Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 246 Conditions for Promotion to Grade A

Chapter 246 Conditions for Promotion to Grade A ([-] words)

The meeting continued until midnight.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that the participants gradually dispersed and returned to the residence arranged in the manor to rest.

Looking at these scientists and scholars who left contentedly, Fang Lin couldn't imagine that their seemingly thin bodies would contain such great passion.

Some seemingly gentle scholars argue that it is called a blushing and thick neck.

At this time, most of the magnificent lights in the originally magnificent Great Hall have been extinguished, leaving only some remnants at the corners that look a little quiet.

Only Fang Lin and a few old acquaintances were left chatting in the venue of Nuo Da.

Deng Jiefu leaned against the chair in the front row and asked Fang Lin: "How do you feel? Attend this meeting."

Fang Lin pondered for a while and said, "I'm not used to it."

When Xia Chenglin heard this, he quickly agreed: "It's fine if you're not used to it. Don't say buddy, you grew up in the mountains and forests. I've been in human society and I'm not used to it."

While talking, Xia Chenglin approached Fang Lin very familiarly under the eyes of several people and put his arms around his neck: "This area of ​​the Devil's City is my territory. Come and have fun when you have time. If you have any questions, just ask me."

Hearing this, the eyes of several people present were a little strange. Fang Lin looked around to confirm the eyes. It seemed that Xia Chenglin was the only one who didn't know the identity of Fang Lin's stand-in.

Only Xia Chenglin's injured world appeared.

Deng Jiefu said with interest: "When Lin Fang came here just now, he asked me about the period of the law. He was very interested in being promoted to A-level. How about you explain it?"


The corners of Xia Chenglin's mouth twitched when he heard this. He hasn't advanced to A-level yet, and the Body of Law is still far from being able to say anything.

Seeing Fang Lin staring at him with piercing eyes, he coughed lightly and said, "Although I know this, it must be introduced by Mr. Deng as the most authoritative."

Deng Jiefu smiled and didn't make things difficult for him anymore, he opened his mouth and began to explain to the crowd, his steady voice slowly echoed in the dimly lit lobby.

"The so-called law is actually a kind of power that is closer to the essence than aura, and it is more powerful. Comprehending the law not only requires you to have a super understanding, but also requires your body to support you to carry this power."

"This is why most B-levels don't start to comprehend the law until all six star cores are filled."

"We need to find the one that belongs to us among the thousands of paths leading to the top of the road of cultivation, and lift her mysterious veil little by little. This is the first step."

"When we realize our own laws, then the next step is to continue to practice and understand the new applications of the laws to deepen our understanding. And reflecting them in reality is the construction of the body of laws."

"Because the law is a more advanced power than aura, when we perceive it, we will bring unprecedented feedback to ourselves, so that the body will gradually have the attributes of our own law."

"Therefore, even if a level A cultivator does not open the domain, he will still enjoy an excess damage reduction effect when facing attacks of level B and below."

"When the body of law is fully formed, we will enter a new stage, the domain."

"A domain is an energy field opened by a practitioner to resonate with the world with his body of law as the core. You can understand it as a super powerful formation, and we ourselves are the eyes of the formation, so we are invincible and invincible Nothing can stop it."

As he spoke, Deng Jiefu's eyes began to shine with a faint golden light, and at the same time, his whole body was surrounded by an orange-gold light.

Fang Lin suddenly felt the sense of confinement he had once experienced again, as if he was abandoned by the world around him and could not mobilize his aura, as if he had fallen into a boundless abyss, suffocated, powerless, and desperate.

Just when the blood in his body was automatically boiling and preparing to roar into the sky to find a place, the sense of confinement quietly dissipated.


Yang Zhen sat down on the ground and panted heavily, as if he was alive after a catastrophe, his eyes were covered in blood in the darkness.

"Oh, I forgot you were here too."


Yang Zhen only felt that his breath was tight in his chest, and if he couldn't beat him, he would definitely have to find an explanation.

Deng Jiefu coughed lightly, stared at Yang Zhenjiao with a serious face and said, "Just now you just felt a little prestige, and my main goal is still on Lin Fang. It just happens that I haven't let you feel it before. It's an experience. Remember to watch it later. Don't have the idea of ​​leapfrogging to the hostile A level, run as long as you can."


Am I sick?I am a C-level to find an A-level hard knock?
But in front of so many people, he had no choice but to reply weakly: "Yes, Master."

"I still have a question, what is the law? I don't feel it at all. Is the space crack you brought me here this time your law?"

Facing Fang Lin's doubts, Deng Jiefu smiled and said, "That's a good question."

"In my understanding, the law is all things, and you are the closest to all things, the chance of you comprehending is the highest and it is also the most suitable for you."

"For example, several common elements, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and swords, guns, and halberds. Everything in the world you can imagine has corresponding laws. Even the most common water can be extended to ice, fog, etc. This It is what is often said in the classics that everything can enter the Tao.”

"But the one that suits us best is our own supernatural power, which is actually a kind of law, and it's the one that suits us best."

