Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 230 New Year's Eve

Chapter 230 New Year's Eve
Chinese New Year actually has an emotional accumulation process.

From the beginning of the small year, the taste of the new year has gradually become stronger. It is a pity that Fang Lin's mind is not here, otherwise he will find that the decorations in the alleys of the village are getting more and more festive, and the banners and ribbons in front of the brigade have been hung up early. .

And every meal time, the silky smoke from the kitchen is getting thicker and thicker, and the people who gather at the crossing to chat are not just the old bragging and farting guys, but also the little guys who also like bragging and bragging. A lot more.

It is not easy to reunite during the Chinese New Year, and those who can go home have come back.

The people of Longguo always have a special kind of homeland complex.

Not just because it's where I grew up from childhood.

You walk through every street and alley in your hometown, thinking about the taste of the same year that is hard for outsiders to find somewhere. Laughter, tears, friendship and even green first love happened here, all of which are firmly engraved deep in your heart. the softest place.

In addition, what is more important and most easily overlooked by us is the people in our hometown, such as our parents and close friends.

There is a very interesting phenomenon. Apart from parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, young people of this generation rarely have other relatives who have a good relationship.

If one day in the distant future, I am already middle-aged or old, and my hometown does not have the kindest people, then is my hometown still my hometown at this time? Will we, who have already established ourselves in a foreign land, return home during the Chinese New Year?
When we were young, we missed our hometown very much and wished we could go back home as soon as we had a holiday. Do we miss our loved ones or simply miss our hometown?

Maybe there are both, but more people may believe in one sentence, the place where the parents are is the hometown, but it is a pity that we often ignore these.

These old flavors have been accumulated until New Year’s Eve before it will completely explode, and then the aftertaste will slowly dissipate in the next few days. The migrant workers leave their hometown again to embark on a new journey, and their hometown will always be the same as before as long as their relatives are still there.

New Year's Eve is always busy, and there are many things to do today.

If it weren't for Du Qingfeng cleaning the house in batches every day, the whole family would have to spend the whole day in cleaning today.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past six o'clock in the evening, and the sky had already dimmed.

If you stand on the edge of the platform and look down at the Wanjia lights below, you can see that many big red lanterns have been hung at the door of every house.

And the most outrageous thing is that the sound of firecrackers in Xiaoyang Village has never stopped since the sky just dimmed, and there are sporadic crackles.

This is because the village party secretary mobilized from door to door, otherwise the momentum was even more violent than this.

"Kaka, give me the tape."

At the gate, Father Lin was standing on a stool, pressing his left hand tightly on the couplet that had already been placed in a good position, and stretching his right hand down to ask Fang Lin for tape.

Before Lin's father went up, he had already cut a lot of tape and stuck it on the edge of Fang Lin's paw, so Fang Lin stood up and handed his front paw over, and Lin's father took off a piece of tape with his right hand and carefully stuck it on.

Soon the couplet on the left was preliminarily pasted. After fixing the positions of the corners, Dad Lin carefully covered the edges with scotch tape.

After all, it is halfway up the mountain, and sometimes it is very windy. Although the big red rice paper is of good quality, it is still afraid of being scratched, so the edges must be covered completely.

The rain is not afraid, after all, the gate is very airy, and the eaves can naturally block the rain.

After posting here, Dad Lin and Fang Lin started to do the same thing again.

At this time, Xiaojie ran over from the house with a bunch of firecrackers excitedly.

"Dad, Mom told you to hurry up, dinner will be served soon, and you have to watch the Spring Festival Gala on time."

"After posting, let us put this firecracker at the door."

As he spoke, he set off a large ring of firecrackers that Yang was carrying with both hands, on which was written two thousand rings in bold letters.

"Okay, you put the firecrackers over there first, just in time to help cut the tape."


Xiaojie came over obediently and discussed cutting tape with Kaka.

Just as the construction of the couplet on the right was in progress, a dusty figure slowly approached in the dark.

