Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 239 Reiki Test

Chapter 239 Reiki Test (2) ([-] words)
"What? Li Rui didn't wake up?"

"Hahaha, I thought I was good enough, but I didn't expect him to be better than me."

"Indeed, I'm definitely better than him."

"It's a pity, the grades were so good before."

The whispered discussions of the students attracted the parents nearby, and some of the parents who hadn't paid attention to him inquired about Li Rui's news in twos and threes.

After asking, I found out, oh, this is the classmate who has been taking the first place in the exam.

Curiosity, sarcasm, pity, sympathy, eyes and words soaked with various emotions are constantly being poured into Li Rui.

With a blank expression on his face, he just passed by the crowd and slowly walked towards the back of the team.

Li Rui suddenly understood more deeply what reality is.

Everything you see is reality.

Just like that, it was displayed naked in front of him.

A very popular sentence from an online novel is called "Glory welcomes hypocritical spectators, and dusk witnesses true believers.".

Many people recall their school days as very beautiful, like staying in an ivory tower, ignorant and happy.

However, this is just an illusory memory that exists in Xianyu's mind.

The cruel competition among students, especially the students in the key classes, is unimaginable. The small rankings of the classes in a week, the big rankings of the whole school in January.

Eyes on each other, start to compete.

This sentence has become commonplace in the key middle schools in Sioux City. The level of secret rivalry between the top students in the class is comparable to the Cold War.

When the test results came out, the top students in the class got together to exchange their results. It seemed that the atmosphere was harmonious, but in fact, they were all thinking that they would definitely surpass you next time (they will still surpass you next time).

When I met someone who was acting abnormally, I went to the side to comfort him, but in fact, only I knew how sincere I was.

Human beings are always selfish or egoistic, especially in the kings of scrolls. They have clear goals and I want to succeed.

In contrast, the probability of true friendship between the students in the back row who are called brothers is indeed higher, especially when they may continue to contact after graduation.

And Li Rui, who usually sits firmly at the No.1 table with Zhao Hanya and doesn’t like to communicate with other students, has long been the object of envy or jealousy in many people’s hearts. Student grades can replace the status of money in people’s hearts, and bring some social animals We understand everything about the psychology of rich people.

Even if you don't hate the rich, if you hear the news that a certain company has gone bankrupt and your son is on the street, you will inevitably lose ten years of merit.

But unfortunately, in the era of Reiki, it seems that academic performance has been replaced by another thing.

On the short road leading to the end of the line, many people, including Zhao Hanya, said comforting words to him, but Li Rui didn't reply.

In Fang Lin's induction, Li Rui's heart seemed to be shrouded in a cloud, and he couldn't help curling his lips.

Good guy, I thought this kid had an adventure, but it turns out that he is really a good-for-nothing.

He was a little dumbfounded. To be honest, he rarely felt the same as Li Rui along the way, at least not among the students and parents of the second class.

After all, the aura has been stored for 5 years before, and then the three days of the world's upgrade are equivalent to giving the living beings a baptism.

Except for the wild beasts who are born with undeveloped spiritual intelligence, the probability of humans who are known as the spirits of all things not awakening is really quite small. After all, the foundation of the human race is wisdom, talent, and understanding.

Without these, how can we compare with spirit beasts with bloodline advantages.

It's normal to not have talent, but it's a bit awesome without awakening.

But he didn't have Zhao Hanya's worries. There will always be unlucky people who can't keep up with the times in the world, and this has nothing to do with him, Emperor Ha.

Huang Xianming noticed the situation at the scene and after listening to a few sentences, he almost understood what was going on.

Dressed in black, he looked at the thin figure and wanted to say something, but he still didn't speak.

"keep quiet."

He put aside distracting thoughts and stood in front of the crowd and pressed his hands.

"I am very lucky to find the first student who can join the Reiki experimental class at the test site of Ninth Middle School."

"The standard for the Reiki Experimental Class is to reach C-level potential and above."

