Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 234 Discussion

Chapter 234 Discussion
Lin Yuqing quietly brought Kaka back to the room and was just about to close the door when Jiang Baibai followed behind and squeezed in.

So she knelt down and touched Jiang Baibai's head, then closed and locked the door.

The excited beautiful girl jumped onto the bed and patted beside her.

"Kaka, come here."

She can't wait to have a good chat. She used to complain to Kaka at night when her grades were not very good.

Tucao math, Tucao teacher, Tucao Yang Ma.

Anyway, Kaka would not file a complaint, there would be no risk of losing her mind, and she would always listen carefully to her speech with her ears up.

It's nice to have a place to chat anytime.

Fang Lin controlled his body weight and got on the bed slowly, lying next to her.

Seeing this, Lin Yuqing also climbed down, leaning on Kaka's furry body, and put her two heads together.

A girl's unique fragrance poured into Fang Lin's nose, which made him feel much happier.

Scientific research has proved that frequent face-to-face chats with beautiful people can promote the secretion of positive elements in the body, making people active and loving life.

"You know what? I seem to have awakened."

"As soon as I woke up today, I felt that the whole world was different. When I turned on my phone, I thought I had traveled through time."

"It took you a while to remember that your godmother dragged you to sleep yesterday."

"I don't know if you have read it. It seems that some people have started to practice very early, and the number one in the world seems to be in the Dragon Kingdom."

"That man is so powerful, he cut the whole sea apart with one swish."

"I don't know if it will become so powerful in the future."

Lin Yuqing's small face next to Fang Lin suddenly became a little happy: "My talent seems to be good. People on the Internet say that they can only see one star core or a very few two, but I can see five."

"But. If you practice cultivation, will you have to fight? I don't dare to fight."

The girl's voice suddenly dropped, and she changed her position against Fang Lin's body and lay down on the spot.

Turning his head to the side, he looked at Fang Lin's double chin from bottom to top, with worry in his eyes.

"Why do you think the world has changed suddenly? Do you not need to learn mathematics in the future?"

"I don't know how Zhao Hanya and Li Rui are doing."

Lin Yuqing's words were very jumpy. Fang Lin was still listening to her talk about the general trend of the world and Deng Jiefu, but suddenly went to mathematics.

Her hands were not idle either, after turning her hair a few times, she reached out to Fang Lin's front paw beside her head.

Want to lift it up.

Fang Lin lifted it up helplessly, and Lin Yuqing put his big furry paws in front of his eyes in a bench press-like posture.

He continued to speak while watching.

"Kaka, many people on the Internet commented that the future is the era of cultivation, and reading is useless."

"I don't care, but what about Yaya and Li Rui?"

"Yaya is working so hard. Li Rui's family seems to be in poor condition and has a newborn brother. If studying is useless and he doesn't have good talent, what will he do?"

"Is it impossible for those poor disciples to get out of the mountains by studying? It all depends on their cultivation talent?"

"But talent, isn't it innate?"

"In this way, wouldn't everyone's class and future be determined after birth? This is too unfair, and they are not even given the chance to work hard to change their destiny."

Jiang Baibai, who jumped onto the bed after him, exchanged glances with Fang Lin when he heard this.

Both of them were very surprised that these words came from Lin Yuqing's mouth.

Especially Fang Lin, he always thought that Lin Yuqing was simple and innocent.

Likes to watch variety shows, knocks on CP, can be cute, can act like a baby, can be coquettish, good-looking and rich in family, it is completely pampered and spoiled by rich kids with simple ideas and easy to be deceived.

I didn't expect to think about these deep things in my head.

"When I saw these analyzes on Zhihu, I didn't know why, and I felt very sad." "Those bloggers are very pessimistic, but I think there will always be a way? But I can't think of it."

She lay down on her side and hugged Fang Lin's paw and stopped talking.

Jiang Baibai looked at Lin Yuqing who was entangled with Kaka: "It's not easy for this girl to come from a noble family but have a compassionate heart."

I just always like to stick to Kaka.

She curled her lips in her heart, she must be one of the culprits that caused Kaka's three views to be distorted.

"There are no nobles in the Dragon Kingdom in modern society."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes when he heard Jiang Baibai's words.

