Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 240 S-Class

Chapter 240 S-Class

At this time, the aura test of the second class was almost over, and the students and parents who had finished the test had already arrived at the back of the line and formed a formation that was reversed from the beginning.

When waiting before, both the students and the parents were concentrated and tense. After the test, no matter what the result was, they felt like a big stone fell to the ground and relaxed.

In addition, a lot of things happened in a short period of time and there was a lot to talk about, and they gathered together in twos and threes to chat, so Lin Yuqing and the three of them didn't have any special reactions before and after they went up, and it was just an ordinary test.

The same is true for Huang Xianming, regardless of his expressionless and indifferent appearance, if you want to ask him how he is feeling now, there is only one word to describe it.

With the upgrading of the world and the excavation of ruins, the mineral resources of spirit stones are becoming more and more abundant, and the mineral resources of spirit stones in Blue Star's geology are also constantly forming.

While doing all the exploration and excavation, spirit stone blocks have also begun to be officially distributed as cultivation resources.

As the name suggests, its function is to assist in cultivation. With the support of special technology, spirit stone deposits are transformed into crystal clear standard units, which can easily absorb the spiritual energy in them for cultivation.

And he, as the person in charge of the Ninth Middle School's testing point, will give him some spiritual stones as a reward for outstanding talents. The C, B, and A grades are 20, 50, and 100 respectively.

As a senior member of Qiankun, his basic resource is 20 spirit stones a month. Although the rewards given out are not many, it is just a lottery, but who is not happy if he picks it up for nothing?
This is because the higher-ups understand that it is not easy for these people to survive for five years, and give some rewards for the bloody and sweaty tricks.

While Huang Xianming was secretly calculating how many spirit stones he could earn in this wave, Lin Yuqing and the three of them sat down cross-legged in order.

Lin Yuqing looked at Fang Lin and Yang Ma who were in the waiting area in front of them, took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing their eyes.

Fang Lin squatted next to Mama Yang, with his head reaching her waist.

Mama Yang put her hand on Fang Lin's head very naturally, and slowly stroked it unconsciously, maybe because she was nervous, she would occasionally pull it twice.

Feeling the pulling force from the top of his head, Fang Lin shook his head. Fortunately, his hair was strong and vigorous, otherwise he would be bald sooner or later.

"here we go."

Soon, the same white fluorescence began to emerge from the jade cattail under Lin Yuqing.

However, what was different from the past was that Yupu actually emitted fluorescence, and Lin Yuqing seemed to be sitting cross-legged on a circle of light.

"Wow, that thing is glowing."

"What does it mean?"


The vision that was different from the beginning immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, countless fluorescent lights emerged from the jade cattails and intertwined rapidly in the sky.

Under the dark and silent background, countless dazzling stars are embellished, and it is the first time that the deep and mysterious star map is so realistically displayed in the real space.


Huang Xianming was stunned.

He's about to win the lottery again?
The star map floated above the three of them like a real picture, and even occupied the space of the students next door who had reserved their seats.

With Lin Yuqing's lifelike star map, the two simple star maps next to it immediately look crude and distorted.

At the same time, the shining star cores appeared one after another like stars with their own lights.

"one two three four"

Huang Xianming watched the star cores constantly appearing on the star map in front of him and muttered silently, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"Five or six."

Seeing that the momentum hadn't slowed down yet, a sharp light shot out from his eyes.

Could it be
Huang Xianming didn't dare to set a flag in his heart. Veterans who were born and died are most superstitious about this. He stared at the vivid star map without blinking.

When the sixth star core appeared on the star map, a wonderful connection flowed between the star cores, and the light visible to the naked eye immediately connected the star cores into one piece.

The star core is getting brighter and brighter, and the connection is becoming more and more conspicuous. The six star cores seem to be accumulating together to welcome the arrival of the upper three domain spiritual cores.


Finally, the seventh star core appeared with dazzling brilliance, it was the largest and brightest one.

When it appeared, the entire star map seemed to be sublimated and extremely dazzling.

Slowly, the light dissipated.

Lin Yuqing slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes were the two stunned students beside him, and Huang Xianming's enthusiastic gaze.

"Class A!"

When Huang Xianming announced, there was an uproar at the scene.

The official updater who set up a long gun and a short cannon next to him and was recording clapped his hands.

This test naturally attracted the attention of the whole country and even the whole world, and there was naturally a live broadcast.

However, the live broadcast was not at Ninth High School, but two live broadcast locations were chosen by the Imperial City and the Demon City. After all, there are so many places where all the live broadcasts are to be broadcast and not displayed.

