Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 238 Reiki Test

Chapter 238 Reiki Test (1)

At this time, the radio sounded in every class of Ninth Middle School.

"Please be prepared in all classes, line up in an orderly manner to the playground after receiving the news, and don't make any noise."

"The class that has not received the news waits quietly, and the head teacher maintains the order of the class."

Xu Xiaoyan tilted her head and looked at the loudspeaker in the upper right corner of the blackboard. It was the principal's voice. A picture of a Mediterranean man wiping his forehead with a tissue and busy with a microphone suddenly appeared in her mind.

The atmosphere in the second shift was like a lighted match thrown into a car full of gasoline, and it exploded with a bang.

The chirping discussions could not be covered up completely, and the decibels in the classroom skyrocketed.

Xu Xiaoyan shook her head and didn't immediately maintain order as said on the radio. She is an old teacher with more than ten years of teaching experience, so it is thankless to keep the students quiet at this time.

In the commotion, she walked down the podium slowly and came to Zhao Hanya in the first row, put her hand on Zhao Hanya's shoulder and chatted.

"how do you feel?"


"Are you nervous or not?"

"not nervous."

The two chatted casually, and Xu Xiaoyan put her eyes on Li Rui. This was the goal of her small talk this time.

Li Rui seemed to have sensed something, and buried his head lower on the math book.

Avoiding the sight of the teacher, this is an experience and mood he has never had before.

"It's okay, it's okay not to go to the aura experiment class, and you can study the future normally"

Before Xu Xiaoyan finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion in the class, and many students gathered to the window to observe.

"Class [-] is gone!"

"Wow, the next one is ours."

"I don't know how many people in our class can enter the experimental class."

"Ying Maojie should be able to go, right? He seems to say that he is very talented, and the weekly cycle has broken through two hours."

"Really? But two hours doesn't seem too bad, does it? The most powerful one is already 20 hour and [-] minutes."

"That's the most powerful among the newly awakened people in the country, okay, and these are the more difficult to improve as you go up. I heard that two hours is already the top 30% of the awakened people in the country, and there are even fewer among our student groups. .”

"I think at least 20 percent."

"I didn't expect his academic performance to be poor, and his aura cultivation talent is so good."

Some people who played well with Ying Maojie had already gathered around him to brag about him, and Ying Maojie was modest and low-key, chatting freely with the people who gathered around him.

"What's the noise?"

Xu Xiaoyan saw that the students had passed the bluffing, and began to stand on the podium to maintain order.

"Sit back, all of you, our class will be next, if you make trouble again, I will apply for the last test with the school!"

Hearing this, the students immediately calmed down, and returned to their seats obediently one by one.

There was a brief period of silence in the class.

After nearly 10 minutes, a female teacher opened the door of Class [-] and called Xu Xiaoyan out.

Not long after, Xu Xiaoyan, who kept smiling and greeting outside, walked in, and the noisy class instantly became quiet.

A bunch of big eyes stared at Xu Xiaoyan eagerly, expecting her to make an announcement, and she slowly uttered a word: "Let's go."



The noise directly pierced the sky.

"Quiet! Quiet! Line up carefully, don't be chaotic, your current performance will affect your future assignments!!"

While maintaining order, she led the students of class two out of the classroom.

In the open space in front of the teaching building, the parents of the second class had been arranged into a group early on. When they saw the children coming out, many people immediately waved their hands.

The cameras with long guns and short guns in real time also started to record these moments.

This test represents a historical node for Dragon Kingdom to usher in a new era. The whole society is paying close attention to it, and the overall atmosphere is very excited, as if witnessing history.

Because most of the people have similar aptitudes, the overall atmosphere is quite harmonious, and everyone is looking forward to whether there will be a genius of cultivation.

"In future planning, cultivators will become an important factor to measure national strength, and also represent whether we can seize the opportunity in this new era."

"Talents are precious in any era. I hope that we can have more outstanding students in today's live broadcast. They will be the future of the nation."

"The xx column will report for you."

Beside Fang Lin, a reporter was explaining to the camera. She came from a channel starting with the word "dragon" and was full of confidence.

Looking at the lively scene, Fang Lin was in a good mood.

For him, and for most people, Reiki recovery represented a new opportunity and a new future.

The wheels of the times are rolling forward, and he said immodestly that he is now a person who is still sitting in the first row when he is in the car.

Soon under the command of the teachers on site, the students in Class 2 had a round with their parents, and they all chatted excitedly.

Oh, except for Li Rui who came to stand at the end of the line.

Zhao Hanya's mother was standing beside Yang's mother, so the two girls naturally couldn't find Li Rui together.

While the parents and the children were chatting with each other, the principal of No. [-] Middle School shouted.

"Quiet! Keep quiet! Stand still and wait for the leader's instructions!"

