Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 248 The top strategy

Chapter 248 The top strategy
Under everyone's gaze, Nan Qingdong coughed lightly and said.

"This is the best policy."

Fang Lin: "Oh?"

Spirit beasts: "???"

Deng Jiefu asked with interest: "How to explain?"

Nan Qingdong looked at Fang Lin and said in admiration: "Wars in the age of spiritual energy can also be accompanied by some strategies, but all strategies are useless in the face of absolute power."

"If President Lin's strength can single-handedly overthrow the territory of three B-level leaders, this is naturally the best strategy, which minimizes our damage and saves time and vitality."

"The saved configuration can cooperate with the friendly side on other fronts to achieve greater results."

"But all of this is based on President Lin's strong strength. I hope that in the future, there will be such a powerful spirit beast as President Lin among these spirit beasts. It is really a blessing for my Dragon Kingdom."

Fang Lin's old face flushed a little from the mouthful.

It turns out that I'm so good, I didn't expect that I would be a top tactic just by saying it casually?As expected of me.

Fang Lin nodded approvingly to Nan Qingdong, while Deng Jiefu and Academician Lu smiled and did not speak.

In fact, Nan Qingdong's evaluation is indeed somewhat reasonable. If you really have the strength to crush, it is really simple and efficient to push it over.

It's just that this kind of thing can only be said by their B-level and above bosses, otherwise if they say this, they will be labeled as reckless and reckless.

And Simba looked at Nan Qingdong with resentful eyes.

Is there a big difference between what Yinyue said and what she said?
In his opinion, there is no essential difference between what he said about taking down the valley by swarming directly, and what Yinyue said about taking down the valley single-handedly.

Unexpectedly, Yinyue and his own ideas quite agree with each other, as expected of a man who has the same aura of domineering as it.

Just wait, I will definitely surpass you in the future, Lion King Simba said silently in his heart.

Nan Qingdong seized the opportunity and continued: "President Lin, the students are looking forward to seeing you, but it's a pity that you didn't come here in person this time, why don't you tell them a few words?"

Before Fang Lin could reply, he applauded first, and the other spirit beasts also looked forward to it.

Looking at the spirit beasts of different races sitting together in harmony, Fang Lin lamented in his heart the infinite possibilities brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy.

How could it be possible to see such a situation in the past, and these spirit beasts also dramatically regarded themselves as the targets of chasing and adoration on the road of cultivation.

Looking at the innocent and expectant eyes of these spirit beasts, he suddenly felt a sense of responsibility on his shoulders.

Well, when he communicates with the A-level sent by the spirit world to be on duty, he needs to fight for some resources.

As for a few words, Fang Lin did not refuse.

To be honest, he was a little used to this sentence this evening.

Do people with status have to be invited to speak a few words wherever they go?

And even if it is said casually, it will make people feel unpredictable and can be called good words.

Fang Lin paused and said.

"I, like you, have practiced since I had nothing."

"The road to spiritual beast cultivation is very difficult."

"Spiritual beasts are not born with spiritual intelligence like humans, and can only win the chance of awakening with a one-in-a-million chance."

"However, this is only the first hurdle. From then on, you who embark on the road of cultivation will experience more setbacks, such as being targeted by people with malicious intentions. Your body and flesh may be a great supplement to them." Another example is that one cannot see the direction of progress for the rest of one’s life due to the influence of one’s comprehension.”

"But I am very fortunate that there is such a country that is willing to treat spirit beasts equally and grant citizenship to protect the interests of spirit beasts."

"The way of cultivation is to fight. Fight with the sky, fight with the earth, and fight with the enemy."

"I hope you can work hard to grow up and become the first generation of spirit beast citizens who can take on great responsibilities in the Dragon Kingdom. This is also for our future generations to have a good environment."

"Besides the first time, what I want to tell you is that the road to cultivation is extremely difficult, and it is an extreme test for both body and mind."

"You must have faith in your heart to overcome the difficulties encountered in the middle and continue to persevere."

"What is your belief or motivation to practice?"

"Lion, tell me."

As he spoke, Fang Lin called the names directly.

