Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 229 Year 3

Chapter 229

The little bear sitting in front of Fang Lin nodded his head violently twice, looking at Fang Lin expectantly with his bright black eyes.

"That's right, master, you knocked on my head three times during the day before. I asked the elder sister, and she said that it means to let me come to you at three o'clock in the morning every day."

Hiss, it's broken, I completely forgot about it before.

Fang Lin watched the simple and honest little bear turn his head, coughed lightly and opened his mouth, and said, "What do you mean, you have been waiting at the door for several days until dawn, right?"


"Very good. In fact, Master has always seen your behavior. He just wanted to test whether you have a progressive attitude."

Little Bear nodded quickly in agreement: "I knew you were testing me, I've thought of it a long time ago."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the little bear to be quite cooperative.

He stabilized his mind and grasped his aura, and under the circulation of aura, a majestic and extremely magnificent aura suddenly appeared, commonly known as the aura of king and domineering.

"Go, my teacher will now officially teach you the first lesson of cultivation."

Xiao Xiong's heart trembled when he heard this, as expected of the master he chose, this momentum is simply amazing!

It sat very dignifiedly and stared at Fang Lin with its small eyes without blinking, its round ears pricked up, not wanting to let go of any words.

"The road of cultivation is a journey against the heavens."

"The road is full of difficulties and hardships, full of thorns, and you will encounter all kinds of setbacks."

"When you see that the cultivation of your peers is far beyond your own."

"When you see that the spirit beast you study with you comprehends faster than yourself."

"When you see the people you want to protect are in danger but you can't do anything about it."

Fang Lin's voice seemed to have a magical power, and his condescending and sharp eyes pierced the little bear's heart like a knife.

Hearing this, the little bear's eyes turned red, and the picture of his mother's tragic death resurfaced in his mind, like a nightmare soaked in the bone marrow, awakening unspeakable pain.

Its claws gripped the ground tightly, as if trying to tear the wooden floor apart.

"You will be sad, you will be confused, you will be painful, and you will be desperate."

"You will doubt whether you are suitable for cultivation, and whether your choice at the time was correct."

"You will wonder if you are a waste, if you are really useless."

"But, fuck it, whenever you come to this most difficult fit, you must remember."

"It is always your setbacks that make you progress, and it is always your pain that makes you grow."

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold."

"The pinnacle witnesses the support of hypocrisy, and the dusk witnesses the loyal believers."

"Never give up, ever."

"Because once you give up, what you once had, what you once cherished, will leave you forever."

Fang Lin paused, staring at the little bear very seriously.

"Now, tell me why you want to practice."

Hot tears were already streaming from the black bear's bright eyes, and the tears flowed down slowly along the brown hair.


It looked at Fang Lin with a ferocious face and shouted: "I want to protect all the people I cherish, even if I shed every drop of blood, I won't let them suffer any more harm!"

After roaring, the little bear gritted his teeth viciously. When his mother died, he was frightened and remained indifferent like a coward.

Next time, it will never allow itself to be so cowardly again.

Fang Lin was stunned, he felt the strong fluctuation in Little Bear's heart.

He thought that the little bear would say to avenge his mother, but he didn't expect it to say the answer he had always insisted on in his heart.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment and asked, "Who is the person you cherish? That little squirrel?"

"You, Grand Master, Sister Baibai, Sister Yunyun, Senior Sister, and everyone in this family who loves me!"

Fang Lin frowned.

When Xiao Xiong said that he wanted to protect himself in the future, he was naturally touched, but he felt that his cheap apprentice was too naive.

You've only spent a few days with your family and you want to protect them?
In the future, if someone gives you a lollipop when you go out, do you think it is a good person?

But looking at the emotional little bear, Fang Lin felt that it was not the time to educate him yet.

The bright and warm moonlight shone on Little Bear, calming his mood.

Little Xiong only felt a cool breath flowing in his heart, and his whole body was very comfortable, making his heart very peaceful, just like hibernating in his mother's arms.


Xiao Xiong calmed down and looked at Fang Lin in front of him, and suddenly felt like crying.

"Okay, why are you a crybaby, you... your senior sister was not afraid at all when facing enemies that were several times your own, and your words were sharp and did not fall behind."

"so smart?"

Fang Lin nodded as he remembered the seven or eight little golden retrievers in the dog pen next door.

After stabilizing his emotions, Little Bear asked curiously: "Master, have you experienced all the setbacks you mentioned earlier?"

"No, I have been practicing so far. If there is a god's help, I have never seen a talent better than mine."

"Oh, you are amazing."