"Is there any difference? Aristocrats are born with a superior environment, better resources, strong resistance to risks, and hereditary treatment."

"It's like the Li Rui she mentioned. If you don't have the talent for cultivation, you can only say that the future is not very bright. Although you can't see anything now, you will understand that you have talent when the influence of spiritual energy on the ancestral land becomes deeper and deeper in the future. The difference between talent and talent."

"And in a family like her, even if the children don't have the talent for cultivation, what can they do?"

"Use the current wealth to invest in poor but gifted people, and they can even go to orphanages. In short, after forming a complete blood supply system, it will only become stronger and stronger. The internal struggles of the family after the big business will not be considered, anyway. It's all the same last name."

"In the era of Reiki, it is not enough for one person to fight alone. You must have a background and resources."

"Like finding a partner with background and resources"

Jiang Baibai shook his tail inadvertently, feeling a little nervous suddenly.

Fang Lin knew that what Jiang Baibai said had some truth, but he still believed in Longguo, and in the materialism that would never go out of date and be progressive.

And Longguo, which regards dialectical materialism as its world outlook and methodology, is naturally progressive and timeless.

Fang Lin, who was born in a normal school, was distracted by the two of them and began to think about these issues, not paying attention to Jiang Baibai's last sentence.

And Jiang Baibai didn't respond when Fang Lin fell silent, probably because he didn't understand what he meant.

My body relaxed, but my heart felt a little uncomfortable.


How her father and mother turned from hostile races to husband and wife at that time, she felt confused when they started as friends.

If not, how can she like a humble bumpkin from her ancestral land, who is a majestic princess of the royal family.



The sudden snort interrupted Fang Lin's thoughts, he raised his head and saw Jiang Baibai's slightly annoyed eyes frowning.

"What's wrong with you? Who spanked you again?"


Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and jumped off the bed, ran to the side of Xueqiu who was practicing with his eyes closed on the cushion by the wall and stopped.

The body sensed that someone was approaching, Xueqiu opened his eyes and closed them again after discovering that it was Jiang Baibai.

Jiang Baibai looked back at Kaka who was listening to Lin Yuqing again, and asked Xueqiu curiously.


"What's the matter, Miss Baibai?"

"Have you been practicing?"


Jiang Baibai couldn't help being speechless, Xueqiu never knew when he had turned into a cultivator, and he didn't hear anything out of the window.

"Is there any harvest from the aura tide last night?"

"Well, the phantom of the spiritual core can suddenly see the seventh one, and its cultivation has broken through to D level."


Jiang Baibai was a little surprised.

"It's far from my brother."

Xueqiu looked up at Fang Lin, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

Jiang Baibai, who hadn't cared about these things before, suddenly felt something was wrong, she paused and pretended to be unintentional and said, "It's okay, you are her sister, Kaka will definitely protect you."

Xueqiu frowned: "I don't need him to protect me."

"Why? You're her sister, aren't you?"


Fang Lin moved his ears and looked at Xueqiu. He wanted to grin at first, but Xueqiu also gave him a glare and closed his eyes to practice.

Fang Lin immediately lost his temper.

What's all this about?
"What kind of monster are you?"

Seeing this, Jiang Baibai shook her tail innocently: "I didn't do anything. Maybe you didn't spank her."


What do you mean, I can't get through today with my ass.

Jiang Baibai regretted it after she finished speaking, and she also felt that her mentality was not right now, and her words were out of order.

Under the mood disorder, he directly summoned the power of shadow to cover himself and then disappeared in place.

Fang Lin's pupils shrank and quickly covered Lin Yuqing's eyes with his paws.

Lin Yuqing, who was facing away from Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu, thought that Kaka was playing with him, so he laughed and patted his big paw in front of his face twice.

Then he continued to talk about the girl's mind.

"Let's eat~!"


"Hey, where did the general go? The door is still locked."


"Hey Kaka, don't push me! I'll open the door and go down to eat now."

Reiki has been quietly permeating the whole world for five years, but for the people, the overnight change of the times is still too fierce and too fast.

Even though a lot of publicity has been arranged in the early stage to divert attention and prepare the ground in advance, the impact of the spiritual recovery is still too huge.

All kinds of voices came and went on the Internet one after another, and things like Lin Yuqing's worries had already turned the sky upside down.

