Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 233 Jiang Baibai: Something is wrong

Chapter 233 Jiang Baibai: Something is wrong

Candle Dragon Secret Realm Cooperative R&D Building.

"Huh? How can there be users logging into the virtual world now?"

"It should be a helmet that is not on sale, you can check the user number and you will know."

"Let me see, no permission."

"How's the AI ​​testing going?"

"Don't worry, there is a set of self-consistent behavioral logic, but it will definitely not achieve the effect of a real person."

"As long as you don't get stuck and get bugs, it's fine even if you repeat a sentence. At present, the main thing is communication between players. Don't put too much in this large-scale npc interactive virtual world permission No. 2 when it is officially launched."

"Okay, let's just observe them."

World of Conflict between Immortal and Buddha No. 1.

While feeling his long-lost human body, Fang Lin squeezed into the crowd with Jiang Baibai on his shoulders.

This virtual helmet really lives up to its reputation. He really feels a bit like he has traveled to another world now, but compared with the illusion of space, the gap is still obvious.

Especially there are many very facialized NPCs next to them who seem to have personality labels.

Although it looks lively, it always gives him a sense of disobedience, just like a marionette. He is really a little cautious.

However, there is nothing to be picky about being able to play games immersively. Those online game NPCs in the PC version have no sense of existence. Isn't it the same as a bunch of people playing?

The main thing is the interaction between players, online dating is interesting, today's online dating partner may put a hat on himself tomorrow, how exciting?

In this way, a large number of melon-eating people can be attracted, and the endless cycle will never tire of it.

But Jiang Baibai doesn't care about these things, she has seen a lot of puppets, and it would be nice to experience the ancient world in this kind of classics.

The two quickly came to the edge of the crowd and looked over.


"Everyone, those who have money will hold a money market, and those who have no money will hold a personal market."

"We traveled all over the world and came to this picturesque Yangzhou Gusu City for the first time. I was really excited."

"If there are any mistakes or omissions in the style, please return Haihan!"

A strong, unshaven, dark-skinned man clasped his fists at the nearby crowd.

This npc seems to allocate a lot of computing resources, which is very natural, like a real person.

Immediately the sense of substitution rose.

He yelled and lay down full of aura, and the people around him put a big stone on the strong man's chest.

Hey, broken boulders in the chest?
Fang Lin raised his eyebrows, this is fine.

Seeing that the performance was about to start, he squeezed forward.

A group of npcs who were a little dull and only knew that they were applauding were pushed aside by him, but it was amazing that occasionally they could hear the npc who was pushed aside behind them complaining in a low voice: "Hey, this monk."

When Fang Lin carried Jiang Baibai to the front and back, the performance had reached the most critical point.

An equally strong man then picked up a wooden and copper hammer and swung it fiercely at the stone on the chest of the man on the ground.

Amidst the surrounding crowd and Jiang Baibai's exclamation, the big rock suddenly fell apart.

"it is good!"


The surrounding spectators applauded immediately, and the noise was very lively.

Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai also joined in and applauded fiercely. They had only seen this kind of scene in TV dramas before, and it was the first time to join in this kind of excitement in reality.

Even if he knows the principle, even if he can smash the boulder easily, but this can't help liking this lively atmosphere!
Maybe this is called comprehension of the world of mortals and the world of games, right?

The happy Fang Lin felt that Jiang Baibai's position on the shoulders had dropped a bit, so he stretched out his hand to support her to adjust it.

I don't know what is the standard for the role of this helmet, Jiang Baibai is a delicate-looking female monk, she is still very petite.

And Jiang Baibai, who was sitting on Fang Lin's shoulder watching the performance, suddenly felt a pair of warm hands on his buttocks.

The whole body trembled for a moment, and a feeling of electric shock rose from there to the whole body in an instant, and she froze where she did not dare to move.

Jiang Baibai, who has never transformed into a human form, feels very strange both in his body and in his heart. Why is he so sensitive?