Huang Xianming looked at the list again: "Ying Maojie's parents, please come out and stand with him, and there will be a special person to discuss the follow-up matters with you later."

"Eh good."

Ying Maojie's mother responded happily, and then turned around to bid farewell to the parents who were chatting with her just now.

"I'll go first."

"Go, go, your child is really up-to-date."

"I envy you."

"Look at people."

In the praise of the parents, Ying Maojie's mother walked to Ying Maojie with a smile, and continued to look at the scene with a calm look.

Yang Ma, who saw this scene from the back of the crowd, curled her lips, feeling very disdainful, she didn't have a good impression of this pair of mother and son.

The parent of a girl standing next to Yang's mother started a conversation with her: "How is your child's talent? Did you practice during the holidays?"

"Generally, the effect is not bad after practicing a few times. Anyway, the improvement is not small."

"Well, my girl's talent is also average. I originally thought that our parents would work hard for half of their lives, so that the children would live happily in the future and suffer less hardship, but now they are catching up with this kind of spiritual recovery."

"My heart, I haven't let it go since the Chinese New Year."

Yang's mother heard the words and looked at the parent next to her, who was also a mother. Her face was much older than her, but her eyes were full of concern for the child.

In his words, he didn't think about what he was doing in the new era, and he was all children.

Yang Ma sighed in her heart, this is the selfless love of parents.

At the same time, it also reminded Yang's mother of herself, that she had paid so much for the two children, and there was less shopping.

Moved, moved!

Yang Ma took her hand and chatted skillfully about the household chores.

"No way, we are all for the children, alas."

"Who said it wasn't."

"But don't think about it too much. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. We will try our best to do what we can. We can only leave it to the children to break through like this. Besides, the Dragon Kingdom is so good that our children will not starve to death. ,dont you agree?"


The woman nodded.

Mama Yang continued: "And one day, they will leave us. They have to be self-reliant and learn to live on their own, and we also have to think about ourselves. You can't devote yourself from the birth of your child to the end of your life, can you? Let them be independent It's good."

The woman nodded thoughtfully.

And the daughter next to her looked at Lin Yuqing with something wrong. She always felt that some wonderful changes had taken place in her life and treatment in the future.

Lin Yuqing pretended not to hear, counting the hairs on Fang Lin's head sideways.

"Next group."

"Okay, next group."

The subsequent test went smoothly, and it only took one or two minutes for each group of students to sit down and induce fantasy.

The results naturally met Huang Xianming's expectations, none of them were qualified.

He ticked off the list, but sighed silently in his heart.

There are still too few talents.

The C-level talent just now is already in the top ten percent, which means that the vast majority of Longguo people will not be able to light up the third star core to break through the D-level in their entire lives.

According to the information obtained, C-level talents will play a role in the future exploration of the spiritual world, and D-level talents can only be used for logistics, and cannon fodder in case of danger.

People who can have B-level or even A-level qualifications are even rarer, and they are simply one in a hundred again. The loss is due to the large population base, which can be regarded as another wave of demographic dividends.

For the more than ten percent of all age groups, ( ) pays the most attention to the student group among them.

Students, representing youth and the future, have high plasticity and strong learning ability. The most important thing is that the concept of value has not yet been fully formed and can be guided to the right track.

For those who meet the standards among the social people, Qiankun will send invitations to them, supplemented by various resource benefits, and perhaps private companies will spend a lot of money on them.

But the actual cultivation resources are only owned by the Dragon State, and the choice depends on you personally. I think most people will make the right choice.

Huang Xianming marked the back of the last three people in a row, and then opened his mouth to read.

"Min Zesong, Zhao Hanya,..."

"It's Yaya!"

Lin Yuqing cheered up, and secretly encouraged her. She really hoped that her best friend, who had been playing with her since she was a child, was very talented. Otherwise, wouldn't she even have no companions in the future?
Zhao Hanya took a deep breath, walked to the second jade futon and sat down cross-legged.

After a while, dots of fluorescent light began to linger upwards from the jade cattail as usual, and the light began to intertwine rapidly above Zhao Hanya's head, and the star map emerged.

