Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 245 Speech

Chapter 245 Speech
In the past, the sky in winter was always gray, giving people a hazy feeling that they could not see clearly.

Since the recovery of spiritual energy, the sky has become somewhat pure.

Because the climate in winter is generally relatively dry, and the clouds are water vapor condensation, so there will be fewer clouds.

But perhaps because of the aura, white clouds in the sky today are not uncommon.

Fang Lin showed his figure in front of Deng Jiefu at a place where the people at high altitude in Yunting Community could not see.

"That's right, people of the same level who don't have top-level supernatural powers in terms of sensing should not be able to find you."

As soon as he met Deng Jiefu, he praised him.

However, Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and asked: "Can A-level find it?"

Deng Jiefu glanced at Fang Lin in surprise and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be quite high-minded, but it's best not to have such dangerous thoughts. After the A-level law field is expanded, it will suppress any element in the field. Even You can't even mobilize the spiritual energy, let's talk about it after you understand the law."

The meaning in the words is very clear, that is, the B level is here to get involved.

This made Fang Lin a little unconvinced. To be honest, he has not encountered any setbacks and smooth sailing all the way to practice, let alone experience what is called a bottleneck.

Isn't that A grade?That is the matter of the two spiritual cores, but it seems that there is still some law to be comprehended, and Fang Lin has no feeling for this thing until now.

So he asked: "Master, what is the law, do you have to understand it to be promoted to A-level?"

Deng Jiefu waved his hand and opened the space crack again to signal: "Let's go, talk while walking."

Without hesitation, Fang Lin dived in.

When he walked out again in a trance, the world had changed before his eyes.

At first glance, it is a path with winding paths and secluded paths. The trees on both sides are still firm and green even in winter. The greenery is obviously well-cut and well-cut.

To Fang Lin's surprise, the temperature here is as warm as spring at home, full of aura.


"Aura is not created out of thin air in the world, but is made up of countless irregular aura nodes to form a grid. This is a manor on the outskirts of Shanghai, built on a node with rich aura, you It can be understood as a small blessed place, and this meeting will be held here."

After explaining, Deng Jiefu glanced at Fang Lin and said, "Transform, I blocked the camera when it came."

Transform?Sounds a little middle school?
However, Fang Lin nodded, and the light and shadow shone amidst the surging blood and aura in his body, and his whole body suddenly turned into a fighting form.

The indifferent and sharp eyes, the huge silver wings stretched with the wind, and the vigorous and powerful body, seem to reveal the feeling of a fighting machine.

When looking at these sapphire eyes, there seems to be a sense of fear that freezes the soul, and the momentum is amazing.

Deng Jiefu nodded in satisfaction, and led Fang Lin along the path, and soon the tip of the iceberg of the entire manor was revealed in front of Fang Lin.

Fang Lin's first impression of this suburban manor was that it was heavily guarded. Although it was a picturesque place with beautiful scenery, it gave people a serious atmosphere.

Every time the two walked for a while, they could see men in black patrolling in pairs. They all carried their own weapons as if they were always ready to fight.

The more you go to the core of the manor, the higher the frequency of patrols. Every time you advance a certain distance, a sentry post will appear on the only way.

However, these men in black patrolling and standing guard silently crossed their swords and saluted when they saw Deng Jiefu, and looked at Fang Lin with curiosity and awe.

Knowing that this time he was here to show off his vest strength, Fang Lin didn't deliberately hide his aura.

Anyone in black who looked at Fang Lin could feel the strong sense of threat from this cool-looking spirit beast, as if he would die on the spot the moment he made a move.

Finally, after walking for a while, the two entered a palace-like building, and opened a red-painted gold-rimmed gate through the long corridor and the final security guard.

Immediately, the sound of chaotic conversation reached Fang Lin's ears.

Noticing the two people appearing at the door, the conversation fell silent for an instant.

Fang Lin immediately felt countless eyes with various emotions sweeping towards him, some of which made Fang Lin's extraordinary senses immediately vigilant, scanning the audience, unexpectedly two or three people gave him a faint sense of danger.

Under Fang Lin's induction, there were no less than five grade Bs on the scene, but there were still many elderly people who felt powerless.

His blue to deep eyes looked towards the person he felt threatened by. That person was a very bold-looking middle-aged man with a big body that seemed to be two meters high. He was very conspicuous in the crowd.

Feeling Fang Lin's gaze, the big man squeezed out a smile.

Deng Jiefu greeted this man while leading Fang Lin in, and explained through sound transmission: "He is the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom guarding the northwest, Yan Yi, and he has already comprehended the law of witchcraft very deeply. The construction is almost completed and we will be able to break through soon, but I don’t know whether he will break through first or Lu Zhou will break through first.”