There was a look of admiration in the little bear's eyes.


Fang Lin stretched out his paw and touched the little bear's head: "Go back and rest, come on time tonight, I will teach you how to practice."

Bear felt the master's enchantment and nodded.

Just when the master and apprentice were enjoying the world of two, a stern voice came.

"Kaka! Get lost! Why are you howling here in the middle of the night without sleeping?"

Mama Yang, whose hair was a little messy, came here wearing cotton slippers, and while walking, she also gathered up the cotton jacket outside her pajamas.

There was a hint of anger in her sleepy eyes.

"Da da da."

After approaching quickly, Mama Yang patted Fang Lin's head lightly, and then patted Fang Lin's butt again out of frustration.

"Don't sleep at night, sleep in during the day, right?"

"I just said why you have been dozing off every day for the past two days and can't do anything. Your feelings come out in the middle of the night? I thought you were sick and worried for a long time."

Yang's mother pointed at Fang Lin's nose and scolded him fiercely. Fang Lin thought about it and realized that it should be his avatar's fault. When there is no external stimulation, the avatar usually sleeps in place and tries not to move.

The faint scent of her body passed into the bear's black nose, making it shrug.

This woman smelled good, but fierce.

Little Bear looked at Fang Lin who was being scolded and asked.

"Woooo? (Master, why don't you speak)"

"Aww~ (I don't want to talk for the teacher)"


The heads of the two were hit again.

"What are you two yelling about? Go back to sleep. It's New Year's Eve today. It's very lively and you have to watch the New Year's Eve at night."

After speaking, Mama Yang told Fang Lin: "You are not allowed to stay up late at night, you will only spoil your head here."

Yang Ma gently opened Lin Yuqing's door and looked in, and immediately found Xueqiu with big eyes like sapphires looking up beside Lin Yuqing.

Eyes reflect light.


Mama Yang made a gesture: "Come in, and bring Rolling with you."

Fang Lin got up like a stream of kindness and wanted to enter the door.

However, he suddenly felt a chill rising from behind.

"and many more."

The door was closed again by Mama Yang.

She pointed to an obvious crack on the wooden floor under her feet with a blank face, looked at Huo Xiong in front of her and asked.

"Who did it?"

Fang Lin: "."

Bear: "."

New Year's Eve is the most important traditional festival in the Dragon Kingdom, not one of them.

It is the last day of the year, and it is also called "New Year's Eve" because it is "the day when the moon is exhausted and the year ends".There are many ancient folk activities on this day, such as making dumplings, eating New Year’s Eve dinner, setting off firecrackers, collecting lucky money, keeping the year old and so on.

Keeping the year old on New Year's Eve is the most important annual custom. This has been recorded in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. reunion.

Although in recent years, due to the development of society and changes in the rhythm of life, many traditional festivals have become more and more boring. After all, social animals are either working overtime or on the way to work overtime. How can I care about these things?

But the Spring Festival is still deeply engraved in the blood of all Longguo people and cannot be separated.

What's more, this is in the Northeast countryside where the atmosphere of the Spring Festival is very strong.

Early this morning, the old family got busy after breakfast. Everyone became soldiers on standby, and Du Qingfeng was the commander in chief of the Spring Festival action plan.

For example, one thing that must be done today is posting couplets.

Before the arrival of the New Year's Eve, all other door decorations are not required, but a pair of red and joyful couplets must be affixed.

And this mountain villa can be considered a big family, so naturally it is not just as simple as a couplet.

Father Lin and Yang Tingxiang had already carried a large solid wood table to the yard, and the four treasures of the study were brought over by Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie and placed on the table.

The four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

The pen is a robust deer brush.

Ink, Dege Mo, one of the five famous inks, "Ten years are like a stone, and a little bit is like lacquer" is the best compliment to a piece of ink.

The paper is naturally a few feet long bright red hard rice paper, which is festive and very convenient for writing.

Inkstone is a Duanzhou inkstone that says "Duanzhou stonework is as skillful as a god, stepping on the sky to sharpen a knife and cut Ziyun".

As for who wrote the pen, Fang Lin had no doubts in his mind.

Yang Tingxiang was already slowly pacing to the solid wooden table with a strong momentum, holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, lifted the lid and stroked it gracefully, took a shallow sip, and then put the lid back on and handed it to Lin who was standing beside him. dad.

Liu Jing was already standing by the side holding a mobile phone to record, and Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie Fang Lin and other audience members were already in place.

Yang Tingxiang felt that it was almost done, so he said quietly: "Research ink."


Father Lin put the teacup aside, ran over and began to grind the ink carefully for the old man.