However, the wonderful scenes will naturally be compiled and edited, maybe a promotional film will be released, and they are naturally very excited about the gorgeous scene where the A-level detection is so gorgeous.

Until all the members of the second class were tested, the Qiankun members, parents and students at the scene were still immersed in the shock brought by the star map.

"A-level talent, so terrifying."

Several teenagers in the second year of middle school got together and sighed.

"It's a pity for Li Rui, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya are both so talented."

"It's a pity. I don't care about things that have been fixed since birth."

"What are you talking about? If your aura doesn't recover, you're just a salted fish. There's a fart gap."

Huang Xianming's expression was not as cold as it was at the beginning, and his tone was unusually brisk as he said: "The test of Class 2 is over here. Except for these three students and their parents, the others will be brought back in an orderly manner."

After speaking, he waved to a Qiankun member next to him to signal him to take this group away, and then continued to bring the next class back.

Yang's mother took Fang Lin to stand next to Yang Zhen and saw the crowd starting to line up to stay away. She paid 20 yuan to test Kaka.

"Hey, Director Yang Yang."

She almost blurted out her name in public, but when Yang Zhen looked over and pointed at what Kaka wanted to say, Yang Zhen interrupted to express her understanding.

"Huang Xianming."

"What's the matter, Director Yang?"

"Have you finished the test in class 2? Did you miss another one?"

Huang Xianming looked at him suspiciously and thought for a while, then suddenly took a look at the list and said, "Oh yes! There is another pet that needs to be tested. I remembered it at first, but the little girl behaved so well that I forgot it for a while."

"Deduct 1 spirit stone."


The crowd had already walked a few meters and their backs were turned to them. Huang Xianming was not so serious in front of his own people. He glanced at Yang Zhen with a bit of resentment and stepped forward to Mama Yang.

"Sorry, I made a mistake at work, come on, it's Kaka, right?"


"Kaka, come."

Huang Xianming stood next to Yupu and shouted to Fang Lin. Fang Lin looked at Yang Ma and Yang Zhen, and found that Yang Zhen gave him a positive look, which made Fang Lin thoughtful.

Yang Zhen What does this mean?
Is it to let me show my talent?

Fang Lin thought about it for a while, and it seemed that this was the only possibility, otherwise why did Yang Zhen come here specially, and he just picked this time, and Deng Jiefu should have specially called him to support him.

It's not impossible to show his talent without letting him reveal his strength. Fang Lin had no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Always show your specialness in front of the family, otherwise you will always be subject to too many restrictions, and you will not be able to do many things.

After this, it is estimated that you can play the tablet in public.

And it's not that Fang Lin doesn't want to directly expose his strength, but mainly that the subversion of this impression is too great.

Taking advantage of the revival of the world's aura, it was just right for him to become a gifted husky along with the revival. He really wanted to stay here and treat them as his family.

If Mama Yang and the others knew that not only had she awakened early, she had become as intelligent as an ordinary person, and she had started to practice, she was still at B-level.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin walked slowly towards Yupu.

Huang Xianming nodded when he saw that Fang Lin could understand his own words, and then explained to Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing: "The awakening of animals is far more difficult than that of humans, because humans have wisdom from the beginning and are the spirit of all things."

"If animals awaken, there will be a change in intelligence first, and their intelligence level will become the same as that of ordinary people. That is to say, you can completely regard him as a person with cognitive defects but with the same intelligence as us. "

"I think Kaka is really smart and can understand what I say. No matter what the result is, I think you should treat him well and try to be equal."

Hearing that Huang Xianming doubted his attitude towards Kaka, Yang's mother frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Our family has always treated him like a family member. Don't you use the Internet? Leader Huang?"

".I just remind you."

Huang Xianming, who was choked for a while, felt Yang Ma's fighting power, and wisely stopped the topic and told Fang Lin: "Sit on the jade cattail later, close your eyes and imagine the star maps you saw just now, It’s what appeared above those people’s heads just now.”

"Then empty yourself and get in touch with nature. If you can close your eyes and sense a strange substance, some disobedient and some mischievous, then you just try to keep in touch with them."


Huang Xianming scratched his head, not sure if he explained clearly or not.


I understand, I understand, but the relationship with aura is somewhat different from what he described.

After Fang Lin responded briefly, he ran to squat on the jade futon. This jade futon is just right for a normal human to sit cross-legged. If he lies down, he will surpass it.

After squatting up, a cool feeling came from his buttocks, refreshing Fang Lin's mind.

Hey, this thing is pretty good, it’s cool and doesn’t freeze your ass, I don’t know what kind of jade it is made of, there should be some formations in it, if you have a chance, ask if you can make a big one for yourself to lie down on.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and sensed his own star map. At the same time, a steady stream of spiritual energy was automatically inhaled into his body and circulated in a complex circuit before being absorbed by the spiritual core.