However, that warm hand still didn't intend to stop, and actually pinched it twice while holding it.

Jiang Baibai's breathing became short of breath in an instant, and she couldn't take it anymore and slapped Fang Lin on the head with her hand.

"What are you doing? Don't leave it there."

".Shoulders are so broad. If you don't support you to keep falling, you can't ride on your neck."


Isn't that even weirder? !

Jiang Baibai hesitated for a moment, and a blush appeared on the faces of the characters in the virtual game space.

"Then don't pinch it, it feels weird."


Fang Lin was dumbfounded.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that you have feelings too."

Only then did Fang Lin come to his senses and let go of his hands with a sneer, leaning his body a little to the side to prevent her from falling.

Matt, how embarrassing.

Fang Lin swears to God, he definitely didn't pinch his butt on purpose.

It's really just that I haven't experienced the human touch for a long time, and I moved my palm subconsciously because it was a little soft.

I never thought about this when I was with Jiang Baibai, so I just regarded it as a buddy.

What he did just now was at best an unconscious pinch of his good brother's shoulder.


The surroundings are still bustling, but the atmosphere between the two has become very strange.

Fang Lin had the feeling that the establishment collapsed and the society died on the spot. He just wanted to go offline immediately and leave this place of right and wrong.

The NPCs around him continued to applaud, and the strong man who performed also showed a heartfelt smile. He picked up a hat from the ground and walked towards the crowd to ask for rewards.

"The rich will make a fortune, all the judges, there will be more exciting fire-breathing performances below, don't leave!"

"Thank you."

"Thank you, the judge, for being generous."

"Hey, you are so proud, you are a great master at first glance."


The straw hat went around in a circle, and almost all npcs gave a little more or less.

Seeing that he was about to come here, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little bad.

Among other things, the atmosphere of this virtual space is quite good.

Those players who don't dare to ask for prices in normal reality may be really embarrassed not to give points.

Fang Lin felt that his heart was pure and innocent. In the past, he would give a little appreciation and listen to a few words of thanks when watching female anchors dance.

But the point is that he doesn't have a penny in his system backpack.

There is only one spell that seems a bit unreliable.

"Amulets for Beginners"

"Although the handwriting is messy, it can still start to work, and the value of people who meet needs soars."

As a person who doesn't like whoring for nothing, Fang Lin saw the straw hat turning to him quickly, and turned his head decisively to prepare to sneak away first with Jiang Baibai on his shoulders.

But before he could move his legs, someone grabbed his arm.

The big black-skinned man said with a smile on his face.

"Your white robe is different from ordinary people at first glance. You are imposing and dignified. It turns out that you are an eminent monk! How about you?"

The big man shook the hat in his hand, and the copper coins inside made a clashing sound, which was self-evident.

Fang Lin: "."

"No money."

"No money?"

A trace of human suspicion flashed in the big man's eyes.

At the same time, other NPCs around also began to conform.

"It doesn't look like you have no money?"

"Maybe I just don't want to give it."

"Don't you know? The monks are all buckled."

"The two monks watched it just now and applauded vigorously."

Fang Lin: "."

Who designed this program?
After the performance, you need money first, and then enter the option, the player will give it or not.

If you don't give it, will the npc start to be morally yin and yang?

And forget it, why are there still attacks on the profession?

This is discrimination!
What happened to you monks?
Although he doesn't like the bald donkey very much.

"Change to another world to play?"

"Forget it, go offline first."

Jiang Baibai peeked at Fang Lin over his shoulder, chose to log off, and disappeared into the virtual space.

Fang Lin shrugged and waved at the black-faced man before disappearing in place.

Without the player's entry, the world of Clash of Immortals and Buddha No. 1 has re-entered the data reincarnation and remains in the standby state.

"Unfortunately, they went offline directly. I still want to see the follow-up development."

"Is there a special plot here?"

