Chapter 250
"Bai Bai has been here for more than half a year, and it's time to go back and have a look. Your parents should miss you."

As soon as Mama Yang chatted, Jiang Baibai's expression became a little silent. Fang Lin secretly thought it was bad, but based on the current level of personality, he couldn't speak rashly.

In the past, she had helped Lin's father in business, and Yang's mother, who would hang out with those "expensive wives" from time to time before the family came to Maozi, could tell something was wrong at a glance.

According to her past experience, if it is an unfamiliar or ordinary person, it is best to change the subject immediately at this time. After all, the most taboo thing is to talk lightly.

But after getting along for more than half a year, Yang's mother felt that she could take risks. If Jiang Baibai was willing to open up her heart with them, then the future relationship would be more natural and inseparable.

So she took the initiative to ask with great concern: "What's the matter, Bai Bai, is there anything unhappy? Just say, we are by your side."

Jiang Baibai froze for a moment, looking at the caring family in front of her, she was very hesitant, she hadn't talked about her affairs with anyone yet.

However, as she was about to return to the spirit world in the afternoon, her inner emotions were turbulent. In fact, she seemed to have gotten used to this peaceful and stable life, carefree.

She looked at Fang Lin, Yang Ma, Liu Jing, Qingqing, and the Princess and Xiao Yang who had stopped to whisper by the French windows, and said after a pause.


".Actually, I haven't seen my queen mother since I was born. She left after giving birth to me."

"Father didn't protect her well."

After she finished speaking, she closed her mouth.

For some reason, this kind of phenomenon that is common in the spiritual world has a strange feeling when I say it here, as if you are the object of pity for everyone, and she is born weak, even if she is a princess of the royal family, she doesn't want to do it again. Talk more.

This wording made Yang Ma stunned for a moment, but when she realized it, she looked at Jiang Baibai and instantly understood.

Mama Yang's talent made her empathize with Jiang Baibai immediately, and the whole person was suddenly immersed in a gloom.

She sighed and said slowly: "Bai Bai, I understand your feelings very well, and I would like to share with you a story about myself. I have never mentioned this matter to anyone, including the relatives around me."

"Before the spiritual energy revives, the life span of human beings is very short."

"Decades of my life have passed in a hurry. It seems like a blink of an eye from a babbling baby to a toddling old man. In my impression, Qingqing's birth seems to have happened yesterday."

"Different from you, for the short-lived race of human beings, when they were young, they dreamed of growing up, but after they grew up, they kept recalling the past. The first 20 years are unforgettable for anyone. The same goes for the people I met in 20 years.”

Speaking of this, Yang's mother paused, took a deep breath and said slowly: "I have a relative who watched me grow up, she seems to be able to tolerate all my shortcomings, every time she sees me, she always has a smile on her face." Smile and look happy."

"And I, of course, love her deeply."

"However, when I was 20 years old, she passed away."

"Baibai, do you know? When I heard the news, I felt like the sky was falling, and I couldn't speak for a while."

"The feeling of sadness is unforgettable, like a knife piercing my soul so hard that it is permanently crippled."

"The true sadness is speechless. At her funeral, I stood in front of the tombstone, and it seemed that a part of me was buried with her in the earth."

"During that time, I had no interest in doing anything, and I locked myself in the room all day long."

"But fortunately, I met Lin Wenshao later. With his encouragement, I walked out slowly and realized a truth. In vain, I will tell you this truth now."

"We are not alone in this world just by ourselves, but by those who love us deeply."

"We came into this world with love, even if the people who love us are gone in the future, we will continue to walk bravely with their love.

"Take every dawn as the beginning of life, and every dusk as the conclusion of life."

"Baibai, this thing has been with you for so long, I don't want you to let it go, I just want to tell you that we people will always be by your side."

"If you don't mind, I can."

Speaking of which, Mama Yang paused for a moment as if she had thought of something, and quickly changed her words: "Liu Jing can be your godmother, she has always treated you like a child, and chatted with you every night."

"I've talked too much about some secrets in my heart. Two days ago, she told me that she was afraid that you would think she was stupid and would look down on her."

As soon as the words were finished, Liu Jing's face turned red, and she rushed up to cover Mama Yang's mouth with all her teeth and claws.

She used to sit on the balcony with Jiang Baibai and the princess every night, looking at the night sky and chatting, talking about the past, the future, the wishes in her heart and some silly thoughts, but since she knew that Jiang Baibai was the princess of the spirit world and her When you are equally smart, you have a sense of social death.

