Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 236 Reality

Chapter 236 Reality ([-]-word chapter)

"That's right, Xiaojie, why don't you pay attention to information related to yourself at all?"

"The current policy is that elementary and middle school students need to set up a Reiki experimental class, but because of the problem of educational resources, only students with good Reiki talents will be selected to participate in this experimental class, which is equivalent to a key class."

"Each city and county will select two or three classes according to the standard to concentrate in a demonstration school for teaching, and the university will establish a special Lingwu University."

At this point, Yang Ma looked at Lin Yuqing and then at Xiaojie, paused and said, "Qingqing, Xiaojie, from now until the exams in the future, you have to think carefully about whether you are going to Lingwu University or not. Normal university."

"All the choices are yours. My father, me, and your godmother will be your backing, but you still have to choose your own path in the future."

The atmosphere at home suddenly became serious again, which made Lin Yuqing feel as if she had returned to the family meeting on the [-]rd.

In fact, children understand everything and understand everything. Perhaps it is a good choice to try to have a long talk with children about various things, instead of thinking that children are still young and do not understand anything.

For example, the pressure at home, the Shabi I met at work, the unhappiness in life, parents do not take the initiative to share trivial things with their children, why should children share their youth with you?

Lin Yuqing suddenly felt a little pressure in his heart.

The girlfriends and friends who have no news so far, the road to higher education is uncertain, and the future direction is vaguely visible.

In the past, she did not have such pressure.

The changes in society and the times have made children of rich families feel this kind of fear, let alone parents and children of ordinary people.

Perhaps, the only one who didn't have this kind of panic was the second generation of power like Mu Xiaozi who knew some inside stories early on.

Lin Yuqing had a feeling in her young heart that tomorrow's test might determine the future fate of many people, including herself.

She was a little restless, looked around with big eyes, ran to Fang Kaka on the carpet, hugged him and sat down.

Staying with Kaka will make her feel more at ease.

Fang Lin didn't think anything of it. Whether it was the Reiki Age or the modern society, it was normal to eat and drink.

But he still understands the little girl's mind, isn't it just a little worried.

What are you afraid of, my brother is here.

Fang Lin glanced at Lin Yuqing who was hugging her neck, and licked her side face to show her comfort.

"Yeah Kaka, don't make trouble, it's all water."

Lin Yuqing laughed and rubbed her licked face against Fang Lin's soft hair.

Jiang Baibai looked at this scene with a frown and didn't say a word.

Mama Yang noticed that Lin Yuqing seemed to have something on her mind, so she asked, "What's the matter, Qingqing, do you have any concerns?"

Lin Yuqing didn't know how to describe her complicated mood, and wanted to say nothing,
But after hesitating for a moment, he still spoke.

"That's right. I always feel uneasy in my heart."

As he spoke, he leaned his head against Kaka's chest.

Looking at Lin Yuqing's lovely face, Yang's mother clicked to understand where her daughter's concerns were.

Not sure about the future.

On the one hand, it is the normal life, and on the other hand, it is the road to higher education through spiritual practice.

Lin Yuqing, who had already revealed her talent at a family meeting, had verified it in her recent practice of martial arts, so there is a high probability that she is going to take this new road established by the state.

But the key is that it is not clear where this road will lead in the future, just like choosing a major, you don’t even know what you will do after you finish your major in the future.

You can't practice Reiki all the way to learn it, move bricks and deliver food, right?

But it seems that you can, and you should make a lot of money.
Mama Yang and Papa Lin often communicated about this matter. She urged Papa Lin to ask many people, and she contacted many rich wives.

But what made her feel more clearly is that sometimes money is really not good in front of the wooden characters.

No matter how much your friends are worth, they don't know the future direction. At best, they just chat with each other about their views and opinions.

Or maybe they knew about it, but they were told not to disclose it for the time being.

When asking some friends in the system that I met before, the high-ranking ones can say a thing or two, but they are also vague.

