Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 232 Day 1

Chapter 232 The first day (refresh if you feel that the plot is not right)
"When I woke up, I crossed over."

"Really, I won't lie to you."


Hot Search No. [-]: The first five-year plan of the Longguo Reiki Era was officially launched.

Hot search No. [-]: The Academy of Sciences released a handbook for primary and middle school students to practice Reiki.

The third hot search: stunned!The mysterious strongman of the Dragon Kingdom broke the river with one sword!


"I fell asleep after watching the Spring Festival Gala last night. I woke up this morning and looked at the notifications on my phone. I was so stupid."

"I specified that I crossed over, who can tell me what's going on? Friends?"

This is the true reflection of the thoughts of many residents of Dilong Kingdom.

So what happened?where am I?why?

Things did happen too quickly.

At 00:00 in the morning, the Candle Dragon Secret Realm Helmet was released, and the enthusiasm in people's hearts was not over yet, and suddenly at 00:30, the anomalies began to increase frequently.

Especially when it's 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, the moon has changed its mother's color.

All social media has exploded, and any sober Longguo person has no intention of going to sleep.

Doomsday, Reiki Resurrection, Alien Invasion
All conceivable reasons were given.

Oh, almost forgot the hottest.

The Taoist leader broke through.

A video of the vision of heaven and earth, lightning and thunder, a corner of the night, and passionate music, coupled with the female voice monologue of "All the heavens are swaying, my Dao is prosperous." It directly makes people feel hairy Crazy praise.

After all, people in the information age are more receptive.

Maybe there will be a little fear when seeing these spectacular visions of heaven and earth at first, but after surfing the Internet and chatting with netizens with a few witty words such as "the Taoist master fights, breaks through the sky", the fear is gone.

The main thing is that nothing happened to me, nothing happened.

Except for the netizens, all the cultivators in the world are very excited, but they all honestly found a quiet place to meditate.

The interference and fusion of the two world planes, the world's upgrade and the recovery of aura, and gradually Blue Star will also have the ability to generate aura.

And all of this is accompanied by waves of aura tides and subtle gifts from the world.

It's just that practitioners who actively meditate can get more money

At this moment, no matter what your innate aptitude is, with the abnormal activity of spiritual energy and laws, the chances of everyone's enlightenment will be greatly increased.

Living in the boundless darkness, watching the visions of the heaven and the earth, feeling the spirit enter the body, and understanding the vicissitudes of life.

Many cultivators who were stuck at C-level to B-level or even B-level to A-level have found their own way.

Most of the excited netizens did not sleep. Perhaps there is another possibility, not tired.

The mortal body is suddenly immersed in such a concentration of aura that is already in a liquid state, and it is naturally a hundred times more energetic.

It's just that the back is different.

Finally at 6 o'clock in the morning, countless authoritative officials released the content of their respective jurisdictions at the same time.

From the science popularization of spiritual energy and cultivation to the selection of future social talents and the nationwide test in one month.

From the complete planning of Reiki education to the selection of Reiki education schools in primary and secondary schools, and then to the default location of Lingwu University.

From the various codes of conduct and harsh punishments for Reiki practitioners, to the rules and regulations for developing a new world.

It contains almost all classifications of all aspects of future Reiki life, as long as you can't think of any place where the policy is not in place.

This is a blueprint that countless professional sociologists have been planning since five years ago, and they specially chose to push and release it on all platforms at six o'clock in the morning on the first day of spiritual recovery.

Anyone who surfs the Internet can see these pushes at the first time, and the largest official media account also released a list of tutorials to help everyone search for areas and content they are interested in.

"The purpose of doing this is obvious. It is to stun everyone with a powerful amount of information, lest some people have other thoughts and have the time to confuse the public and stir up people's hearts."

"We openly acknowledge the recovery of spiritual energy, and come up with such a package of policies. Democracy will feel more at ease when seeing these, at least knowing that we are all prepared."

"Combined with the drunken spirit reaction that ordinary people will have at the beginning, it is estimated that many people will sleep for a day besides being drowsy and unable to lift their spirits."

"In this way, the first few days when thinking is most prone to problems are perfectly spent."

"Under the subtle influence, we can guide the development of democracy in a good direction. As long as the ideological tone is set, then all the problems of the new era will no longer be problems."

In the temporary headquarters, Deng Jiefu played with a pocket gossip array, and explained to Xia Chenglin, whose arms were bandaged beside him, with a smile.

