Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 244 The Light of the Spiritual Beast

Chapter 244 The Light of the Spiritual Beast
In the end, Mama Yang still didn't beat Fang Lin as she wished.

The box of aura strawberries was also filled by Fang Lin.

Sioux City just after the New Year is still a bit cold, but the interior is warm as spring under the double blessing of modern technology and aura formation.

Even Liu Jing, who is most afraid of the cold, has changed out of her winter home clothes with cotton and put on close-fitting unlined clothing. Her curves seem to have gotten better after a winter of fattening.

Fang Lin, who was afraid of the heat, suddenly felt that he didn't dislike the arrival of spring and summer.

That's one of those things to admire, isn't it?

After a sumptuous lunch, Fang Lin left the restaurant very satisfied and went to the cushion in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to digest his food and bask in the sun comfortably.

At this moment, it has been more than half a month since the beginning of spring, and a little later will be the Jingzhe, when the first sound of spring thunder will make the already lively world even more noisy.

The afternoon sun in winter made Fang Lin warm all over his body. It was a beautiful thing to bask in the sun in the cold winter.

What is a happy and comfortable life?

Fang Lin thinks that now is a happy and leisurely life. He doesn't need to cook or wash dishes, and he can lie still after eating.

And most importantly, take a nap when you want to sleep.

In the past, Fang Lin saw others complaining in the former classmate group more than once, that migrant workers couldn't sleep even if they wanted to take a nap, and when they were busy, they were happy lying on the table in the office for a while.

This made Fang Lin feel very cruel until now.

Sleeping on the table?
Who would sleep on the table after graduating from high school? How uncomfortable.

After lying down for a while, Fang Lin picked up his Candle Dragon Secret Realm helmet from the sofa next to him.

The original high-tech appearance is covered with a layer of DIY husky photo stickers, which is Fang Lin's head when he was a child.

Originally, Ruisi Technology planned to distribute the goods slowly so as not to cause too much social impact on the sales plan, but with the arrival of spiritual recovery, it has also been changed, and it has begun to supply and sell continuously.

However, the price of 69999 is still a bit too much for most people. If each of a family of three buys one, it will cost 21.

Therefore, in order for more people to enjoy the technological dividends of the times, a family version with the same price is specially launched, that is, through the EEG signal and iris authentication as personal identification, the whole family can use the Candle Dragon helmet to enjoy a completely real virtual experience. In the world, the continuous supply has also squeezed out the profit margins of scalpers.

And Fang Lin's current helmet is the privileged helmet that Deng Jiefu brought to him and Jiang Baibai at the beginning, but it was passed to them by Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen's visit that day.

In addition to buying a helmet for Fang Lin, Mama Yang also arranged for bank cards and other things. The video revenue division that she had promised casually before did not expect to come in handy.

Under Fang Lin's repeated hints, Yang's mother "finally" understood what he meant.

But in order to prevent Fang Lin, who has never experienced the world of flowers and flowers, from being fooled by the virtual world, Yang Ma only puts 1 yuan on Fang Lin's card every month for the time being, so as to prevent him from spending randomly.

And the fact is true, the first thing Fang Lin did after receiving the money was to log in to the virtual helmet, and rent a luxury house for himself in the online public world with a human figure, the rent is 9999/month.

The online public world is similar to Naruto's world where technology and fantasy are blended, and it is also for the public to adapt to the aura society. The overall architectural style is based on ancient styles and charms, and various technologies coexist.

For example, in Fang Lin's mansion with a garden, modern appliances such as refrigerators and computers can be seen everywhere, and there is no need to plug in wires.

There is really no difference between this online public world and the real world except for the background. You can surf the Internet, go shopping, and travel normally, and the money used in the middle needs to be recharged or earned in the online world.

The NPCs in the online public world may provide terrific computing power and are very anthropomorphic, and can be fully qualified for the role they play, such as going to the bun shop to buy food, or even molesting the beautiful boss.

But only mild verbal jokes are allowed. All NPCs have their own judgment logic. If they detect dirty language, they will automatically call the police, and then they will be arrested and sent to prison quickly.

This is also the case between players. Reporting is only a matter of thought, and the punishment is very severe. If players attempt to commit a crime, the EEG and iris information will be directly and permanently banned unless you change your head. Any virtual helmet anymore.

Fang Lin held his helmet with his front paws to find the direction, and was about to put it on his head.

"You know how to eat in one day, and you know how to play after eating. Remember to take a good rest at noon, and take the time to read the videos and books that were packaged and sent to you one by one."

