Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 251 Development Building

Chapter 251 Development Building

Su'an District is located in the southern suburb of Sioux City. In the blink of an eye, an area with convenient traffic has been formed here. The flat eight-lane drive makes people feel relaxed and happy. There is no driver who does not like this kind of road.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a convoy was galloping aggressively on the wide road.

The first one was a black off-road vehicle. The dark and atmospheric body broke through the wind and waves with a different momentum.

It's a pity that there was a phantom statuette with extended top configuration behind it. Under the power of money, the off-road vehicle leading the way was like a security guard opening the way.

Behind the phantom was an off-road vehicle of the same black color. Because the whole family had arrived, Fang Lin thought it was too crowded, so he sat in the car behind with Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Since the Dimensional Passage is not open to the public, the building complex in the core area of ​​the passage is currently under martial law and entry is not allowed, so Yang Zhen specially brought the permit to send Jiang Baibai home.

Drive along the road to the middle of Su'an District, and you can already see commercial buildings around. Many businesses seem to have settled here and are speeding up their renovation.

Along the way, Fang Lin also saw buildings with hospitals and some official institutions, which were also undergoing final renovations.

Even though this future economic zone has not yet been put into operation, it has already attracted many tourists, and some of them are holding their mobile phones as if they are live broadcasting the scene.

The news of the spiritual world and the dimensional channel has been truthfully notified to the public, and the international joint organization has even made a brief introduction to the world. At this moment, in addition to uneasy prayers, the Internet is also full of some talk about discovering a new continent.

And Longguo directly organized an official website with the theme of the spirit world, which is dedicated to introducing information about the spirit world, which is a bit similar to the feeling of the spirit world universe.

There are everything from geographical distribution to introductions of some races, but they are all rough descriptions, involving real geographic information and human relations. This is only possible to obtain after joining an official organization in the future. After all, it is inevitable to open up the exploration of the spirit world. market.

Only in this way can cultivators have the meaning and value of existence, so we can't redistribute resources in Blue Star, right?

"This Su'an District should be another core in the future, right?"

In the car, Liu Jing, who was sitting in the co-pilot, spoke to the member of Qiankun who was driving. This team member looked a little young and had a serious face. Facing Liu Jing's chat invitation, he acted like a tool for driving, which made Liu Jing suddenly feel bored .

Fang Lin, who was lying on his stomach in the back row, also raised his eyes and looked out the window as if he was looking for something.

Deng Jiefu sent him some information about the Dragon Spirit Society. After reading it, he sighed how scary the power of the Dragon Spirit Society was.

Don't look at him now as a shopkeeper who is like a banner mascot, but it's just that he doesn't want to be busy in the office and doesn't bother to take care of it.

Moreover, Deng Jiefu, who is involved in the nationwide organization and management, also hopes that Fang Lin can gradually get acquainted with it a little bit. At present, the vice president is academician Lu, who is taking up some important matters related to the direction.

The whole process of the Dragon Spirit Society is the Dragon Kingdom Spiritual Beast Association. As the name suggests, all the spirit beasts of the Dragon Kingdom are under the jurisdiction of this association.

A wild awakened spirit beast wants to join the Dragon Kingdom to obtain citizenship. This series of procedures is within the scope of the Dragon Spirit Society's purview, including the life, learning and cultivation of the spirit beast in the later stage. The qualification review of the spirit master mentioned earlier.

There are a lot of things under the authority. It stands to reason that the departments and members under the jurisdiction of the Dragon Spirit Society should be very complicated and large in number, but this is not the case. The reason is that the number that can be checked is not too large, and many of them may still be hidden. Own.

Moreover, it is not so easy for spirit beasts to join the Dragon Kingdom to obtain citizenship. It requires talent above C-level or D-level strength, unless they become partners with Dragon Kingdom's imperial spirit masters.

In addition, what interests Fang Lin is that the Dragon Spirit Society actually has its own law enforcement department, and it is necessary to greet the Dragon Spirit Society in the procedures of cases involving spirit beasts.

The Dragon Spirit Society is currently planning to set up branches in all cities, and for the time being, it will use local spiritual energy reserves in the Dragon Country to fill all the vacancies, especially some important positions such as branch presidents and so on.

In the future, trained and qualified spirit beast talents will also be recruited as members. It is not impossible for the Rabbit law enforcement captain in the crazy animal city to appear, but this species is really difficult to awaken.

The headquarters of the Dragon Spirit Society is located in Su'an District of Sioux City, next to the only permanent dimensional channel in the southern province, and there is also a president's office belonging to Fang Lin inside.