A serious-faced man in black uniform with a black dragon badge on his chest walked over from a distance.

Upon seeing this, the headmaster immediately went up to ask about the situation, and after a salute, he explained carefully.

As a result, the originally chaotic crowd began to adjust.

The three students and their parents stood in a row, formed a formation that could barely be seen, and walked slowly to the playground accompanied by the teachers.

Now Lin Yuqing had come to Fang Lin's side and stood closely with Fang Lin. In front of her were Zhao Hanya and her mother.

The two girls looked at each other and saw some expectations for what was about to happen.

Fang Lin cheerfully followed by and carefully sensed the staffing around him, hoping to estimate the staffing strength of Sioux City.

Under the opportunity of the new era, Qiankun, which had been prepared for a long time, is developing very rapidly. Although the top-level combat power of the pyramids such as B-level is still rare, the overall strength has been greatly enhanced.

Adding Deng Jiefu's words, maybe it is really possible to single out the world, but I don't have such an idea for the time being.

I have to speed up myself.

Fang Lin sighed secretly.

It is mainly because of the swishing of the spirit button of the weapon. So much power of the world has been used as the energy of the space. Fang Lin can practice in the potential cultivation pavilion that can increase the concentration of spiritual energy, but he cannot directly let the space transform the power of the world. The aura is directly supplied to the spiritual core.

Fang Lin thinks it should be possible, but it is not allowed due to certain rules, which is similar to not being able to embezzle public funds directly.

His next task is to gather wool from various opportunities, including those descendants of the royal family in the spiritual world who want to come to visit and study.

I'm going to be their teacher myself, so it doesn't seem too much to ask for a meeting ceremony?

Just when Fang Lin was thinking secretly, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and after looking around, he couldn't help sighing.

This universe is really authentic.

Now in Lin Yuqing's eyes, this very familiar road from the teaching building to the playground suddenly became a little strange.

Not only her, but all students and parents have gradually felt this.

The closer the crowd got to the gate of the playground, the more serious the atmosphere became, so that no one chatted anymore, and they all walked in silence with breathless concentration.

Unknowingly, the teachers who followed just now had disappeared, replaced by a group of Qiankun members who also wore black uniforms and were full of evil spirits.

Three meters and one person, tightly surrounded the students and parents of the second class.

These Qiankun members are like thousands of years of ice, not only freezing the air but also freezing emotions.

The playground of Ninth Middle School is very large, located on the west side of the teaching building.

In the middle is a 400-meter runway, surrounded by a football field, surrounded by basketball courts, badminton courts and so on.

At this time, the sports facilities on the entire playground have been emptied early, and the edge of the playground has been filled with unsmiling members of Qiankun.

No police personnel participated in the security from the inside to the outside, and a gap in status has appeared unconsciously.

But this is of course temporary, as long as the personnel in the former functional departments are able to manage basic affairs, the portable weapons used in the age of aura are already being produced and issued in full swing.

But now, the scene is still managed by Qiankun part-time.

The playground itself is surrounded by a green net, and a red carpet is laid from the gate to the center of the football field, which is full of ceremony, but the black uniforms next to it make students and parents feel a bit like being detained That's all.

Sure enough, when the students and their parents had just entered the gate, a member of Qiankun came over with the list and verified the identity information one by one again.

And the queue was disrupted, and the queue was rearranged in the order on the list.

This time Fang Lin and the others ran to the middle and rear of the team, Zhao Hanya ran to the middle, and Ying Maojie became the first row. He seemed a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After the verification, Fang Lin followed the crowd slowly to the test site, and the scene was finally displayed in front of everyone.

The three members of Qiankun, who have extraordinary temperament at first glance, stood in front of three jade futons.

A waiting area was drawn up ten meters in front of the jade futon, and not far from the side were interview media with passes hanging around their necks.

These three should be the D-level practitioners transferred to carry out the task, but Fang Lin looked a little strange.

In the past, there were quite a lot of E-level cultivators in Su Cheng. Fang Lin ran a few times and didn't see them all, but at least he should have seen Fang Lin and Yang Zhen.

However, when the eyes of these three people looked at Fang Lin, they were only curious but not familiar.

From somewhere else?

After everyone took their seats in the waiting area, one of the three slowly walked out, looked at the students and parents in front of them, and read out the discipline indifferently.

"My name is Huang Xianming. I'm a member of the Special Service Group of the Qiankun Branch of WX City. I'm the person in charge of the morning part of the aura detection operation at No. [-] Middle School in Sucheng."

"I hope everyone can listen to my instructions and act. The performance in the test will be completely recorded in the file, and will accompany you in your future spiritual cultivation career. Please pay attention to it."

