Chapter 227
Deng Jiefu didn't know what to say after hearing the words of the seniors in the ruins.

And Fang Lin, who had listened to the whole process, now only had one feeling in his heart, thick-skinned really depends on these long-lived people.

It was still said earlier that the human race should unite and help each other, focusing on the overall situation and not internal friction.

Now it sounds like this means that those people from abroad will be expelled directly?What about exotic barbarians? Could there be any secrets long ago?
But Fang Lin felt that this senior who didn't show up was quite right-tempered, who wouldn't like to protect the calf?
His goodwill towards foreign countries is really underwhelming, not to mention the fact that he has bombed embassies in recent decades, which is simply a swarm of disgusting locusts.

The army of a certain Mi Ziqi country committed atrocities of mass shooting and killing civilians a few years before the aura recovered, and they were nothing but barbaric robbers in their bones.

"Boy Deng, remember."

"The mountains and rivers of the human race were built little by little, and they were killed with blood. You must always show your strong side, otherwise others will think you are weak and deceitful."

"Power is the source of everything. There is no morality and civilization at all. There are only cruel struggles between races for continuation."

"I'm tired, everyone, let's move forward, accept the remaining test, and if you pass, you can get the array."

Deng Jiefu bowed to the sky again.

At this time, the rich aura in the ruins was mobilized by an unknown force, and a dreamy bridge of aura spanned the void, leading directly from the open space where everyone was staying to a green peak not far away.

After observing for a while, Deng Jiefu took the lead and led everyone to step on the long bridge of spiritual energy.

Strange to say, this ruin always gives Fang Lin a sense of spatial confusion.

Just like now, when he stepped on the somewhat transparent bridge of aura and looked down, he could not see the edge of nothingness.

It's as if the entire ruins are suspended in a very high sky, including dozens of emerald green peaks that are beautiful in bells and spirits.

Taking the current position as the horizontal plane, above is the charming Xianjia Mountain Gate surrounded by clouds and smoke, and below is bare and pointed rocks, like an upside-down iceberg.

The owner of the ruins moved dozens of towering peaks into the sky with great supernatural powers?

This pen is really big enough.

Fang Lin sighed as he continued to move forward with the team, but as he walked, he found something was wrong.

Fang Lin couldn't feel the shortening of the distance when walking on the spiritual bridge!
The emerald peak on the opposite side of the Lingqi long bridge is always so far away, and when he turned his head to look, the platform he came from seemed to have been hidden in the fog and could not see the edge.

A little bit of fear came to my heart for no reason.

Fang Lin sometimes dreamed of this kind of scene when he was a human.

Even if he fell from a very high place, the foot in the dream is also the same as the abyss now, which is psychedelic.


Fang Lin tried his best to let go of his telepathy, trying to detect the clues of the nearby aura circulation.

Fang Lin, who was full of MAX intimacy with aura, called brothers and sisters and almost sworn brothers on the spot, naturally noticed something strange.

They literally diffuse along unique and complex rhythms rather than naturally floating in the air.


Fang Lin howled to remind Deng Jiefu.

However, when he spoke, no one looked at him, and everyone was still walking repeatedly and stiffly.

Fang Lin was taken aback, and rushed from the end of the line to the front to observe everyone's situation.

The eyes of everyone including Deng Jiefu became dull and lifeless, and their movements were like a marionette, as if their souls had been drawn out.


Fang Lin scolded angrily, his whole body was a little hairy, such a weird scene felt a bit like a horror story.


"Dear Emperor, the slave family is here."

"Hurry up and get the array."

"Hey, okay~"

A beautiful figure that only Fang Lin could see quietly came out of the body and floated slowly towards Cuifeng in the distance.

I don't know if it's Fang Lin's illusion, but the back looks a little happy, like going to the supermarket to buy delicious food.

At this moment, a figure floated in the air, looking down at Fang Lin.

The visitor was holding a snow-white and soft whisk, dressed in a light blue robe embroidered with mysterious patterns, with a white beard hanging on his chest, and his slender white eyebrows filled with a trace of immortal demeanor.

He sat cross-legged on a very simple futon, looking at Fang Lin with a gentle expression.

This person seems to be unable to see the spirit.

This thought flashed through Fang Lin's mind and quickly disappeared. Just now, Qi Ling floated past his feet and looked up.

Fang Lin suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. It's different if he has a hole card. It doesn't matter whether this person is hostile or not, as long as he delays for a while.

The extraordinary senses had no effect on the person in front of him, and Fang Lin couldn't analyze anything.

