Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 226 Why?

Chapter 226 Why?
The development of things is basically slow at the beginning, but when it reaches a critical point, it will change rapidly and move forward.

Fang Lin had already seen the vision of heaven and earth due to the opening of the ruins halfway.

The entire sky in the distance was dyed colorful by the turbulent aura, like colorful auspicious clouds. The closer Fang Lin got, the more he felt the majestic aura of the fairy palace.

In contrast, the opening of the ruins at the paraglider base was much inferior.

When Fang Lin transformed into a battle form and fell from the air, the camp was already solemn, but Fang Lin could clearly feel that the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little tense.

In the center of the cleared space ahead, a somewhat gorgeous whirlpool door stands quietly there, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

"I don't know if it's an illusion. I seem to hear the sound of some musical instruments and the melodious chirping of spirit beasts."

Xia Chenglin frowned and said to Deng Jiefu.

"It's not an illusion."

Deng Jiefu stood imposingly in front of everyone in a black robe, his calm and steady expression stabilized everyone's mood.

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene, Fang Lin spread his wings and howled to the sky, and the extremely penetrating and infectious howling reached everyone's ears.

The Qiankun members at the scene couldn't help looking at Fang Lin.

I saw that accompanied by a full-fledged howl, the bright moonlight swayed down from the sky, and the giant wings incited a strong coercion to sweep over and made everyone's hearts shudder.

Except for Deng Jiefu and Xia Chenglin, the feeling of being unmatched permeated everyone's heart.

However, this calmed them down a lot. The stronger the allies, the greater the confidence in this mission.


A puff of white air spewed out from the tip of his nose. Fang Lin put away his momentum and walked slowly to Deng Jiefu, nodded at him, and then waited quietly on the spot.

Deng Jiefu also nodded at Fang Lin and began to deploy tasks.

"I will enter first later, and the others will enter one by one according to the order stipulated in advance."

"The purpose of the relic is essentially to screen out excellent successors, so the places where they are initially teleported to are often not that dangerous."

"Professor Ji and the other two experts on spirit beasts, if you find yourself separated from others after entering, just wait there. You have enough supplies in your backpacks to survive for three days. We will definitely find them before the supplies are exhausted." Either you take down the array and let you come out."

"Is your name Guan Hanshan?"


"After we go in, we will do a good job of hiding and guarding in situ."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After the explanation, Deng Jiefu walked into the whirlpool door first.

The whirlpool door fluctuated for a while before returning to calm, and the scene became extremely silent.

Fang Lin waited for a few seconds and saw that there was no movement from them, so he stepped forward and walked in.

This constantly flowing vortex door is like a portal to a mysterious world. No matter how Fang Lin unfolds his extraordinary senses, nothing will come of it.

Fang Lin walked to the whirlpool door and tentatively stretched out his paws, feeling a strange feeling that the claws sank into the whirlpool door and suddenly rose from his heart.

really interesting.

Without hesitation, Fang Lin walked into the ruins in two steps.

When Fang Lin stepped into the whirlpool door, the light and shadow in front of him appeared directly in an open space.

At this time, Diandian Xianyin sounded indistinctly but clearly in his ears, as if he was playing in the sky far away, and also as if he was playing right next to him.

Looking up, he was surrounded by dozens of emerald peaks standing in the middle, and farther away was some illusory void that could not be seen.

I can't see the sun, but I can feel the warm sun shining on my body. The sky is blue, but it turns into an illusory light pink when it extends into the distance.

Under the light and shadow, dozens of emerald peaks seem to be surrounded by a layer of glazed formation, and the tide of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye floats back and forth in the formation.

In the depths of Cuifeng, there are clouds and smoke.

Occasionally, it seemed that a few cranes appeared in surprise, and the fairy sounds that opened up the mind continued little by little.

It is really a treasure land of the immortal family with the spirit and beauty, which perfectly fits Fang Lin's various impressions of the immortal sect.

However, the only shortcoming is the lack of some figures flying around the clouds with their belts fluttering, otherwise everything would be perfect.

Deng Jiefu also stood in front of Fang Lin and smiled at him when he saw Fang Lin proceeding.

Fang Lin took the opportunity to ask: "Are all the ruins so grand?"

"Not all, some experience-type ruins are like hell."

Tsk, it seems that I am lucky.

"What's the next task?"

Deng Jiefu smiled mysteriously and said, "That depends on how the ruins are arranged. The whole ruins are like a programmed machine. When we step in, it will automatically start running."

"As long as you pass the tests and get the final array, all the contents of the ruins will be clearly displayed."

