear thought of his pitiful and helpless scene in the snow-covered primeval forest, and felt a little sad for a while.

Now I have no home, besides my friend Little Squirrel, I only have two relatives, my grandpa and my master.

It felt a warm feeling from the master during its short time together, and now it couldn't help seeing Fang Lin, and rushed over to hug his front paws.

And Fang Lin raised his eyebrows looking at the little bear, feeling a little strange in his heart.

He has just researched a new skill that combines shadows and hidden magical powers. I have to say that space is too mysterious and powerful.

It is also possible that Fang Lin's current level and understanding of supernatural powers are too low for the former emperor's space.

The stele helped Fang Lin comprehend these as easily and freely as teaching elementary school lessons.

After comprehending the skills, he opened his eyes and felt the bear's breath. At first, he was a little surprised. After all, he thought about it later. This task is indeed a bit difficult, and it may not be completed in a day.

But when his extraordinary sense of smell smelled some familiar aura left on the little bear, he basically understood what was going on.

Moreover, Fang Lin's extraordinary senses can easily tell whether the words in Little Bear's mouth are true or not. It seems that he has been tortured quite hard.

However, under normal circumstances, cubs who are more than one year old will be driven out by their mothers to learn to survive near their own territory after hibernation is over.

This year is the most difficult time in their lives except for the newborns. Their bodies are not yet fully developed, and they have lost the protection of their mothers.

It would be better if a few brothers and sisters huddled together to keep warm, but this little bear would probably be choked up by himself.

What Little Bear encountered before was misfortune, but meeting himself was considered its greatest luck.

Fang Lin looked down at the little bear who was looking up at him and asked, "Did you run here by yourself?"

The little bear let go of Fang Lin's paw, looked at Fang Lin innocently, and answered with the words his master taught him.

"I ran back alone. In the end, I met the master and he brought me back to the camp with many humans."

Fang Lin nodded noncommittally: "Okay, since you have completed my test, then you are qualified to be my apprentice."

"But I can give you another chance to choose. We just met twice because of fate, and you don't know me well. Are you sure you want to worship me as a teacher?"

"Perhaps you can meet better ones in the future."

"I'm sure!"

The little bear looked at Fang Lin firmly and said, when it rushed out of the woods facing the aura storm and saw Fang Lin for the first time, it knew in its heart that it was right to follow him.

"Okay, call Master to listen."


"Master Master!"

Seeing that the little bear had chosen him with certainty, Fang Lin felt more and more strange in his heart.

Reasonably speaking, this is the first time he has experienced the feeling of being a master, but he can't act casually like Deng Jiefu, and he treats each other with all his strength after identifying himself.

If the Cubs want to get more from themselves, it depends on its performance.

Hmm. It should be regarded as a registered disciple now.

Yang's mother next to him looked at the little bear and Kaka so kindly, and looked at Kaka with strange eyes. Are animals so familiar with each other?
Liu Jing next to him also used his mobile phone to record the scene where Cub was stopped by his butt, then circled around Kaka and hugged his thigh.

The barrage also speculated about the reason.

"Is there a possibility that Little Bear regards Kaka as his father, after all Kaka is quite big."

"Brown bear fathers are not used to raising their children, and may even regard them as enemies. Without the protection of brown bear mothers, they may kill them."

"That's being a mother."

"Are you colorblind when you're a brown bear? Kaka is old white."

"Maybe its mother has albinism?"

"Is there a possibility that the bear is mutated, and it is actually a polar bear wandering from next door."

Ignoring the barrage of ideas and chatting vigorously, Yang's mother saw that the furry children and the little bear almost knew each other, so she invited the little bear to have dinner.

"What's the situation? Is this too dog-licking?"

"Is Kaka so charming? Could this little bear be a female bear?"

"It's possible, sister Jing turned the little bear over and let us be healthy."

In the yard, the little bear pushed the rice bowl stacked with delicious steaks to Fang Lin, who was resting on his stomach next to Liu Jing, and Fang Lin signaled him to eat quickly and not bother himself.

Indeed, I have forgotten that this is the master's house, and the master may eat such delicious food every day.

The little bear thought for a while and began to eat big pieces.

At this time, the princess leaned over to Fang Lin and looked at him mysteriously and said, "Brother, I also want to worship you as my teacher."