Opened his mouth and shouted from a long distance: "Hey, Wen Shao, are you posting couplets?"

While carefully maintaining the couplet, Dad Lin looked at the slowly approaching figure and found that it was the village party secretary Yang Yueping. He replied with a smile.

"Yes, Uncle Yueping, are you here to find my dad? You can go straight into the house, they are all in the living room on the first floor."

"No, no, I won't go in, you and your family are busy."

Yang Yueping came to the front and retracted his hands into his sleeves and raised his head and said, "I told you the same thing. According to the tradition, there will be a basketball game in the village tomorrow afternoon at the old place."

He said mysteriously, "You go back and tell Ting Xiang that he is the main force of the team, let him warm up early, our fourth team has not performed well, and we must continue the second team this year. "

The entire Xiaoyang Village is divided into four teams according to the different places where they live, and each team has many families. It was a bit new for Lin's father to hear this division for the first time, but now he is used to it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely convey it."

"Okay, then I'll go first, that's all for today. Xiaojie, Uncle Yang is gone."

"Happy New Year's Eve Uncle!"

"Hey, the longer it grows, the taller it is, that's great. This character was written by Tingxiang again, right? Don't say it, the more you write, the better it will be. That's it, let's go."

While speaking, Yang Yueping walked back in a busy manner.

In the days approaching the Chinese New Year, these things happen a lot, and there are often relatives and friends who come to visit.

Xiaoyang Village is only so big, and every brick photographed is probably related to relatives, or they are all close friends.

Take Yang's mother for example. When she was a child, she studied in the elementary and junior high schools in the nearby towns, so her classmates are all over the place in Xiaoyang Village.

She was heroic back then, and Yang Tingxiang's status in the village has always been quite high since she succeeded in starting a business, which led to her being the eldest sister among her peers and having a good relationship with many people.

Both men and women were more or less taken care of by Yang's mother. After all, Yang Tingxiang's reputation was quite popular in those days.

You can imagine how many workers under Yang Tingxiang worked with him back then, and how many of these people were the parents of those little kids?
The folk customs in remote places are relatively tough, and there are not a few people who form cliques on campus. However, those little kids who claim to be the boss of a certain school or even divide them into the boss of each class in detail, they also had to be angry when they met Yang Ma back then. Go up and laugh twice.

Therefore, the "law and order" in the class that Mama Yang grew up in has always been good, and there is no one who is particularly mischievous or mischievous to cause trouble.

When I went out and encountered something, I said that Class 6, the second grade of junior high school, was overwhelmed by Sister Qian, so basically no one wanted to continue to make trouble.

So during Fang Lin's absent-minded time, there were really many visitors.

Finally, the couplets were finished, and it was time to set off firecrackers in the environment that Xiaojie was most looking forward to.

Fang Lin is also looking forward to it.

To be honest, he hasn't touched firecrackers for a long time. How could he have such thoughts in so many years after the age of 18? His family is gone.

So Fang Lin and Xiaojie, one big and one small, squatted in front of the circle of firecrackers and stared at Father Lin's operation.

Father Lin unwrapped the firecrackers, spread them out on the open space at the door and set them off for a long time. He reckoned they could crackle for two to three minutes.

Then he found the long lead wires of the firecracker heads and arranged them, then turned his head to look at the two live treasures squatting next to him, one big and one small.

"You come?"

Xiaojie: "."

He hesitated, and the look in his eyes was very complicated.

Sometimes the personality differences between children are quite obvious. Although Xiaojie has a good education and a strong interest in technology, he is indeed a bit timid.

This is true whether it is shooting or in various aspects of puppy love.

Lin's father knew his child's psychology well, he smiled and encouraged him: "Is it because I didn't dare to let it go last year, come on, let you come this year."

"Kaka is with you, don't be afraid."

After Fang Lin and Xiaojie looked at each other, they decided in their hearts that Xiaojie must be strengthened in the future.

