Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 25 Girls Affect Learning

Chapter 25 Girls Affect Learning
Fang Lin squatted down obediently, sticking out his tongue to be cute, trying to please Yang's mother.

He forgot he couldn't shake the water with someone nearby, mainly because he was inexperienced, and it was too late after hearing Mama Yang's shout.

Yang Ma was silent for a while, then squatted down with a smile, took out the hair dryer and blow-dried his hair.

After blowing it clean, he pulled Fang Lin's ear close to him and said softly, "If there is another time, I will be sterilized."


How dare you threaten an extraordinary dog?

Forget it, forgive you.

After all, such a high-quality meal ticket is hard to find, unless he wants to be a civil servant - a military dog.

It is an old tradition to rush to the forefront all year round. After all, the idea that people are the most important.

Don't you see that the great director blows up a military dog ​​to death for the effect of the movie?

What's more, Fang Lin now has some sense of identity with this family. From the moment he was brought home, the family treated him as a family member, not a pet dog.

Moreover, after Mama Yang's feeding in different ways during this period of time, Mama Yang's intimacy has risen to 55 in Fang Lin, who is somewhat lacking in love.

Fang Lin turned his head and stuck out his tongue to lick Mama Yang's face.

"Ah! Don't lick me, that's enough, go out and play, I have to take a shower and cook."

Today's breakfast is burritos made by Yang Ma. The baked burritos are filled with cucumbers, sliced ​​steaks and fried eggs, and are smeared with sauces.

Fang Lin's appetite was so great that he pestered Yang's mother to ask for two, and ate another bowl of dog food. You must know that Lin's father only ate one and drank a glass of milk.

The cake was not thick but quite big, with a lot of beef rolled inside, Lin Yuqing couldn't finish it after eating half of it.

Fang Lin moved to one side and bit her trouser leg, threw the rice bowl at her feet, and signaled that she could eat it for herself if she couldn't finish it.

Mama Yang and Papa Lin couldn't laugh or cry when they saw it.

"What should I do if Kaka's appetite increases again?"

Yang Ma was a little worried.

"Then what can we do, let's eat." Father Lin flipped through the messages on his phone a little carelessly.

"Hehe, what should I do if I get sick after eating? Can you concentrate on eating breakfast seriously and give advice."

Father Lin pushed his eyes and put down the phone and said, "Return to the news, hey, it's okay, Kaka is so smart, if he is full, he will definitely stop eating, and he will never last for himself, don't worry."

Fang Lin seized the opportunity to eat half of it, and then ran to the water purifier on the balcony to drink enough water, and lay down in the bed without moving.

"Look, I won't eat when I'm full, and I'm not a stray dog ​​who has never had enough to eat. Don't worry."

At this time, Xiaojie also opened his mouth and said: "Eat enough to grow your body!"

Mama Yang smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat yours. I eat a lot every day. I don't see how tall you are."

Fang Lin rested in the nest for a while, waited for the family to have breakfast, and then ran to the door to wait.

It is now August 8th, Lin Yuqing's military training has been halfway through, and Xiaojie still hasn't started school.

Yang's mother would take Fang Lin to send Lin Yuqing to school every morning after clearing the table. This was mainly at Lin Yuqing's own request.

And after arriving at the parking lot and getting off the car, she had to lead Fang Lin to the school gate and hand the rope to Mama Yang.

After all, who has such a smart and handsome dog? It’s not like taking it with you when you go out. How long is it?

Just like if the boyfriend is handsome, the girls say that they have to take him with them every time they go shopping. Doesn’t it make you feel like walking on the street?

This is still the case today. Under the watchful eyes of the students around, the quiet and lovely young girl handed the handsome Fang Lin to Mama Yang.

Mama Yang stood at the door and waved goodbye to Lin Yuqing. Her elegant demeanor discouraged the eager little boys.

To be reasonable, do any boys really dare to chase after a girl with this kind of family background, this appearance and this personality?
What's more, there is always Zhao Hanya who is excellent in study and also very beautiful by her side?
So how confident is it to dare to chase?

Fang Lin imagined a scene in his mind. During class, Lin Yuqing was playing with the eraser boredly, and accidentally dropped the eraser on the ground.

The ignorant little boy who was watching her back in a daze found that the eraser had fallen beside him, so he hurried to pick it up and gave it to Lin Yuqing.

"Thank you."

The sweet smile and light voice made the little boy blush and heartbeat.

If I accidentally touched Lin Yuqing's hand when I was still a rubber~, then tonight's dream will be sweet.

From then on, I hoped that Lin Yuqing's eraser would fall to the ground every day in class.

Tsk tsk, Fang Lin was amused by his imagination, and grinned.

It turns out that class flowers are the culprit that affects children's learning!
"What's the fun? The saliva is falling."


Fang Lin said that there is absolutely no saliva falling, how can someone be innocent based on white pollution?
After sending Lin Yuqing to school, Yang's mother went home and lived a good life as a housewife.

Perhaps because of the family conditions, Yang's mother regards cleaning and the like as a kind of recreational activity, and she only does it for an hour in the morning and never does more.

At this time, Aunt Liu Jing next door would come to visit every day, and the two would sit on the sofa and watch TV dramas while chatting about homework.

Fang Lin first went to see what Xiaojie was doing, but soon came out of Xiaojie's room.

This kid doesn't know what's going on, he stopped playing Pokemon recently, and started playing Call of Duty on ps5.

Playing the easiest difficulty, standing in the middle of the road and aiming for a long time, shooting and killing a person, and being disabled, he hurriedly hid behind the bunker to breathe back his blood.

Fang Lin saw that the high blood pressure was almost on the rise, which was really boring.

So he also jumped on the sofa, and while tempering his left paw, he maintained the guidance of spiritual energy while listening to the two housewives chatting.

"Hey, Jingjing, my latest video has more than 50 likes."

"Really or not, let me see?"

Yang Ma used to shoot videos casually and practice yoga, and she also accumulated a group of fans who were attracted by her life status and figure.

But basically every video can have tens of thousands of likes.

Mama Yang showed the video to Liu Jing, and Fang Lin was also attracted and jumped into Liu Jing's arms to look at the phone.

The video is still the one edited by Dad Lin, maybe there are too many elements in it.

Showing the quality of life and sense of ritual that ordinary people envy, and having two lovely children and smart pets, plus the accumulation of previous fans, this video exploded.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing flipped through the comments, many of them praised Fang Lin for being cute and smart, and even made fun of Fang Lin's jump when he fell into the car.

One highly praised comment was: "This husky looks like it's only three months old, right? Is it trained so well? Why is it different from mine? Dog head"

This comment is from a funny husky blogger, and his fans have liked and commented on him below.

"Didn't expect such a smart and obedient husky?"

"Are you envious?"

Fang Lin saw that Yang's mother only clicked a like and did not reply.

It's a pity, why didn't Mama Yang reply to such a good opportunity for interaction?

Fang Lin looked again, the good guy didn't reply a single comment, isn't this too cold?
 I hope everyone votes and invests. Anyway, it is free and there will be no eunuchs.

  In addition, thanks to the two-digit song and Goblin's monthly pass ~ Mengxin has never felt the feeling of being rewarded, who will be the first to reward?
  (husky stares)

(End of this chapter)

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