In the end, Lin's father had the cheek to call Academician Lu and got some detailed information. Yang's mother remembered Yang Zhen, and after trying to make a call, the effect was unexpectedly good.

What she and Dad Lin didn't expect was that Yang Zhen was a member of this very mysterious Qiankun department. The information about Qiankun on the Internet only mentioned their basic composition, and they are temporarily helping to maintain domestic law and order.

Yang Zhen understood Papa Lin's and Mama Yang's concerns, so he sent them a file package. After downloading, it was an online chat software. Here he explained it in detail.

First, you can join Qiankun in the future, which is equivalent to entering the system as a civil servant.The composition of departments is also very diverse, such as the inspection department, intelligence department, logistics department, and secret service department, which are in charge of the affairs of the main world.

Second, the new world is rich in minerals, spiritual stones, natural materials and earth treasures, which is equivalent to a brand new world with great exploration value.Because the social form of the spirit world itself is relatively backward, at least 50.00% of the places have not been properly explored and utilized. To this day, there are still many spirit beasts that have been discovered and raised. These are wealth.

Moreover, both the main world and the spirit world are being upgraded, the terrain will change subtly, and there will be many rare materials in Blue Star itself, which require manpower to develop. Of course, private companies will be approved to develop materials that are not on the combat readiness list. Take it easy, these companies also need talents.

The third is that there will be a new department in charge of the entry and follow-up of the spirit world, but it will be more dangerous and the benefits will be high.

In short, the path of cultivation is more dangerous. If Lin Yuqing has good talent, she will definitely shine in the future, which means that she will encounter various experiences that mediocre people cannot encounter. There are risks, and cultivation is a road against the sky.

After Yang Zhen finished speaking, he specifically told Mama Yang and Papa Lin not to reveal too many details to the children or others. The Reiki course would guide them step by step, and it would be bad to say too much all at once to cause panic.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Ma said.

"I got to know your dad. You can join the department called Qiankun in the future, or explore other worlds, but this will be a long time later, and you can decide slowly."

"No matter which way you two want to go, mom will support you."

Lin Yuqing nodded slowly, but her arms around Kaka became tighter.

Fang Lin smelled the fragrance of lavender on the beautiful girl's body while thinking about everything in his hands.

This revival of spiritual energy has brought great benefits to the creatures all over the world, including Fang Lin of course.

The specific benefit has two parts. The first part is the extremely abundant aura, which coincides with the opening of the channel between the two worlds. The aura is produced endlessly as if it does not require money, and it is almost condensed into a liquid state.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people who would have drunk spirit reactions.

But under normal circumstances, this is naturally not the case. Replenishment of aura takes time. For example, in schools in the future, if too many people practice at the same time, the aura will become thinner.

But there are solutions. For example, the aura in one place will be stronger than that in another place. This is called a spiritual place. The top one is naturally a blessed place. Because of the terrain and various reasons, the aura can be continuously produced or there is a lot. The school will can be built in such a place.

Or you can achieve similar effects by building formations.

But during this period of time, the concentration level of spiritual energy far exceeded the normal level, so this gave those creatures who had already embarked on the road of cultivation a basis for improvement.

In addition, what is more important is that the activeness of the laws of the world makes it easier for creatures to comprehend what they wanted to comprehend before, such as the power of heaven and earth that needs to be comprehended to break through B-level, such as the power of law that needs to be comprehended to break through A-level, or even Comprehend the new spiritual core phantom on the own spiritual map.

People with good luck are favored by heaven and earth, and by chance, they may even improve their understanding and ethereal mind.

During this period of time, Fang Lin naturally reaped the benefits. For him, the main reason is that the rich spiritual energy benefits him the most.

At that time, it was located in the Daxing Mountains, where the concentration of spiritual energy would have been higher than that in the city. Coupled with the revival of the spiritual energy and the upgrading of the world, Fang Lin felt as if he was soaking in a spiritual energy jar. Under the influence of his own cultivation, he almost Filling up the fourth spiritual core saved nearly a year of hard work.