Du Qingfeng in the kitchen on the first floor was very speechless, watching his wife who was pretending to be a comparison in front of the children, and complained to Yang's mother next to him: "Look at your dad, he has been practicing calligraphy for a few years so that he can handle it."

"As for his dog crawling characters, no one wants to give them away for free. You go back and tell Wen Shao that you can't always praise him. You can see that he is hallucinating."

Yang's mother smiled and said: "Okay, mother, my father can write when he is happy. Calligraphy can calm the mind and cultivate the body and mind. It's good to practice more. Let's hurry up and cook. Today's task is too heavy."

Every New Year's Eve, eating for the family is a big problem.

If it weren't for the fact that Dad Lin's parents had some problems with their visas, they could only spend the Chinese New Year abroad regrettably, today's task would be even heavier.

Do you have to eat dumplings for the New Year's Eve meal?

Not only the children are picky, but Yang Tingxiang is also picky. There must be pork, green onions, leeks, eggs, and shrimps.

It takes one or two hours to prepare these fillings, and it takes more than three hours to wrap them up and serve them on the table.

In addition, there must be fish, right?Every year is more than enough.

A carp represents auspiciousness and it also means that a carp leaps over the dragon's gate. A crucian carp represents good luck. One is steamed and the other is braised in brown sauce.

After the man in the yard finished writing, he had to be sent to the market to buy fresh ones.

It's okay to roast chicken, just grab a free-range chicken at home.

Naturally, a big goose stewed in an iron pot is also indispensable, but there is only one housekeeping goose at home now, but I don’t want to kill it, so I have to buy one, because Du Qingfeng feels that this goose has spirituality, and she cried when she wanted to kill the goose last year. up.

Even if they don't believe in any superstitions in the countryside, they still respect their status, so naturally they stayed and formed the security team in the front yard with the big yellow dog.

Generally, the old oily big yellow dog is lying in the sun fishing, and the big goose is diligently guarding the goal, but it feels like it is also enjoying it.

As for other messy dishes and soups, there are also a lot, mainly to see what dishes and requests the two children and young men have.

At this time, there was a burst of applause in the yard. It turned out that Yang Tingxiang had finished picking up the brush and was putting down the brush. The old god stepped back two steps and waited for Dad Lin's compliment.

"As the sky increases, the years increase and the life increases."

"Spring is full, heaven and earth are full of blessings."

"Vientiane update."

"Good! This handwriting is deep and powerful, clearly visible, simple and tangible, and the strokes are clear. It can be seen that it has been accumulated for many years."

"At first glance, it contains Confucian perseverance, courage and aggressiveness. After careful taste, it also contains Lao Zhuang's emptiness, dispersal and tranquility, and often saves the world in the brushwork in a way that does not seek richness and change. The meaning of being flashy in pursuit of the true flavor.”

"Your handwriting is really getting better and better."

After Lin's father stepped forward to appreciate it, he praised Yang Tingxiang, making Yang Tingxiang's face flushed and his heart flattered.

"When I go back, I think Xiaojie should also practice calligraphy to cultivate his sentiments."

Yang Tingxiang nodded in agreement, and the father and son had an in-depth discussion on the education of their children and grandchildren.

Liu Jing silently stopped the recording, she was hesitating whether to include this segment in the New Year video.

At this time, Du Qingfeng came out of the kitchen and came to the yard and shouted at Yang Tingxiang and Lin's father: "You two stop chattering and being lazy here, hurry up and go to the market to buy something."

"Wen Shao, Qian'er said that he has already sent you what he needs, and you two have to go buy it quickly and still have a lot of things to do."


Xiaojie jumped up: "I want to go too!"

"Okay, my grandson will follow to see the excitement."

Yang Tingxiang was very satisfied with Xiaojie's choice, and he also wanted to spend more time with his grandchildren, so he looked at Lin Yuqing expectantly.

Lin Yuqing directly expressed her refusal with actions. She ran straight into the house and prepared to go back to watch variety shows. Many new year variety shows have new interesting ones.

Jiang Baibai came to Fang Lin's side slowly, looked him up and down and asked, "I see that you are in better condition today? You were unwilling to talk two days ago. I thought you made a mistake in your cultivation or something was on your mind. "

"Just tell us, we can help you."

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai's pair of different pupils and smiled: "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Okay, there was movement about the ruins last night, but it's a pity that you haven't been in good condition for the past two days, or else I would have called you up to go and have a look together."

"By the way, have you noticed it? Today's aura is not right, it seems that something is about to happen."


(End of this chapter)

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