Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 237 People Abandoned by the Times

Chapter 237 The Person Abandoned by the Times ([-]-character chapter)
The sixteenth day of the first lunar month has always been a magical day.

The day before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month was the Lantern Festival. For the student party, the Lantern Festival represented the last day of the winter vacation.

It represents that happiness is about to disappear with a snap, and it represents that it takes one night to make up for more than a month of winter vacation homework. History is called the miracle of the Lantern Festival.

All kinds of holiday syndromes tend to reach their peak on the night of this day. The attachment to the lost holidays, the pain of the upcoming school, and all kinds of complex emotions continue to emerge in my heart.

Many parents will happily take videos of their children crying and making up their homework and post them online for fun.

However, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, no one seems to take winter homework seriously, including those teachers who are usually strict.

They basically remind the children repeatedly in the class group to pay attention to rest and maintain a good mental state tomorrow.

The appearance of worrying about getting angry is unexpectedly a bit like sending one's own students to the examination room.

The matter of winter homework was almost tacitly left behind.

And this completely represents that the impact of the Reiki era on the old era is happening imperceptibly.

A brand-new era is coming on the scene with unstoppable steps, followed by new values, outlook on life and world outlook in the new era.

This is often accompanied by labor pains, especially for families with low resilience.

"Hey, Li Rui!"

Li Rui, who was standing alone at the school gate, was taken aback. Looking back, it turned out to be Lin Yuqing.

Just after the winter vacation, Sioux City is still a bit damp and cold.

Lin Yuqing was wearing a snow-white down jacket. The obviously high-end and expensive clothes looked very delicate with her youthful and beautiful appearance. She didn't look like a junior high school student.

Today's children are growing fast and tall, and people like Lin Yuqing walk on the street and say that they will take the college entrance examination soon without any sense of disobedience.

In contrast, standing with Lin Yuqing, Li Rui seemed a bit overshadowed.

Except for some pretty faces, the down jacket and clothes are very dirt-resistant gray-black, which looks ordinary.

If there is any color in the picture, when you cut to Lin Yuqing's side, it will be colorful with sunshine and rainbows, but when you cut to Li Rui's side, it will be very ordinary.

Seeing that it was Lin Yuqing, Li Rui smiled.

I saw Yang Ma and Fang Lin following behind Lin Yuqing and greeted him proactively.

"Hello Auntie."


Yang Ma replied with a smile.

Compared with Lin Yuqing, Mama Yang's clothes are more elegant, with a pair of sunglasses on her tall nose bridge, some delicate accessories on her body and her young and charming face attract many people's attention.

Originally, Yang Ma's age was much younger among the group of parents around her. Coupled with the blessing of her own temperament and wealth, the people around her subconsciously stayed away.

Perhaps many people will not distinguish between the middle class, the high class, and the rich.

But when the upper class appears in front of you, even if you have never understood it, you will immediately understand that this is the upper class.

"That's Kaka, right? It's really big."

"You study hard from others. You are good-looking and you are still in the key class. It doesn't make me worry at all."

"Mom's spiritual energy has recovered, what's the use of the key class?"


The big internet celebrity Fang Lin was also recognized, and many people around were whispering in private.

It's really that the combination of mother and daughter and Fang Lin is too eye-catching to be low-key.

"Is the door open yet?"

"Well, the doorman said that the door will not open until eight o'clock, and there are still a few minutes."

Lin Yuqing nodded to express her understanding. In the past, there was no such rule on the first day of school, but there is no problem with being special today.

She asked Li Rui, "Did you see Yaya?"

"I didn't see it, she hasn't been on QQ for the last two days, haven't you talked to her?"


Lin Yuqing shrugged.

Recently, the topic of cultivation has become too hot, no matter how much one speaks, as long as the chat will eventually deviate from this direction.

Without knowing the talents of her friends, she really didn't want to say this. If the other party's talent is good, it's fine to congratulate each other. If the talent is not good, it's like showing off.

Yang Ma gracefully took off her sunglasses, looked at Li Rui and asked, "Li Rui, do you usually go to school alone?"

