Chapter 242

Mama Yang felt a little embarrassed after she finished speaking her heart in one breath. She suddenly had the feeling of watching those family-hunting programs on TV.

The child who had been raised since childhood suddenly found out that he was not his own, and then asked aggressively. The mother explained everything about the matter haggardly and sadly, and gave the child a reasonable choice.

Although she also felt that the choice she gave just now seemed a bit weird, but she was too embarrassed to change it, and she was really not used to it.

In terms of Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie's education since they were young, over the years, Mama Yang has always been the bad guy, and Dad Lin has been the good guy.

A reasonable division of labor is necessary, because it is necessary to give children a certain deterrent force and at the same time make them feel the warmth of home.

Every time Qingqing and Xiaojie encounter problems or make mistakes, such as the schoolbag incident, after Mama Yang finished singing the black face, he will finally come out to sum up the experience and look forward to the future.

What she just did was impromptu. According to her habit, she should have pulled Fang Lin by the ear and asked him why he ignored her and whether he was drifting away.

Yang's mother glanced at Kaka beside her, and began to make a note of Lin's father in her heart.

It would be great if Wen Shao was here, it's all his fault, otherwise I wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Before Fang Lin had any reaction, Lin Yuqing smiled and leaned over Fang Lin's back and hugged him and said to Mama Yang.

"Hey mom, what are you talking about, Kaka definitely doesn't want to leave, if she wants to leave, she should leave early, right Kaka?"


Fang Lin glanced at Mama Yang and Lin Yuqing and nodded.

That's right, when did he express his intention to leave?

If you really don't know where to go after leaving here, Fang Lin has no interest in other places.

What?Spirit world?

Don't be funny, who will go to such a messy and cruel place?The dogs don't go.

Looking at Kaka's humanized expression, Mama Yang finally eased the tension in her beautiful eyes.

The beautiful woman in her early 30s, who was more beautiful and charming than other parents, slowly let out a sigh of relief as she covered her chest with her jade hands.

It was a false alarm.

However, after the feeling of worry dissipated, looking at Kaka's innocent face, Yang's mother felt an unknown fire rising again.

With one hand on her hips and the other, she stretched out and grabbed Kaka's ear, and pressed her face with light makeup and exquisite makeup in front of Kaka's eyes, and asked fiercely.

"Then why did you deliberately ignore your mother before?"

There was a trace of astonishment in Fang Lin's eyes, when did he ignore her?

"Just now in the car, you were having fun with Qingqing in the back. I was just about to turn around and talk to you, but you deliberately turned your head away from me."


Just then, the door of the office was opened.

Yang Zhen walked in with a brand new card in his hand, and he closed the door and smiled when he saw such a loving scene.

"It seems that you have a good chat."


Seeing Yang Zhen approaching, Yang's mother let go of Fang Lin's ear, and gently stroked Fang Lin twice, pretending nothing happened.

The educational principle she believes in is never to reprimand her children in front of outsiders. After all, children have strong self-esteem and are not so tough psychologically.

When I was very young, I was reprimanded once by my parents on the street or in front of my classmates. When I grow up, I will never forget it and become a thorn in my heart.

There will naturally be no difference when facing Kaka now, she has to go back and talk to Dad Lin about Kaka's education.

Yang Zhen walked behind the desk and pushed his boss chair over and sat down in front of the two of them.

"Except for Kaka's situation when I brought you here, I just happened to give you some information about the Reiki Experimental Class. The students who passed the test and stayed there will be explained by Huang Xianming."

Seeing the serious gazes of Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing, Yang Zhen continued to speak in satisfaction.

"The first is the admission qualification for the Reiki Experimental Class. You should have known it just now. All students who have reached C-level talent or above will have the admission qualification."

"The Reiki Experimental Class is a class decided to spend a great deal of time and energy on setting up the class after research. The main purpose is to select talented young people and give them the best educational convenience so that they can move forward on the road of cultivation."

"However, I have to remind you one more thing."

Yang Zhen's expression became serious.

"You should have noticed the Qiankun personnel in charge of testing on the playground today, right?"

Lin Yuqing nodded: "Well, it feels a little scary."

"They are all experienced in many battles, and some have even participated in more than one battle with the spirit world or the ruins. What I want to tell you is that cultivation can bring many things to human beings, such as stronger power and longer lifespan. "

"However, with that comes greater risk than is present."

