Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 243 I'm Angry

Chapter 243 I'm Angry
At two o'clock in the afternoon, after taking a short nap, Yang's mother took Xiaojie and Xueqiu to Xiaojie's school to take the test.

Because the assigned test time was relatively late, and the overall progress of elementary school was not ideal, the two of them and Xueqiu didn't return home until after six o'clock.

However, the result of this test is normal compared to the morning. Xiaojie passed the test with a C-level talent, but Snowball was not awakened.

This was naturally the result of Yang Zhen personally going to open the back door. They already knew about Xueqiu's awakening, and Xueqiu, who possessed strategic-level accompanying supernatural powers, couldn't be exposed just like this, and she was still a pet of Yang's mother, Liu Jing's family.

For Mama Yang's family, there are two talented children who can enter the spiritual energy experimental class, and one of them is A-level.

Coupled with the S-level talent Fang Lin, these are enough to attract attention, too eye-catching in this new era full of changes.

After many evaluations, unless Fang Lin exposed his strength and took action in danger during the rehearsal, the risk factor was too high, and the conventional covert security work could no longer guarantee the normal life of the family.

The impact of the recovery of spiritual energy is very complex and far-reaching, far from being as harmonious and beautiful as it seems on the surface.

In addition to the various troubles and security problems that have gradually begun to unfold around the world, there is also the human heart that has become restless and dissatisfied with the status quo.

It has been more than ten days since the recovery of spiritual energy and the upgrading of the world. When the people of Long Kingdom are immersed in the news guided by the competition of exercises and talent tests, the foreign countries have become a mess.

Naturally, the countries all over the world continue to show their terror and deterrent power after the recovery of aura.

In the year 3052 of the Blue Star Era, on February 2th, which is also the tenth day of the lunar calendar, a primitive tropical rainforest in a small country near the equator underwent a change. Overnight, all humans and animals within a dozen kilometers died, forming an absolute no man's land.

On February [-]th, an awakened wild American black bear rushed into the local town in Eagle Country. The black bear seemed to be extremely talented. The emergency support helicopters in the state brought heavy firepower and members of the World Security Bureau entered to resolve the crisis. However, the black bear was injured and escaped successfully, and is still being hunted.

Under the influence of aura, animals, plants and even the natural environment are quietly changing, and the secret places and dangerous places recorded in the classics appear in people's sight one by one.

The original normal forests, mountains, and plains formed illusory space barriers one after another. After entering, there is only a brand-new scene that has become unrecognizable, extremely complex, and extremely vast.

Some of them have a very high concentration of aura, which can be called a paradise for development and cultivation, while others are dangerous and deadly like the mutated tropical rainforest in the small country before.

With the blessing of aura, nature begins to show daunting power. I am afraid that the words of conquering nature need to be questioned for the time being.

In addition, a wide variety of animals and plants have also undergone mutations, and they can be found in many untouched primitive natural worlds.

Monitor lizard, boa constrictor, black bear, divine deer.
People are basically panicking on the Internet. Frequent attacks and resurgence of spiritual energy have made religious beliefs popular in the West. Whenever such natural changes such as natural disasters and man-made disasters are encountered, the West is strangely hoping to pray before God.

In addition, there is also the sea full of deep and mysterious colors. Today, the ocean has completely become a restricted area for ships.

Normally, if you encounter wind waves of magnitude [-] or even magnitude [-] in the vast deep sea such as the Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean, you will feel that the world is shaking.

The waves with infinite power will lift the ship into the sky and then smash it down. Only the ocean-going tanker with a very high tonnage is fully powered to cut through the waves and use all its strength to escape from the wave zone.

However, now the highest wind and wave in the world, which is only dark blue, has reached an unprecedented level of 78, similar to the shocking tsunami in the doomsday movie.

Even if it is an aircraft carrier, it will be pushed into the sky by [-]-meter waves and then be torn apart severely.

Longguo has led the World Shipping Association to build and sell new-age ocean-going cruise ships that contain aura formations. Huge ships engraved with "wave-breaking" formations can easily withstand the wind and waves in the deep sea, and support technicians around the world to deliver goods to your door. Need to queue up, this is the only one in the world for the time being, there is no semicolon.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, the four islands of Sakura Country were hit by a tsunami at the same time, causing heavy losses.

The news from all over the world has also gradually entered the eyes of the people of Dragon Kingdom. The pictures that have been circulated show the dilapidated buildings after the attack, the dangerous and treacherous mutated jungle, and the interviewees full of panic.
When the people wondered whether they were living in the same world, they also began to search and check various related news in the Dragon Kingdom.

After such an investigation, many truths have also been seen by netizens.