Fang Lin thought he heard it wrong, and watched the princess sticking out her tongue in front of her face, stretched out her claws and pulled her aside.

"What's wrong with you in broad daylight? If you're really free, you can learn from Xueqiu. She's still practicing and will break through D-level soon. How about you?"

The princess pouted and was dissatisfied: "Sister Xueqiu can call you brother, but I can't even call you. I also need to have a separate address."


Fang Lin couldn't understand the princess's brain circuit, and motioned to her that there was still a little bear.

"It's okay, I don't mind, I can just be a big sister."

As she spoke, the princess looked at the little bear who was gnawing on the steak while secretly watching him and wagging his tail: "From now on, Senior Sister, I will cover you."

Fang Lin looked at the escaped princess and didn't know what to say.

The princess is actually quite special to him.

It was the first time he opened his eyes to see her after he was reborn, and he just thought of her as an ordinary pet dog at that time.

Unexpectedly, after going round and round, she became a member of the family. After awakening her wisdom, he no longer regarded her as a pet dog.

Although Fang Lin hoped that she and Xueqiu could practice hard, he didn't really like the princess's rapid progress.

To be reasonable, he was very worried about the princess, especially when he thought of the first time he was in danger in the illusion of the gods, the princess used supernatural powers to help him share the damage and then fell down in front of him.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai and Xiao Yang who were watching the excitement, he pondered for a moment and said, "I just heard from the Qi Ling in that mysterious space that there will be a new facility to assist spiritual energy cultivation soon."

"As long as you can persist in practicing with Xueqiu for a month, then I will agree with you to be Xiaoxiong's senior sister."

The princess narrowed her happy eyes immediately: "Really?"



The princess Fang Lin, who seemed to have a plan in her chest, didn't understand her confidence, and couldn't hold on to the usual one-hour meditation.

"Let me remind you again, the requirement is that if Xueqiu is practicing, then you must also practice for a month. Except for eating and sleeping, she spends time in the space recently."

"I know."

Fang Lin nodded, suddenly thought of something and quickly added: "Don't practice your supernatural powers, and just concentrate on cultivating spiritual energy in the new facility."

Jiang Baibai asked curiously: "Kaka, did Qi Ling say there are new facilities?"

"Well, something like that gathering spirit formation."

"It shouldn't be that simple."

Having seen the wonders of several other training facilities, Jiang Baibai is looking forward to the new facilities in the space. After recovering completely, there will be no world suppression, and it is time for her to break through.

"Master, what is space?"

Before Fang Lin could answer, Jiang Baibai smiled and teased Little Bear: "Space is a very magical place, which can help you practice. But the facilities in it cost money. If you leave Kaka, ask me to be your teacher." , how about I help you pay?"

Little Xiong refused without thinking: "I don't want it, my master is much better than you."

Jiang Baibai is now unconvinced: "Your master is C-level, and I am also C-level, and if it is not suppressed by the rules of the ancestral land, I can already break through to B-level."

"Is B-rank very powerful?"

"Of course it's amazing. B-levels can sense the power of heaven and earth and C-levels are not at the same level. I know you don't understand. The simplest change is that B-levels can fly through the air. Is it amazing? I can teach you."

After listening to it for a long time, Little Bear realized that it was here, and my master could fly a long time ago.

Not only can it fly, but it can also summon huge beams of light and grow wings all over its body.

If the master hadn't told it that the master should hide his own strength, it wouldn't have scared her to death by saying these things.

"Hmph, not bad at all."

"Hey you little bear."

Fang Lin was speechless watching the two quarreling: "Bai Bai, why are you arguing with a one-year-old bear? You are a hundred years old."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Baibai rushed forward and interrupted him.

"Hey, what are you talking about, it's annoying you to death."

"Ah, so you are a hundred years old, you are an old monster!"

Jiang Baibai jumped off Fang Lin's head and walked towards the little bear step by step, exuding a cold breath all over his body: "What did you say?"

The moment Little Bear said something, he realized something was wrong and took two steps back.

"I will now teach you the first lesson on behalf of your master, what is respecting the teacher and respecting the way."

The little bear hurriedly wanted to escape, but the snow-white claws scratched the little bear's buttocks, and at the same time, the power of shadow was mobilized secretly.

