Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 228 What's the matter?

Chapter 228 What's the matter?
"Qi Ling, come back."

Fang Lin's answer was short but firm.

so fierce
The beautiful fairy transformed into Qi Ling opened her mouth to say something, but felt that the master's voice was so fierce that she finally didn't dare to speak.

A pair of big eyes looked aggrieved at the radiant array in front of him.

Obviously, the master himself let him come first, and then he spent a lot of energy and energy to sneak into the core of the large formation composed of countless large formations that contains ninety-nine changes.

Seeing that he is about to get the array, his family fortune will be a little stronger after the refinement of Meizizi.

Who knew that the master not only let him go back empty-handed, but also talked to him so fiercely, if he had known it earlier, he would have taken the array away without making a sound.

Qi Ling made such calculations in his heart, and felt that the deal was a big loss, and his heart was bleeding!

As the spirit of the Emperor Space, she is also the core. The value of her existence is to help the owner of the space to manage and develop the Emperor Space, just like the great steward of the space.

Usually, she is crazy about whoring for nothing, not only for nothing to absorb the aura around her, but also for nothing to use the power of the whole world. When did she ever do such a loss-making business?
But she couldn't disobey her master's order, so she could only lightly kick the formation to vent her anger, and went home through countless formations in desperation.

Ah, to go through such a complicated formation again, and consume energy again.

Qi Ling felt that if he had a real body, he would have cried out.

On Fang Lin's side, he was already gradually digesting the spiritual enlightenment liquid given to him by Senior Yuan. In addition to his constantly changing body and spiritual core, his entire soul seemed to have become stronger and clearer.

The most direct feeling is that the seniority between him and Lingqi seems to have increased again.

If ordinary people face auras like a dog licking a goddess, then Fang Lin already seemed to have a buddy who was always looking for him for nothing, and now the buddy has directly evolved into a dog licking.

But Fang Lin was not very happy in his heart. Although this means that his cultivation speed has increased again, and it will be easier to get things like insights and talents in the future, but his spiritual core has grown bigger again!

Who's to make sense of this?

Now I can only pin my hope on the mysterious golden liquid in my body. I don't know what it is useful for. Let Qi Ling come back and let her see if she can let the space extract the energy inside.

"I do not watch!"

Fang Lin's voice suddenly sounded in his heart, which made him a little speechless.

At this time, there was a sudden shaking in the entire ruins, as if a brief earthquake had occurred, and the movement of the spiritual energy was disordered.

This made Senior Yuan a little unexpected. Senior Yuan immediately sensed it calmly, but soon the ruins returned to calm.

"What happened just now? Senior."

"Well, it seems that there is a problem with the array disk, but I just sensed that the array is still functioning well, which is strange. There has never been such a special situation in hundreds of millions of years."


Fang Lin understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and he asked Qi Ling in his heart: "What did you do against the board?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Then why is there a problem?"

"How did I know that it might have been in disrepair for a long time, so I kicked it lightly."

"... There will be opportunities in the future, we have nothing to lose, don't play childish temper."

Hearing Fang Lin's words, Qi Ling couldn't hold back any longer. How much did she worry about the development of the space?Every day I think about how to save money, how can I become a childish temper now?
So Qi Ling began to vomit bitterness.

"My lord, you don't know how expensive tea, rice, oil and salt are if you are not in charge of the family."

"Do you know how much power of heaven and earth I have consumed because of your order? According to the previous speed, it would take three months to accumulate! It's all gone!"

Fang Lin was startled: "Why so many?"

"I didn't know that the formation of this ruin would be so complicated. In addition, the level of the space is not high enough, and your orders are urgent. It is completely relying on personality and energy to forcibly open the way."

The miser Qi Ling was very dissatisfied.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder Qi Ling was so angry.

However, Fang Lin suddenly discovered a blind spot: "Isn't it right?"

"Isn't it there?"

Qi Ling drilled out of the formation while communicating with Fang Lin. She has merged with Fang Lin's soul, so it is equivalent to talking directly in Fang Lin's heart.

Now she has a high fighting spirit, and she has to make a distinction between right and wrong with her master.

"Didn't you just say a few days ago that the space has accumulated enough energy to start building new training facilities? Are there any left?"

"Huh? Uh"

Fang Lin's sudden question made Qi Ling a little confused, and her voice was a little flustered: "Uh, yes, there are, these are the rest."