I think he was a monkey when he was a child, let alone firecrackers when he went back to his hometown, he would find a place to hold those kicks and throw them out for fun.

"it is good."

With a serious expression, Xiaojie took the lighter from Papa Lin's hand, moved it to the side of the fuze with some hesitation, and simulated the running position twice.

The lighter is a specially prepared windproof lighter, and the flame that shoots out after opening is like the exhaust of a jet plane, which is very suitable for lighting firecrackers.

I saw Xiaojie holding his breath, turning his body backwards in a running posture, and pressing the lighter with his right hand behind him.


Accompanied by the crisp sound, the dark blue flame with a touch of orange was immediately reflected in the eyes of the three of them under the night.

One side of Xiaojie's right hand was stretched toward the fuze, but his body was leaning in the opposite direction.

In the end, the distance between the flame and the fuze was still not shortened.

Fang Lin couldn't stand it any longer, and when he saw the right opportunity, he slapped Xiaojie's hand, and the dark blue pillar of fire immediately engulfed the gray-white fuze.

There is a spark!

And quickly spread to the main body of the firecrackers on the fuze.


The speed is unusually fast.

Seeing this scene, Xiaojie shrank his pupils, quickly put away the lighter, stood up and ran away.

Lin's father stood at a safe distance early on and watched the two operate, while Fang Lin ran away happily and looked back at the firecrackers at the door.


"Crackling ~ crackling ~"

With the sound of the first firecrackers, the subsequent firecrackers were ignited one by one, and the two thousand firecrackers inevitably came to a grand and magnificent ending.

If you listen to it at a close distance, the firecrackers are quite strong, especially the courtyard of the mountain villa has its own valley effect and echo.

The deafening sound kept coming, and Xiaojie grinned excitedly while covering his ears.

He finally did it!

Last year, when I went back to my hometown, many people piled up wheat stacks on the open space in an abandoned factory area.

So Xiaojie was taken there by a group of children to play hopscotch.

It is to jump down from the abandoned factory building, just jumping and landing on the wheat stack.

The house has two floors and is about four or five meters high, and the wheat stack is about half of it. It must be fine to jump on it, and there are many and wide wheat stacks. Apart from looking scary, it is actually more dangerous than swimming in a swimming pool.

But at that time, Xiaojie didn't dare to jump down, so he kept it in his heart, and today he finally did a "brave" thing.

This year is considered complete.

Xiaojie thought happily in his heart.

Oh, it would be even better if Chenchen would send me New Year greetings tomorrow.

The sound of firecrackers in the night seemed to be a signal, and every household in Xiaoyang Village started to set off firecrackers, two kicks, and thunder.

The three of Fang Lin have already returned to the room and sat at the dining table. In front of them is a huge ultra-high-definition 4k display screen, which is showing the news feed.

Mama Yang quickly asked the three of them to sit down, and Fang Lin naturally opened a table with a few hairy kids.

Steaming and sumptuous meals, family reunion and smiling relatives, there is a warm fireplace next to it, and there are crackling cannons outside.

The atmosphere of the New Year has reached a climax in an instant, but this is not the climax of the extreme excitement like others, but the climax of the quiet and peaceful years of fireworks in the world.

Looking at the big family in front of him, Yang Tingxiang was full of emotion, poured himself a glass of Moutai and began to express his New Year speech.

"Your mother and I are happy. We can get together with our family every Spring Festival."

"It's even more lively this year. It's good. I like this kind of excitement. Usually, your mother and I live in such a big house and don't raise more chickens, ducks, geese and dogs. It always feels empty."

"The two of us are seeing each other very openly now. As for life, if we are happy, our family will be safe and sound."

While talking, Yang Tingxiang, who was usually eloquent, was a little chaotic and without logic, and he felt his heart was blocked.

Du Qingfeng's eye sockets were also a little red, and she opened her mouth to ease the heavy atmosphere made by Yang Tingxiang just now.

