Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 249 Jiang Baibai Zhang Family

Chapter 249

After the principals of several family businesses in various places were imprisoned one after another, and the companies were seized and state-owned in the name of treason, those dark places gradually brightened up.

However, the folk customs in many parts of Long Kingdom are tough, and since ancient times, there has been a sense of respecting martial arts.Therefore, after the recovery of aura, some people who have special talents and become supernatural beings are not satisfied with the current situation, and want to use violence to obtain wealth illegally.

And the result is naturally self-evident, under the high-pressure defense activities of Qiankun as a whole, any illegal activities related to spiritual energy almost rushed to the scene immediately, and they acted quite freely, not like ordinary police officers. Three more warnings are required.

Facts have proved that the most important thing for a region to maintain peace and stability is to have decisive power. The key reason for the gradual stabilization of the situation in various countries is also because in the past week, the mainland has begun to struggle. A-level powerhouses have temporarily stabilized the situation with absolute strength. .

And as if it was a deal, the powerhouses of the second echelon around the world began to try to advance to the A-level, but only a few of them succeeded.

For Long Guo, Academician Lu and Yan Yi, whom Fang Lin met before, have both broken through to A-level in the past week. The number of A-levels is the best in the world. .

The benefits that a strong motherland brings to the people are naturally obvious. When people in other countries worry about whether there will be ferocious spirit beasts attacking their houses in the middle of the night and they will not see the sun the next day, sand sculpture netizens are worried about the square. The energy of the dancing aunts is getting more and more abundant, which affects their daily practice after get off work.

Fang Lin's number of fans ushered in the second wave of skyrocketing precisely because the society was stable and orderly, and netizens had leisure time to browse related news.

After the news of Lin Yuqing's A-level fermented, fans left messages under Liu Jing's video, wanting to watch daily videos about Lin Yuqing, and almost everyone fell in love with this talented and beautiful girl.

Because Liu Jing's account originally had a relatively large number of fans on the entire network, many people have seen Lin Yuqing more or less.

With the original fan base and the official "A-level Tianjiao" video fueling the flames, Lin Yuqing's popularity instantly surpassed those Internet celebrities in terms of aura, such as the girl who studied Chinese medicine.

There is an endless stream of comments promoting their own children under each video, and even for a period of time, the boy who is about the same age as Lin Yuqing heard the most sentence from his mother is,

"Mom doesn't object to your puppy love. If you can find someone like Lin Yuqing, it's your skill."

Netizens began to constantly remind and speculate about the talents of Yang Ma, Liu Jing and others, because the gossip mentioned that the cultivation qualifications may be hereditary.

And there are some ready-made examples on the Internet, such as a student with a B-level talent, whose father seems to have reached a C-level level.

The biggest characteristic of sand sculpture netizens is that they worry too much about other people's affairs. Some people even made a bet on Liu Jing's talent and aptitude. After a delay of one week, the comprehensive inspection on the weekend was immediately popular.

Because the number of teenagers and students is still a small part of the entire Dragon Kingdom, this is why there are only more than 700 students in the junior middle school Reiki Experimental Class in Sioux City. After all, the overall estimate is more than ten percent The ratio of grade C is very small in Lin Yuqing's age group.

At the same time, various public accounts have begun to add fuel to the current horror heat, and various analyzes of all aspects of life are rampant.

For example, some public accounts predict that the occasional aura crime incidents that have occurred before will disappear immediately after comprehensive testing, because if the talent test for everyone is really realized, then everyone's cultivation information will be mastered by Qiankun.

And Qiankun's intelligence network is even more outrageous. If these people with supernatural combat power who are currently above the average level do not choose to join the official organization after the test, then one can imagine what kind of supervision they will receive later.

An example in the article is very vivid. If these people have cancer, maybe Qiankun sent them a message to remind them to go to the hospital for examination.

And when public opinion was brewing before this much-anticipated day, an even hotter news completely detonated the entire Internet, and that was the news of Fang Lin's S-level talent.

For a while, keywords such as "S-level", "Kaka", "spiritual beast", "spiritual master" and so on filled the entire network, and the number of fans also rushed from more than 3000 million in one day to more than 7000 million now. And it's still growing rapidly.

Countless private messages directly caused Liu Jing's mobile phone specially used as the backstage of Douyin to freeze, and she had to use the Candle Dragon helmet to log in to the virtual world before turning off the private message function there.

Due to the raging demands of public opinion, Liu Jing also took Fang Lin to record a video reviewing Fang Lin's past, telling in detail where Fang Lin was purchased, how he met his eyes at that time, how he fed him when he got home, etc. A series of questions that netizens care about.

Even the time of excretion every day was revealed.