Li Rui nodded: "My parents are busy with work."

He looked at the appearance of Lin Yuqing's family, and he was embarrassed to talk about his family's situation. His father was a security guard, and his mother had to take care of his younger brother at home while taking time out to work part-time as a cleaning lady.

"Are Mom and Dad working well?"

But Mama Yang didn't end the topic but continued to ask with a smile.

This made Li Rui stunned for a moment. He considered it and said, "It's okay. My dad found a new job at Ruisi Technology, and the benefits are pretty good."

Yang Ma was "surprised" and sighed: "Not bad, not bad, that's pretty good."

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhao Hanya mentioned Li Rui's matter at the dinner table, and Lin's father promised her to help her find a way. After checking the information and knowing that Li Rui's father was a veteran, he asked someone to introduce the job.

So far it seems to be in good condition.

For Yang's mother, helping a child with good character and learning is a piece of cake, not to mention that Li Rui is Yaya's first love boyfriend, as long as the two children grow up healthily and normally, everything is better than anything else.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side: "Your dad is still working as a security guard at Ruisi Technology? But because of the Candle Dragon virtual helmet, Ruisi Technology has indeed made a lot of money. It's okay if your dad can stay forever. "

A boy who had been standing not far from the two of them for a long time suddenly walked this way and opened his mouth to interject. His mother saw Yang's mother looking over and smiled and nodded and walked this way. The son knows a lot.

The boy's clothes are obviously much better than Li Rui's.

"Hello, I'm Ying Maojie's mother. He and the two children are in the same class. His father is in the clothing business in Suzhou City. Please take care of the children in the future."

After the woman walked in, she took the initiative to say hello, and tidied up the LV she was carrying to make room for a handshake.

But after Mama Yang responded indifferently, she looked down at Fang Lin and chatted.

"What's the matter Kaka? Can't stay anymore? Don't worry, we can go in when the school opens, good boy."

Fang Lin: "???"

The big sapphire-like eyes looked at Yang's mother very puzzled, could this also be related to him?

Fang Lin, who had been observing the movement, hesitated for a moment and stood up from the sitting position. He pretended to be unable to stay still and led Yang Ma a little away from the woman, and then squatted down again.

Yang Ma secretly gave Fang Lin a thumbs up.

Don't talk about power, just talk about money, Yang's mother has long since left the class that needs to take care of certain people's emotions.

Back when Papa Lin started his business, Mama Yang also helped many departments to obtain various permits. Now she can choose to be polite.

Ignoring the small gestures of the two adults, Ying Maojie took the initiative to chat next to Lin Yuqing and Li Rui.

He has been waiting by the side for a long time, but has never had a chance to join.

All along, his grades in the class have been miserable, and he was a little watery when he entered this key class.

The head teacher often reprimanded him by comparing him with Li Rui, which made him very unfriendly to Li Rui.

But there is no way, the main theme of the students in the past was to study, and he firmly believed that he could stand out after getting good grades. Some of his behaviors of showing off his wealth in front of Li Rui were also severely despised by teachers and classmates, especially Lin Yuqing.

However, for Lin Yuqing, Ying Maojie has no temper. She is good-looking even if she studies better than herself. At first, she was able to boo with everyone in math class, but later she even made up for math, and her grades improved rapidly. .

The most important thing is that he doesn't seem to be able to compare with family conditions.

Maybe Li Rui didn't know the price of the accessories that Lin Yuqing occasionally wore casually, but he didn't know that Ying Maojie didn't know, many of them were bought by his mother.

Facing Lin Yuqing who has surpassed himself in all aspects, Ying Maojie has always been in a state of looking far away and embarrassed to associate with him. The main reason is that Lin Yuqing played with Li Rui and Zhao Hanya at school, and at other times he always had a cold face like an iceberg beauty.

It is the same at this time.

Lin Yuqing frowned looking at Ying Maojie, who came up to him: "Your one? Are we familiar?"

Hearing this, Ying Maojie froze for a moment, thinking of his father's exhortation to have a long talk with him before, that in the new era, he should try his best to make outstanding classmates around him, he still scratched his head and said.