"Let's start eating, let's eat, let's eat, I guess I'm hungry."

"Qian, Wen Shao, your dad and I actually hope that you can come back to see more, there is nothing else, after all, our family is fine now, work doesn't have to be so tiring, right?"

Papa Lin and Mama Yang looked at each other and nodded.

Yang Tingxiang patted the table and said, "Okay, what are you talking about for the Chinese New Year? The two children have their own lives and arrangements."

"Hey? Who can't see the small thoughts in your heart? It's my fault if I tell you for you. I don't know if someone who talked about his grandchildren and grandchildren didn't come back every day. Did Qian and Wen Shao forget about themselves. "

Du Qingfeng's tone was so vivid that Yang Tingxiang's old face turned red.

"Let's eat, let's eat, let's have a drink first, happy new year!"

Father Lin quickly stood up and said while holding a wine glass.

The family sitting around the dining table also stood up and held glasses with each other.

"Happy New Year~!"

"Happy New Year!"

The atmosphere suddenly became more lively, and Qingqing and Xiaojie began to pick up their favorite dishes.

Liu Jing's eye sockets were also a little red.

The New Year always makes people can't help but think back to a year's experience, and she has experienced so many changes this year that she is like writing a novel.

I have experienced the darkest and most desperate days, but I am glad that I have my best friend by my side to help me crawl out.

From a divorced young woman who was deeply confused about the future, somehow, she suddenly became an Internet celebrity blogger with tens of millions of fans.

But fortunately, my original intention has not changed, even if such a red-haired video is to make money, it is still Buddhist (forked out).

She has two more children, the general and the princess, and has completely integrated into the Qian family, becoming the godmother of the two children.

Most importantly,
Met Kaka.

Liu Jing looked at Kaka, who was eating a braised lion's head at a separate table next to her.

If Mama Yang gave herself a support in the dark abyss, Kaka pulled her out completely, and had her own career and future.

Her gaze at Kaka became very soft.

The happy time is short, and before you know it, it has passed to 12:30 in the evening.

After watching the Spring Festival Gala and watching the New Year's Eve, the family also began to leave slowly. Liu Jing drank a lot of wine rarely, and a blush appeared on her fair and lovely face, which was very charming.

She leaned on the door of her room with dazed eyes and stopped Fang Lin, and called him in a little dazedly and closed the door.

Then he dragged Fang Lin, who didn't know why, to the chair by the window.

The fireplace was very warm, and Liu Jing felt a little hot after drinking.

Thinking of trouble, she took off her cotton jacket and dressed in normal clothes, and sat on the floor with Kaka in front of the window of the room, leaning against him, hugging her furry neck.

Looking at the charming moonlight outside, Liu Jing's eyes were blurred.

"Thank you, Kaka."

As soon as she opened her mouth, a little alcohol smell came out, causing several black lines to appear on Fang Lin's forehead.

If you can't drink it, still drink it?
Little party dish?
Fang Lin looked at Liu Jing who was leaning against him under the moonlight, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were watery, and the close-fitting long sleeves showed off his perfect figure just right.

"This year, I was very painful, but also very lucky."

"Thank you so much."

After saying a few words, Liu Jing began to speak in confusion, and finally fell asleep lying on Fang Lin's back.

Fang Lin had no choice but to adjust her position and put her back on the bed and put her down. Just as she was about to get out of bed, Liu Jing tightly hugged her front paws and refused to let go.


Mama Yang came over with the general and princess, just in time to look at Liu Jing, and Lin Yuqing who couldn't find Fang Lin also came over.

Seeing this scene, Mama Yang shook her head: "If you can't drink it, you still drink it, your face is so red after only two drinks, it seems that you can't let her drink when you go out in the future, Kaka takes good care of Liu Jing and calls me if something happens. "

After speaking, he took Lin Yuqing out of the bedroom, leaving behind Jiang Baibai and the princess.

(End of this chapter)

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