This video has directly reached tens of billions of background views, tens of millions of likes, and directly became the highest in history. On average, hundreds of millions of people played it [-] times in a loop. The Bible" "From the Beginning to the Burial of a Spirit Master"

It's no wonder that the netizens are crazy, it's because the description of the imperial spirit master in the official document is too exciting.

For example, at any time, such as in a game involving combat, etc., the spirit master and his guardian are always regarded as the same individual.

In addition, spiritual beasts that meet the standards can be naturalized to enjoy citizenship treatment, and additional training resources are provided to provide learning places.

And in the future tax income from adventures in the spirit world, the spirit master will enjoy the relevant reduction and exemption policy, but all special professions will enjoy this, such as alchemy master, weapon refiner, array master, etc., mainly because of these special professions. The talent required by the profession is more unique, and it consumes extra energy in addition to cultivation, so corresponding support is provided to encourage growth.

But even this can't stop the people's enthusiasm for spirit masters. After all, it seems that in addition to the enthusiasm for farming and infrastructure in the blood of Longguo people, keeping pets is also one of them.

And these policies are too tempting, think about it, if the students in the future aura experimental class want to enter Lingwu University (the change has not been announced) and need to take the relevant exams that include combat exams, then it is obvious that the spirit masters Can display extraordinary strength.

1+1>1 arithmetic problems can be calculated by everyone.

And compared to other magicians who have extra buffs but are very mysterious, etc., the initial introduction of the imperial master is much simpler, just have a spirit beast.

What's more, the spiritual pet of a master of spirits does not necessarily require a talent of C-level or above, as long as it is awakened, all the soul beasts found in the spirit beast base of Dragon Kingdom are ownerless spirit beasts with aptitude of C-level or above.

Although the awakening of animals is very difficult, but the number of bases is too large. After awakening and gaining intelligence, most of them know how to hide themselves. This kind of spiritual beast with average aptitude after awakening is the most mainstream in number, and the Dragon Kingdom has not adopted it. The strategy of sweeping out all the equipment in one go is relatively Buddhist, otherwise there would not be only these numbers in the base.

Maybe the cats you have been with for many years have secretly awakened, but they still use acting skills to deceive their stupid shit-shoveling officers.

The consequence of this is that the number of visitors to Pet Home has exploded, and even affected the normal operation. In order to operate the entire CBD, it has to be forced to switch to online and open a branch in the Candle Dragon virtual world.

While diverting some attention for Liu Jing, the boss was also very depressed. Countless wealthy and powerful customers came up and said that they were not short of money, and asked to buy spirit beasts by name, which were similar to Kaka.

Where does this make him go?He still wants it.

But after getting the news, he also gathered all the pet resources and carefully screened them one by one. Not to mention, he really asked him to find one that seemed too clever.

The certification policy for imperial spirit masters is also very complete, which basically eliminates the possibility of powerful people forcing awakened spirit beasts to be used as pets for children.

Anyone who wants to register as a spirit master must send their spirit beasts to a special spirit beast school to study for one year. The spirit master must also learn relevant knowledge, including how to improve tacit understanding and combat effectiveness, and the most important thing is to learn special exercises , to provide a bonus for the battle between the two, which is also the key to the spirit master.

During the one-year study period of the spirit beast, the spirit beast will be popularized with relevant knowledge, and the meaning of the spirit master will be explained emphatically. The two-way choice will never change. Send someone to verify.

If the situation is true, the spirit beast will be taken away directly to join the Dragon Spirit Society for separate cultivation.

On the weekend, Yunting District.

It's eleven o'clock at noon, and in a warm and pleasant room, Liu Jing is lazily lying on the sofa wearing thin casual clothes that fit her body.

Since practicing, her skin has become more and more rosy. According to Yang's mother, this is the second spring, and the peachy smell of the beautiful young woman is getting more and more full.

Yang's mother is naturally more beautiful. According to Fang Lin's observation, the tiger bone wine brought back from his hometown is almost drunk.

Liu Jing was humming a song, and her crystal clear snow-white feet rested on Fang Lin's back at the end of the sofa, looking at the phone.

"Last night I questioned the Erha at home for a long time, but it still refused to admit that it was awakened, hahaha."

She smiled and shared the comments she saw with Fang Lin, Lin Yuqing and Jiang Baibai who were sitting next to her, but everyone was used to Liu Jing's sudden smirk. movement.

Fang Lin's main focus is on the news programs broadcast on the projector, and he has been very interested in these things since he came back last week.

My favorite thing is to see a piece of news and think about whether it is within the scope of my current authority. The spirit master who has recently become popular because of him just happens to be one-acre three-point land of my own. All the qualification certification of spirit masters All must be reviewed and issued by the Dragon Spirit Society.