When Huang Xianming uttered plain and emotionless words, the students and parents at the scene were all shocked, and a sense of urgency and oppression arose in their hearts involuntarily.

Fang Lin stared at Huang Xianming a little strangely. This person is indeed the strongest of the three, and he feels like he is about to break through to C level.

According to the current distribution of strength, in a province with outstanding aura cultivation, the strongest combat power and the person in charge are B-level, and each city is C-level.

And when the backbone of the city is in danger, all kinds of dirty work are done by D-level.

Huang Xianming is one of the best. Judging by his temperament, he has experienced a lot of life and death, and he is already suppressing his evil spirit.

But why let this kind of person host it?

Let them be in charge of security, and take a picture with a milder temperament. After all, it is not a spiritual test for the society.

Are students already coming to terms with these dark sides?
Fang Lin thought about it and seemed a little anxious, right?Looking at it this way, this spiritual energy experiment class doesn't seem to be the place where he imagined to play around and have fun.

Huang Xianming's words continued.

"Now, the three jade cattails in front of you are the treasures of this talent test."

"After the test started, the students whose names I read out left the waiting area in order, and slowly walked to the corresponding Yupu to sit cross-legged, visualized their own spiritual pictures in their minds and performed the "Zhaoxia" exercise."

Having said this, he paused.

"Everyone should have tried the Zhaoxia exercise, right?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, he said to himself: "This is a potential test of initiative, and the selection has actually already begun."

"The setting of the Reiki experimental class is the result of () careful consideration, gathering () the most precious resources, including cultivation resources and teacher resources."

"Choose the best from the best, choose one out of ten thousand, please be prepared to lose the selection."

"In the class just now, no one was selected."

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Huang Xianming suddenly ordered unexpectedly: "Everyone stays in place according to the current formation."

"Ying Maojie, Li Rui, and Lu Jinru, the three line up from left to right in order."

Unknowingly, Huang Xianming subconsciously brought in some military terminology, but there was no way around it.

Originally, he was the one-and-done soldier king in the army, and now he has come all the way in Qiankun. These have been engraved into the soul and become a war machine in a certain sense.

The trials and sacrifices involved are unimaginable and even cruel and inhumane to ordinary people, which is somewhat different from the soldier brother in his usual imagination.

Under the eyes of everyone at the scene, the three slowly left the queue and walked towards Yupu.

Ying Maojie had an unconcealable excitement on his face, although in his imagination the finale was the best, but the first one is not impossible.

Lu Jinru was almost there, but a little nervous.

Li Rui, on the other hand, was completely expressionless.

Is Li Rui in the first row?

Fang Lin looked at him with great interest, sensed it with the extraordinary senses of Emperor Ha, who belonged to the top bloodline, and raised his eyebrows.

Why doesn't this kid have aura fluctuations?


Could it be that he has a baby?
Fang Lin's eyes lit up.

In his mind, Li Rui's family is really a bit like the protagonist of the novel. The family is poor but studies hard, and he met a rich woman as his girlfriend at school.

It's normal to get some inexplicable opportunities for the recovery of spiritual energy, maybe a secret space opened somewhere by chance, and he went in and got the treasure.

Fang Lin continued to observe carefully, and at the same time observed Yupu. He was also quite curious about this.

Not long after, the three of them sat down cross-legged and closed their eyes.

Under many expectant gazes, the Yupu under Ying Maojie's butt gradually emitted a little bit of fluorescence.

Dots of fluorescent light began to linger and interweave upward amidst the shocking sound, gradually weaving into an image.

Fang Lin recognized it at a glance, isn't this the star map in his body?
The rough portrait that was originally intertwined with fluorescent light gradually became real, and it began to have the charm of a starry sky. The three spiritual cores slowly appeared on the star map one by one, which was very eye-catching.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

"What does this mean? Three star cores?"

"But Ying Maojie only awakened one?"

Soon the star map disappeared, and Ying Maojie opened his eyes in confusion.

Huang Xianming walked up to him and glanced at him approvingly, signaling him to wait by the side. Ying Maojie keenly saw something unusual, and walked aside excitedly.

On the way, I kept waving to my mother and classmates.

The futon on the far right also lights up, but this time the star map is rougher, and only one star core emerges.

Soon Lu Jinru also opened his eyes, Huang Xianming didn't say much, and asked the members next to him to take him back to the back of the team to wait, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Only Li Rui was left in the field without any movement.

Huang Xianming felt a little strange, frowned and stood in front of Li Rui. Li Rui, who felt something, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Huang Xianming calmly.

"You haven't awakened yet?"

Huang Xianming stared at Li Rui and said.

Li Rui was silent for a while, looked at the students not far in front of him who were also looking at him, and nodded slowly.

"Okay, let's go back."

All of a sudden, the voices of discussion continued to ring out.

(End of this chapter)

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