The relic was obtained at about one o'clock, and when it came out, it happened to catch up with the biggest wave of aura between three o'clock and four o'clock, and the fluctuations mixed with various laws benefited Xia Chenglin a lot.

In the process of the fusion of the two world planes, it will naturally affect the fluctuations in the rules of each world, and they are more likely to be enlightened by practitioners when they are active.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to care about this, just ask me if you have any questions."

"Although the aura tide has calmed down a bit, it is expected that there will be two big waves tonight and tomorrow night. You'd better work hard to break through to A-level so that I can save myself some trouble."

Facing Deng Jiefu's concern, Xia Chenglin waved at him like a rebellious adolescent child: "I know, I know, stop nagging. Hey, where are you going after seven o'clock in the morning?"

"Look for my apprentice and give him something good."

"Do you spoil him so much?"

Xia Chenglin suddenly felt strange, curled his lips and seemed to be very disdainful.

"There are also prepared ones for you."

"Huh? Huh, I don't care."

The corners of Xia Chenglin's mouth turned up slightly, and he said it was not rare, but he stood up and began to walk around Deng Jiefu twice to see where the gift he gave him was placed.


With a big wave of his hand, he took out a silver helmet with a very high-tech sense from the crack of the golden light, which was clearly Candle Dragon Secret Realm 1.0.
"Why is this?"

"This is an internal version, you can freely choose your social race without restrictions, and there are many privileges."

"I don't have any special hobbies."

"Take it, otherwise you have to ask Academician Lu to open the back door for you."


"Let's go, you can arrange the rest."

"Hey wait a minute."

Xia Chenglin blinked: "Can this race selection be changed multiple times?"


"It's alright."

Xia Chenglin happily sat on the chair holding the helmet and looked at it, then waved to Deng Jiefu.

Eight o'clock in the morning, mountain villa.

The whole family sat in the living room solemnly, but the atmosphere was eerily quiet, and everyone was browsing their phones silently.

Yang's mother had just finished collecting and reading the new policy on the two children's schooling. She frowned and put down her mobile phone, leaning on the back of the solid wooden chair and pressing the gap between her eyebrows.

heart tired,

How did the spiritual energy recover?
If she was young, she might have expected this kind of thing to happen, but now she just wants the family to develop steadily and steadily.

She has even thought a lot about what Lin Yuqing will do in the future after she finishes her college entrance examination and has no books to study. She plans to choose a direction that everyone will be happy with based on her children's ideas.

Fortunately, the spirit revived.

Originally, he was not very successful in studying, but as soon as the spiritual energy recovered, he added another training class, wouldn't he just become a waste?

On the opposite side, Lin Yuqing, who was pretending to be serious and frantically sending messages among the three people, felt something. When she looked up, she saw the solemn eyes of Yang Ma looking at her, which seemed to contain strong maternal love.

She put down her legs unnaturally, frowned, and continued to send messages, but soon couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh.

Mama Yang shook her head when she saw this,


Let's discuss it with Dad Lin in private at night, and I don't know if the money in the Reiki Age is still useful.

Liu Jing yawned while swiping her phone: "Strange, I've been a little sleepy since before."

As soon as these words came out, Xiaojie also responded.

Father Lin quickly forwarded a few articles to the group and said, "You should have a drunken spirit reaction, which is normal. Experts predict it will last for 1-3 days."

Yang Ma thought for a while and said, "Shall we have a family meeting at night?"

This has always been a tradition in the family, and it has also accompanied the growth of Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

Every time there is a major event in the family, such as two children's exams, or who has conflicts with whom, etc., a family meeting will be held.

Don't think this form is embarrassing and useless. It can make children feel that they are part of the family from an early age, and in the process of exchanging opinions with each other, learn to think from the perspective of others, especially from the perspective of parents.

For example, Lin Yuqing opened it once after the high school entrance examination. At the meeting, Yang's mother came up with several plans for Lin Yuqing's how to work and earn money before junior high school, which scared her and worried her for several days.

"Wait a minute."

Father Lin thought for a while and said, "Drunk oxygen reaction, the body has 3 days to adapt, let alone our mind."

"After posting so many things at once, it should be because we want us to get to know the new era well during this holiday. Let's open it in three days."

"In the past few days, everyone can browse the news by themselves."