Yang Ma passed by the living room and saw the white lump lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window holding a helmet and couldn't help nagging.

The book she mentioned is a list of books specially opened by Longguo scholars for children from childhood to adulthood, which is conducive to the establishment of a complete and normal value system.

Fang Lin took a look at the first and second graders, who were okay at the beginning. He had read everything about mindless and unhappy, Grimm's fairy tales, and The Wanderings of Sanmao.

The straw house in the fifth and sixth grades, I am the flag-raiser today, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are also books that impressed him deeply.

In junior high school, besides Walden Pond, how steel is tempered, and other literary books, he also has time to arrange scientific enlightenment such as talking about beauty, basic chemistry theory, etc., which is somewhat beyond his previous reading experience.

The video is almost similar, explaining advanced humanistic society, history and culture.

The intention was good, and it was also for Fang Lin to increase his knowledge as soon as possible, but Fang Lin didn't need it at all.

So it's generally a lie.


Seeing his lazy appearance, Yang's mother knew that Fang Lin wanted to fish, so she began to lure him: "Every time I read a book, I will be rewarded with 1 pocket money."

Fang Lin dismissed this.

The wool comes from the sheep, isn't it all my own money?

But for the time being, the family's financial power is in the hands of Yang Ma, and he has nothing to do, but the key point is that he still has other ways!
After Fang Lin put on the helmet and entered the virtual world, he logged in to Xueqiu's bank account and password and drew 2 pocket money for himself.

Xueqiu is a little rich woman now, because of her own talent, she can greatly increase the cultivation speed of creatures, and the most important thing is that she can slightly increase her affinity with nature at the same time, so upgrading from E-level to D-level, supernatural powers After the success rate has been increased to 20%, the current hourly salary in Qiankun is 20 dragon coins, or two standard units of spirit stones.

For this, you have to make an appointment in advance. If you are not in a good mood, you don’t go, and the card is also a big seven-digit number.

Except for Yang Zhen and his own people, the effect of a certain magic weapon that was declared internally by Sioux City Qiankun was only developed internally by the Sioux City Qiankun branch, which required energy consumption to use.

This also led to the fact that the cultivation level of the Qiankun branch in Suzhou City is generally much higher. Qiankun members are not short of money, and it is better to use dragon coins than to pay with cultivation resources.

In the era of aura cultivation, the value created by practitioners is immeasurable. If money is not enough, then Qiankun is really a joke.

Scientists do not mean frugality and poverty, and practitioners are even more so. Anyone can say high-sounding words. Since ancient times, there has been no reason to stare at a group and use moral exploitation.

After the transfer, Fang Lin was still a little guilty, so he left a message for Xueqiu's QQ.

"Borrowing brother 2w, it has been transferred, and I will return it to you (dog head) next time."

After sending the message, Fang Lin completely relieved the burden in his heart. He was not a man of his own, so he happily came to his bedroom with an ancient style on the outside and a modern interior on the inside, lying on the bed in human form and playing with his mobile phone.

"Welcome to me, Brother Ha, I haven't seen you for a long time, I thought you didn't miss me anymore~"

"Wow, thank you, Brother Da Di, for the rocket!!"

"Stand up? I understand. Brother Da Di wants to see whether it is white or black. I will change it now."

Fang Lin looked at it for a while and thought it was boring, so he changed another one.

"Who's here? Brother Dadi is here?"

In the screen, the eyes of a female anchor with a protruding front and back turned in a nurse's uniform suddenly lit up.

After that it was the same scenario.

Fang Lin, who was lying on the bed, watched the female anchor dance for him with relish, but he always felt weird in his heart.

Because of the privilege of the helmet, he can change races at will in the online world. For example, Lin Yuqing can change back to his current appearance when he comes to play with him.

And after becoming human nature, all the entertainment activities in the past can naturally be carried out.

Fang Lin tried to play a few games and found it boring. Competitive games were too simple for him and lost the fun he had before.

And all kinds of stand-alone game bars are reasonable, it is better to drag Jiang Baibai to play in other virtual game worlds.

Watching movies, listening to music, and appreciating female anchors were the only relaxing activities left, and Fang Lin decisively chose the latter.

But, I used to use my own money to reward female anchors, and I was really happy, but today I feel that something is wrong with taking Xueqiu's money.

Fang Lin thought it was time to respond to Master and pay his salary.

When he was D-level before, he said that he would let himself join Qiankun as a name, and he didn’t have to do anything to send 2w every month. Now he is B-level!