That should work, right?
Fang Lin muttered to himself.

I don't know if he heard Fang Lin's inner thoughts, the jade palm under his butt burst out with a strong light in an instant, and the speed and power made the people around him squint their eyes subconsciously.

At the same time, the rays of light converged into countless light and shadow tassels and began to draw a star map above Fang Lin's head.

Compared with Lin Yuqing's star chart, the appearance of this star chart is even more extraordinary.

When the magnificent starry sky appeared vividly in front of everyone's eyes, a breath of vicissitudes and vastness suddenly spread out, making everyone feel as if a mountain was pressing on their hearts and they couldn't breathe.

The stars are shining, brilliant and magnificent.

Moreover, this splendid star map seemed to have no boundaries, spreading over Fang Lin's head overwhelmingly, as if someone had cast a giant painting with the sky as a curtain.

Whether it was the students and parents of the second class who had just left not far away, or the onlookers gathered on the campus or outside the campus, they all saw this shocking scene, as if it directly took them into the deep and vast universe.

The sense of suspension and tension made the hairs stand on end.

And this brilliant starry sky seemed to be pregnant with something, suddenly, a star core exuding colorful light suddenly appeared.

It is so beautiful and so dazzling, like the most cherished treasure in this world.

One, two, three.
Under the gazes of countless gazes and the cameras, the nine colorful star cores are dotted and connected in the starry sky, lighting up something as if summoning a dragon.


A long and desolate howl came out from the nine-star light and shadow, as if passing through time and space, echoing outward like materialized ripples, straight into the soul.

An impulse suddenly rose in Fang Lin's heart, and his blood began to boil, which made Fang Lin a little dumbfounded.

In the star map he looked inside, the phantom of the winged silver wolf reappeared in the star map roaring, but the outside star map has not seen its shape before hearing its sound.

But how can this work?
This winged silver wolf is too similar to his fighting form, and it is not easy to be bluffed when he goes out, so under his strong will, a wolf without wings seems to jump out of the galaxy and appear in the vast sky.


Accompanied by the roar, a divine and melodious fairy sound came out from the jade cattail, and gradually spread in the real world. All the creatures within a ten-kilometer radius rang in the ears of this fairy sound.

Even people who have no musical ability can clearly understand the emotions after hearing it.

Tianjiao is now in the world, and he will bless the human race.

The fairy sound gradually became brilliant and surging, as if playing a supreme carol.

Even the most unhappy people raised their mouths sincerely, including Li Rui. He could only feel that the resentment that was gradually stagnant in his heart was blown away with the wind, and his mood was peaceful.

"Not pleased, not to have compassion."

He murmured.

At the scene, Yang's mother had already covered her grown mouth with her hands, and her joy was beyond words.

Lin Yuqing held Zhao Hanya's hand and danced happily. Ying Maojie was dumbfounded by the fresh and beautiful girl's spring-like smile, and didn't even care about Fang Lin's star map.

At the same time, the imperial capital.

In an underground base that is more sci-fi than science fiction, countless researchers in white coats are busy without looking up.

The research equipment combining science fiction and fantasy is displayed in the base one after another.

At this time, in the core area of ​​the base, a jade cattail exuding pure misty fairy energy was quietly suspended in a light curtain, next to it was a huge 3D stereoscopic projection, and the map of the Dragon Kingdom was clearly presented.

There are countless red dots marked on it, representing the clone of Yupu.

Wearing a black robe, Deng Jiefu stood silently in front of the light curtain, behind him were a group of busy researchers, accompanied by Academician Lu.

Suddenly, a burst of congratulatory congratulation sounds as sacred and ethereal as that of the Ninth High School, and the jade cattail in the light curtain, which had been standing still for a long time, also burst out with a strong and dazzling light.

A red dot keeps blinking and getting bigger on the 3D map.

A man in a white coat quickly operated the instrument with a serious face. After a brief exchange with the people next to him, he quickly came behind Deng Jiefu and Academician Lu.

"President Deng, teacher, the test site of Suzhou No. [-] Middle School in the southern province detected the presence of S-level talented personnel. It is recommended to control the scene immediately. All those who know the news will block the news with an oath tablet and bring the S-level back to training."

Deng Jiefu turned his head and looked at Academician Lu, smiled and waved his hands: "No, I know it well."

Then he turned his head to look at Academician Lu and said, "It's hard work, you continue to take care of it, I'll go to Sioux City." He blinked as he spoke.

Academician Lu nodded understandingly, but he felt a little strange in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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