Under the background of many passive acquisitions, Fang Lin's spiritual core potential has become very terrifying, and the problems brought about by it can also be imagined. During that week, his real body has been firing on different hills. Full-scale cultivation consumes so much spiritual energy that he has to move his nest once a day in such an ample place.

In addition to his own progress, the Emperor's Dimension is full of money, Qi Lingle's legs can't close together, and he refuses to mention the things in the ruins before.

Originally, the space was to absorb the power of those worlds dissipated by the blue star. With the upgrading of the world, this wool became thicker and thicker. In the end, the spirit of the weapon was a little unbearable, and the result was that the reserve of space became smaller. Very, very much.

The Qingjing Spring, the Immortal Sound Room, and Qi Ling have all been built, including the Qianxiu Pavilion mentioned earlier, which can provide a variety of cultivation environments with different aura concentrations.

Then, the space was expanded and beautified, and it already had a taste of fairy gate, like an oasis in the dark.

At the same time, in the private chat, Fang Lin knew that Yang Zhen had successfully filled the second spiritual core, and Xueqiu had filled the first spiritual core through hard training and started the practice of the second spiritual core. At the same time, her supernatural powers have also improved.

Snowball's supernatural power is a passive halo, which can help creatures improve their cultivation speed and comprehension. At the same time, it can increase the recovery speed of aura during battle, and the range of action has also been greatly expanded on the basis of the enhanced degree of improvement.

Anyway, Fang Lin can get this buff whenever he walks around the house, 24 hours a day, which is quite useful for him.

After all, Fang Lin's spiritual core is too big, and a [-]% increase in speed can save him a lot of time.

The princess is the same as before, the first spirit core has not been filled yet, but it looks like it is coming soon.

Suddenly, Liu Jing's laughter interrupted Fang Lin's summary.

"Haha, now these companies actually set aside 3-6 p.m. for their employees to practice, some of them are 4-7."

She shared this video in the family group of "Getting Dao and Becoming Immortal".

Yang's mother shrugged her shoulders after reading it and said, "That's for sure. If you don't smoke these three hours, many people probably don't want to go to work and practice at home."

The fact is also true. It is precisely because of this situation that the official will immediately release the practice method on the [-]st.

Just in the Spring Festival holiday, awakened citizens can use this time to accept the changes of the times and at the same time try to practice and figure out their talent level.

Under the illumination of Yuehua, the family belongs to the top part of the qualifications, which is about 30-40%.

Most people's current level is three hours or more, and they will be very tired after practicing, unless they practice as soon as they wake up in the morning, then go to bed and rest, and do it again at night.

Otherwise, one day is basically only three hours of practice time.

The main thing is that there is no way, I really have to work and live, or I will starve to death and ascend to heaven before I become a fairy.

Of course, there is no change in those jobs that are originally [-] to [-] weekends, and they practice the same way when they go back to get off work.

But those 996 companies have basically adopted this method and set aside a certain amount of time for their employees to practice, which is really overwhelming.

Let alone low-level employees, counting all the way up, supervisors, department managers and even bosses, who doesn't want to practice?

This can be regarded as an interesting thing in special times.

Poor culture and rich martial arts, even in the era of cultivation, it is true, but the reality is so cruel.

Of course, take your time.

There are more brutal.

"Oh, Qian, so there is such a saying as the Paradise of Heaven? Different places have different concentrations of aura, and the level of aura in the world will gradually drop to a normal value. If there are more people cultivating in the same place, the aura will become thinner."

Mama Yang nodded thoughtfully: "Maybe it has something to do with Fengshui. I do feel that the surrounding aura is stronger when I am in my hometown. But our place seems to be okay, there are not many residents, only four buildings with six floors , the landscaping is quite large and the greenery is also good.”