It's time for a raise! ! !
Just when Fang Lin was secretly poking and saying bad things in his heart, a light curtain popped up in front of him, and it said video invitation-Deng Jiefu.

Fang Lin quickly turned into a husky again, connected to the video, and a young face in a black robe with a long sword slung around his waist appeared in front of him.

This face pinching must have given him privileges, right? ?

Fang Lin complained in his heart, while saying hello: "Master is good."

"Hehe, I knew you must be playing. I'll find you later, and we'll have a meeting in the afternoon."


Fang Lin looked puzzled.

"Yes, there is an internal meeting about Lingwu University. Some people are not satisfied with the current policy, so we called together to listen."

"Then what am I going to do?"

"Your identity is the strongest known spirit beast, and also the strongest spirit beast partner in our land."

"Perhaps you don't know yet, Qiankun has already started to use your identity and aura to recruit those awakened native creatures, and you have become a banner in the hearts of the local spirit beasts, at least in the hearts of those spirit beasts who have joined Qiankun now .”

"Oh, by the way, speaking of it, you still have to find time to record a video together, probably just to show the video, how cool and exaggerated it is."

"Those spirit beasts awakened in the native land are pure and simple in their thinking, and except for a few pets among them, those wild spirit beasts generally have distrust towards humans, but after the birth of spirit wisdom, they realized that they were incompatible with the surrounding beasts. It's a critical period of self-discovery."

"They need a group or a belief to make their hearts home, instead of being alone in the world. After our trials, your image is surprisingly easy to use."

Hearing these words, Fang Lin froze for a moment. The mentality of these spirit beasts described by Deng Jiefu was miraculously similar to his own before.

He also felt the same way during the initial period. The body is not human, and he can cultivate and have intelligence that is incompatible with pets.

This is also the reason why Jiang Baibai and Yang Zhen felt good at first. Apart from the good first impression they gave him, the most important thing is that he feels that he has a common topic with them, especially Jiang Baibai, who are both practitioners after all.

"But how did they use me to bluff? Is it purely described with one mouth?"

"There are photos of you, and some images."

"Huh? When"

Before he finished speaking, Fang Lin suddenly realized that it must be the picture he left when he used his combat form to participate in the ruins of the Black Province at that time.

"It seems that you should have guessed it. Your image was really good at the time, and the wings on your back were very intimidating. At the same time, the person who made the video also cut the vision of heaven and earth from different perspectives when you awakened. The effect is very good. .”

"The spirit beasts that have been entered into the system are undergoing unified training and spiritual construction at the base of the city. Sucheng is next to the city, and this meeting is also in the city. It just so happens that you go to meet them too."


Fang Lin suddenly felt like seeing a fan.

"Okay, I'll be right there, remember to sneak out."

After Deng Jiefu finished speaking, he directly interrupted the video.

Strange, he is not afraid that I will sneak out and be found by my family?Do you know that I have a new combination of supernatural powers?

Older people do have a lot of eyes.

Fang Lin shook his head and exited the virtual world, ran upstairs to Lin Yuqing's bedroom door and closed the door.


"Come here, Kaka, won't you open the door yourself?"

Lin Yuqing, who was wearing pajamas, seemed to have gone to bed, and was yawning after being called out by Fang Lin.

Fang Lin took the opportunity to sneak in and pushed Lin Yuqing out of the room with a push of his buttocks, and closed the door with his back foot.

Outside the door, Lin Yuqing was a little dazed: "???"


She angrily opened the door again, and found that Kaka was sitting on the spot looking at herself innocently: "Stop teasing me like this in the future!"

And Fang Lin had already taken advantage of the gap just now to summon the shadow avatar, and now the one sitting in front of Lin Yuqing was the Hanhan avatar himself.

His body had already merged into the shadow and stood aside. Under Fang Lin's instructions, Hanhan's avatar attacked again, ran to the window and opened it with its claws.

Lin Yuqing, who had just sat on the bed, suddenly felt a gust of cold wind and shivered all over.

"What are you doing~?"

She walked over angrily and closed the door, then dragged her clone to the bed on the floor and said, "Lie down, sleep."

Seeing the avatar lay down obediently and closed its eyes, Lin Yuqing also fell asleep with her paws in her arms in satisfaction.

In the sky of Yunting Community, Fang Lin was suspended here, boredly waiting for Deng Jiefu to appear.

Soon, a space crack appeared out of thin air on the thick cloud layer.

finally come,

Fang Lin, who had been waiting for a long time, yawned and went to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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