Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 231 Blue Moon

Chapter 231 Blue Moon
On New Year's Eve, the bright moon is in the sky.

The soft moonlight shines through the windows in the dimly lit room, making the already quaint room more elegant.

Jiang Baibai looked at Liu Jing who was lying on the bed and fell asleep in a daze, and Kaka who was hugging her tightly was very complicated.

Ancestral New Year, family, reunion, happiness, joy, peace, stability.

This is what she really felt after she came to the strange ancestral land, or in other words, it was the life she experienced only after she came to this human family.

She was very lucky, she met Liu Jing and Kaka when she first came to the ancestral land, otherwise she might suffer a lot if she ran around.

In the recent communication with Yang Zhen, she knew that although this human country looks amiable on the surface, it is also sinister behind the scenes. You didn't discuss it.

The sound of firecrackers outside is still inaudible. It is the busiest time at twelve o'clock in the morning, and it is like a war outside.

Seeing that Jiang Baibai seemed to be attracted by the sound of firecrackers outside, Fang Lin suddenly asked with interest.

"Do you know why firecrackers are set off?"

Jiang Baibai shook his head.

"It is said that in ancient times, there was a ferocious monster called "Nian", which was in the deep sea all year round, but at the turn of the new year, it would come out to spoil the crops, harm people and animals, and the people complained.

Later, after exploration, people found that it was afraid of sound, red and fire, so it would set off firecrackers and post couplets at this time. "

"Of course, this is just a story. It's more about the hope that the sound of crackling firecrackers can get rid of the bad luck of the previous year and start the new year with prosperity."

After Fang Lin finished speaking, he stopped, and the sound of firecrackers outside suddenly stopped, and the room became very quiet, except for the sound of Liu Jing holding Fang Lin's breathing.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin under the moonlight with soft eyes. She has been here for a while and has experienced many festivals.

She was surprised to find that there seemed to be a very simple and beautiful wish behind every festival.

This feeling made her feel very peaceful, and she fell in love with this place deeply.

In the dim room, both Jiang Baibai and the princess were looking at Fang Lin with piercing eyes reflecting the dim light.

Coupled with the sudden quiet air, he felt that he had told a story that made the atmosphere very awkward.

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no problem. Could it be that the two of them have read this story before?

At this time, scattered firecrackers sounded outside again, finally breaking the somewhat strange atmosphere.

Fang Lin had nothing to say to Jiang Baibai who was looking at him all the time: "Are you homesick?"

After he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful.

During the Spring Festival, it is okay to ask people far away from home if they are homesick
But Jiang Baibai quickly responded to him.

"Well, of course I would."

The royal princess covered in white walked gracefully to the window, sat down in the reflection of the window reflected on the ground, and said slowly.

"When I was young, I liked staying with my father very much."

"At that time, I had the impression that he never left the hall, as if he wanted to lock himself in it. What I often did was to stare outside beside him in a daze."

"I haven't heard anything about the queen mother since I was a child, as if she never existed."

"Later, I grew up a bit and got in touch with cultivation, so I began to yearn for the outside world."

"I started to explore in the territory of the clan, and went to the chassis of different races to see different scenery."

"But I found one thing, that is, everyone kept silent about my queen mother, but there was always gossip, and I finally collected some things about her."

"The society in the spirit world is cruel, far less peaceful than the ancestral land, so it's actually a very normal phenomenon for families to be destroyed, and there are not a few people who become orphans in a blink of an eye."

"But I was still very angry at that time. He is the emperor. If the emperor of a family can't protect his beloved, then..."

"According to Zudi, I should have been in the rebellious period of youth at the time. Anyway, I was very disappointed with him at the time, and I never went to him again."

"So I kept looking for clues about the queen mother, learned about the queen mother, and kept trying to venture into the outside world, but I just didn't succeed, and I would always be caught back."

"During that time, there seemed to be a subtle tacit understanding between my father and I. I couldn't see him staying in the hall like a loser, and he allowed me to explore around, but absolutely not. Allow me to leave the territory."

"It wasn't until one day that he left the hall, and later I heard that she went to take revenge and wiped out a whole family, and got the title of Black Emperor."

Hearing this, Fang Lin didn't seem to have any movement on the surface, but his heart was full of turmoil.

As expected of a tycoon in the spirit world who is cruel and merciless, if he says to destroy the clan, he will destroy the clan.

"As I grow older and experience more, I actually understand the helplessness of my father. What's more, if I am so sad, he must be more sad than me at that time."

This is Jiang Baibai turning his head, staring at Fang Lin seriously with a pair of eyes and saying,

"You know, Kaka, I really envy this family, they can express their feelings very naturally."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay for you too, just talk to him directly about these thoughts in your heart when you have time."

Jiang Baibai shook his head: "It's that simple. After seven or eighty years of the Cold War, I sometimes get used to it."

"Then how did you carry so many treasures with you?"

"Go get it from his treasure house. When I think of him, I get angry. When I get angry, I go to the treasure house to pick up things."


Fang Lin talked about the big dog in his heart, and comforted him at the same time.

