Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 241 Misunderstanding Resolved

Chapter 241 Misunderstanding Resolved
Sioux City No. [-] Middle School.

"The test is temporarily suspended. Go and inform the third class to continue waiting."

At this time, Fang Lin had just got off the jade pudding, and after Huang Xianming casually gave instructions to the people around him, he went straight to Yang Zhen to ask for instructions.

"Director Yang, do you need to block the news?"

The previous plan only mentioned that the appearance of A-level needs to be recorded and summarized for the convenience of publicity, but this posture obviously surpassed the A-level. Under the guidance of professional experience, Huang Xianming subconsciously wanted to block the news and treat it as a secret.

It's a big help to grow up.

"Block? How to block?"

Yang Zhen looked up at the vast blue sky.

The light and shadow of the star map just now seemed to draw a giant painting with the sky as the scroll, not to mention people in the school, even if they were far away, they could see it.

There were so many people gathered at the school gate at this time, it is estimated that the video is flying all over the sky at this moment, not to mention that he has no intention of blocking the news.

Deng Jiefu specifically warned that Kaka was originally a key part of the propaganda.

"No, you can continue to test normally, everything is business as usual."

After speaking, Yang Zhen signaled Fang Lin, Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing to get in the car.

Under the eyes of other people who were still a little confused, the black off-road vehicle started directly and drove towards the gate of the playground.

Because Fang Lin's body was a bit big, he and Lin Yuqing squeezed into the back seat, Yang's mother sat in the co-pilot, Yang Zhen drove the car himself, and Yi Fei had to go back slowly by herself.

Except for Fang Lin, everyone else was a little confused, including Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing.

Just now, whether it was the magnificent light and shadow or the fairy sound, the two of them, who were watching closely, were immediately fascinated. They didn't think much about Yang Zhen's words, and got into the car after Yang Zhen spoke.

The off-road vehicle drove past the students and parents of the second class who stayed halfway in the playground, passed through the commotion and excitement of the crowd at the school gate, and drove all the way to the Qiankun base in Sucheng.

"Yeah, I haven't said goodbye to Yaya yet."

Lin Yuqing only realized now that she forgot to wave her hand just now, and probably Zhao Hanya did too.

Yang Zhen in the driver's seat said casually: "It's okay, I'll take you back soon."


After Lin Yuqing finished answering, she secretly glanced at Kaka who was lying next to her without making a sound. When Kaka noticed something and turned her head, she just looked out of the window as if nothing had happened and continued to peek for a while.

The sound insulation effect of the off-road vehicle is good. After leaving the public focus - the aura detection point, the whole world seems to be quiet.

But the silence made the atmosphere in the car a little awkward.

Especially Fang Lin.

It may be that he made too much noise just now, with the overwhelming star map and the fairy sound reaching to the soul.

Didn't Qingqing and Yang Ma react for a while?

Lin Yuqing is sitting next to him now, looking at herself with bright eyes, and the strangest thing is that she doesn't speak or move.

And Yang Ma, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned her head to look at herself from time to time, with complicated emotions in her eyes, and seemed to be a little worried.

This made Fang Lin a little overwhelmed.

But I can understand it when I think about it, my well-behaved, obedient and occasionally gluttonous child suddenly turned into a cultivation genius-husky, and he is not just an ordinary genius. Take it for a while.

Fang Lin had some doubts after explaining to himself, but why are his emotions so complicated?
What is Mama Yang worried about?
Fang Lin was thankful in his heart that he didn't expose too much all at once, and it's best not to have any barriers between the family.

Fang Lin, who has lost his parents, has been infected by the current family atmosphere in his life. He has always been good to whoever treats him well.

Fang Lin took a deep breath and slowly adjusted his mood. Now he felt that something he had concealed for a long time had been exposed. I hope everything goes well.

If it wasn't for Mama Yang and the others who treated themselves as family members from the beginning, they wouldn't have gradually accepted them and wanted to stay here forever.

It was this kind of equality and love from the heart that moved him who had just come out of the dark psychological world.

If it doesn't work, he can only go far away and travel the world alone.

Anyway, he has no close people in the world except his family.

If you just look around, how about going to the spirit world with Jiang Baibai?
Bah, what are you thinking?
Fang Lin shook his head and put these messy thoughts behind him.

He suddenly found that he had unknowingly regained a little emotional bond with the world, and had someone he valued, which made him a little unsteady in the face of the current situation.

Yang Zhen drove the car wholeheartedly without making a sound, as if he was waiting for Mama Yang to take the initiative to ask questions.

After a while, Yang's mother interrupted the awkward atmosphere in the car with a light cough and started a topic with a smile.

"The music that suddenly sounded just now was very pleasant, and I felt as if my body and mind had been baptized."

"Well, that's the fairy sound from Daopu. When it detects an S-level talent, it will make such a sound. It's actually a celebration."