"It seems that there are official spirit-gathering formations for sale, which can increase the concentration of aura in a region. Come and set up formations. Well, it's so expensive."

"How many?"

"seven digits"

"You can contact Yang Zhen to see if you can find a reliable one. We don't ask for any internal price, as long as we don't cut corners."

"Okay, let me ask. Qian, why don't you call me?"

"Create opportunities for you. I think Yang Zhen is pretty good. He is younger than you and has a good future."

"Fuck you, the kids are here. I don't want to get married, it's fine now."

"Anyway, hurry up and get in touch, I'm going to cook."


Father Lin's company is busy and he is not at home, and the little bear has already been taken away by Deng Jiefu. Before leaving, Lin found a few secret techniques in the studio of the space and taught it, but it seems that we will meet soon.

After lunch, the afternoon is the daily practice again.

As the night approached, the atmosphere at home became more and more tense. Tomorrow was the cultivation talent test for elementary and middle school students across the country, and the whole country was paying attention.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Mama Yang received a text message from the school.

The school divided the tests into morning and afternoon tests according to grades. It happened that Lin Yuqing was in the morning and Xiaojie was assigned in the afternoon by the primary school. Mama Yang could accompany both of them, which was a relief to her.

That night, Lin Yuqing turned off the light and tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

The night outside the window is charming. After entering the Age of Reiki, it seems that the smog has disappeared, and the sky has become clear and transparent again, and the stars are very clear.

She leaned against Fang Lin and sat by the window staring blankly at the sky before slowly closing her eyes in the middle of the night.

"Get up!"

Early the next morning, Mama Yang yelled at the second floor after cooking the meal.

Lin Yuqing's eyes opened suddenly, a little excited, she got up and changed her clothes, looking in a good mood.

"I want to change my underwear. Kaka is already a big kid, so I have to go out first."

Hearing this, Fang Lin curled his lips, got up slowly and walked out. When he went downstairs, Yang's mother Liu Jing and Lin's father were already sitting at the dining table and chatting.

"Well, there's a lot of big news today."

"The cultivation level has been adjusted again. It is said that it is the result of the Dragon Kingdom and leading the countries to discuss improvements together. You see."

Speaking of which, Liu Jing shared the official video in the group.

In the video, there are not only text explanations but also accompanying video drawings.


After the citizens are awakened, they are also called E-level cultivators. At this stage, the first spiritual core has not been filled. The main task is to learn the cultivation method, and slowly let the spiritual core absorb spiritual energy on the basis of persistently completing the cycle of the sky. Enhance physical strength according to the characteristics of exercises.

When the first spiritual core is full, citizens can make breakthroughs, establish a direct connection between the first spiritual core and the second spiritual core on their own spiritual map, and activate the second spiritual core. If the nucleus has not yet appeared, you need to realize it first.

When an E-level cultivator reaches perfection, his strength is already comparable to that of an ancient general. With the blessing of spiritual energy between his fists and feet, he can smash rocks and iron with one punch, and become a little superman.

Level D is for the cultivation of the second aura core. At this stage, the practitioner’s aura reserves are greatly improved, and the aura can be used more smoothly. If one can fully grasp the various enhancements of aura to the body, it is no problem to turn into a Hulk and tear steel with his hands.

But it still can't resist heavy firepower such as sniper rifles.

Level C is the cultivation of the third spiritual core. At this time, the cultivator has completed the layout of the next three spiritual cores of the star chart, interweaving with each other to help them become one.

Stepping into the C-level is considered to be the first step out of the mortal world. Under the influence of the star map, the quality and quantity of the aura began to transform into a liquid state. The quality and quantity of the aura can be sent out. The enemy is several feet away.

The outstanding ones can already cut out the sword gang, and the great power from such a distance has shocked the netizens.

And when the lower half of the star map is filled, it is necessary to realize the power of heaven and earth to open the cultivation path of the three spiritual cores in the middle, which are collectively referred to as B-level.