One star core, two star cores.
Huang Xianming, who was thinking about other things, suddenly looked at Zhao Hanya intently.

Three star cores, four star cores.



The crowd couldn't help admiring.

But Huang Xianming's brows were filled with joy, and he couldn't help clenching the hand holding the pen, as if he was holding back his energy.

Come on!

he yelled in his heart.

In addition to being happy to see talents emerging as a member of Qiankun, in fact, as the person in charge of the testing area, he also has achievements to follow.

This is also a little benefit that Qiankun gave to these heroes, not to mention that as the person who personally discovered and verified these genius talents, this relationship is also quite precious.

These people will think of him when they test their talents and embark on the road of real cultivation. If they handle it properly, they may be their future contacts.

In order to prevent fraud and other situations, the personnel in the city next door will be temporarily exchanged. He is also the mainstay of the WX Qiankun branch that is about to break through the D-level and is called the C-level.

Opening a blind box, I didn't expect to win a lottery!

However, when the four star cores appeared, the star map slowly disappeared, and Zhao Hanya also opened his eyes.

"Congratulations, Zhao Hanya, your talent has reached the middle three domains and you are qualified to climb to the top on the road of cultivation."

"Climb to the top?"

Zhao Hanya stood up with some doubts. Didn't the unified information released by the official before say that a talent with a high probability can only cultivate to this level in the future?
Huang Xianming saw Zhao Hanya's doubts, without any hesitation, he signaled her to walk a little distance away with him, and then explained in a low voice.

The crowd was left in place and was a little confused. The other two D-class members looked at each other and announced that the test was temporarily suspended.

not far away.

"Student Zhao Hanya, I know you have doubts in your heart. I can tell you some information first, and you can gradually learn it in the Reiki experimental class later."

Huang Xianming's face that was devastated by the sun and somewhat paralyzed, squeezed out a smile and continued to speak "gentlely".

"Do you know what the power of heaven and earth is?"

Zhao Hanya shook her head blankly.

"The power of heaven and earth is like a bunch of keys, which can open the door for you to truly connect with nature, heaven and earth, and the world. It is also a necessary condition for being promoted from C-level to B-level."

"A talent reaching B level means that you have the potential to comprehend the power of heaven and earth, and the power of heaven and earth is barely the cornerstone law in this world, so the level of follow-up talent only determines how quickly you can comprehend your own laws."



Zhao Hanya is dumbfounded, what the hell is this?

Huang Xianming was also a little embarrassed. These knowledges are all linked together, and one teaching is a large piece.

Time was running out, he thought for a while and said: "You should consider B-level talent as a threshold. After reaching the talent, you can continue to cultivate upwards, and the speed of subsequent cultivation depends on the level of talent. For example, if you have A-level talent, other people's The cultivation speed will be faster than you."

Now Zhao Hanya understood a little bit, she asked curiously: "Are there any A-level talents now?"

Huang Xianming shook his head: "The test has just begun. It's so simple. Only one in a thousand B-level talents will produce an A-level talent."

"The talent in the upper three domains means that her road to A-level is unimpeded. Everything will come naturally. All that is needed is the accumulation of time. The current A-level talents are all big shots."

"What is that Deng?"

"Mr. Deng, yes, he is an A-level talent."

Huang Xianming looked around subconsciously, this newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and dared to call it by any name.

Well, to be young is to be energetic.

He looked at Zhao Hanya more and more satisfied.

At this time, the movement at the gate of the playground suddenly attracted the attention of everyone on the scene.

A black off-road vehicle appeared outside the gate, and the security personnel stepped forward to inquire and saluted and let it go.

"Which leader is this?"

"It seems to be, judging by the posture, I feel that the background is not small."

Amidst the discussions, the black off-road vehicle parked directly on the side of the football field, and a man wearing the same black uniform as these people, only with a more unrestrained and cool black dragon badge on his chest, got out of the car from the back seat.