"It's okay, I think your father must miss you in his heart, in fact, you also know this, right?"

"Besides, you didn't have any conflicts before. It's just some differences in concepts. In fact, a good chat can solve it, but you two just don't want to take the initiative to speak, so you have been stuck here."

"Actually, the treasure house is like a step that the two of you know very well, but you haven't made further use of it."

"Don't think about it so much. Life is always getting better. Just be happy. If you really can't, wait until you have a chance to bring me to meet your dad. I will guide you."

Speaking of this, Fang Lin suddenly felt happy. After listening to Jiang Baibai's description, her father definitely regarded her as a treasure in his heart.

Think about it, if there is only one daughter left in the world without a wife, how precious is it?
No wonder my daughter let her take it casually from the small treasury when she was having an awkward fight with me.

If I appeared as Jiang Baibai's good friend and eased the relationship between the two, the emperor wouldn't have to express it?What's more, he is still a young hero with unlimited potential.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin and nodded slowly, and suddenly she felt that it was a perfect decision for her to choose to come to the ancestral land.

Looking at the handsome Kaka, Jiang Baibai slowly lost his mind.

Kaka seems pretty good
Jiang Baibai was startled suddenly, what was he thinking?

The little head shook.

However, some thoughts may never have occurred before, but once they appear, there is no way to dispel them.

The past half a year feels like a long, long time. It is wonderful like reading a biographical novel. I have seen too many things that I have never seen before, and I have too many feelings that I have never experienced before.

And Kaka seems to have been playing a very important role.

In the beginning, I only thought of him as an ordinary pet, but later I wanted to raise him as a younger brother, and then slowly got along with him and found that he was different, and gradually became a friend of similar status.

Kaka is very talented, has good luck, looks good, and has a delicate mind. Apart from being a little poor, she seems to be a good choice for a partner.

What's more, he also has Deng Jiefu as his master, and the most important thing for a spirit beast is talent.

She thought of her father and mother again in a strange way.

The two of them seem to have met each other when they went out on adventures, and finally got to know each other and fell in love.

Jiang Baibai looked at Kaka in a daze for a moment, then shook his head suddenly and cursed in his heart.

Jiang Baibai, Jiang Baibai, what are you thinking?

Kaka is only less than one year old, which is two or three generations behind in the clan!
It doesn't matter how old you are!
Inexplicable thoughts popped up one after another, making Jiang Baibai feel hot on the face, short of breath, and heart pounding.

What happened to me today?It must be because of the Spring Festival, the festivals in the ancestral land always have a kind of magic that makes her heart soft.

Fang Lin lying on the bed looked at Jiang Baibai with a strange expression.

What's the matter with this girl?Looking at myself for a while with a different expression, still shaking your head?

Jiang Baibai turned his head to look out of the window again and sighed: "Oh, I do feel a little homesick, and I miss those friends in the clan."

"It's okay, we can always see you."

"Well, some of them who like to go out for adventures have met people they like. My father and queen also met when I went out for adventures. Speaking of which, the two clans were still hostile at that time."

"Huh? So exciting?"

"By the way, do you want to go to the spirit world to play, and I will introduce you to some beautiful clansmen?"


Fang Lin black question mark.

"Oh, I forgot, you are still too young, do you think love needs to care about age?"

"No, no, wait a minute!"

Fang Lin stopped Jiang Baibai from talking more and more off the topic: "Why did you suddenly talk about finding someone for me? You can't just start knocking on cp just because you think your parents' love is very touching. Why don't you find someone for yourself? ?”


Jiang Baibai was a little embarrassed, took a sneak peek at Fang Lin, then turned his head again and didn't say a word.

Looking at Jiang Baibai, Fang Lin always felt that her demeanor today was not quite right, not as elegant and noble as before, more like a sister next door.

While the two were communicating, the concentration of spiritual energy in the outside world had quietly climbed to a critical value, and strange ripples began to spread in the two worlds. This is a power that is more advanced than the law.

At the same time, world passages began to appear one after another under the stirring of aura in all parts of the world, and magnificent and magical gates of planes opened slowly.

If someone uses supernatural powers to sense the whole world at this moment, they will find that the distribution of these portals is very regular. For example, in the Dragon Kingdom, almost every province will open one.

Fang Lin stood up from the bed with a bang, Liu Jing groaned twice in a daze, turned over and fell asleep on her stomach again.

Jiang Baibai also sensed these changes, and exchanged a glance with Fang Lin, saying nothing.

The imperial capital, the headquarters of Qiankun.

Huge and clear sources of spiritual energy fluctuations appeared densely on the 3D virtual map of Qiankun headquarters, and the alarm sounded.

The members of Qiankun, who are busy coming and going without touching the ground, understand why. There are tension, excitement, uneasiness, and anxiety in their eyes.

But everyone will inadvertently look at Lingyun Fu standing in front of the 3D map with a serious face.

Ling Yunfu looked at the dense red dots in front of his eyes, and wanted to reach out and rub his throbbing temples habitually, but he held back.

As the deputy minister, Deng Jiefu's second in command, now he can't show any negative clarity, even if it's tired and nervous.