Fang Lin listened thoughtfully, a bit like fighting a boss in a dungeon when playing games in the past.

Thinking of this, he remembered the scene of entering the cave with Jiang Baibai and the others in the illusion of the gods in the emperor's space. This time, he will be a tank to attract hatred, right?

Mad, if you do some dirty work, you'll have to make a good fortune.

The others were also slowly teleported in at this time, and everyone was shocked by the fairyland in front of them.

What shocked them at the same time was the astonishing concentration of aura in the ruins. The tide of aura visible to the naked eye was almost viscous liquid. Some people sat down to practice and waited when they saw that the leaders had no instructions.

Suddenly, Qi Ling's voice sounded in Fang Lin's heart.

"Huh? My lord, are you in a separate space?"

Her originally ethereal voice seemed to carry a hint of surprise at this moment.

Fang Lin, who was taken aback, answered her silently in his heart: "Well, I'm in a ruin."

"Qi Ling felt the aura that made his heart move. My lord, is this relic unowned? Qi Ling can help you get it."

She seemed impatient while speaking, and Fang Lin could even imagine that her eyes had begun to glow.

Fang Lin turned his head and looked around guiltily, and whispered in his heart after confirming that no one around had noticed, especially Deng Jiefu.

"No, you have to get the array disk, so don't mess around."

"Hey, Qi Ling understands that the array is the source of all spiritual power and breath in an independent space. It is in the formation of the No. 20 four peaks in front of you, but there are layers of prohibitions. Great Emperor, you Creatures can't pass through directly."

Creatures can't pass through directly?

"You mean you can go directly? We have to complete the test set by the ruins."

"Yeah, that's what I meant. To some extent, you can understand the Great Emperor Space as a precious relic with growth potential."

Fang Lin frowned suddenly: "Where is the array in the Emperor's Space? Why didn't I notice it?"


Qi Ling hummed twice and seemed a little shy: "It's me. I am already inseparable from your soul, the Great Emperor."

"I see."

Fang Lin nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly he asked, "Qi Ling, you seem to be more and more emotional?"

"As the emperor's space continues to grow, I will naturally become more and more perfect and mature. Of course, the direction of my development is in accordance with your inner preferences. In the end, I may also obtain my own life."


Fang Lin was a little confused: "According to my preferences? Does it mean that if I am a woman, you may develop into a man?"

"This is likely to be the case, but special circumstances, such as your abnormal orientation, cannot be ruled out."

". Artifact spirit."

"I'm here."

"Usually collect less strange information."

"Oh, I know."

After a few seconds, Qi Ling took the initiative to speak again: "So do you need me to help you get the array disk? The Great Emperor Dimension was created by the Supreme Being. It has experienced endless years and penetrated the long river of time and space. Personality Extremely high. So I can walk unimpeded in these ruins."

Fang Lin was a little moved after hearing this.

Is this the relic?

Can it be done directly and easily?
"Forget it first. If there is any accident, I'm looking for you. We shouldn't take it for ourselves. There are too many people present."

"Well, you must call me if you need it."

Fang Lin could hear clearly visible loss from Qi Ling's voice.

"Okay, okay, since you have this ability, we'll secretly go make two for you, okay?"

"it is good!"

Hearing Qi Ling's cheerful voice, Fang Lin suddenly had a little doubt about himself.

Could it be that what I like is the type that gives people the desire to protect and needs care and care?

When he used Douyin before, he thought he liked the plump and pure black silk sister Yu.

"My lord, you like it. Is that so?"

A numb and electrified Yujie's voice sounded in Fang Lin's heart, and his face turned black.

"Don't eavesdrop on my inner monologue!"

"Oh, then next time I'll pretend I didn't hear you."


While Fang Lin was immersed in the relaxed and happy atmosphere, the atmosphere in the ruins was solemn and quiet.

The personnel have gradually arrived, and began to carry out their own tasks separately and clearly, some were standing guard, and some were meditating and resting.

With Xia Chenglin's support, Professor Ji admired the scenery in front of him in astonishment.

"The good fortune bell is beautiful, and the yin and yang are cut off at dusk, it is really a fairyland."

While sighing, he slowly walked towards a stone tablet not far away.

On the stele, there are some imposing imposing fairy house pavilions that seem to be giving lectures. A very noble-looking fairy sits on the main seat, and two boys stand behind holding fans. In front of them are many different animals kneeling on futons and listening to the lecture.

Professor Ji looked at it carefully for a while and frowned.

"Well, it seems a bit like the style of the murals of the Han Dynasty. There are various architectural images such as gates, ques, halls, pavilions, and courtyards. There are double ques on both sides of the pavilions. There are single and double doors downstairs, and the number of floors is mostly two. Up to four floors, with bucket arches forming the eaves."