Fang Lin next to him yawned boredly. Why did the family's reaction differ from what he thought?
Fortunately, he took time out of his busy schedule last night to focus on taking care of other people except Qingqing.

Jiang Baibai next to him looks good, it seems that he has gained a lot.

Suddenly a voice appeared in the hearts of Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai at the same time.

The two looked at each other and walked out of the room.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai came to Liu Jing's room, and she was already asleep.

Jiang Baibai closed the door and took out the two helmets given by Deng Jiefu, and excitedly handed them to Fang Lin and the two of them to take them up.

"Shall we choose the human race?"


"Anyway, you can change it at will, as long as you change the ID at the same time."

"Hello pervert."


Although Jiang Baibai complained, he and Fang Lin chose the human race.

The two helmets are naturally bound to friends, so after exploring for a while, the two chose a world that has not yet been opened and intend to enter and play.

At noon on the 2nd, only those who have bought a helmet will have permission to enter.

The battle between immortals and Buddhas has been protracted.

The human emperor falls, and the immortals and Buddhas scramble to carve up the morality of the mortal world.

Demons are rampant, and the people are in dire straits.

The 3746 year of the Buddhist calendar.

Great Zhou Kingdom in the east of Fanjie, Yongming County, Yangzhou.

It is now March.

The first ray of spring breeze blows from the sky, and the ice and snow melt and the flowers bloom ten miles away.

Merchants and hawkers have already left their stalls with the burden of their families on their backs.

The children of the nobles can finally sweep away the depression that has been suppressed throughout the winter, and travel around the mountains and rivers to enjoy flowers and have fun.

And spring is also the season of spring plowing, and seeds containing the expectations of the whole family are also scattered into the land.

All things are revived, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be revived.

Gusu City in Yongming County is full of tourists and noisy cars and horses.

A monk with a big bald head and a white robe was walking on the bustling streets of the city with a smile on his face.

This monk is tall, fair-skinned, and ruddy. Even without hair, he looks very handsome, attracting the secret attention of many passing daughters-in-law.

And beside him was a little bald man in a yellow formal monk's robe.

This is exactly Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai. Under their random identities, they unexpectedly became monks in a temple. The background is that they went down the mountain for alms.

The background of this world seems to be very complicated. It should be games and the like to help people get familiar with the environment in the future.

But the CG at the beginning was really good, which made him feel a little bit.

The little monk's eyes are bright and expressive, and the brows are nervous, novel and excited, and he looks very cute when he is closely following the big monk.

The little monk quietly tugged at the big monk's robe and said, "Kaka, why am I so small? And it feels so strange."

Hearing what the little monk said, Fang Lin was speechless.

This Jiang Baibai, who was obviously happy, smiled like a flower, and his mouth is still stiff.

"Kaka, what are the people over there doing?"

Jiang Baibai shook Fang Lin's clothes suddenly, and pointed to the huddled crowd in the open space not far away and asked in a low voice.

Fang Lin, whose memory was interrupted, looked at the crowd over there who cheered loudly from time to time, and he almost understood it.

He looked at Jiang Baibai who was only around his waist and felt a little funny in his heart.

If this head goes out shopping, he might not see anything, right?

So Fang Lin reached out and grabbed Jiang Baibai's arm and threw it up, and put him on his shoulder amid Huijing's panicked cry.

"Huh, you startled me."

"How about Senior Brother, Senior Brother treats you well?"

"Who is your junior brother?"

Jiang Baibai was taken aback but was very speechless. In the setting, the two are brothers and sisters, but he is obviously older.

In the background, she got started earlier than Fang Lin.

But Jiang Baibai, who was sitting on Fang Lin's shoulder, turned his head and looked at him, with a smile from the bottom of his mouth.

When the two first arrived, a memory picture was automatically accepted in their minds.

In the beginning of the screen, only she and her master stayed on the mountain. Except for the nearby farmers who occasionally went up the mountain to hug the corner temporarily, there were only those small animals.

Master sat quietly in the room all day long, and after she took care of the sanitation by herself and took care of some vegetables grown in the backyard, she was left alone in a daze.

Since the younger brother came to the mountain gate, finally the temple has become much more lively, and it is more like a home.

This strange feeling of playing another person's life made Jiang Baibai feel very strange.

Hmm, in my memory, her name should be Huijing now?

Huijing put her arms around Fang Lin's neck tightly, and looked curiously at the crowd over there.

"Quick, driver, go over there and have a look."


(End of this chapter)

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