"I didn't expect to see a spirit beast born with a Taoist body. Your aptitude is good. Who is your parent? I haven't seen your bloodline before."

The visitor took the initiative to ask.

"Who are you? What happened to them?"

Fang Lin did not answer his question.

"Hehe, you can call me Senior Yuan, they are naturally accepting the trial of the ruins."

"This aura bridge is a test. Only those who are determined and willing to contribute to the human race can pass this bridge."

"What about the rest?"

"You look behind."

Fang Lin looked at Senior Yuan suspiciously, it was a bit like making you turn back in a ghost story.

But he hesitated and looked back.

I saw that the platform where I stayed when I came here has completely disappeared, and even the long spiritual energy bridge has become unreal, and it seems to be disintegrating little by little.

"Do you understand? People who are slow or do not meet the requirements can't keep up with the speed of the long bridge of spiritual energy, and they will fall down and lose their qualifications."

Fang Lin didn't quite understand: "So this test is to test whether they are tenacious, can they shed their blood for the human race?"

Senior Yuan nodded and said solemnly: "Sturdy cities often start to disintegrate from the inside. In the previous catastrophe, there were some people who wanted to betray the human race and turn to those monsters."

"Piercing the magic weapon and sword built with the whole family's strength into the back of my comrades, I can't wait to eat his flesh and blood and burn his bones to ashes."

"So these people who didn't pass will die if they fall?"

"Hehe, that's natural. Since the enemy will be judged sooner or later, why didn't he kill him in advance?"

Senior Yuan seemed to be afraid of Fang Lin when he said this: "White wolf cub, don't worry."

"This formation was developed by the digital backbone of the human race and has undergone thousands of years of testing and improvement. Once the environment enters it, even the source. Even the top practitioners will not be able to detect it."

"And it will also give him opportunities to grow and make mistakes, so those who fail can only say that it is a pity that they cannot be saved."

"Of course, the formation requirements in the ruins will be higher. Only those who are extremely determined can pass, and those who fail will be punished according to their performance level."

"Those who want to inherit the heritage of the human race and pass the test are all the mainstay of the human race, willing to sacrifice their lives regardless of the reward."

"For this kind of people, the formation will slowly accumulate rewards and send them to them, and this time the rewards have been accumulated for an unknown number of years, which is enough to make them reborn."

Fang Lin was shocked immediately: "So powerful?!"

Fuck, didn't I miss a lot?

Made himself wanted to go in and have a look.

But. Fang Lin thought about it and decided to forget it. He may not have that kind of consciousness. In case of a wrong operation
Senior Yuan said proudly: "That's natural, it's just."

"But what?"

He smiled a little embarrassedly, stroked his beard and explained: "When the aura is exhausted, the ruins will fall into a deep sleep, and naturally the rewards cannot be accumulated."


Fang Lin felt like throwing up in his throat.

If you are on a horse, you can just say that it has only accumulated a few years, and you don’t know how many years.

As if he saw the contempt in Fang Lin's eyes, Senior Yuan felt a little uneasy on his face and forced his respect: "There is really nothing wrong with what I said. It took a while before the final big change, and the secret realm fell into a deep sleep after that, but it's a long time ago I don't remember exactly how many years, so it's okay to say that I don't know how many years."

"Senior, I have another question."

"You said."

"The human race you speak of doesn't actually include the foreigners described by my master, Deng Jiefu, right?"


Senior Yuan was a little puzzled, and nodded after reacting: "Are you talking about barbarians from other lands? Yes, that is naturally not included. Those are humanoids picked up by our predecessors from other regions when Kyushu was thriving. Their world At that time, it was about to become extinct, and we kindly brought it back.”

"The reason why it is called barbarians is because their cultivation level was very low at that time, and the human race in some regions called it discriminatory."

"At the time, I also participated in the Congressional Act prohibiting discrimination, which now seems to be too benevolent."

That's fine.

Fang Lin suddenly wanted to laugh.

He is not confident in himself, but he completely trusts these people in front of him.

Military background, carefully selected, the best of the best.

He is absolutely [-]% unconditional in believing in the one-in-a-million people in this group.

He once watched a speech video about the Battle of Laoshan.

The physically disabled soldiers who came down from the front line faced others in the hospital and asked: "How much will you be rewarded for your physical disability due to your bravery in fighting the enemy on the front line?" This is how the speaker answered this question.

"If it is said that whoever conquers the main peak of Laoshan will give 1 yuan, I am afraid that no one will go."

"Even if it's 10 yuan, who has the reason to take his own life as a joke?"

"On the contrary."

"There is no bonus of a penny, but an allowance of more than 10 yuan a month!"