It's a pity that Fang Lin didn't see it after watching it for a long time.

"Old men, you can't leave here. The front is the real core area of ​​Su'an District. The dimensional passage leading to the spiritual world is in the octagonal building in front."

A spirited guy with yellow hair held up a selfie stick and showed the pictures in front of the netizens in the live broadcast room.

In the picture is an unusually magnificent octagonal modern building, and the aura ripples visible to the naked eye cover the entire building, adding a touch of mystery to the amazing sense of modern technology.

According to the official construction data, the construction area of ​​the entire dimensional channel building complex has reached an astonishing 200 million square meters, which is equivalent to three pentagon buildings. It is the top product of the interweaving of aura and technology. reached a terrifying height.

Every dimensional passage in the Dragon Country is basically of this scale, and enough space for expansion is even reserved for future needs.

The place where the internet celebrity blogger was live broadcasting was about one kilometer away from the building complex, but there was an open square in the middle, so the vision was clear, and many areas were marked on the huge square.

"Want to see inside? Don't tease the family members, you are trying to kill me, don't you see that they can't get in?"

The yellow-haired spirited guy turned the camera around, and the road outside disappeared here. In front of him was a square with a clear view, and many people gathered around to live broadcast or take pictures to enjoy.

"Did you see it? Those men in black patrolling around in the square are all heaven and earth."

"Do you know, Qiankun? It is the mysterious and violent law enforcement agency. It is said that its members used to be soldiers kings, and they never held back when fighting crimes. Otherwise, we can be so peaceful now?"

"And the dimensional channel is so important, if you dare to approach it under martial law, it is suspected that you want to steal secrets."

"The day before yesterday, there was a buddy who didn't believe in evil. The boss gave him a reward of 1 and went in. He was put on the ground and taken into custody on the spot. It is said that he used spiritual methods to detect lies. He is still living in the hospital and can't take care of himself. It's terrifying. "

"Anyway, I haven't seen anyone who can go in except for the big shots. This is a new era. Let's look forward to the future under the protection of the state. Don't make trouble and seek death. Thank you for your understanding."

Speaking of Huang Mao, in order to show the credibility of his words, he patted a bright yellow cool sports car in the middle of the road not far from the road and whispered to the barrage.

"Did you see it? Lambo Da Niu, it's different. You have to stand here to take pictures with your buddies. When it opens, I will take you in first."

Just as he was chatting vigorously with Danmaku, a horn suddenly sounded from far and near.

As soon as Huang Mao turned his head, he saw an obviously modified black jeep driving all the way, honking its horn very domineeringly. The license plate was impressively black on a white background, with two red letters QK on the front.

And this car was followed by a Rolls-Royce Phantom that drove slowly and with extraordinary momentum. This car seemed to have an unusual temperament when it appeared.

Because of the special effect of the windows, only a smear of darkness can be seen from the outside, and even the driver cannot see clearly.

Huang Mao, who was standing on the sidewalk by the side of the road, subconsciously hid inside.

Because the eight-lane road is very wide, the onlookers subconsciously gave way to the road.

However, the off-road vehicle slowly stopped next to the Lamborghini that was parked across the road and occupied two lanes.

The stylishly dressed young people next to Daniel suddenly felt that something was wrong, and soon found that the car door was opened, and a man wearing sunglasses with a somewhat indifferent air came out of the cab and stood there looking at them.

For a moment, the air was a little condensed, and Yang Zhen exuded a C-level aura that seemed to be there, making the noisy surroundings seem to be turned into a library.

Especially for these young people, their entire bodies felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and the less the man in sunglasses in front of them spoke, the more they seemed to be out of breath.

Live like a year.

Finally, Yang Zhen moved.

He slowly took off his sunglasses, glanced around and said, "The dimensional channel has not been opened to the public, the core building complex is under martial law, and the entire square is within the scope of martial law."

"In principle, the 1km extension from here should have been prohibited, but considering everyone's curiosity, we have already made concessions. I hope you will not affect the normal order, whether you are live broadcasting or sightseeing."

After finishing speaking, he opened the car door again, and before getting into the car, he pointed at the Lamborghini with sunglasses and said softly to several young people, "Park the car."

After finishing speaking, he got into the car and started the engine. In the eyes of everyone, the team drove straight into the building complex.

After Yang Zhen left, several young people breathed a sigh of relief as if they had been amnesty, and quickly started the car and parked beside it in an orderly manner.