"Is Kaka an S-level talent?"

Yang Ma was a little surprised. She looked at the 9 star cores on the star map just now, and thought they were also A-level.

"Yes, the phantom of the creature behind that, and the fairy sound all prove this point, which is very different from the A-level."

"So. Kaka is now awakened, has the same thinking ability as a human, right?"


Regarding Yang Zhen's affirmative answer, Yang's mother nodded to express her understanding.

She turned her head and looked at Fang Lin in the back seat again, then turned around and looked at the scenery outside the window thoughtfully.

The car fell silent again.

The off-road vehicle was driving at high speed on the road, turning around and turning into Qingshui District.

Lin Yuqing in the back finally couldn't bear it anymore, and poked Fang Lin's back with his hand, and when Fang Lin turned his head to look over, he carefully opened his big watery eyes, and asked very lightly and gently.


This expression and voice made Fang Lin feel as if he had returned to the time when he and Lin Yuqing met for the first time.


"So you can understand me now, right?"


Why is this little girl suddenly so polite?Like meeting new friends.

Fang Lin thought about it for a while, then shook his big furry tail in the back seat, and threw it directly into Lin Yuqing's arms, the tip of the tail brushed her face, itching.

"Yeah, bastard."

Finding that Kaka was still the same Kaka as before, Lin Yuqing became happy again, and hugged Fang Lin's long tail tightly in her arms with all her teeth and claws.


Mama Yang watched Kaka and Lin Yuqing, who had started to fight, from the rearview mirror, as if she was relieved, her expression became much more relaxed.

She prepared her expression, turned her head to see what Kaka was about to say, and found that Kaka pulled her tail back suddenly, and looked out of the window as if nothing had happened.

Mama Yang froze for a moment, then turned around and sat on the co-pilot without moving.

Fang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yang's mother turn her head.

Now he feels a little concerned and chaotic.

Qingqing seems to be able to accept it, but I don't know if Yang's mother will feel uncomfortable. After all, if she lives with a self who is equivalent to a strange beast, what if she feels unsafe?

Could it be that the worry he sensed just now was that Mama Yang was worried about whether she would hurt them?
Although they were the first to move themselves with love and actions at the beginning, who knows what's going on now?
Forget it, don't think so much, I'll leave if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Fang Lin looked out the window quietly, but the slightly wagging tail seemed to reflect his inner unrest.

Feeling the abnormal atmosphere in the car while driving, Yang Zhen wanted to laugh, but he held back.

The off-road vehicle soon drove into the location of the Qiankun Sub-bureau in Sucheng. After discussion, the Qiankun in the city was still called a sub-bureau, and the provincial ones were called sub-bureaus.

When the off-road vehicle stopped in front of the office building, Yang's mother suddenly woke up from the chaotic and complicated inner world: "Where is this?"

While parking the car, pulling the handbrake and unfastening his seat belt, Yang Zhen asked curiously: "Ms. Yang, why didn't you ask at the beginning, and only remembered to ask when you got there?"

Yang's mother looked at Yang Zhen's humble expression, and responded angrily: "Forgot! You all suddenly changed, I can't take care of that."

"Sucheng Qiankun Sub-bureau, I'll bring you to go through some formalities, and I'll tell you about the situation, let's go."

Fang Lin, who was suddenly sensitive in his heart, felt that Yang Ma's words just now were cueing himself again, and his heart felt heavy again.

I don't know where Jiang Baibai's house is, is her family very hospitable?
Under the initiative to say hello and curious eyes all the way, Yang Zhen brought Fang Lin Yang's mother and Lin Yuqing to his office.

"Sit down, I'll be right back."

Yang Zhen pointed to the sofa next to him.

Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing walked straight over and sat on it. Yang's mother looked at it and followed Yang Zhen out of the office.

Yang Zhen outside found Yang's mother walking out with him, and was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Talk to you alone."

Yang Ma said as she glanced at the office.

Yang Zhen nodded as if he understood something, and led her to a meeting room.

The conference room is a traditional conference room with a lot of seats.

Yang Zhen pulled out two adjacent chairs to signal Yang Ma to sit down, then brought over the teapot from the corner table, took two disposable cups and poured the regular hot tea.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, we are old acquaintances."

Yang Zhen waved his hand, took a sip from the disposable cup and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Mama Yang hesitated for a while and asked, "Now Kaka has the same intelligence level as you and me, right?"


"So I can completely treat him as a child exactly like Lin Yuqing, right?"

"In theory, yes."


Mama Yang's expression was very worried: "What if Kaka doesn't regard me as a mother?"


"What if he doesn't accept us?"

Yang Zhen raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang's mother, wondering why she had such an idea: "Why do you think so?"