The law of witchcraft?And the body of law?
Is the name so strange?
Fang Lin was full of doubts, but under the gaze of so many people, he kept them in his stomach for the time being.

After a short period of silence, the people in the auditorium resumed their conversation, all with very serious faces.

Among these people, Fang Lin actually saw three old acquaintances, one is cheap senior brother Yang Zhen, one is Xia Chenglin, and the other is Academician Lu.

At this time, Xia Chenglin was surrounded by a group of elderly people and besieged in the middle. In Fang Lin's impression, Xia Chenglin, who couldn't bear to be wronged and never gave up, actually looked like he had no love in his life and didn't fight back. Yang Zhen was still beside him Before and after running, he handed tea to those who besieged him.

On the other hand, Academician Lu stood happily watching the show not far away. Except for this group of people, the rest of the battle system was surrounded by several circles and chatted casually.

Deng Jiefu led Fang Lin all the way to the seat in the center of the auditorium, saying hello to those around him.

Xia Chenglin was also pardoned, so he squeezed out carefully when he found an opportunity, and hurriedly went to Deng Jiefu's side to complain: "I said, Boss Deng, why did you come here! My ears are getting callused."

Deng Jiefu knowingly asked: "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? This group of old scholars and scientists really tortured me, and they scolded me on the ground of righteousness."

"The pattern of a century-old education has been ruined, and no talents have emerged since then, and science has come to an end."

"You said, is the matter of Lingwu University decided by me? They don't bother Academician Lu, nor do they bother you, they just pick the persimmons."

"It's weird, you Xia Chenglin actually lost in lip service? I don't think you were like this before."

Xia Chenglin shrugged resentfully: "These people are not the same as those potbellied wine bags and rice bags. They are all seniors who are obsessed with research in obscurity. How can I hate them? This is indeed related to the issue of talent training, otherwise they would not I’m going to drop my projects and come to this meeting.”

As he said that, he turned his head and glanced and said in a low voice: "There are two other universities that have taught me, how can I dare. Anyway, you are here, hurry up."

Deng Jiefu nodded and gestured to Academician Lu on the side.

Soon the whole auditorium seemed to have a tacit understanding, and each small circle spread out to find a place to sit for a long time.

Deng Jiefu, Academician Lu, and Yan Yi walked to the middle row of seats on the stage.

Fang Lin looked at the shaking heads in the stands, the three people walking on the stage, and the solemn-looking men in black standing not far from the venue, feeling a sense of tension spontaneously.

He's a bit like the school leaders meeting when he was in school, but usually at this time, as a little teacher or even as a student in the past, he usually fishes around corners.

Out of habit, Fang Lin scanned the seats in the back row, ready to pick a place to hang out.

However, Xia Chenglin looked at him strangely and said, "Why are you standing there? Let's go."


Fang Lin spit out words and looked back at Xia Chenglin with some doubts.


He said and walked to the stage.

The quiet auditorium suddenly became solemn, as if this kind of place would naturally give people a sense of majesty, which made people dare not make mistakes.

And everyone who had already sat down looked at Fang Lin who was standing between the stage and the audience.

Fortunately, Fang Lin's fighting posture was still expressionless and indifferent when he was silent, otherwise the husky's face would fully show Fang Lin's bewilderment at the moment.

I?Sit on it?

Fang Lin hesitated, but after seeing the affirmative gazes of Deng Jiefu and Academician Lu, he gritted his teeth and jumped onto the high platform to the edge of the seat.

There are cushions of suitable height specially placed on the far side of this row of seats. Fang Lin lay on his stomach and just exposed the part above the chest.

(There should have been some relevant officials, but the editor specifically ordered that no clear official or high-ranking ones be allowed, so I can only omit it. It’s not that the setting is flawed. Please understand.)
After Fang Lin sat down, Deng Jiefu coughed lightly and said, "Cough, let me introduce you."

"The one on the far side is the person in charge of our newly established Dragon Spirit Society, which specializes in managing related spirit beast matters. It is also the strongest B-level spirit beast known in the Dragon Kingdom, including the world."

His words spread clearly in the auditorium with the microphone on the table.

As soon as these words came out, all eyes, including those men in black standing guard, focused on Fang Lin again. This time, the eyes were so intense that Fang Lin felt embarrassed for a moment.

Listening to the applause, Fang Lin still had an expressionless and indifferent face, but suddenly felt a little social fear in his heart.

It's strange, he is obviously B-level, and Fang Lin doesn't lack the desire and courage to fight due to the influence of his blood.

It can be said unceremoniously that he was able to fight countless enemies to the death.

But now facing so many friendly units applauding him, he is really a little nervous.

With the clapping applause, the atmosphere at the scene was not as dull as before.