Long Kingdom has always been famous for its vast land and rich resources, and there are not a few places that have changed. Those who are careful will find that many originally famous scenic spots have been closed down and managed by men in black, and many areas have also been designated as blockades.

Incidents of pets and wild animals awakening and hurting people were also rushed to deal with by Qiankun as soon as possible, and related policy documents were constantly being improved and issued.

Netizens finally discovered that they were not living in the safe zone, but someone was taking risks for them.

For a time, public opinion arose.

The higher-ups also seized the opportunity and once again missed many details that were not disclosed.

For example, it introduces in detail the dangerous spirit world that forms a stable dimensional channel with this world. The location of each provincial channel has also been revealed, but it has established a multi-level complex from the outside to the inside that integrates visits, security, logistics, etc. Passage base complex.

The outer layer can be visited by tourists, but the inner group is controlled, and those who are not authorized cannot enter, and the permission is temporarily not issued to the public.

At the same time, it shows some recent scenes of Qiankun dealing with the crisis.

The thrilling fights, the eye-catching spells, and the members who were seriously injured in the battle, all of which are accompanied by passionate music and drums have become an exciting recruiting video.

It is also a preparation for the recruitment and training of talents that will start after half a month after the end of the talent test in the whole society. The extraordinary treatment and the exciting life in the novel really make the public fall in love with each other.

Time passes quickly, and people in the new era are bombarded by all kinds of new information, and time passes even faster.

In the blink of an eye, it was already a week after Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin's talent test.

On Sunday, Yunting District.

"Consistent efforts, perseverance without slack, and small accumulations every day will become the final result."

At [-] o'clock in the morning, after the family finished their group practice in the morning, Liu Jing held her mobile phone and recited the chicken soup for the soul she had just seen.

Cultivation is a very boring thing, but the advantage is that you can see real progress.

Just like delivering food, you can see how much money you have earned after delivering an order. This is positive feedback that can make hard workers work harder.

However, for a young woman like Liu Jing who has become a bit Buddhist-like, lazy and desireless, the daily high-intensity practice until now depends on these chicken soup for the soul.

After Liu Jing fed herself the chicken soup, she swiped her phone contentedly, saw some video and sighed: "Tsk, this seven-figure Juling Formation is different, our family's spiritual concentration is still so high. "

Yang's mother smiled, walked to the kitchen and started to prepare lunch, and said as she walked, "You don't even look at how much I packed."

Yes, Mama Yang, who is rich and powerful, has installed spirit gathering arrays in every room, and additionally installed aura barriers, which can ensure that the indoor aura will not disperse outwards under the influence of diffusion.

"Hey, it's great to be your girlfriend."

Liu Jing said what was in her heart happily, and then pointed to the video on the phone and sighed: "Are all these advertisements so expensive?"

Fang Lin went to the side to take a look. It turned out to be an advertisement for football shoes. The people inside wore this brand of football shoes to truly restore the scene of Kung Fu football.

bells and whistles.

"Linkaka! Come here!"

Hearing Mama Yang's call, Fang Lin walked slowly towards the kitchen.

That's right, this is Fang Lin's new name, which is also written on his current ID card, with a surname added.

After he came to the kitchen, he stopped by Mama Yang's lap. Mama Yang quietly glanced at Jiang Baibai, who was still practicing on the sofa in the living room, and took out a box that seemed to be made of white jade from the refrigerator. Open in front of Lin.

A breath of fresh fragrance floated into Fang Lin's nose immediately. There were many big strawberries that were crystal clear and glowing with water in the box.

Fang Lin's eyes lit up immediately, is this a snack bought for himself?

"Kaka, this is my mother's newly bought Reiki Strawberry, the latest product sold by No. 1 Nonglingyuan. Not only is it sweet, delicious and full of moisture, but it also contains Reiki. It feels refreshing in my mouth and spreads all over my body. I have already tasted it. "

Fang Lin kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and while listening to Mama Yang's blah, he moved his mouth to the side of the box to grab a few.

"Hey, don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet."

"It took me a lot of effort to snatch this up. There are very few products released through official channels. I told you, girls like to eat fruit the most. You eat two and then give this to Bai Bai."

Fang Lin: "???"

He looked at Yang Ma's eyes full of disbelief.

What?Just give me two?

Four days ago, Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen visited a family one night.

Jiang Baibai's true identity was mentioned face to face, which was what they had discussed with Jiang Baibai and Fang Lin long ago.

Because of the existence of Jiang Baibai, those races in the spirit world established diplomatic relations with the Dragon Kingdom so easily, and immediately the direct descendants sent by these royal families to exchange and study will also study in Sucheng.

These things on the surface cannot be concealed. If Jiang Baibai's identity is not mentioned, how can it be explained that such an important visit and study location will be set in Sucheng, not the imperial capital or the magical capital.