Now that her complaints were made by Yang Ma in public, it would be even worse.

After Jiang Baibai listened to Yang Ma's words and looked at the warm and harmonious family, he couldn't help feeling a wave of warmth in his heart.

She suddenly thought of her father, and according to what Mama Yang said, was he also in such pain when he found out that his mother had passed away?

Reminiscent of her father shutting herself in the hall for decades, she seemed to understand him a little bit.

It turned out that the father was more sad than himself?

She sighed and said to Yang Ma: "Thank you, in my eyes, this is indeed my second home." At the same time, she nodded to Liu Jing.

Fang Lin saw that it was almost done, coughed lightly and changed the subject to chat with Jiang Baibai about other things, the atmosphere in the living room gradually became active again.
Mama Yang, who was sitting next to her, felt relieved when she saw Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai chatting in words she couldn't understand.

"Let's chat, I'll make shrimp dumplings for Bai Bai."

After rubbing Fang Lin's head with a smile, she got up from the sofa and prepared to cook.

Liu Jing felt happy after Jiang Baibai really had no opinion on her, and quickly made a request: "I want to eat crab roe buns."

"You eat fart."


She curled her lips and found that after Mama Yang got up, she quietly sank down from the sofa again, and put her fair legs on Fang Lin's back again.

Liu Jing is wearing a pair of casual shorts with small openings on both sides. The fabric looks as smooth as the skin, and the overall plumpness is just right under the good light of the living room.

This can't be blamed on Liu Jing, it's because the hair on Kaka's back is too soft and a little bit hard, and the touch is perfect.

It is very comfortable when the skin touches it, like a top-quality blanket that can be moved and heated, so she can't help rubbing it back and forth twice.

Seeing this scene, Yang's mother frowned immediately: "Stretch your legs again! Why don't you let Kaka step on you every day."

Ever since she knew that Kaka had awakened, Mama Yang had paid close attention to his mental health in various ways, for fear that Kaka, who was in the period of forming the Three Views, would have any shadow or bad feelings.

Liu Jing was snarled by Yang's mother, she got up pitifully and hugged him beside Kaka, staring at Yang's mother and retorting: "Kaka doesn't dislike me, does she?"


Fang Lin casually replied and continued chatting with Jiang Baibai.

When Liu Jing heard his response, she smiled happily, looked at Mama Yang as if showing off, then rubbed her face against the hair on Kaka's neck and sighed, "Tsk, it smells so good."

Recently, she has been able to smell a faint fragrance from Kaka more and more, which directly refreshes people's mind, ears and eyesight.

S-level talents still have this effect? ? ?
Liu Jing buried her face in Fang Lin's neck and didn't want to move.

Mama Yang looked at Fang Lin's handsome face without any dissatisfaction.

She glanced at Kaka, then at Liu Jing who started smoking huskies, shook her head and muttered softly, "What kind of hobbies are all of these?"

Yang Ma sighed and looked at the living treasures, big and small, sitting or lying in the living room, and complained unrequitedly: "No one is worry-free."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Jing raised her face from the warm hair and said coquettishly: "Mother Yang, I want to eat crab roe buns!"


Mama Yang made a gesture of her lips and left the living room, a place of right and wrong.

After staying with Liu Jing for a long time, I feel that my IQ has become lower. After Yang's mother came to the kitchen, she muttered a few words in her heart and took out fresh shrimps from the refrigerator to make stuffing.

But when he looked down, he caught a glimpse of his own feet.

Yang's mother was also wearing a pair of shorts, her slender and well-proportioned legs were not covered, her white and tender calves and a pair of jade feet were exposed, and her charming temperament had a kind of temptation that made people flustered.

It seems that I haven't tried it yet, why don't I try it tonight?
A strange thought came to Mama Yang's heart, which made her face turn red, and her skin, which was originally fair and rosy, looked even more adorable.

Yang Ma went to the living room to see if no one noticed, then carefully opened the tiger bone wine in the airtight cabinet to have a look, the wine inside was only a finger belly away from the bottom of the altar.

Almost gone.

Yang Ma put it back carefully again, stood up and peeled the shrimp while thinking about where to get some similar supplements.

In the living room, Liu Jing, who managed to drive Mama Yang away, happily leaned on the sofa again and prepared to resume her previous movements.

She had already figured out Yang's mother's temper, and she would take the soft but not the hard.