Since the official media released various bills, plans, and information at six o'clock in the morning, they have been silent, leaving plenty of room for discussion among the public.

In this peace-loving age, in fact, everyone's ideas and needs are very simple, and they all want to live a good life and have a good future.

According to the big data of the research institute, more than [-]% of the parents consulted the information about the children's schooling and education in the age of Reiki.

"Will Reiki training courses be added to compulsory education?"

"What's the meaning of the released list of Lingwu University?"

"How does a child get into the Reiki Experimental High School?"

Retired or approaching retirement, middle-aged and elderly people also checked whether their children's current jobs will be affected.

After graduation, the migrant workers consulted questions such as "Should I still go to work after my spiritual energy recovers?" "How to make money after my spiritual energy is recovered." "How about resigning and practicing?"

The concerns of different age groups and classes can be clearly seen in front of big data.

In fact, one thing that researchers are curious about is, what makes the young people who seem the most selfish in front of big data become the most selfless after marriage?
At the same time, countless video bloggers also released their own videos. Except for those who were as drunk as Liu Jing and fell asleep, they were all rubbing against each other.

Fitness bloggers recalled their bench press records in the future, and anchors expressed their opinions based on some hot topics, such as combining virtual helmets with Reiki practice and so on.

For a while, countless voices, optimistic and pessimistic, positive and negative, were disturbing, and there were many hidden 50 voices in the middle that fueled the flames.

Until 23:[-] on the night of the New Year's Day, the Internet, which had been noisy for a day, suddenly quieted down. All the noise and videos seemed to stop, as if all the netizens had disappeared.

And this is all because of an official video that was simultaneously pushed across all platforms and channels.

"Details and Interpretation of the First National Basic Universal Reiki Cultivation Method "Zhaoxia""

The spirit world, the Hundred Thousand Water Pool, and the Xuangui Island.

On the core island surrounded by endless freshwater lakes, a new guest came.

"Tu Yue, what do you think?"

Jiang Xuan, who was dressed in black Xuan Wen, looked calmly at the Nine-Tailed Fox in front of him.

This nine-tailed fox's snow-white fur is covered with a faint pink in some places, and the tips of its nine fluffy tails emit a little bit of purple light.

Tu Yue looked at Jiang Xuan and Lao Gui in front of her and smiled coquettishly: "The two royal families seem to invite me here just to talk about this? I thought they wanted to renew their old relationship with the slave family."

After speaking, he blinked at Jiang Xuan.

The old turtle shook his head, and slowly closed his eyes as if he didn't exist.

And the old goat, who had no sense of presence next to him, stared wide-eyed. Is there a story for this couple?
Jiang Xuan frowned: "Tu Yue, what is the old relationship between you and me? Besides, you are the royal family of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan and have a family, so you should pay attention to some influences, especially when we want to cooperate with the ancestral human race. They Pay more attention to etiquette."

"Ha ha."

Tu Yue smiled disdainfully, her alluring body twisted a little to show her nobility and beauty.

"The matrilineal line of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is respected. I'm right that I didn't find more concubines. What's more, I didn't promise you to cooperate with the ancestral land, right? Even if we cooperate, what does my character have to do with the human race?"

"You represent the face of the spirit world."

"Brother Xuan, you said that you seem to have unified the two continents of the East and the West."

Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes helplessly: "I won't chat with you, the fixed channel has been opened, and in two days we will formally send an exchange mission to the ancestral land to discuss various matters, and at the same time, all previously reached treaties will be implemented. "

"This is the last chance. The treatment of other races that will be added in the future will be reduced. For example, the number of relics in the ancestral land will not be given priority."

Tu Yue shyly looked at Jiang Xuan: "Brother Xuan, I didn't expect you to still miss me after so many years."

Jiang Xuan stared at her silently.

"Okay, okay, it's boring if you can't take a joke at all, the three of you are really bored to have a meeting together."

Tu Yue sighed and said, "I agree."

"Then the Qingqiu in the southeast of you will become the protected activity range of the ancestral human race. You need to ensure that they will not be interfered by spirit beasts above B level."

"Do not worry."

Tu Yue signed a guarantee ticket, then thought about it and suddenly asked with a smile.

"I heard that there are places for exchange and study in the ancestral land of the junior generation?"

(End of this chapter)

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