Because Deng Jiefu was originally the person in charge of the southern province?Nature is unrealistic.

So under the gentle and safe guidance of Deng Jiefu, Jiang Baibai uttered words in the shocked eyes of the family, introduced his identity and background, and expressed that he liked the atmosphere of the family very much, and hoped that everyone could accept him to continue get along.

Originally, this was supposed to be a shock to Sanguan. After all, who would have thought that the cat that Liu Jing picked up at random would have such a big background?
However, the family, who had been shocked countless times recently, quickly accepted this fact. Hearing Jiang Baibai's voice as beautiful as a yellow warbler with a hint of lively and playful, Mama Yang was even a little excited.

After listening to Jiang Baibai's detailed narration, Mama Yang's eyes lit up when she looked at her.

Her father is the S-level strength of the emperor, and she is the only daughter, a princess of the royal family, with a cheerful and generous personality. Isn't this the golden phoenix?

Especially when Mama Yang secretly asked Deng Jiefu if spirit beasts of different races could fall in love with each other, and after Deng Jiefu expressed his affirmation with a smile in his eyes, the wishful thinking in Mama Yang's heart crackled.

According to Jiang Baibai's ethnic age, she is just an adult now, isn't her own Kaka?
How can they be regarded as childhood sweethearts of the same age?
What's more, with Kaka's S-level talent, he might not be able to become S-level in the future, well, it's a perfect match!

At this moment, Mama Yang was pulling Fang Lin to squat in the kitchen. Seeing the reluctance on Fang Lin's face, Mama Yang put her arms around Fang Lin's neck and said.

"Can I treat you badly? Think about it, when mom has something delicious, why don't I give it to you first?"

"There will be more of these spiritual energy strawberries in the future, and there is another package on the way. I will give you all to eat when it arrives, okay?"

Speaking of which, Mama Yang raised her body, glanced furtively at the living room, and found that Liu Jing was watching the video with her two children laughing, then continued to squat down and whispered in Fang Lin's ear.

"What a great opportunity now is."

"According to your actual age, you are less than one year old, but if it is not for the recovery of spiritual energy, you are already an adult Kaka, and you have to think about the future."

"What a good fate now, sneaking here from the spirit world for nothing, and being brought back home by your godmother by such a coincidence, you two are considered childhood sweethearts."

"You are a spirit beast, how can there be so many suitable partners, what is ready-made now, how good it is, the parents are good-looking, and the family conditions are good, right? And you can speak people's words, and your strength is higher than yours."

"Think about it, when the friends from before Bai Bai come over, they are probably the children of the royal family. Although our family has a lot of money, we still lack a lot of potential in terms of spiritual energy. Whether someone has a good family background or a high level of cultivation, you How can it be compared? Wasn’t it just snatched away by someone else?”

"You're a good-looking and talented person now, and I think you two have a good relationship after getting along for such a long time. Hurry up to further confirm this relationship, and I can see my in-laws at that time." .”

The more Yang Ma said, the more she felt that the situation was urgent, and the more she said the more outrageous, Fang Lin's scalp tingled.

When he was 18 years old, his parents were gone and he was left alone in this world. He was able to eat enough for one person and the whole family was not hungry.

If the mother was still there, she would probably be urging the marriage like this, right?
Suddenly, Fang Lin, who suddenly fell into memory, shook his head quickly.

Urge a fart!

How could he fall in love with Jiang Baibai? Although his body instinctively likes animals, his spiritual world likes people!

like people!
In his mind, he imagined the scene of Jiang Baibai snuggling up in his arms, and directly hit several chills.

Seeing Mama Yang's face full of battle readiness, Fang Lin put his head into the jade box in Mama Yang's hand with lightning speed, bit off most of the strawberries in one bite, and the white hair around his mouth was full of aura strawberries of water.

Then he stuck out his tongue innocently at Mama Yang.


"you you."

Mama Yang looked at the messy jade box in her hand, then at Fang Lin who was full of innocence, her pupils constricted and her whole body trembled.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, you don't live up to it."

Yang Ma stood up with a bang, threw the jade box on the table, picked up the rolling pin from the kitchen and rushed over.

Seeing this, Fang Lin ran away quickly, one person and one Kazakhstan immediately started chasing each other in the living room.



"What's the matter, Qian, don't hit me, don't hit me."

"No! I must beat him today."


"Look, he still dares to talk back!"

"You can't use a rolling pin either, Qingqing Xiaojie, hurry up and stop your mother."

Speaking of which, Liu Jing hurriedly surrounded Mama Yang with the two children.

She hugged Yang's mother from behind, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie tried to flank each other from left to right.

The scene suddenly became wild and chaotic.

 Basically the update is every day at 00.00
(End of this chapter)

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