"He has been avoiding me just now. He had a good time with Qingqing just now. I turned around and planned to chat with him and stopped looking at me."

"You said, is it because he knows that his real parents are not us, so now that he has intelligence, he rejects me? He just wants to play with people who are clearly his friends?"

Yang Zhen looked at Yang Ma with a smile and asked, "Then what do you think?"

"Me? Of course I don't want him to leave. Kaka can be regarded as the one I watched and grew up from a small child. I fed him little by little to what he is now. At the beginning, I treated him as a child, but now... oh .”

Just when Yang Zhen was considering his tone and was about to speak, Yang's mother suddenly muttered again: "I don't know if Kaka will have a rebellious period."


Yang Zhen waved his hand to signal her reassurance: "After awakening, not only the level of intelligence of animals will improve, but also their way of thinking will become more mature. After awakening, normal animals are very simple and similar to human beings except that they are not familiar with human culture. A big kid like a blank sheet of paper."

"But Kaka has been with you since he was a child, and he didn't just wake up today, but he woke up during the Chinese New Year."

Yang Zhen began to guide Yang's mother slowly: "Did you find out that Kaka was different from the past during the Chinese New Year?"

He has already made up his mind, no matter what Mama Yang says, he will follow through.

Yang Ma thought for a while and said: "It really is. At that time, he always slept in the bedroom and only came down when eating."


Yang Zhen's sudden slap on the table startled Yang's mother: "At that time, he was slowly sorting out his memory and absorbing the knowledge he didn't understand, and Kaka was already smart, but he just became smarter. That’s why he’s so talented.”

"Think about it, he actually understood the relationship between you before. After awakening, his intelligence has been improved for so long, is it normal now?"

Mama Yang nodded.

"Yes, doesn't that mean that he actually accepts you in his heart? What are you worrying about?"

After listening to Yang Zhen's words, Mama Yang felt that it really made sense, but why did Kaka hide from herself just now?Give her a whole lot of fear.

"Okay, don't think about it, you, when you go back, tell Kaka what you think in your heart. Animals after awakening are far more pure and kind than humans. I will show you the truth. .”

"Kaka will also go to school soon, and the Dragon Council will issue a naturalization certificate to such a gifted spirit beast like him, and he will soon be a regular citizen of the Dragon Kingdom. You have to teach him more things in life, and don't be caught when school starts. Other spirit beasts don’t know how to file a complaint when they are bullied.”


Mama Yang was stunned for a while and after she understood the informative words, she suddenly felt that the burden on her shoulders was much heavier.

Kaka is really naive sometimes, if he is really bullied, it won't work.

"Hey, if he wants to apply for an identity certificate, where should I go? The household registration book must be added, and what about the name?"

Yang Zhen stood up from his seat and said, "You can just come up with your names when you go back, and you don't have to worry about the rest. I like Kaka very much, and I will help with these. You can get your ID card later. "

"You go first, I will go there right away and tell you about the future of Lin Yuqing and Kaka."

After Mama Yang and Yang Zhen left the meeting room, they came to the office just now, and pushed open the door after doing enough ideological work at the door to cheer themselves up.

In the office, Lin Yuqing was chatting with Fang Lin. She was too curious about Kaka now and had a lot to ask.

After Yang's mother came in, the two sat down quickly. Although Lin Yuqing didn't know why he and Kaka couldn't chat after his mother came in, it felt like the class teacher came in, anyway, the atmosphere was like this.

Seeing this, Mama Yang coughed lightly and closed the door.

Clearing her throat, she nonchalantly came to Fang Lin who was lying on the couch, squeezed, and sat down.

"That. Kaka, Mom, I have something to say to you."

Fang Lin looked at her and pricked up her ears.

"I know you now have the same intelligence as humans, so you must be able to tell that I am a little different from you."

"In the few days after the end of the year, you stayed behind closed doors every day. I know you must be thinking about where your biological parents are."

Fang Lin: "."

Although Fang Lin felt that he wanted to vomit, he still listened carefully.

"You may think that your father Lin and I are not your biological parents, but I want to say that we have always treated you as our own child."

"You are a family in our eyes, you are the younger brother of Qingqing and Xiaojie."

"You became the same as before in those few days. I am happy. You have lived with us since you were a child, and you should be familiar with human society."

"If I say, I mean, if you still can't accept me and your father Lin, I can contact the owner of the pet home and ask him to find your parents and arrange for you to meet."

"After that, I can accept whether you choose to live with them or with us, um, I should be able to accept it."

While talking, Mama Yang looked up at the ceiling, her eyes turned red, as if she was moved.

Lin Yuqing: "."

Fang Lin: "."

Hearing this, Fang Lin was relieved. It turned out that Yang's mother also accepted him, which made him worry for a long time.

It's just that he really wants to ask Yang's mother now, do you want to hear what you are talking about.
(End of this chapter)

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