"Made, you're not here at the critical moment."

From an angle that everyone couldn't see, Ling Yunfu was talking about Deng with some resentment.

The spirit world, the Hundred Thousand Water Pool, and the Xuangui Island.

The boundless freshwater lake has silver ripples in the moonlight.

On the core island surrounded by many islands, Jiang Xuan, Lao Gui and Gongsun Heng were sitting in front of a clear and transparent pond, with incense slowly rising beside them.



Gongsun Heng looked at the two people next to him and muttered in his heart to be mysterious, thought for a while and then said.

"Finally waited for this day."

Jiang Xuan and Laogui looked at Gongsun Heng at the same time without saying a word, and he was furious.

"What's wrong? I'm just sighing with you."

Jiang Xuan shook his head and didn't take care of the goat anymore. He looked at Xuangui and said, "What do you think of our agreement with Longguo?"

"It's all about what they need. They want to explore the spirit world and establish a frontier stronghold. Let them build it. We also hope to share the remains of the ancestral land."

Gongsun Heng frowned and said: "However. The territories of the royal families in the spirit world are not connected, and there are still large buffer areas with many resources, but how to ensure safety?"

"Their highest strength now is just the king. It's okay not to leave the ancestral land. There is no competitiveness in the spirit world. Although their king is indeed very strong, there is no reason to come to the spirit world. At most, they will send some venerables class."

The royal family is like the territory occupied by the top cultivation sects. Compared with the entire spiritual world, the territory occupied is not that vast. Naturally, there are large unowned areas and resources.

However, in addition to these resources for all spirit beasts to experience, there are also some other small clans and casual cultivators living in groups, without absolute strength, they can still occupy a territory.

Xuan Gui smiled and said: "This shows our sincerity. Jiang Xuan and I have contacted nearly half of the royal families in the eastern part of the spirit world during this period, basically forming a large area. Except for the stupid lion, the others are actually I don't have any hatred with Zudi, most of them just wait and see."

"We have reached an agreement that spirit beasts of the king level and above are not allowed to attack the Dragon Kingdom people who come to the spirit world, and they should just treat them as a new ethnic group in the spirit world and communicate with each other normally."

Gongsun Heng was a little suspicious: "Why don't I know? Who is there?"

"Forget it, you will know when the time comes."

Jiang Xuan stopped talking halfway, blowing Gongsun Heng's beard and staring.

This New Year's Eve is lively.

The Internet has been turned upside down.

The Candle Dragon Secret Realm helmet, which has attracted attention from all over the country and even the world, went on sale at zero o'clock, and the [-] units released by Ruisi Technology disappeared in seconds.

Ruisi Technology has made it clear that there is no room for scalpers to survive, but this has instead stimulated the enthusiasm of the public to buy.

After a week of ideological discussions, basically netizens have reached a consensus.

Rest assured that the control of cloud servers is not in the hands of private companies.

Worry so much about missing out on epoch-making technology, Shabby.

Those who snatched it have already posted news on major social platforms, and the video platforms have also swiped their screens, showing their winning information in various ways.

However, some strange news soon emerged.

The appearance of the fixed portal between the planes caused the aura to pour into the water blue star frantically, which brought a new life to the world that had just begun to recover after the aura had been cut off for a long time.

It's like a drop of nourishing nutrient solution dropped by the Guanyin magic weapon of the newly sprouted green vegetation.

The whole world seems to have life and is laughing happily. Waves of aura tides are spreading crazily around the world. The blessing of life follows the growth of the world and acts on every living being.

Whether it is sleeping or waking creatures, huge changes are subtly taking place.

This is the feedback given to the living beings by the upgrading of the world, and the strength of the living beings will continue to feed back to the world. This chain of positive feedback is the cornerstone of the growth of every extraordinary world.

If nothing else, both the spirit world and the ancestral land will have a bright future.

Including the creatures above.

A button group.

"Fuck! Lightning!"

"What's so strange about lightning?"

"Damn it doesn't rain in winter, where is the lightning? And you watch the video!"

I saw the dark night sky in the picture suddenly brighten up, and I saw the electric light spreading across the sky, like... like a huge spider web covering the sky.

"Are you talking about this? I saw lightning in other groups too, you can't do it."

In the video, at the bottom of the screen are high-rise buildings that look neat and cold in the dark. There are no migrant workers in these places at night, fully showing the coldness of the urban ecological circle, and above the high-rise buildings are gloomy clouds and the moon.

All of a sudden, the clouds suddenly flickered into one piece, and dense electric lights filled the sky above the city, adding a touch of spookiness to the already dark and cold painting style.

"Fuck you, awesome."

"Thunder and lightning are formations, this is an expert who broke the formation!"

"Taoist: We must believe in science, big! Array! Get up!"


And this is just the tip of the iceberg of this sleepless night. Aurora, daylight, and colorful rays of light, all kinds of strange scenes appeared inconceivably on this night, and spread rapidly across the screen on social platforms.

Countless people who had already fallen asleep were called up to watch the "formation vision".

At two o'clock in the morning, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The moon has changed color.

(End of this chapter)

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