"That's natural. They are privileged helmets, so it's easy to trigger these. There are several options in the back. The best is to give the amulet in the backpack to the head of the acrobatic troupe."

"After the team leader accepts it, he will start the C-7d branch line. One day later, he accidentally sold the spell to the steward of the Gusu City Lord's Mansion, helping the city owner's daughter to survive a small calamity, and the players will be involved in the incident later. "

"It's a pity to restart the world. This kind of large-scale RPG multiplayer game world costs 5 dragon coins to enter, and only these privileged helmets are not taken seriously."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Mountain house.

In the bedroom, Liu Jing was still asleep because of her drunkenness, her slender and plump thighs were sandwiched between the quilt, and there was a faint smile on her face as if she had dreamed of something happy.

Jiang Baibai, who was offline, put away his helmet and sat aside without saying a word.

Fang Lin scratched his head with his paws, and pushed his helmet towards her, Jiang Baibai took it and put it away silently.

She still feels a little strange when she thinks about the body feeling at that time. Why is the human body so sensitive?
I usually don't find it.
The tail flicked and touched inadvertently, but it didn't feel the way it did at the time.


Fang Lin was a little speechless: "I didn't mean to."

"I know, forgive you, I didn't get used to it at first, let this pass."

Jiang Baibai turned his head and straightened his soft hair as if nothing had happened.

"Huh, that's fine, I knew you would understand."

After a few seconds,

"Kaka, have you spanked the princess' ass before?"


"Did you have any special feelings at that time?"

".No! She made a mistake, I just taught her a lesson, don't think about it in strange places, okay?"


Jiang Baibai kept thinking in his heart. At that time, he really didn't feel anything strange about Kaka when he beat the princess.

But she recalled the scene just now, and the human played by Kaka seemed to be blushing.

Is it
Kaka has a fetish?

I have lived with the human beings in my ancestral land since I was a child, and I have not received the correct guidance, so has my view of love been distorted?

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai glanced at Kaka solemnly, feeling very difficult in his heart.

Because according to the records in the classics, even in the legendary period long, long ago, shape-changing was a great supernatural power.

What's more, the division between the spirit world and the ancestral land is still the same, it seems that this inheritance has long been lost.

It is normal to think about it, because there is no human race in life, and there is no need for transformation.

Spirit beasts have their own way of cultivation, and the incarnation has no other function except to praise the stinky feet of the power of the human race.

This is a general-purpose supernatural power researched by many spirit beasts in an environment where the human race is powerful. It is also very difficult to learn, and it has no other use except for the convenience of communicating with the human race.

Alas, it's a little troublesome.

Fang Lin's hair was straightened by Jiang Baibai's gaze.

Why do you look at yourself with hopeless eyes?

He couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"Oh, by the way, who do you think looks better, Liu Jing or Lin Yuqing? Well, from your point of view."


Why did you suddenly ask this question?
Fang Lin glanced at Jiang Baibai suspiciously, compared the youthful and beautiful girl with the cute and sexy beautiful young woman in his mind, and he replied in the affirmative.

"If I were human, I would definitely like someone like Liu Jing."

Jiang Baibai left the bedroom straight away with a heavy complexion, leaving only Fang Lin who didn't know why.

"The level of Reiki practitioners is tentatively determined as DCBAS from low to high. According to experts, it is mainly due to the consideration of internationalization factors, and according to some current data, it is not ruled out that there are still higher levels above S level."

"Currently the strongest cultivator among human beings in the world is the head of Qiankun in our country, Minister Deng Jiefu. For specific information about Qiankun, please refer to the series "Qiankun~Forerunners of the New Era"."

"Next, please appreciate the strength of A-level. According to the members of Qiankun, he is regarded as Qiankun's Dinghaishenzhen."

I saw a blurry figure floating quietly on the rough sea in the picture, it seemed to be in the deep sea, and the natural mighty power of the waves could be heard from the ambient sound of the camera.

However, the next moment.