After Huang Mao recovered, he was suddenly very excited. He walked to the side as if Yang Zhen was still there, and whispered into the microphone pinned to his collar: "Did you guys see it?? Big shot."

However, when he caught sight of the phone screen, he realized that the live broadcast was disconnected at some point.

"You don't need to go down and talk, just let the duty officer come over later."

On the co-pilot, Yi Fei looked at Yang Zhen in confusion.

Yang Zhen shook his head: "There are too many people and too many people. Recently, the Internet is quite noisy. It is also troublesome for them to take pictures of the license plate of the car behind."

After hearing this, Yi Fei immediately understood.

The faces of people at Yang Zhen's level have long been classified, and any video containing their facial information should never be uploaded to any place.

A group of people drove very fast and drove straight into this magnificent building complex. After getting off at the parking lot in the inner passage, they took the elevator to the first floor.

Fang Lin's eyes lit up as soon as he got out of the elevator, and there was a very sci-fi hall in front of him.

The ceiling in the sky is very high from the ground, a bit like the newly built advanced airport or high-speed rail station, where there are intelligent robots walking in different areas, and the large screens are all 3D projections that look like entities.

The task collection area, trading area, waiting area, entry qualification issuance area, etc. are all shrouded in hazy light curtains. The picture on the ceiling is like a galloping galaxy, making people feel like they have entered the future world.

Yang Zhen looked at the curious eyes of Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie and the whole family, and explained: "This is the Dimensional Hall that has been built. You can understand this as an airport or high-speed rail station with comprehensive functions. The machine port is the dimensional channel to enter the spirit world."

"In the future, people will be able to enter the spirit world area to carry out activities in the name of individuals or groups. The spirit world has rich resources including various rare minerals, elements, and cultivation resources, which can greatly promote the development of our technology and aura. Great development value."

"We will open on the basis of properly guiding the market, so there will also be a task release area and a collection area, where individuals or companies can receive or release the resources they want. For example, there is a kind of mithril ore, which has excellent The extensibility of Reiki can also be applied to our scientific and technological undertakings."

"Come on, I'll take you in."

Yang Zhen led the crowd through checkpoints, finally through a door and through an extremely thick tunnel, and finally came to the core area - the dimensional passage.

This dimensional passage is somewhat similar to the entrance of the ruins that Fang Lin had seen, but this one is taller.

A huge vortex several stories high was quietly revealed in place, and various energies intertwined and mottled in the center.

Looking at this huge vortex seems to see the entire universe and the world, the sense of chaos and confusion makes people feel very small.

At the same time, a magical aura slowly emanates from the vortex, which is the unique aura belonging to the spirit world.

And Jiang Baibai felt this breath, and the emotions of a pair of different pupils were very complicated.

This is the feeling of the spirit world, she is finally going back.

Everyone recovered from the shock of the dimensional passage, and entered the mood of parting again.

Mama Yang and Papa Lin suddenly had the feeling of watching their children go to school for the first time, and wondered if Qingqing and Xiaojie would feel this way when they went to college.

"I am leaving."

Jiang Baibai said: "I will come back after I break through."

Yang Ma smiled and nodded: "I wish you a smooth breakthrough, we will miss you."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin and the lamb next to him, and after gesturing to them, he slowly stepped into this mysterious whirlpool under the guidance of Yang Zhen.

The snow-white figure looked very small in front of the majestic dimensional vortex, and finally, the figure disappeared.

Spirit world.

Outside the dimensional channel, Jiang Baibai's spirit seemed to be in a trance.

In the blink of an eye, she crossed two worlds and came back from the ancestral land?

Looking at the familiar sky and land in front of him, a kind of friendly breath poured into his nose. This breath is full of agility, barrenness, and chill that has not changed through the years.

Just as she was looking up at the sky, two shadows suddenly appeared beside her and saluted.

"Your Highness, you are finally back."

At this moment, Jiang Baibai seemed to have become that high-ranking princess again, her face was cold and without a trace of emotion.

"Well, who's here?"

"Prince Yuan is here, and the emperor is waiting for you in the hall."

"Uncle Yuan came in person? It's just a few steps away."

The location of the Dimensional Passage is not far from the Jiuyou Xuancat Clan.

"Your Highness, due to the covenant between the emperor and the ancestral land recently, the spiritual world is not peaceful, and Prince Yuan is also worried about your safety."

Jiang Baibai was silent for a moment and couldn't help being a little strange, and the sense of security brought by his ancestral land disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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