"There are three months left, right? And from your tone, there's still room for it?"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong with you, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you hide it quite deep!"

"Quickly tell me, how much energy you have hidden and didn't tell me."

Qi Ling was silent, and after a while, he pretended to be casual and said: "Hey, it seems that there is still a little stock, why didn't I find it?"


Maybe because he knew his reason, Qi Ling simply broke the jar and said, "Dear Emperor, I am also afraid that you will use it indiscriminately. All the energy in the early stage of space development is very important, and the power of the world is the most powerful among them. What’s yours is mine, and I’m all for you.”

What's mine is yours?

Why does it sound weird.

After Fang Lin thought for a while, he felt that he had found a blind spot again: "Wait a minute. How can I use it indiscriminately? You don't have anything to explain, right? Can other buildings be built in the space now, and can I control the expansion of the space? ?”

"...Yes, woo woo woo, I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would waste money. Some buildings are not suitable for the current stage of development."

"Don't talk nonsense, pass the information to me."


Suddenly, a flow of information directly appeared in Fang Lin's heart. When he saw it, hey, no wonder Qi Ling deliberately didn't say these things.

"Clean Spring."

Equivalent to the hot springs in the fairyland, you can relieve fatigue, relax and enjoy life.

"Xianyin Pavilion."

Those who listen to music can listen dry or wet.

For example, you can transform into the appearance of a dancer, and you can click on the song library to cover everything. The image of a dancer and singer is also ever-changing, ranging from a beautiful fairy to a soft and cute animal girl.

Cultivate sentiment, not bad not bad.

"Relief room."

As for the massager, like Xianyin Pavilion, the massager can naturally choose at will.

Wait, does this include this kind of service?

"Master! Bah, respected emperor!"

"We are still in a very difficult early stage of development. You'd better not build these. I have selected the most suitable facilities for you."

"Well, the Shujin Room, Xianyin Pavilion and others are indeed a bit too enjoyable, but I think this Qingjing Spring is not bad?"

“Where is it good”

"Look, the spiritual spring water can not only relieve the fatigue of the body but also nourish the body, how good it is."

"After daily tiring training, soak in the spiritual spring here, soothe the muscles and activate the blood."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Ling said faintly: "Then go to the Xianyin Pavilion and the Shujin Room, right?"


Fang Lin thought about it carefully, and it seems that it is not impossible.

"Build this."


"On this one, I won't pursue the issue of you hiding these things from me. I won't build any more until I break through to A-level. You remember my words now, even if I order you to build other ones in the future."

".All right."

Qi Ling replied weakly.

What can she do?It's okay to be careful, but you still have to listen to Fang Lin's words.

While Fang Lin and Qi Ling were negotiating friendly, Senior Yuan looked at the people who were being tested on the Lingqi Long Bridge, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"It's weird."

Fang Lin heard the movement and asked: "What's the matter, senior? Are they not behaving well?"

"Do not."

Senior Yuan shook his head: "They are all the pillars of my human race. I thought it would be good if two or three out of ten of these people passed, old and old."

Even so, there was a very pleased and satisfied expression on his face.

"Little wolf, your master is very interesting. Do you want to see the content of his illusion? You are still in it, and it is very exciting."

Depend on!
Can I still watch movies? ?

Why didn't you tell me sooner!
"I read!"

Senior Yuan smiled, stretched out his hand to Fang Lin's head a little further away, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

The scene in the screen is very tragic, and the sound of killing is loud.

The boundless Kuroshio surrounded the city, and the towering giant walls resisted the attack of the Kuroshio. Numerous arrays, auras combined with technological artillery bombarded these Kuroshio, but it did not seem to reduce the boundless number of Kuroshio. .

Finally, a hole was torn into the huge wall by the Kuroshio, and just as the Kuroshio was about to rush in, a mighty silver wolf with wings descended from the sky.

The field expanded, abruptly resisting the advancing torrent of the Kuroshio.

Fang Lin's eyes lit up when he saw this, is this himself?Very handsome!It seems that I am still very strong in Deng Jiefu's impression.

The good times didn't last long, and an astonishing coercion came from behind the boundless black tide, and the darkness covering the sky slowly covered the sky in front of the city wall, one bright and the other dark like two poles.

A huge black shadow slowly appeared in front of the city wall in the darkness. Countless array attacks and artillery missiles landed on the black shadow immediately, but they exploded out of thin air before they could explode.