At this stage, after comprehending the power of heaven and earth, cultivators can already fly into the sky and hide from the earth, initially move mountains and fill seas, and plow out ravines with one blow.

In the cultivation of these three spiritual cores, with the deepening of cultivation, the reserves of spiritual energy are getting higher and higher, and the comprehension of the power of heaven and earth is getting deeper and deeper. The law is thus promoted to A rank.

Since the spiritual core is getting bigger and bigger, it is conceivable that the cultivation of B-level is long and long-term. It needs to accumulate and accumulate continuously to bring forth the new, in order to finally complete the transformation of life and be promoted to A-level.

A-level, the upper three of the spiritual map, is a brand new world, waiting for you to explore. "

After reading it, the three of them were a little shocked and silent.

"It turns out that one day what is written in those martial arts novels can happen."

Father Lin was the first to sigh and broke the silence. His generation grew up watching martial arts novels, and there were no other entertainment activities at that time. These were all classics.

After being a father for many years, Dad Lin suddenly felt that he had become younger again.

"Ha ha."

Mama Yang looked at Papa Lin and teased, "I don't ask you to fly into the sky like in the video, as long as you can make your body stronger."

The beautiful young woman Liu Jing understood what Mama Yang meant and felt helpless: "Qian, there is a big living person beside me, please don't be so greasy in the morning, please."

"Shh, the kids are down."

Hearing the sound of the door opening upstairs, Father Lin coughed lightly and ended the conversation between the middle-aged people.

Lin Yuqing was wearing a white turtleneck sweater, her hair was tied in a high ponytail, and her youthful vigor was vividly displayed. Xiaojie didn't have to go to school in the morning, so he hurriedly washed his face and went downstairs yawning.

"Qingqing, how do you feel?"


"The school notice said that parents can follow in, but only a maximum of two people."

"Oh yes, pets can be tested by the way. I have made an appointment online just now, and it happens that I will take Kaka with you."

Lin Yuqing was a little confused: "Do you want to test Kaka?"

"Well, the news released said that besides humans, animals will also awaken, and the first characteristic is that they will become very intelligent and understand human nature.

However, due to the current shortage of social resources, there is no place until all citizens are tested for free, unless a deposit of 20 yuan is paid. "

"If it is detected that the qualification of the animal is above grade B, the deposit of 20 yuan will be refunded in full and free teaching will be provided. Your aura experiment class also has the subdivision profession of beast master, and there are other special things like array master. .”

"I plan to test Kaka first, and then take another test in the afternoon. The rest can only be tested with us one month later, because pets are included in the accompanying people."

Fang Lin, who was eating steak next to him, raised his head when he heard this.

Test me?

What should I do, how much talent do I have to expose?
After all, he was born with a Taoist body, with a full star map, not to mention aura affinity.

To be honest, he didn't know what kind of test method he prepared. If he had known about this, he should have communicated with Deng Jiefu.

However, Deng Jiefu said that he just should not disclose his current cultivation level.

According to the new classification, he still belongs to the category of the three B-levels in the star chart, and it should be fine if he doesn't disclose this.

Do you want to show a wave?
Fang Lin thought about it.

(ps: The plan is to still write about the various changes of the family in the new era after the spiritual energy recovers. This is the original intention. I will try to arrange as many adventures for Fang Lin as possible.

The first book did not have an outline at the beginning, and I was in a hurry after writing it. I tried my best to give everyone a satisfactory second half.

Because of the reason I graduated before, the follow-up order is already terrible, and I don’t earn a few words, so I am basically giving an explanation to the rest of the book friends. Fortunately, I have my own homepage, and the first month’s salary will be paid soon. You can make a living if you make a living, otherwise it is really difficult to persist in writing with this feeling. )
 There is no charge for less than 200 words, ps, more than 100 words are free.

(End of this chapter)

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