"However, it is very difficult to walk this path. The first thing to bear is to awaken the supernatural powers. Generally speaking, one can try to comprehend supernatural powers at B level. After comprehension is successful, not only can the strength be greatly enhanced, but also the first step can be directly achieved."

"But supernatural powers cannot be realized by those who are not gifted. Therefore, most B-levels will delve into things that they have insisted on since they were weak, such as swords, knives, zithers, and pills, so as to show their edge by entering the Tao and comprehending the laws."

"And there are even monsters among those with extraordinary talents, that is, creatures with accompanying supernatural powers after awakening. For this kind of creatures, they have special abilities to help themselves before B-level, and after B-level, they can use this to comprehend the law. Deep into the avenue."

Fang Lin nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked: "That Yan Yi you mentioned earlier, does he use his supernatural powers as rules?"

"Yes, his supernatural witch power is comprehended by his own physical talent and the witch blood he accidentally obtained in a one-time chance relic by chance. As a bridge to communicate with the body of law constructed by heaven and earth, it will be far more indestructible than other A-level, and this is the characteristic."

Xia Chenglin next to him looked at Fang Lin and Deng Jiefu in surprise. He didn't expect Lao Deng to tell Lin Fang all this. It seems that Lao Deng really trusted this B-level spirit beast.

What is the origin of this spirit beast with wings like a white wolf? I have to ask Lao Deng carefully when I have time.

Xia Chenglin stared at Fang Lin and thought to himself.

"That crack in space"

"I am also an A-level promotion with my pupils' magical powers. Space cracks are just abilities that evolve with the understanding of magical powers. If you understand this rule deeply, you will develop various abilities."

"At present, for the local creatures, those who are promoted to the B-level before the spiritual energy recovers are basically considered as extremely talented people, so it is a natural time to understand the supernatural powers. If this is the case, you should also have your own supernatural powers, maybe the top ones like me. Accompanied by supernatural powers."

"Then you have completed the first step of being promoted to A-level, and your next task is to continuously develop your own supernatural powers and constantly comprehend while filling your spiritual core to improve your cultivation progress."

Hearing this, Fang Lin couldn't help interrupting eagerly: "To what extent? Is there any obvious sign?"

"Until you seem to have entered another world."


"A world completely dominated by your own supernatural powers. This is the source of your supernatural powers. Maybe I'm a little vague, but that's the truth."

"According to my own experience, at the beginning you can simply use your supernatural powers, and as you deepen your understanding, you can develop different derived abilities, and in the end, you can accidentally enter the spiritual world during a daily practice of understanding. to his own world of supernatural powers and laws."

"If you have the law of the water system, then you may be in a blue sea, and if you have the law of the fire system, you may be in the fiery red."

"In short, when you reach this stage, you will naturally understand that this world is not a real world. On the contrary, it is very abstract and cannot describe its appearance with words. It can only describe its feeling, just like the outline of countless strings. , hazy, the place that contains the origin of your supernatural powers."

Fang Lin was stunned.

Deng Jiefu thought he had learned something and was meditating, so he stopped talking for a while, but Fang Lin's heart was full of turmoil.

Master described the plot, is it so familiar? ? ?

When I used the black stone tablet to comprehend, I suddenly entered the world of a month.

That world seemed to be full of Yue's source, where could he feel a deep sense of security and attachment from the heart.

If you really want to describe it in words, it is like the boundless starry sky and the Milky Way filled with brilliance.

Could it be that he had reached the standard when he was at C-level? ?

But why didn't he feel anything else at the time?
Fang Lin resisted his excitement and asked, "And then?"

"Huh? What then?"

Looking up at the dark ceiling in a daze, Deng Jiefu smiled and turned his head to ask the details of the question.

"That's... what should I do after realizing this world?"

Hearing this question, Deng Jiefu took a deep look at Fang Lin and continued to explain: "We call this world the source environment. After reaching the standard, if the physical condition meets the standard, you can stay in this mysterious and mysterious place to practice, just like talking outside. The aura generally absorbs the law energy here to build a law body."

Yang Zhen couldn't help but open his mouth and hoped that Deng Jiefu could answer his doubts: "It sounds like this source environment is a place that doesn't know what dimension or space exists. After the B-level senses him, it can absorb the energy of that place and be promoted. ? If two people who both comprehend the law of water, will they meet in this place in the future? Grab resources?"

"Do not."

Deng Jiefu shook his head: "This mysterious source environment is generated by ourselves."

"Huh? Ourselves?"

"Yes, this is the law energy pool that we rely on ourselves to reach a certain standard to connect with the world and then generate the law energy for ourselves, just like a relay station."

"If we want to use the energy of laws to build a body of laws, we must first comprehend our laws to a certain standard and form our own source environment. In the source environment, the laws will become a form that can be absorbed by the body."

"And even people who understand the law of water are very different. He may understand the softness of water, the ruthlessness of water, or the vastness of water."

"Different understandings of the laws themselves will give rise to different sources, and thus the body of laws constructed will also have different characteristics."

"Moreover, the speed of building the body of law is related to the size of the source environment and the abundance of law energy. This will ultimately be attributed to one's understanding of the laws of supernatural powers and one's own talent. The better the talent, the higher the level of comprehension, the better the source environment. The bigger it will be, the more energy it will fill."