"They're all classmates. I heard that our school has been designated as one of the three demonstration middle schools in Sioux City for the Reiki recovery. Maybe we can be classmates in the Reiki experiment class in the future."

As he spoke, he pretended to be casual and asked: "By the way, how are your talents? Have you ever tried to practice Zhaoxia Kung Fu?"

No matter how the three of them felt, Fang Lin beside Mama Yang listened with gusto, with an expression of eating melons.

Tsk, I'm really old.

Are junior high school students so thoughtful now?
What Ying Maojie said just now seemed to be chatting, but it revealed several pieces of information.
One is that I can get a lot of information with my own strength, and the other is that I reveal that my talent seems to be good and I am confident to enter the experimental class, and I inquire about the situation of the two of them.

Sometimes Fang Lin really feels that the times have changed. When he was in junior high school, he still played the little game of Journey to the West.

The current students don't mention Lin Yuqing, many of the people who wear black silk and take sexy photos on Internet forums are all of this age, and you can't tell it at all. The foreign students are even more ruthless, and they are all very precocious.

When Fang Lin was eating melons with great interest, Lin Yuqing glanced at Ying Maojie and ignored him.

She found that the more this classmate talked about him, the more energetic he was, and he had the potential to shake M as Ya Ya said, so she started chatting with Li Rui.

"Li Rui, did you bring your homework for winter vacation? I'll lend it to you later, I didn't write anything."

"Okay, I've brought them all."

Ying Maojie couldn't help interjecting again: "The teacher will definitely not accept it today, everyone is concerned about the talent test, you see."

As he spoke, he pointed to the growing crowd gathered at the gate of the school, as well as the occasional reporter who came in with a work pass.

Fortunately, there was a large open space at the gate of Lin Yuqing's school, and the students were divided into batches, otherwise it would be really overwhelming with the addition of people who had nothing to do to watch.

"Open the door!"

"Everyone enters in an orderly manner and shows their student ID cards. Parents and friends can only come in with their children at most two."

"After entering the school, students and parents must obey the arrangements of the teachers!"

The electric fence gate at the gate of No. [-] Middle School slowly opened, and these words were repeated over and over again on the loudspeaker.

The security guards were on the verge of a formidable enemy, checking each student's ID very strictly, and the grade director also stood at the door with serious eyes to observe whether there was anyone fishing in troubled waters.

No. 16 Middle School is a long-renowned middle school in Sioux City. It occupies a large area. There are 40 classes in each grade of No. 600 Middle School, and each class has nearly [-] students, which adds up to more than [-] people.

Sioux City is very large and there are many middle schools. The student source area of ​​Ninth Middle School ranges from high-end residential areas like Lin Yuqing to "cheap" houses with some historical problems like Li Rui. Generally speaking, the source of students is quite uneven.

The important reason for the consistent good grades is the key class system, and the last place will be eliminated every year.

After entering the campus, the students returned to their classes according to the teacher's arrangement, while the parents stayed at the class gate and waited.

Fang Lin followed Mama Yang obediently, and he could already feel the aura fluctuating on the playground behind the teaching building.

According to the new classification, there are at least three D-level practitioners who were once C-level entry-level practitioners on duty here.

A rough calculation shows that nearly a hundred D-level practitioners were mobilized in Sioux City alone for this preliminary inspection. You must know that D-level practitioners are already capable of resisting the tripod, and the car is chaotic.

It seems that the speed of development is still quite fast. In the past, many people should have been stuck at the threshold of upgrading from E-level to D-level.

However, the number of B-level people is still small, and there is still less than one in each province. Yang Zhen is currently stuck at the third spiritual core, and only Wen Yu in the southern province has broken through to B-level and started to light up the star map. three.

However, he is still looking forward to how to test it.

second class.

Class teacher Xu Xiaoyan stood on the podium and looked at the students in front of her with complicated expressions. This experience was also the first for her today.

As a teacher, standing on the front line of education, she feels a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

When times change, education is often the first to be affected.