Deng Jiefu also slowly flew into the sky, flying alone towards the boundless darkness and pressure, one person and one sword.

He looked down at Fang Lin's direction and muttered.

"Disciple, let me help you and Longguo break through this darkness as a teacher."

Knife unsheathed,


One sword, breaking the sky!


Fang Lin suddenly had a black line. Isn't this too secondary?
Pure personal heroism, the ideological realm needs to be improved.

However, Senior Yuan is very satisfied with the picture in front of him. In his opinion, as the strongest person in the human race, he should stand on the front line to resist the wind and rain and open up the future for future generations.

"Okay, little wolf, I'll take you out, you don't have anything to do next."


Fang Lin looked at Senior Yuan very confused: "What about them?"

"They? Go ahead. After passing this level, the rest will be selected from among them. But it doesn't matter if you look at it like this. Just go smoothly."

"Although you are an ally, this relic cannot be passed on to you."


I still want to watch the fun!
However, before Fang Lin could finish speaking, Senior Yuan waved his fly whisk, and Fang Lin felt a sense of spatial confusion welling up in his heart.

Daxing mountains, blockade area.

The radius of [-] kilometers from the portal of the ruins was completely and tightly blocked by Qiankun and the troops under his jurisdiction.

One post at five steps, one whistle at ten steps, even flies cannot fly in.

In the headquarters, Guan Hanshan was staring at the three-dimensional three-dimensional projection sand table in front of him with a serious face, and the distribution of sentry posts was densely depicted on it.

At this moment, the originally calm portal suddenly changed, and a white figure was thrown out of it.

Fang Lin rolled around on the ground before getting up and shaking his head. This old man's hands are strong enough.

When he saw his surroundings clearly, a group of men in black had already surrounded him.

Guan Hanshan separated from the crowd and walked up to Fang Lin and asked, "Hello, I am Guan Hanshan, the temporary commander-in-chief that Mr. Deng left outside the ruins. May I ask why you came out alone? How about them?"

After speaking, he looked up at Fang Lin quietly, gesturing silently with his hands behind his back.

If there is a problem, they can only fight with this b-level spirit beast.

However, things did not develop to the worst he expected, Fang Lin spoke directly in Long Guoyu.

"They are accepting the test of the relics very smoothly. The manager of the relics threw me out, and he does not allow creatures other than the human race to engage in the rest of the battle over the ownership of the array."

Hearing this, Guan Hanshan and the people around him breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't let go of trying to gather information: "Then when will they be able to come out?"

"How do I know this? It should be very soon. The manager said that the rest is to go through the process."

"Can you help us guard here?"

When it comes to begging for help, Guan Hanshan changed into honorifics, also to keep Fang Lin where he is and not to run around. The B-level spirit beasts can't be restrained by them.

Fang Lin squinted at him and said, "If you encounter something, you can send a signal flare into the sky, and I will come over."

"Wait, you."

Fang Lin was too lazy to listen to his ramblings, and hurried home to rest.

Spreading his wings, his huge and smooth body rushed into the sky with the strong wind pressure, leaving Guan Hanshan and a group of Qiankun members chaotic in the wind, resisting the strong wind with all their strength.

"Guan Chu, it flew away, do you want to report it?"

Guan Hanshan struggled for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, trust Mr. Deng, what he brings will be fine."


Soon the universes wearing black combat uniforms returned to their respective posts.

Guan Hanshan stood there and looked up at the bright moon and the silent night sky and sighed.

Mountain house.

"Huh? Get off? What are you doing here?"

Fang Lin, who had quietly returned home, was puzzled to find Little Bear sitting and sleeping at the door of Lin Yuqingfang.

He looked at the moon who was about to get off work through the window in the corridor, and estimated in his heart that it should be past six o'clock.

Unknowingly, time flies so fast.

Fang Lin patted the little bear's head with his paw, waking it up completely.

Little Xiong opened his eyes in confusion, the black eyes that had just woken up were still hazy, and after looking carefully, he realized that it was the master standing in front of him.

Xiaoxiong suddenly felt happy and energetic: "Master, have you come to teach me how to practice?"


Fang Lin looked down at the little bear with a strange expression, wondering why he couldn't remember when this happened.

 The state is not good recently, so we have to adjust and adjust.

(End of this chapter)

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