Looking at Fang Lin and Yang Zhen who were lost in thought again, Deng Jiefu expressed relief.

"What I said today may be too much and too complicated to understand for a while."

"However, for the two of you, there is still a long way to go to reach this point. Take your time and ask questions again. For the time being, we can support you."

Xia Chenglin felt a little strange listening to Deng Jiefu's words, why did he speak to his juniors.

Academician Lu took two steps to the side, stretched his waist, stretched his body and said with a smile, "The future is yours, come on."

"By the way, Lao Deng, I heard that you went to the spirit world to have a banquet today to eat Mawei?"

Deng Jiefu couldn't help laughing: "You know all about this? It's just a trick."

Yang Zhen hurriedly asked about the situation, and under Deng Jiefu's explanation, Fang Lin understood what was going on.

It turned out that today Deng Jiefu took some members of Qiankun to the spirit world to discuss specific follow-up matters with the emperors who were allied with the Dragon Kingdom. Because the spirit world is protected by the barrier of heaven and earth, S-level emperors in the barrier cannot enter, so they are dividing Talk over boundaries.

According to the description of the Qiankun members who came back, the monstrous coercion outside the barrier and the various laws of God's Domain distorted the world, and all kinds of things are pretty good.

It's purely to show off their muscles, and I want Deng Jiefu to understand the real gap in strength, so that he can get more benefits from the cooperation.

"With the rules of the world, we have the right to talk on an equal footing. If the emperor can't pass, even if the A-level comes, he will be suppressed and unable to move the field. This period is the golden time for our development."

"Before the world's protection rules disappear, we must have enough power to deter them. We are allies now and may be enemies in the future. The spirit beasts in the spirit world are unreliable, and we have to look at ourselves. Come on Lin Fang, you are the ancestor now." A flag of the earth spirit beast."

"Currently there are seven eastern royal families in the spiritual world that are allied with us. After their royal descendants come, they will send two king-levels to follow them and form a spiritual council with you."

"The specifics are to discuss the allocation of various resources that the spirit beasts will obtain in the ancestral land in the future, including cultivation resources, relics, and secret realms and blessed lands that have begun to appear in the world."

"Behind you represent the spirit beasts of the Dragon Kingdom, and their treatment depends on whether you can overwhelm those two kings."

Fang Lin: "."

What do you mean?
I said before that I should keep myself out of the way, but now I want him to 1v2 again, right?
As if seeing Fang Lin's doubts in his heart, Deng Jiefu explained: "They are affected by the rules of the world and cannot mobilize the domain. Even the body of laws will be affected. I think you should be fine, and it is not for you to fight. .”

"Under the exchange of interests, the seven clans agreed to send only two representatives. The two representatives will be rotated by the seven clans according to the time. The purpose of coming here is to prevent their royal descendants from being wronged."

"And when they come to us, they are more panicked than you. I kill them that cannot open the domain in just a few breaths, so they will not fight you. Remember that I am behind you. When discussing things Just be tough."

"All right."

Fang Lin was a little distressed.

This is too troublesome, and the banner has to be negotiated. His main body is here, and the wisdom of the avatar is limited.

To be reasonable, what he wants most is to pretend to be a pig and eat a rabbit next to Lin Yuqing, and bully those cute boys and girls, what's the point of intrigue?
Academician Lu observed the faint ripples in Fang Lin's emotions, and then said: "Don't worry, you only need to show up when necessary. At other times, you can go wherever you want, as long as you don't cause trouble. You The same is true for the chairman of the Dragon Kingdom Spiritual Beast Association, we will arrange special personnel to help you with specific matters."

Fang Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

He just wants to enjoy the benefits of civil servants, and he is too tired to go to work.

"Lu Zhou, you have to hurry up and get promoted to A-level to relieve my pressure. This world is becoming more and more strange."

Deng Jiefu leaned on the chair and spoke like a chat between friends.

And the fact is also the same, in diplomatic exchanges with the spirit world, only A-level can take action.

In response to that sentence, national defense is the real backing of diplomacy.

"I'll try my best, it's almost here."

"Originally, I wanted to focus on the newly established dragon tooth in the spirit world, and develop the resources of the spirit world. I didn't expect that our place will change so much as the world upgrades."


Academician Lu was also a little silent.

The changes in the world have exceeded their expectations. With the recovery of spiritual energy, the frequency of relics has gradually increased, and the danger of each has also increased, but at least it is still within the controllable range, because if you do not enter actively, there will be no Big problem.

However, the secret realm that appeared thereafter was different. The secret realm seemed to exist in different dimensions, and it seemed to be the backhand left by the human race in ancient times. Unlike the ruins, once the secret realm appeared, it would absorb all the creatures within a certain range, and inside All sorts of strange things.

You can only wait for the space to fluctuate again after a certain period of time to send back the creatures in the original area. There is no array or control, only a certain pattern of appearance, like entering a refreshed copy on time.

But fortunately, secret realms generally appear in no man's land with strong aura, so it can be regarded as a big sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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