Simba, who was fascinated by the sound, couldn't help being taken aback, and looked around to see that he was indeed the only lion around.



"Uh, let me think about it."

Fang Lin nodded, indicating to give him time to think.

And everyone at the scene was thoughtful after hearing these words.

What is cultivation for?
This question made Simba ponder for a long time. He thought about the scenes on the grassland that flashed in his heart like a movie.

Finally he said: "I was kicked out of the group when I was two years old, and wandered alone on the grassland."

"To this day, I still don't understand why the lions choose to drive away the powerful male lions who are about to grow up, obviously staying can bring more to the lions."

"And now I understand that this is because the leader of the lion pride is short-sighted, and his brain is not smart, and he is afraid that he will be deprived of his identity as the lion king in the future."

"The purpose of my coming here is to become a strong lion king, able to confidently face all future challengers and rule them as always, not drive them away."

After Simba finished speaking, he raised his head a little arrogantly, and he could see that he was a very energetic lion.

Fang Lin nodded at him, his eyes continued to wander among the many spirit beasts, and then he met the eyes of Little Bear.

Under Xiao Xiong's expectant eyes, Fang Lin said with a smile: "Go, you've already told me, so there's no need to say any more."


The little bear hesitated for a while and did not say the word "Master". It didn't know if Fang Lin wanted to hide his identity.

Even so, the spirit beasts around were all staring at him curiously, as if Gun Gun had a close relationship with the president? .

The thoughts of the spirit beasts are very simple and direct, and they have a good relationship with Fang Lin = someone behind their backs = they will have a good relationship in the future.

So there are already lively spirit beasts ready to go down and communicate with the little bear.

And Fang Lin cast his eyes on a coiled boa constrictor. He was quite curious about this boa constrictor.

"What about you? Little boa constrictor?"

"Ah I?"

To Fang Lin's surprise, after the boa constrictor spoke, he realized that the other party was actually a female boa constrictor, and the tone of his speech was a little natural.

"Yes, it's you."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"What is the purpose of practicing, and what is your belief in practicing?"

The boa constrictor moved its body, coiled itself tighter, and the tip of its tail moved up and down, as if very nervous.

"I heard that there are a lot of delicious food here."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene showed good-natured smiles.

And the little boa constrictor was even more embarrassing. Otherwise, she would have stuck her head into her own tail if she was watched by others.

"It's okay. There is no clear requirement for the goal of cultivation, and there is no definite answer to this question. Small goals may also converge into a grand blueprint, and there is no difference between a simple-sounding belief."

"It's not scary to set a low goal. What's scary is that there is no goal and no clear direction."

"Come on."

After finishing speaking, Fang Lin nodded to Deng Jiefu, indicating that it was all right, and Nan Qingdong said proactively with insight.

"Then we won't disturb the work of the leaders. I forgot to introduce to you. The few around President Lin are all practitioners above B level, and they all have the title medal of Dragon Kingdom Guardian. Mr. Deng is the world leader. The number one powerhouse is still the only A-level existence so far."

After a pause, Nan Qingdong added: "Oh, I forgot, the one on the far right is C-level, not B-level."

Yang Zhen: "."

Fang Lin said: "Okay, then hang up, I wish everyone a smooth cultivation."

In the combat conference room, the spirit beasts waved their paws to bid farewell to Fang Lin.

After the light curtain was extinguished, the spirit beasts were still immersed in Fang Lin's talk just now and felt that they had gained a lot.

Because the current local spirit beasts are basically called the spirit generation, everything is starting from scratch and everything is unknown.

Before they came to the spirit beast base, everyone encountered various problems in their hometown.

Including Simba, they all realized that they were different, and even said that they were incompatible with the original ethnic groups around them.

All the spirit beasts here are awakened, they can chat and communicate at will, and use human rules to construct their own values, which can be regarded as crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Everyone has never thought about this problem, and most of them have never thought about their future.

And Fang Lin opened up a corner of the new world for them this time.

Nan Guodong looked at the seven or eight spirit beasts surrounding him with a smile and asked, "How do you feel? Did you gain anything?"