Hearing this, Mama Yang couldn't help frowning, and turned her eyes to Lin Yuqing and Kaka beside her, with many thoughts in her eyes.

Yang Zhen continued: "Both of them have very good talents, but if they really embark on this path, they will inevitably fight. You should have read some novels or movies, and go out on adventures to learn from each other. It’s all about fighting.”

"If you fight, you may be injured. We give the two children the qualifications to enter the Reiki Experimental Class, so that the children can go in and learn and adapt slowly. Whether you choose Lingwu University to take the road of cultivation in the college entrance examination depends on the time." The kids have their hearts out."

Yang Zhen's words can be regarded as really talking about Yang's mother's long-term worries, which are actually the worries of all the parents and even the people of Longguo.

Yang Ma couldn't help asking: "Is there still a war now?"

"It's still peaceful now. We have signed treaties for peaceful development with many races in the spirit world, but there are still hostile forces. If we go to explore the spirit world in the future, there will still be a risk of fighting."

"Won't they call?"

"Not for now."

Not yet, that means there is still a possibility.

"Joining the newly established organization of Qiankun or Lingjie that you mentioned earlier is equivalent to joining the army?"

"Uh" Yang Zhen pondered for a while and said, "From some perspectives, it is like this."

"Joining these official organizations and enjoying high benefits, it is natural to assume the necessary responsibilities, and the more you enjoy, the greater the responsibilities you shoulder."

"If you encounter danger, we will definitely rush forward to protect you."

Mama Yang fell silent, Lin Yuqing also seemed a little nervous, with her small arms around Fang Lin unconsciously tugging at the hair on her neck.

Yang Zhen saw that the atmosphere was a bit dull, so he smiled and spoke softly.

"But don't worry, it's still early for the two of them. The spiritual energy experimental class will indeed have actual combat training, but those will be within a controllable range. You can practice first and then decide slowly."

"If you really don't like fighting, you can also take up a civilian job."

Seeing that Mama Yang's expression had eased a lot, Yang Zhen continued to speak.

"Let me continue to talk about the future choices of the two children."

"In Sioux City, there will be three middle schools that offer Reiki experimental classes, namely Ninth Middle School, Experimental and Foreign Languages. These three schools have high school and junior high school, so the experimental class will naturally be divided into junior high school and high school. We expect to open 2-3 classes for the Reiki experimental class in the middle and junior high schools, depending on the number of people who pass."

"However, the Reiki experimental class will no longer be divided according to age, and the training of Reiki courses will be carried out uniformly. The culture class will be taught by special teachers separately by grade. Because the two aspects of learning are carried out at the same time, the students in the Reiki experimental class will spend their free time. There are very few, so I hope Qingqing will be mentally prepared."

Lin Yuqing couldn't help feeling cold when he heard this.

"In addition to the regular practice courses, there will be various elective courses in the teaching of aura, such as the future development direction, which is divided into physical training, method training, formation, spirit beasts, alchemy, refining tools, etc."

"Everyone can choose the direction they are interested in at the beginning and there is no limit to the types. After one year of training, they can choose the field they are good at for further study."

"Qingqing and Kaka both have extremely high talents on the road of cultivation, and because of their relationship, I suggest that she and Kaka try to take the route of spirit beasts in the future."

"As the name suggests, the spirit beast department is to establish a good relationship with spirit beasts and fight together. Students who choose this path will have various tests and competitions in the future."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen looked at Lin Yuqing and pointed out.

"About this, I would like to remind you that, according to the current records about the ancient times, any well-known imperial spirit master has established a deep friendship with his own spirit beast."

"Besides, many spirit beasts with noble bloodlines have their own pride, and the spirit master is not allowed to have other spirit beasts."

Lin Yuqing looked at Fang Lin and said, "Kaka is not my spirit beast but my little brother. I will definitely work hard with him."

The unique fragrance of the girl entered Fang Lin's nose, which made him feel much better.

To be honest, because of his body in this life, his sense of smell is tens of thousands of times better than before. When he didn't know how to control it and consciously shield it at the beginning, it also brought him a lot of trouble.

At the same time, he also discovered one thing, whether it is a young woman or a beautiful girl, they all have body fragrance, but the premise is that Zhong Ling Shenxiu must be the best pinch.