As the saying goes, a woman can act like a baby, and her girlfriends will burn the rice, so she will be happy.

It's just that Lin Yuqing, who closed his eyes to feel the spiritual energy circulation in his body at the end of the practice, opened his eyes, looked at Liu Jing with some helplessness and said.

"Godmother, don't step on it, I have to sleep with Kaka at night."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes."

Liu Jing switched sides, laying her pillow on Fang Lin's back and teasing Lin Yuqing: "You're so stingy, I saw you stepping on Kaka's stomach to give him a massage that day."

"It was a massage for me! Kaka asked for it on her own initiative, and I don't dislike myself!"

Hearing this, Jiang Baibai widened his eyes and looked at Fang Lin without saying a word.

Fang Lin felt a little unnatural when she saw her and explained: "I just rubbed my stomach, it's very comfortable, try it next time."

Lunch was eaten until one o'clock, and Dad Lin also rushed home.

According to the plan sent by Yang Zhen, they will send Jiang Baibai to the two-dimensional channel in the southern province, and watch her go home.

There is one permanent dimensional channel randomly distributed in each province. The southern province is located in a plain on the outskirts of Su City. Now it has been independently divided into Su'an District. Almost every province's channel is located in a do it.

Because a huge building area integrating all functions will be formed around the channel. After the conditional opening of the channel in the future, the surrounding entertainment, catering, residential houses, hospitals, schools, etc. will be landed at an extremely fast speed.

The Dragon Kingdom also demonstrated what is called the new speed of infrastructure in the era of aura. Under the joint action of various formations, puppets and modern machinery, the planning and construction of high-rise buildings and roads in the core area and peripheral foundations have been completed.

At this moment, Mama Yang is making the final preparations for Jiang Baibai's trip back home.

"Jing, have you checked the tablet installed in the box? I have downloaded TV series and games in it. Although there is no Internet, it can still pass the time. I installed 20 power banks, which should be enough."

Dad Lin suggested next to him: "Just wear the Candle Dragon Virtual Helmet. The battery technology is the latest and can be charged by solar energy. Even if you can't connect to the Internet, you can have a stand-alone experience in the helmet's storage."

"Oh yes, helmet, I'll look for it."

"I took it."

Jiang Baibai hurriedly told Mama Yang.

"That's fine. Let me think about it. These piles are for your usual favorites, such as steak and salmon. I don't know if you have a refrigerator over there. Eat them up as soon as possible, and these spiritual fruits."

"Aunt Yang, the food in the portable space will not go bad, and I have a lot of spiritual fruits over there, I will bring you some when I come back."

She now has a lot of high-level spiritual fruits in her ring, but Mama Yang and the others can't eat them all. The low-level and delicious ones have been eaten up by herself, Fang Lin and others in the past six months.

"Okay, this portable space is quite convenient, and it's as magical as the one in the movie."

"I'll bring you a space ring when I come back, and ask my uncle to make a beautiful one for you, similar to the one you usually wear."

"That won't work. It's very valuable once you hear it. I don't need it. I'll just buy one from them when the research institute researches it."

Father Lin also echoed, "That's right, in vain. Although our family's spiritual background is not that good, we still have some money. There's no reason for you to give gifts to the elders."

Aura background?

Jiang Baibai raised his eyebrows and looked at Fang Lin and shook his head in his heart. The Dragon Kingdom is the most powerful country in the ancestral land, and the strongest cultivator in the Dragon Kingdom is Kaka's master. Are the royal families in the spiritual world scrambling to send their descendants here?Isn't it just that I want to take a look at the resources that made people jealous at the beginning of the era.

She is too familiar with the group of people in the spirit world, and they always put their interests first. If it weren't for the restrictions of the world's rules, she guessed that the group of emperors would have rushed over.

Jiang Baibai turned his mind quickly and said: "It's not troublesome, it doesn't cost anything, it's just a small gift."

Mama Yang and Papa Lin looked at each other and nodded, they agreed, it's really nothing for a family to give to each other.

After Jiang Baibai put the pile of things that Mama Yang sorted out into Zhetianling, she looked at Papa Lin and said that she made a small request.

"I want to ride in that car that's been sitting in it all the time."

Father Lin was stunned for a moment: "Is that Mirage? No problem."

 Sleepy, the dog's life is about to sleep. The family members actually wanted to write down, but I felt too uncomfortable, so I went to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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