All the spirit beasts nodded, expressing that they had benefited a lot.

"In the future, you will know that grade B represents not only talent, but also the double examination of spirit and will."

"Those who can reach the B level at this stage are those who protect the Dragon Kingdom from wind and rain, so please work hard."

Simba subconsciously nodded and then realized, he asked Nan Guodong proudly.

"Teacher Nan, I don't think the question I answered is any different from Yinyue's. Why do you criticize me like that but praise him? Are you afraid?"

The spirit beast next to it suddenly started to play, and the thorny head fought against the teacher. This is something that all the students, including the spirit beasts, have always liked to see.

Looking at Simba and the spirit beasts beside him, Nan Guodong shook his head indifferently.

"Wrong, terribly wrong."

"Huh? We are talking about calling directly."

"The difference is too big. The questions in the class are about normal power, such as how you can take down the valley with the least cost."

"In the age of spiritual energy, the importance of personal power has indeed increased. If you can be alone in the future, you can naturally jump and fight all by yourself."

Simba fell silent.

He could see it, no matter what, the teacher was right.

If his lionesses had dared to talk back like that, he would have let them lie down all day long.

Alas, I don't know how they are doing now. Before coming here, the man in black promised to assign someone to take care of his group, but there is still no other news before the training is completed.

"Okay, let's get out of class, take a rest and have a practical training session tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, the spirit beasts howled suddenly.



Time always flies by inadvertently, and another week passes in a blink of an eye.

In a new era, a week is a long time, because everything is changing rapidly.

Although the situation abroad is still chaotic, it seems that all countries have found some ways to slowly return to their old life.

Some time ago, the impact brought about by the recovery of spiritual energy was too great, and the public may not have felt it yet, but for example, the officials of the Eagle Kingdom have long been battered and even wanted to put it to death.

Changes in the environment, emergence of secret realms, awakening of spirit beasts, plus the vast uninhabited land.

The roads in many states were forced to be interrupted and unable to operate, the sea began to lose its temper again, and the sea transportation could not be counted on until enough aura formations were purchased.

In short, it is one word, difficult.

Fortunately, Long Guo's preparations were very comprehensive, and all aspects were considered meticulously. Finally, with the help of Long Guo, it was gradually relieved.

However, the bamboo pole was beaten until his face was probably green.

However, the country is much more stable, each measure is making steady progress, and each new department is slowly put into operation.

The people who eat melons can be regarded as overwhelmed with various hot searches, and they have basically adapted to the new era.

First of all, all kinds of talented teenagers and girls who stood out in the test on the 16th, from C-level to A-level, official or public, all kinds of gossip gathered into various videos to bombard them in turn.

Netizens are embarrassed to post barrage if they can't find a B-level or higher qualification in their own community, their friends' children, their classmates, or the same city.

Obviously, only ten to twenty percent of all people have C-level talent, but it has become relatively common.

"It's just enough for the line of the Reiki Experimental Class."

"so so."

On the contrary, it is similar to the previous "King's section is as long as you have a hand" and "Easy to earn more than [-] a month".

However, Fang Lin's number of fans increased sharply again, reaching a terrifying 7000 million or so. Liu Jing didn't even dare to post the video.

This is the data after she constantly checked with Douyin officials and asked to delete many inactive fans with the strictest standards.

The first wave of gains was when Lin Yuqing was exposed to A-level qualifications.

Even in the comment area where the per capita C+B+ seems to be, A grades are extremely rare talents, and many people dare not brag about their existence.

According to statistics, in a large first-tier city like Sioux City, there are only about 700 students who have reached grade C or above. You must know that the number of applicants for the senior high school entrance examination reached 9 last year.

And there are only two A-levels including Lin Yuqing.

The terrifying proportions of the pyramid made the Class A immediately attract countless attention once it appeared.

It is said that a student from a poor family found out that after the A-level qualification was announced, countless visitors came to the door that night to send houses and cars as investment.

Of course, where there is sunshine there is shadow, and there is always a dark side.

However, since Qiankun dared to release the news openly, he was sure to cut off all the protruding claws, and the price was too miserable to imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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