"Our soldiers went on to fight one after another, and firmly defended the territory of the motherland. What are they doing for?"

"So our fighters replied, if it's for money, every drop of our blood is worth a thousand gold, and a thousand gold is hard to buy."

"But if the motherland needs it and the people need it, we can pour out our blood without hesitation."

Fang Lin, who had a good idea in mind, took the opportunity to ask about a topic he was interested in.

"Were the human race strong before?"

Hearing this question, a memory flashed in Senior Yuan's eyes: "It's very strong, there are countless small worlds in the three thousand worlds, and traveling between planes is like a daily routine, but it's a pity that it turned into a bubble after all."

The sense of disappointment quickly faded from Senior Yuan's eyes. He smiled and looked at Fang Lin and said, "But seeing you today means that our hard work has not been in vain, leaving behind a trace of fire."

"But I don't think the current world can bear the power you described senior."

"Huh? How big is the world you are in now."

Fang Lin recalled the popular science knowledge and explained it.


Senior Yuan said a little silently: "The world will degrade, and it will gradually get better in the future."

"Let's not mention this, your spirit beast clan has helped the human race a lot, and all the races will never forget this credit."

"What's more, my master advocated education without discrimination before the war, and the facts have proved that his approach is correct."

"Spiritual beasts are pure in nature, and they can endure this boringness even if they practice for thousands of years without knowing it. Even if some are naturally irritable because of their race, they are still very cute compared to some human races."

"Now this secret realm... no, it should be called the ruins. Apart from the dozens of emerald green peaks, there is also a treasure specially designed to inspire spirit beasts."

"Enlightenment? I already have spiritual wisdom."


Senior Yuan laughed a little: "It's enlightenment, not enlightenment. What enlightens is your innate true spirit, which greatly enhances your understanding of all things in nature. Whether it is the way of law or the development of supernatural powers, it will get twice the result with half the effort."

Law Avenue?Supernatural powers?
Can the two originals be compared?
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Lin hurriedly asked about his private affairs: "Senior, my current level needs to be promoted and the next step is to understand the law. Is the supernatural power you said so important?"

"Supernatural power is naturally important. It can be said that it is a law that belongs exclusively to you. You should remember it."

After listening to Senior Yuan's words, Fang Lin suddenly understood.

It turns out that supernatural powers are like in a game where time is charged, and suddenly you get a top-level magic weapon that charges for items, and you directly open it to break the balance of the game.

This top-level magic weapon is integrated into itself, and as it becomes stronger, it will drive its own measurements to become stronger.

"Then what level of cultivation is there in the future?"

Senior Yuan suddenly kept silent: "Everything has to be redefined and explored by yourself, so that you can have more profound potential and more precious development time, work hard."

"Okay, my master's lineage has been with spirit beasts since I was a child, and I can tell the heart of spirit beasts at a glance. You give me a very friendly feeling, as if you are from the same clan, and your talent is so outstanding. I think you are still Deng Xiaoping. The boy's apprentice."

"Well, I'll give you another chance."

While speaking, Senior Yuan swept the dust away, and a golden drop of blood appeared out of thin air.

When it appeared, an aura of arrogance to the world was immediately displayed, as if no one could compete across the world, and the sense of vicissitudes of the years was also born.

As soon as Senior Yuan made his handprint, the golden blood drop rushed towards Fang Lin's body, and directly merged into Fang Lin's body.

Fang Lin was taken aback and quickly looked inside, only to see golden blood droplets floating quietly beside the spirit map in his body, faintly revealing the posture of wanting to compete with the colorful spirit map.

"Oh, there's also spirit enlightenment liquid, open your mouth!"

With a flick of the whisk, a drop of milky white liquid immediately flew into Fang Lin's huge mouth that opened subconsciously.

For a moment, the blood boiled, the spiritual core ran away, but the soul seemed to have entered a cool swimming pool in summer.

Wait, can't you?
Fang Lin, who was in good spirits, was a little shocked to see that his seven-color spiritual core began to be tempered again, and it seemed to be evolving towards a more advanced place.

Won't it get bigger again?
Fang Lin's teeth suddenly itch.

At this time, a happy voice sounded in Fang Lin's body.

"My lord, I have reached the side of the array."

"This relic is really powerful. The slave family almost didn't come in, but I will help you get it now~"

Among the dozens of emerald peaks, countless rays of light circulate in a complex formation interlocking with each other.

The phantom of the weapon spirit was floating beside a mysterious octagonal array shining with aura, rubbing its hands together excitedly.

Fang Lin was startled and quickly took the time to transmit the sound.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Huh? I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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