After all, for the Dragon Kingdom, spirit beasts are indeed in a weak position and need to be protected. Those who dare to make trouble have been recruited early, and only those who stay away from humans are left in the wild.

And although there will be a physical baptism when the spirit beast awakens, this first advantage is becoming less and less as the people of the Dragon Kingdom practice exercises on a large scale. It is conceivable that one day in the future, there will be no cultivation resources and no suitable The spiritual beasts of kung fu will still become a series of private trafficking behaviors at the low end of the food chain as before.

Jiang Baibai looked at Liu Jing's beautiful legs on Kaka's back and the majesty of her chest calmly, compared them secretly and sighed.

When she went to Kaka’s mansion in the virtual world recently, she discovered a serious problem, that is, Kaka is a transformed human body everywhere, and when she played as a human female, Kaka was obviously more excited Some.

The road to win Kaka is becoming more and more difficult.

But the good news is that she has also realized the existence of the power of heaven and earth, but due to the suppression of the ancestral land, she needs to return to the spirit world to break through to the realm of the beast king.

I just asked my father if there is any way to change form.

While chatting with the princess in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Xiaoyang moved her eyes back and forth between Kaka and Jiang Baibai. Thanks to the gift of her ancestral land promotion, her cultivation base has also taken a big step forward and stepped into C-level. The hair becomes more lustrous.

Xiao Yang, who grew up with Jiang Baibai, noticed something abnormal that made her feel excited, but she dared not say anything.

Although Miss Baibai helped her get rid of many other descendants of the royal family who wanted to bully her since she was a child, but she herself was scolded a lot.

At this time, Yang Ma came from the kitchen to the living room with a smile on her face. When she walked past the sofa, she slapped Liu Jing's feet lightly and said, "Stand out your feet again."

After sending away the dissatisfied Liu Jing, he sat down beside Fang Lin, put his arms around his neck and said to Jiang Baibai in front of him.

"Bai Bai, you are going home this afternoon, what do you want for lunch? Auntie will make it for you."

These things that would be amazed by the crowds in other places have recently been thoroughly integrated into the whole family atmosphere.

Jiang Baibai shook his tail and thought about ordering seriously: "I want to eat crystal shrimp dumplings."

"Okay, Auntie will go and pack it for you now."

Mama Yang smiled until her eyes turned into flowers. To her, she was afraid of Jiang Baibai, and she was not afraid of anything else.

As she spoke, she continued to chat: "How long will Bai Bai go back this time? When will you come back?"

"It will take about a week or two. I will come back after the breakthrough. It doesn't matter where I am."

Mama Yang nodded approvingly: "That's right, there are no games, no movies, no virtual helmets, and it is said that when school starts tomorrow, it is said that your spirit beasts will be officially arranged for exchange visits, so you might as well come over if you have no friends to play with when you go back. "

Hearing this, Jiang Baibai explained helplessly: "Auntie, the first batch of people who came here to study here were the relatively young members of the clan, and they were not my friends in the first place."

"It's okay, it's okay, anyway, if you come back this morning, we will miss you."

Speaking of which, Mama Yang put her arms around Fang Lin's neck and shook his neck and asked, "Isn't it Kaka?"


Fang Lin stared at the projection and said perfunctorily.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Baibai was slightly depressed for a moment.

Speaking of it, she has been here for more than half a year without knowing it, and she has seen as many interesting things in this short period of time as she has seen in half her life, and maybe she hasn't been home for a long time, and inexplicably has a complicated feeling of homesickness in her heart .

At this moment being mentioned by Yang Ma, it is the time when the mood is emotional.

Mama Yang glanced at Jiang Baibai, then frowned and said word by word: "Lin, Ka, Ka."

Reach out and turn off the projection education and said: "When chatting, you should give the other party enough respect. You can't watch TV or play with your mobile phone. If you don't use it as an example, the helmet will be confiscated for a week."

Fang Lin: "."

It's not that I want to chat.
He looked at Jiang Baibai and asked, "Are you leaving in the afternoon? Time flies by."

Jiang Baibai stared at him and said, "I broke through to B-level this time when I go back."


"You have to work hard, or you won't be able to catch up with me."

Jiang Baibai said with a smile on the corner of her mouth. She held back her breath recently, which can be regarded as being promoted to B-level ahead of Kaka, saving her own face.

Fang Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I will try my best."

"I heard that those children from the clan will arrange to exchange and study with the students from the junior high school in the Ninth Middle School. Remember to take care of them when you see them at school tomorrow."

"Don't worry, these are small problems."

Jiang Baibai opened his mouth to remind him of something, but he didn't say anything in the end. It is said that they are quite good, with the three-point level of his childhood, he doesn't know if it will cause any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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