Xia Chenglin nodded as he listened, as if he thought so too.

At this time, a vast and ethereal voice slowly sounded in the ears of everyone.

"After so many years, I finally saw the descendants of the human race again."

The owner of the voice does not seem to be young, he has a taste of immortality.

Standing with his hands folded, Deng Jiefu said towards the sky: "Deng Jiefu in Xialong Kingdom, developed into this ruins for the human race, hoping to accept the test."

"Dragon Kingdom?"

The owner of the voice muttered a few words and seemed a little puzzled.

"Forget it, the world has changed in the vicissitudes of life, and the outside world should have changed. I should have died in battle for many years, and only a remnant soul is left here to perform tasks."

"Human boy."

Deng Jiefu cupped his hands: "I am here."

"Everyone who comes here will say that they are for the human race, do you know why?"

"I don't know, kid."

"Because it used to be here."

Speaking of this, the voice suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and a few chuckles came from Deng Jiefu's quiet waiting.

"Hahaha, after all, I still haven't been able to escape the shackles of fame, that's all, this place used to be the place where my master educated all peoples, and this remnant soul of mine is to guard him for the old man."

"The younger generation thinks that the sages of the human race threw their heads and blood for the survival of the race, and put themselves in danger regardless of their own safety, so they should leave their names and be worshiped by future generations."

A long silence followed.

Sizhu's soft singing and spirit beast's chirping stopped, and the atmosphere became a little dignified.

"I like to listen to stories. Tell me the stories you have passed down. Anything is fine."

Hearing this sentence, Deng Jiefu looked at Professor Ji next to him.

Professor Ji nodded, and under the watchful eyes of the left and right people at the scene, he handed the crutch to Xia Chenglin who was next to him. He tidied up his clothes dignifiedly and walked slowly to Deng Jiefu's side, and began to speak powerfully to the sky.

From Pangu opening up the sky to Nuwa mending the sky, from Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs to the Yellow Emperor's battle against Chiyou, from the colorful past, to the somewhat gloomy modern history, to the very beautiful present.

He talked on and off for almost an hour, every fine sentence continued, thousands of years of history were connected in his mind, and sometimes a few words showed the beauty of a dynasty.

Finally, Professor Ji stopped his narration somewhat exhausted.

The senior in the ruins seemed very satisfied and enjoyed listening to it.

But he is more interested in those poems that have been passed down for thousands of years, and sometimes he will discuss a few sentences with Professor Ji.

"Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen nine days."

"Yunxiang's clothes are beautiful, and the spring breeze is helping Revlon."

"It should be the celestial beings who got drunk and smashed the white clouds."

"Baiyujing in the sky, five cities and twelve floors, immortals caress my head, and my hair is tied to receive longevity."

"Wonderful, really wonderful!"

"His name is Li Bai, right? I am worthy of the title of Poetry Immortal, but it's a pity that I can't meet this hero."

There seemed to be a lot of regret in the senior's whispered words.

"You tell a good story, but I can tell from your words that the human race is still divided? Although the reappearance of aura represents opportunities, it often also contains danger."

Deng Jiefu pondered for a while and said: "The world is still peaceful at present, at least the Dragon Kingdom has always adhered to the principle of peaceful development, and does not want mutual consumption within the human race."

"Well, it's commendable. You can put righteousness first in the previous humiliation. Very good. I hope you can pass this test."

"Thank you senior."

"Oh, by the way, which of the other human countries has a language close to this."

Speaking of this, the senior said something similar to Bashu accent under the shocked eyes of everyone.

"It should be like this. I haven't spoken my native dialect after sleeping for a long time, and I'm not used to it. Your current accent is a bit magical, but it is indeed more convenient and easy to learn."


Deng Jiefu struggled for a while and said, "They don't say that, it should be the dialect of the Bashu area of ​​Longguo."

The voice from the air was more joyful: "It turns out that we still have a relationship, Dashan, so what did they say?"

"Well, my own language, most commonly English."

After Deng Jiefu casually said a few words, he described his appearance like blond hair and blue eyes.



long silence.

While everyone waited patiently, an ordinary dragon language mixed with incomprehension, anger, and disbelief came out.


"The descendants of the human race were actually invaded by the foreign barbarians we left behind with good intentions?"

"Why don't you counterattack? Boy Deng, tell me why you don't counterattack! Aren't you the strongest today?!"

The roar echoed in the fairyland overwhelmingly.

Deng Jiefu:
Fang Lin: .
(End of this chapter)

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