For example, when the main contradiction in society changes, other people may pass away after a few words, but the teacher must immediately teach new knowledge to keep up with the trend of the times.

And it is the same now.

Before today, she had held meetings for three consecutive days.

At the meeting, school leaders repeatedly emphasized that teachers should do a good job in guiding students' values ​​and minimize the impact of this test on students.

After all, only a few people are selected for the experimental class, and there are only three demonstration schools in the entire junior high school in Sioux City, and each school only has 2-3 classes. It is conceivable that most of the students will still have normal college entrance examinations and life in the future. way.

Avoid gaps in the minds of some students.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoyan looked worriedly at her former treasure, Li Rui.

With years of work experience, she could tell at a glance that Li Rui's talent might not be very good.

This is not to say that she can distinguish talent with the naked eye, but that she is too familiar, and the expressions on the faces of the students are too familiar.

The upcoming talent test is like a grade, and the answer sheet has already been filled out when the student is born, and the recent wave of cultivation is like an evaluation link.

Basically, the students themselves know what to expect.

The students below were discussing the recent events in twos and threes. Xu Xiaoyan stood on the podium without speaking, but maintained the minimum standard of order with her previous majesty.

Not to mention that the students want to chat, she also wants to chat. In the face of major events, everyone has the desire to communicate, after all, they are social animals.

Zhao Hanya has also arrived at the school. She and Li Rui are at the same table in the first row, and Lin Yuqing sits behind them.

Different from the noise in other parts of the class, Li Rui silently took out the math textbook for the second half of the year and studied.

However, it can be seen from the action of not turning the page for a long time that Li Rui's heart is not peaceful.

Words such as "cultivation" and "talent" are constantly ringing around, which are extremely harsh, because these have nothing to do with him.

Yes, he has not awakened yet.

It is one of the worst two or three adults in the world, maybe this proportion is even less, it is just the data given by the above to appease people's hearts.

That boy has never had the dream of holding a sword to the end of the world?Li Rui, who was number one all year round, was no exception.

However, when the aura revived, he excitedly read the precautions and wanted to try to cultivate, but sadly found that he could not feel the aura at all, and he could not feel the star map in his body at all.

He didn't wake up.

Sitting in the crowded classroom, the only thought in Li Rui's mind for the past half month is,
He was abandoned by the times.

His parents saw his sadness and tried their best to comfort him. After all, Li Rui has always been their pride and the driving force of life.

If it weren't for the children, who would want to work hard in this bustling and cold metropolis?
But Li Rui, who has long understood the hardships of life, knows very well that his future may really be bleak.

In the era of Reiki, even though most of the students cannot enter the Reiki Experimental Class, they can always practice.

When Reiki practice becomes mainstream, will there be potential requirements for job recruitment in the future?After all, the physical fitness of practitioners must be better.

Even the college entrance examination will also count the practice of spiritual energy as a scoring standard?
Unable to awaken, he is destined to be an outlier of the times.

The gap between this and the past is too great. From Qingbei Miaozi's favored son to this point, even though he is strong in heart, he still has some collapse.

For the first time, he felt that it was so unbearable for others to pay attention to him, as if it was a knife digging out the heart.

Just like now.

"Are you okay? Li Rui."

Zhao Hanya hesitated for a long time, then reached out and poked her underground love partner.

"I am fine."

Li Rui pulled a smile.

Zhao Hanya's eyes were full of worry, she didn't care about Xu Xiaoyan who was close at hand, she leaned into Li Rui's ear and whispered: "Talent is nothing, not many people can enter that experimental class."

"I didn't wake up."

Li Rui exhaled slowly, turned his head to look at Zhao Hanya expressionlessly and said, after a moment of silence, he buried his head in mathematics again.

He is completely unworthy of Zhao Hanya.

Zhao Hanya was a little overwhelmed, she looked back and exchanged a glance with Lin Yuqing, both looked worriedly at Li Rui who seemed to be in the shadow above her head.

Sometimes, being too mature can make people reject the kindness that surrounds them.

Reality is always so colorful and frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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