An aura more powerful than Huang Xianming spread out, and the visitor slowly closed the car door and took off his sunglasses, scanning the crowd waiting in the center.

"Yang Zhen?"

Yang Ma muttered something strangely, and the parent next to him asked curiously, "Do you know him?"

"No, no, I admitted the wrong person."

Fang Lin looked at the flamboyant Yang Zhen who was speechless. Why is he getting more and more good at pretending? He must have practiced in front of the mirror in private.

He pondered maliciously in his heart.

Yang Zhen is really handsome in this suit. Qiankun's standard uniform refers to the clothing design of various combat forces such as military, special, and wild. The overall fit is smooth and powerful, which makes people's eyes shine when they see it.

The badge used as a division of rank seems to change with the increase of the rank. Compared with the one worn by Huang Xianming, Yang Zhen is more majestic and domineering, a bit similar to those constantly fancy rank icons in the game.

Huang Xianming signaled Zhao Hanya to wait in front of Yupu, and he ran to Yang Zhen with the list, stood before and after the arrival and saluted, and handed over the list.

Yang Zhen was looking at the list and test results slowly on the spot, and the two had a brief exchange and then walked towards this side one after the other.

Sometimes the difference in status will always be vividly reflected in the comparison, especially Qiankun, a real power department that was formerly managed by the military and is about to face the society.

The students and parents were all staring closely at Yang Zhen who was slowly walking over, and Ying Maojie's eyes were shining brightly.

He was so handsome, I saluted him one by one along the way.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good cook, and Ying Maojie has already imagined the picture of himself becoming famous in the future.

"Zhao Hanya?"

Yang Zhen came to Zhao Hanya who was at a loss and asked.


Zhao Hanya looked up at him and nodded nervously.

A gentle smile appeared on Yang Zhen's face: "I'm pretty talented. I'm the director of the Sioux City Qiankun Branch. Yang Zhen is also a member of the Nanxing Provincial Reiki Education Committee and temporarily serves as a consultant for the Sioux City Spiritual Education Bureau."

"I like you very much, come on."

A series of titles were mentioned, and the scene was directly bombarded, especially Zhao Hanya, who didn't react directly.

Yang Zhen reached out and patted her on the shoulder, then signaled Huang Xianming to continue the test, while he and Yi Fei who just got off the car stood aside to watch.

In the middle, he and Fang Lin inadvertently looked at each other, blinked, and made Fang Lin disgusted enough.

"What kind of committee member is it? It's amazing."

"A member of the Reiki Education Committee, and also a consultant to the Lingqi Education Bureau."

"What is the Spiritual Education Bureau?"

"Didn't you read the posted information? You always know about the Education Bureau, right? It's the same."

"Oh, isn't that the official who is in charge of the Reiki Experimental Class?"

"Great leader."

In addition to the parents who were talking about it, those who were close to Zhao Hanya's mother congratulated her one after another, and became the focus star of everyone for a while.

Once again, the discrepancy of reality is shown.

After a few casual words, she turned her head and greeted Yang Ma and came to Zhao Hanya alone. She and Yang Ma had both passed their temper and knew that Lin Yuqing's talent was even better.

Why not scare you to death later?
She muttered a few words in her heart, then took Zhao Hanya to the side and moved away from Ying Maojie's mother who was leaning over.

Seeing that she was not very enthusiastic, Ying Maojie's mother slowly approached Yang Zhen, who was also standing beside her, to chat.

"Hello, Director Yang, I am Ying Maojie's mother, and the child has just passed the test."


"Hello. Very good, keep working hard, the future is very bright."

"thanks, thanks."

"What talent does the child have?"

"Class C."

"Oh, it's okay, come on."


Regardless of the pleasantries here, the test in class 2 is still going on as usual, and the speed is still very fast.

A few groups passed and soon there were not many left.

"Lin Yuqing, Zhang Zijie,."

Hearing this name, Yang Zhen suddenly became energetic, and signaled the woman next to him to stop the boring prank, and looked at the test site seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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