Although the little bear's butt looked harmless, it felt as if it had been pricked by a needle suddenly, and the whole bear jumped up in pain.


"I was wrong! Master help!"

"It's useless to be wrong, where to run, look at the claws!"

"Oh!! Kill the bear, master save me!!!"

The heart-piercing howl of the little bear rang out in the yard, and the free-range chickens and ducks jumped up and down.

The big yellow dog basking in the sun under the eaves glanced lazily and then lowered its head again. The big goose felt terrified when he saw it, maybe he was glad that he didn't mess with the white cat.

The little bear fled behind Fang Lin at first, but it was shocked to find that its master was looking up at the scenery, so it turned around and ran towards the very kind mother Yang.

But Yang Ma and Liu Jing also watched the pandas fight with a smile on their faces.

After all, how could the little white cat beat the bear?Besides, he didn't lose a single bear hair on his butt.

The bear had no choice but to circle in the yard, trying to adjust its body shape, but its size was placed there, and the target of its butt was indeed a bit big.

The barrage also swiped the screen.

"Is the brown bear's fighting power so stretched? The general can't beat it?"

"Look at the general's nimble claws. It's terrifying. It's far beyond what ordinary cats can match."

"A bear = a goose < a cat?"

"How did this offend the general? I think they were chatting before, can someone who knows how to translate what they just talked about?"

Fang Lin sighed in his heart seeing the little bear fleeing in embarrassment. It's not that my good disciple is not a teacher and doesn't save you. In fact, you have poked Jiang Baibai's sore spot.

Can a woman's age be joked casually?

too young.

Fang Lin watched the little bear's running posture with great interest. He was quite talented, and the running and running became more and more smooth.

However, the force points of some joints of the body are still not found, and the muscles have not been fully mobilized.

So he looked at the little bear and pointed out: "When you were running, you didn't fully mobilize your body's potential. The force was too primitive and rough. Calm down and feel your body with your heart in the extreme environment."






While speaking, an imaginary little bear with aura running in perfect posture appeared in front of it and guided it. At the same time, the power of heaven and earth was activated under Fang Lin's hidden magical powers to accurately correct its running posture.

Both the little bear and Jiang Baibai were taken aback by the aura bear, and the joints and other parts of the little bear were suddenly stressed and couldn't adapt, so they fell and ate shit.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin in shock: "You are crazy!"

She hurriedly looked at Liu Jing and Yang's mother next to her, but found that the family was pointing at the fallen bear and laughing as if they hadn't seen the aura bear.

Ordinary creatures without spiritual sense cannot feel the aura floating in the air, but when the aura is absorbed into its own spiritual core by living beings and released, it will have certain attributes so that it can be seen by the naked eye.

It's like ordinary people in the fantasy world can't see magic elements, but they can see the fireball technique created by Faye.

Humans also have corresponding skills, which can make the spiritual energy cultivated have certain attributes, even if nothing is sent out by the C-level spiritual energy, the spiritual energy will appear.

Therefore, a C-level shot in front of ordinary people will definitely be discovered.

But the strange thing is that they don't seem to see it.

Does Kaka have any means of hiding his breath?It can actually hide the aura fluctuations released by itself.

Jiang Baibai immediately thought of the power of this method.

Now that the senses of ordinary people can be shielded, then the senses of practitioners can be shielded in the future to achieve the effect of silently killing the enemy.

Perhaps, it can be achieved now.


Jiang Baibai took a deep look at Kaka, it turns out that you are hiding so deeply.

Fang Lin noticed Jiang Baibai's gaze and shrugged, signaling her to continue revenge.

Jiang Baibai snorted coldly and planned to ask him later, she really hasn't spanked enough now, bear's ass is quite comfortable to spank, let alone.

So, the paw with the power of shadow hit the little bear's butt again.

It bounced off the ground again, and the aura bear in front of it moved again, and the power of heaven and earth continued to correct the bear's movements.

The little bear looked at his master wanting to cry without tears, it never thought that cultivation would be carried out like this! ! !

 It was reported by someone, and there was a chapter about the magic capital (︿) blocked, and reported it to Ziliang after the revision.

  It's too difficult for the little author.

(End of this chapter)

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