In an instant, the sharp sword was unsheathed, and the figure in the sky maintained the posture of drawing the sword.


Break the sea with one sword!
I saw sky-high waves suddenly rising from the endlessly rough sea, and under the angle adjusted by the camera, an unfathomable gully appeared on the sea surface out of thin air.

And there seemed to be some energy restricting them from returning to their original shape. Some deep-sea fish were swept up into the sky by the waves, and then fell in all directions in a tumultuous manner.

Heaven and earth change color.

"Friendly reminder, you can breathe now."

"Fuck!! Superman!!!"

"Superman ass, this is a fairy! Nima suddenly wakes up and can cultivate immortality, and someone has already become a fairy!!"

"Although I started late, don't bully the young and poor, I will definitely get back everything I lost!"


Lin Yuqing was constantly scrolling through related videos in the bedroom.

It has to be said that modern people are originally impacted by diversified information, and their ability to accept is indeed very strong. Now even minors like Lin Yuqing have begun to search for useful information related to themselves.

"It is expected that the tide of spiritual energy recovery will last for three days. According to experts, the intensity of spiritual energy recovery is far beyond previous estimates. In three days, about 60% of people will naturally awaken and be able to sense the spiritual energy in the world."

"At the same time, [-]% of the people will awaken within a month, and the rest will naturally awaken as time goes by."

"An era where everyone can practice is coming."

"But everyone, don't be too busy getting excited. Cultivation is going against the sky, surpassing the heavens and the earth, so it all depends on your own talent."

"In addition to checking the number of initially awakened spiritual cores, the talent test is more importantly a test of the affinity between heaven and earth. According to experts, the latter accounts for 80.00% of the score."

"It's still because of the innate lack of spirit, the number of awakened initial spiritual cores will not be too many."

"Everyone, don't worry. One month later, Longguo will conduct a free talent test nationwide, and everyone can know their own talent."

"It is expected to be divided into DCBAS level, but unfortunately, [-]% of the people will be D-level or below talents, which means that it is difficult to break through D-level in a lifetime, which is also because we live in a spiritless environment related."

"Please calmly treat the matter of cultivation, and regard it as a blessing that fell from the sky."

"Even the most mediocre D-level talents can still strengthen our bodies. Therefore, while we are carrying out our daily life, taking spare time to practice can help us build a better home."

Sounds amazing.

Lin Yuqing tapped her feet and lay down on the bed after watching the video carefully, holding her face in her hands and looking forward to it.

All tested, how spectacular is that?
Not only her, but even many netizens do not believe that such a large-scale test can be carried out smoothly. The manpower and material resources involved are too exaggerated, and it is also an extremely test of execution.

However, Lin Yuqing is very confident in Longguo, and her generation has a very strong sense of belonging and pride in the motherland.

Lin Yuqing felt the five mysterious star-like phantoms in her body, threw the phone aside and turned over on the bed.

Now she really wants to find someone to talk to.

When browsing online forums before, I saw that most people said that they could only see one, so Lin Yuqing subconsciously knew that her talent should be good.

I felt like I got a perfect score in an exam. When I found out, I rolled excitedly on the bed for a long time.

But the problem is that she can't find anyone to show off. When Zhao Hanya and Zhao Hanya didn't take the initiative to talk about it, Lin Yuqing was too embarrassed to show off her situation.

As a former mathematics scumbag, she knew how depressing it was for others to show off their scores in front of her.

Yang Ma and Lin's father's words don't have the feeling of friends, so let's talk about it in the meeting three days later.

After thinking about it, Lin Yuqing thought of the most suitable partner.

She smiled and got up from the bed, quickly put on cotton slippers on her fair and small feet, and ran to Liu Jing's room with a rattling sound.


"Kaka~, boo!"

She stretched her head and leaned in to beckon.

In the corridor, Jiang Baibai, who was standing by the wall, looked at the picture in front of him with a very serious expression, as if a war was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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