He doesn't object to accompanying Lin Yuqing to school, anyway, it's quite boring at home, as long as he doesn't accompany Xiaojie.

Yang Zhen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, you two can just watch it for yourself. The Reiki Experimental Class has been in preparation for a long time, and you will be arranged to enroll within a week after all the tests are completed today. Students can choose according to their talents every month. Those who received spirit stones to practice."

Lin Yuqing touched Kaka's ears and patted his chest and said, "Kaka, let's use mine together, hehe."

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "No need, Kaka can be regarded as a spirit beast student in the spirit experiment class, and he should have more cultivation resources than you."

Lin Yuqing: "."

"After talking about Kaka, we will take the opportunity to publicize his situation to the whole country as a benchmark for spirit beasts, attracting awakened pets or wild animals to join. In the past, spirit beasts belonged to human beings. A big help."

"The remuneration will be converted into his cultivation resources and distributed to him, and the criteria for the naturalization of spirit beasts will also be announced at that time."

"No, this is Kaka's Dragon Country ID card, please keep it."

As he spoke, he handed over to Mama Yang that brand new card. The pattern on the screen was similar, but the text was slightly different, and the number was also the same as that of normal people.

"It's brand new."

He added something meaningful.

Fang Lin immediately understood that this was for himself, meaning that the previous one was no longer useful?

"There is nothing else. If you have no problems, I will send you back."

Yang Ma nodded, thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Fang Lin and asked, "Oh, that's right."

"Why can't Kaka speak? Is it because the brain hasn't fully evolved yet?"

Fang Lin: "."

Yang Zhen laughed dumbfounded and replied: "If a spirit beast wants to speak, it needs to refine the horizontal bones, and D-level can strengthen the bones."

"Oh, and D-rank."

"By the way, you submitted the general's test application this afternoon, right? She is special, so you can change it first."


Mama Yang didn't understand.

"Well, how should I put it, have you discovered that your family has had contact with our department in charge of spiritual energy for a long time, and the reason is actually because of the general."

"Because of the general?"

Yang Ma was a little surprised.

"It was beyond our expectations that she was picked up by Liu Jing, but she got along very well with you. The specific situation will be discussed in detail when my master comes."

"Your master?"

"Well, his name is Deng Jiefu."

"Deng Jiefu??!"

Yang Ma was talking about it and suddenly remembered that the person who cut the sea with a knife in the video with more than [-] million likes was also Deng Jiefu, the world's number one practitioner promoted by Dragon Kingdom.

So he is Yang Zhen's master?

Mama Yang glanced at Yang Zhen again, sighing a little.

Yang Zhen's back couldn't help straightening up a bit, and just as he was about to say something, he heard Yang's mother whispering: "I didn't see it."

"?What did you say?"

"Oh, I said it's no wonder you look so talented, but it turns out that you are the number one apprentice in the world."


Yang Zhen didn't speak, and sent his family to Yunting Community in a very sloppy manner, and then left quickly, as if he didn't want to stay at all.

At 11:30 noon, the whole family except Father Lin gathered in the living room.

Liu Jing on the sofa sat next to Fang Lin and yelled.

"What? Kaka is S rank??"

"The miraculous scene posted on the Internet today was created by Kaka?? I'm still wondering who is so powerful."

She stared at Fang Lin back and forth with a strange expression, like looking at a rare animal.

For Kaka's awakening, Liu Jing was really happy.

Originally, Kaka meant a lot to her. She fantasized many times that Kaka would be unable to walk more than ten years later, and she would push him out to bask in the sun.

Especially after Kaka died, I thought about the scene of holding him and crying until I fainted countless times.

Now it's all right, Kaka has become smarter and can stay with her longer.

Liu Jing put her arms around Fang Lin's neck, put her face on his hairy face and asked with a smile: "Kaka, tell me honestly, have you practiced the Zhaoxia Kungfu secretly, and you used to be a ghost, You must have practiced secretly, right?"

Yang's mother glanced at Fang Lin and snorted softly: "I asked Yang Zhen. Zhaoxia Kungfu can be used to train spirit beasts for the first time, but it's not the best choice. He will give him a special Kungfu after he enrolls."

"Wow, Kaka is going to school too, yes, can I make a video?"

"Wait for the official video to be released first, Kaka will become famous again."

(End of this chapter)

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