It's good to have blood
Fang Lin muttered to himself, and then began to hypnotize himself, treating all the applauding people in front of him as princesses and lambs.

At this moment, Deng Jiefu suddenly added.

"Let the president of our Dragon Spirit Society introduce himself and say a few words, everyone is welcome."

"Clap la la la~"


Fang Lin: "."

He turned his head expressionlessly to look at Deng Jiefu, and then asked him loudly when did he have this session? ?

However, Deng Jiefu was sitting in the middle, and his figure was blocked by Xia Chenglin next to him. Fang Lin didn't dare to move too much, so he shrank back after a slight twist.

After everyone applauded, the venue fell into silence again, and everyone was waiting for Fang Lin's speech.

"Hey, I am."

Having said that, Fang Lin suddenly realized that he could not use his current name, and suddenly fell into a brainstorm.

After a brief pause, Fang Lin continued to say calmly, "I am Lin Fang."

Looking at the participants who seemed a little surprised in front of him, Fang Lin mobilized his improved blood coercion to provide some sense of reliability and intimacy while giving people a sense of majesty.

"This is the name I gave myself to Longguo. Lin means I came from the mountains and forests, and Fang means Fangfangzheng. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Longguo gives me a good feeling and I'm looking forward to living here in the future."

After speaking, Fang Lin sat down on his stomach a little farther away from the microphone, and the people at the scene immediately burst into applause even more enthusiastically than before when they heard Fang Lin finished speaking.

Fang Lin noticed that there was so much recognition in the eyes of these people, which made him a little unbelievable, but he felt that something was wrong and he couldn't explain it.

After thinking for two seconds, Fang Lin suddenly realized that this is the same as when foreigners came here many years ago and said: "I love Dragon Kingdom." ?
However, Fang Lin is more high-end now, not to mention his strong strength, and the name he gave is not that stupid of rich and noble. It sounds like he has a deep understanding of culture.

However, the culture of the Dragon Kingdom has a long history and is inclusive, and it has a natural favorability bonus for those who appreciate its own culture.

Yang Zhen, who was sitting in the corner below, had his eyes brightened. He didn't expect that his junior brother had improved not only in cultivation, but also in knowledge. He couldn't fish anymore, he had to work hard!

His eyes hardened.

Deng Jiefu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Kaka to handle it so well. He continued to preside over the meeting while he was relieved.

"Then, this meeting will officially begin. If you have any opinions on the previous policies, you can speak freely."

After finishing the speech, among many scholars in the audience, an energetic old man with gray hair and glasses stood up and directly addressed the topic.

"I would like to ask why Lingwu University was re-established instead of a new Reiki Department in the current university."

Deng Jiefu was silent for a while and replied: "This is mainly because of the fear of affecting the normal operation of relevant universities."

"On the contrary, it is decisions like this that affect the development of science education."

While talking, the old man asked: "Could it be that science will decline when the era of Reiki comes? Not so? On the contrary, more exciting sparks burst out in the collision of science and Reiki."

"Not to mention anything else, just talk about the current virtual helmet, isn't it the product of the combination of aura and science?"

"Scientists can also practice, and practice can also make us sharper and quicker in thinking. We are firm materialists, and materialism is always progressing. At this moment, no one believes in the power of the fusion of science and spirituality more than us."

"In my eyes, the decades since the recovery of Reiki is not only a critical moment for the development of Reiki cultivation, but also a golden age for the rapid advancement of science."

"Once the policy of Lingwu University is implemented, it will inevitably shake the status of traditional universities in the hearts of the people. When the former universities become alternatives and Lingwu University becomes the first choice, the status of spiritual energy cultivation and science will be unknowingly affected." Positioning, and at the same time no longer equal, will be completely divided."

"Minister Deng, ask yourself, has science helped you a lot?"

"I think that if you set up Reiki Departments in various colleges and universities, the Lingwu University building you built can be used as a new campus, so that the connection between science and Reiki will not be broken."

"The aura system can operate completely independently, but this name must be hung on it."

Sitting on the stage, Fang Lin finally understood. He silently glanced at the people next to him. Anyway, in his opinion, it really made sense.

The request of these people is to establish a special campus for the Qingbei Reiki Department, so that the separation from the past will not be so serious, and it is quite suitable for the current situation.

After the old man finished speaking, some scholars stood up and began to add details and offer advice.

These people are a little familiar to Fang Lin. I have seen them on TV. They are all bigwigs in their respective fields. Half of the scientific community probably sits here, and those who are not qualified can't come.

Deng Jiefu and Academician Lu glanced at each other, and simply opened their mouths to discuss all aspects of it with these people.

Judging from the posture, it seems that they have agreed, so the atmosphere at the scene became more lively and the discussions became more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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